Do We Really Need Fat In Our Diet? – Dr.Berg on Fatty Acids & Fat Soluble Vitamins | DrEricBergDC

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hey it’s me again we’re going to answer

the question do we really need fat in

our diet okay mainly we want to talk

about the essential fatty acids

essential meaning must come from diet

your body cannot make it it’s required

by the body and there are basically two

categories of essential fatty acids we

have one category which is omega-6 fatty

acids which are generally inflammatory

and then you have the omega-3 fatty

acids which are anti-inflammatory and

you need a ratio of one to one most

people have a ratio to like one to ten

omega-6 or heavy on the omega-6 or one

to 25 very heavy on the omega-6 that’s

why they’re so inflamed and they’ve

arthritis and they have heart issues I

was at the fair this last weekend in

Pennsylvania I’ve never I’ve seen so

many deep-fried places where you could

buy deep-fried anything they deep-fry

cheesecake and Oreos and vegetables and

everything of course they kill

everything and of course I had to look

behind the curtain to see what kind of

oil they’re using in its vegetable oil

which is actually soy oil

okay so let’s GMO soy heavy omega-6 or

they might use corn oil which is also


so I think the biggest confusion that

people have with is with the chemistry

name linoleic versus alpha linolenic

acid okay this is linoleic versus alpha

little lennick linoleic is the vegetable

oil the corn the soil of safflower oil

sunflower oil cottonseed oil but it also

has other types of a category which is

called the GLA

which I’m not going to try to keep this

as simple as possible but it’s hard GLA

types fats which are anti-inflammatory

so they’re different than this but if

you’re consuming like an omega-6 borage

oil evening primrose oil black currant

seed oil those are anti-inflammatory

those have a lot of health benefits and

they’re very different than these oils I

mean it’s okay to consume some safflower

oil but the problem is like don’t

consume so much what you don’t have

enough omega-3 so this is what we need

to focus on how

more of omega-3 fatty acids fish oils

it’s not like the cod liver oil virgin

olive oil is the best if you could find

some it’s a bit pricey or just fattier

fish sardines are really healthy walnuts

nuts are high in omega-3 flax is pretty

darn high in omega-3 seed other seeds

are real high in omega-3 Chia has the

most omega-3 of all the seeds then we

got hemp seed canola and so I have

around between 8 and 10 percent so

there’s a little bit of omega-3 but

because it’s GMO we’re not going to

recommend it ok so you also have other

things that are essential in the body

called fat fybel vitamins so we don’t

just have essential fatty acids we have

actual vitamins that are essential that

you need and you can’t live without

and that would be vitamin A comes from

the fat vitamin D e k2 so those are

essential and it’s also k1 as well so a

deficiency of essential fatty acid would

leave you with scaly dry skin dermatitis

all sorts of skin issues alopecia where

your hair is falling out low immune

system a lot of autoimmune cases are low

in essential fatty acids so it worse is

your memory your cognitive function

suffers it worsens your overall mood you

can become depressed it affects the

cardiovascular system and there’s one

more point about this alpha linolenic

acid which is a type of omega 3 fatty

acid we need this raw material to be

able to enhance the most abundant fat in

your nervous system in your brain and

your retina of the eye to prevent

Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s and to

prevent loss of vision and that is to

have this turn into something called DHA

okay now you can get DHA directly from

fish oils and egg yolks and other fatty

foods but if you’re trying to get them

from vegetable sources and you have

insulin resistance

you’re not going to convert those into

the actual fats that you need so you

might have a problem

so they answer your question do we

really need fat in our diets well the

answer is absolutely but we want to make

sure we have a ratio of

one two one oh my go three two omega-6

thanks for watching hi guys hey listen I

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