Before & After Keto & Intermittent Fasting Success Stories – Dr.Berg Interviews Prenny Abraham | DrEricBergDC

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welcome everyone we have a new interview

Prinny who I actually got you before and

after and I just had to share the

results with everyone and want to just

know your history and do have a little

dialogue so can you tell me a little bit

about you know your upbringing and did

you have a weight problem your whole

life or what happened yes so um

I yeah I’ve had a weight problem pretty

much my entire life and I I think

growing up I didn’t have the best

nutritional advice from from my mom but

you know I wouldn’t blame her she had a

lack of information herself and sugar

and and and and unhealthy diet was

always a part of my lifestyle growing up

now you did you grew up in South Africa

yes but what was this food back then

because in my mind I’m thinking wow

Africa they probably had really great

soils really healthy vegetables is that

true yeah yes it is it is very fertile

country it’s got got fantastic food well

my dad used to run a restaurant so after

school every day we would go back to the

restaurant and and hang out there from

lunchtime to about three or four in the

afternoon and it was a free-for-all for

me you know so so I could eat whatever I

wanted so I had four hearty meals

deserts soft drinks it was just yeah

life was nutritionally not a problem


Wow so so that went along again and then

when did you tend to peak out your

largest weight what age were you at your

most weight I think when I when I got

into college that’s when I just moved to

to New Zealand I went to university that

was at the age of about 1718 and I

started living by myself and

I was eating literally for six months my

diet consisted of pizza and beer for six

months nothing more nothing less

just pizza and beer and I topped out at

a hundred and thirty kilos I got to 130

kilos in our seventeen how many pounds

is that I think it’s almost three I can

do a quick calculation but about 300

pounds Wow Wow

286 that’s that’s a good amount of

weight did you feel heavy be like

walking around in your joints or what

wasn’t liking that

that way yeah it was it was terrible

you’re always out of breath he couldn’t

walk you know if there were if there was

a class on level 4 and and the lips

weren’t working I wouldn’t go to because

I just couldn’t plug four flights of

stairs that’s crazy

so so then how long did it did you just

go for a period of time when did you

start like going okay I need to turn

this around

um so my I stayed at 130 kilos for about

three to four years um and there was a

point where I was just sick of being the

most unpopular and the first kid in the

university and I decided that something

needed to change and and so I I started

researching a bit but nutrition and all

of that and and I made very small

changes at the time and those small

changes changed quite a lot in my dad

and those small changes consisted of

getting rid of sugar Wow yeah and then

you started losing weight and did you

when did you start and did you do

ketosis at all at some point so I got in

touch with a nutritionist to help me out

with losing weight and she introduced me

to ketosis she introduced me to what it

was what the diet looked like and all of

that and I got the first time I did

ketosis it took me about six weeks to

get into ketosis and I stayed in ketosis

for maybe three or four weeks and and

and got kicked out after three or four

weeks because I took a shot a single

shot of tequila kicked me others ketosis

but look during that journey I lost

about 40 kilos I went from 130 kilos to

89 I’ll tell you how much 89 kilos is

just now 196 pounds wow that’s a lot

yeah it was quite a bit but I was doing

a lot of workouts as well I was doing

Crossfit I was dreaming I was cycling

and running most mostly all four in a

single day as well as being on on on


that was my first weight-loss journey

then I stopped all of that and and the

weight slowly started coming back on

because even though I had been doing

this for six months it had not become a

lifestyle it was still a regime right

and then I had stopped all of that and

life had gotten back in the way and I

slowly started putting on weight and in

about two years I put on 25 kilos and I

and I jumped up to to back up to 253


so at the start of this year I was 253

pounds and getting back to that 286

pounds point you know and I decided to

look into ketosis again and that’s when

I came across your channel that’s when I

came across your information and and I

realized what I was doing the first time

wasn’t actually the best way to do even

though I got rid of all the refined

sugars I hadn’t gotten rid of the the

carbs I would still have you know a

sweet potato in my diet for brown brown

rice or you know whole whole wheat pasta

and I realized who I hang on that’s

still that’s off-limits as well you know

and so when I tried it after after

seeing your information when I tried it

again remember the first time it took me

six weeks to get into ketosis the and

then when I tried it with you it took me

two days to not not even high two to

three days to get to D ptosis that’s


did you also add in a minute Vesta

fasting with it yeah so it’s a bit and

fasting i I do intermittent fasting

right now I eat one to two meals a day

but that’s not because I conscience

consciously adopted it it’s just that

I’m not hungry enough to eat three meals

a day so I eat breakfast at around

eleven Latta and lunch / dinner at

around four and then that’s it um and

then for forty eleven I yeah but that’s

again it’s not because I’m starving

myself I’m forcing myself it’s that’s

just when when I’m hungry that’s

incredible so you don’t have the

cravings anymore um sometimes I do do

but nowhere near as as much as

I used to carry near as much as I used

to so I’m back down to 104 kilos which

is 229 pounds and my goal is to by the

end of the year get down to 85 kilos

which is 187 pounds that’s my that’s my


how tall are you 5 almost 5 8 ok that

sounds good that sounds like a good way

and I used like when you eat a meal give

me an example of what you eat breakfast

for example would be eggs bacon cheese

and a bit of hummus on the side that’s

correct and then for dinner what would

you have or for farm steak and a chorizo

salad with feta and and and homeless on

the side as well but just a teaspoon or

two of hummus

I just love hummus and I’m so glad that

I’m able to have that I love hummus - do

you know the problem in the United

States with hummus is that most of its

soy soy base they don’t even put olive

oil I’m like what I was going to ask you

what about are you still doing your

workouts like you were before right so

no I’m not doing Crossfit and jimang ira


this year I decided to stop doing the

things that I hate because last time I

even though I was doing all these things

I didn’t love what I was doing right so

this year I decided that I’m what I’m

trying to do is make a life start what

I’m trying to do is make a lifestyle

that I love that is my lifestyle that I

can sustain for the long run so instead

of going to the gym and doing crossfit i

found things that I do love so squash is

a sport here which is very similar to

racquetball in the States so I play that

on Saturday mornings with my friends and

then Monday and Wednesday nights I play

Ultimate Frisbee now these are fantastic

workouts you

no it’s it’s the the calorie burn is

twice as much as what I would get at a

gym you know and so that’s what I do

three days a week and that’s my that’s

my workout so I’m trying to build a

lifestyle that that I love and can move

forward with for the long haul I love it

I love it to try to workout that my body

loves the most is chopping wood believe

it or not so I have my backyard we have

all this wood that’s I’ll chop wood for

a good salad half-hour

I like I walk by I’m just like sweating

I get my whole body involved so that’s

what I do yeah

and what about what about your any other

benefits like energy level or cognitive

function so nowadays I wake up at around

5:30 in the morning and and and go on

till about 9:00 or 10:00 in the evening

and I used to always take a nap in the

afternoon I used to always have that 3

p.m. crash and my productivity around 3

p.m. was dead but now it’s I don’t feel


I’m always ready to go whenever some of

the fiscal cliff Squasher let’s go play

frisbee or whatever it is I feel my

energy levels are a lot more stable

rather than a high in the morning crash

in the afternoon and then high again in

the evening and late nights and things

like that so I feel like there’s a lot

more stability and other people like

looking at you going support like just

like wow what did you do I can’t even

recognize you do you have any of that

yeah yeah I’m getting a lot of that now

more so than I would say maybe a month

ago and I’m telling them everything but

every single person is also really doing

I say all you gotta do is go to youtube

type in dr. Eric bug and that’s it so I

tell them that I’m on on the ketosis

diet and and and and then I refer to to

them on

to you on YouTube I’ve got other than

Instagram channel where I’m sort of

trying to help other people I’m just

sharing my result and if that inspires

other people fantastic and whenever I

talk about ketosis I talk about you know

dr. egg berg is my source of information

when it comes to the ketosis sauce and

thank you yeah I’m trying to keep it

simple but I think it’s really important

for just doing these interviews for give

other people an idea that it doesn’t

have to be you know doom and gloom it

needs to be a lifestyle change and you

have to make it part that fits you not

try to force things and I think a lot of

people that even do other programs like

Ideal Protein for example it’s a

struggle they’re doing snacks and then

they lose some weight and then they gain

it right back and they’re in the same

shape that they’re in so it’s good to

hear your story I think it’s going to be

very inspiring for other people yeah

yeah fantastic there’s this some yeah

there are a lot of these shake ketosis

shake and I have no idea what ketosis

shakes are I’ve been approached many

times to try the shaken and it’ll put

you in ketosis and blah blah blah and it

I don’t understand it it doesn’t make

sense to me I’m sticking away from it

but I shouldn’t be drinking a shake and

well I just don’t think it makes sense I

do maybe I don’t know enough about it

I’m for me to make a judgment call on it

yeah I think it’s gonna it’s one of

those things this is my personal opinion

kind of a little bit of a gimmick that

well you can get Keaton you can actually

make your own ketones very inexpensively

with food and you don’t just by not

eating certain things you don’t have to

necessarily take ketones to burn those

ketones as fuel so I didn’t really I

didn’t in its multi-level so that turned

me off right there about anyway I’m not

into it right right but anyway this is

an amazing story printing I really

appreciate you sharing with us eight I

think it’s amazing the before and afters

like incredible so

inspiring a new pleasure and thank you

for for taking the time to to make this

content and send it out and you know I

mean you’re basically helping people

like me to to lose weight with

information and Atlas fantastic I I’d

like to thank you for all the effort in

time that you’re putting into making all

this content oh wow

I appreciate that and thank I appreciate

thank you okay well you have a wonderful

afternoon or evening whatever time it is

over there 4:30 a.m. okay well thank you

for giving up in the middle of the night

and doing this video no worries no

worries dr. big okay have a great one

okay see ya