What is A1C Test? Is it an Accurate Blood Test? – Dr.Berg | DrEricBergDC

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I wanted to create a video in a onesie

and its accuracy it’s definitely a great

test to do as part of your evaluation

but don’t put all your eggs in that one

basket because of several reasons

basically its how much glucose that’s

sticking to your red blood cells over

time so it’s an average of blood sugars

for like three months so if you have

high sugar in your blood and it combines

with the protein the red blood cell they

can measure it through a test called a

once-a-year it’s called hemoglobin a1c

now if it’s 6.5 or more that would

correlate to a fasting blood glucose

test of 126 milligrams per deciliter and

that would be diabetes also if it’s this

high there’s also correlation with

increased retinopathy which is damage to

the retina and they also found if you

decrease it just by one percent your

death rate goes down from diabetes by 27

percent your micro vascular

complications the problems in the eye

and also the feet the the vascular

system to the nerves of your toes and

your fingers and your eye goes down by

37 percent also myocardial infarction

goes down by 40 percent

now here’s the problem when you measure

anyone seen if you’re anemic and by the

way 30 percent of the population is

anemic this is going to be invalid it’s

going to alter the test if you have

sickle cell that will also invalidate

the test because there’s a problem with

the shape of your red blood cell if you

have an iron disease it’s gonna alter

the a1c test but what’s even worse than

that is this the red blood cells die a

lot sooner and a diabetic than they do a

healthy person so the turnover rate for

red blood cells for diabetic it is 81

days versus someone that’s healthy it’s

a hundred and forty six days so if

you’re measuring the red blood cells

with a short period of exposure to

glucose it can dramatically affect which

shows up on the a1c results because it’s

all about how long

those red blood cells are exposed to

glucose in your blood

better test would be fasting glucose or

post mule glucose or Homa ir this is

probably one of the best this will

measure insulin resistance there’s been

a handful of people who ask me this

question they keep showing up high blood

sugar in the morning yet they’re also

showing high key challenge okay at the

same time so how could you actually have

high blood sugar or let’s say it’s a

hundred or 105 and ketones that’s

impossible right well there’s something

called the dawn phenomena which occurs

usually in the first part of the day

where your blood sugars are high and

that’s coming from certain hormones like

cortisol growth hormone glucagon

adrenaline your body is actually

generating that glucose several

different ways it’s turning something

called the glycerol in the fat or

triglycerides into glucose it’s turning

certain protein into glucose it’s even

turning ketones in the glucose so here

you are you have this high sugar in the

morning you’re like what is going on I’m

not consuming a lot of sugar

well that’s called gluconeogenesis this

means new this means the generation or

creation of so it’s the making of new

glucose but why because you’ve had this

condition for quite a while called

insulin resistance in some resistance

basically is a protective mechanism that

your body develops from having excess

amount of insulin so and this takes a

while to correct it could take even up

to a year or a little bit longer but

think about this if your cells are

resisting insulin and insulin controls

glucose you’re not able to pull that

glucose inside the cell so your body’s

in the state where it’s sensing low

sugars so it keeps making more and more

even if you don’t consume sugar it has

to do with the feedback sensing loops

because you have insulin resistance

usually when you measure the fasting

glucose later in the day it improves

this usually happens only in the morning

primarily because you if you look at the

rhythm of certain hormones

cortisol spikes at 8 o’clock in the

morning so that is probably a big part

of it I would not worry about this this

is a transitional phase if you went out

and did some exercise it would burn off

there’s sugar all this means is you had

this one condition

insulin resistance chronically and it’s

going to take a while to fix if you’re

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