How to Lose That LAST 13 lbs of Stubborn Fat | DrEricBergDC

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all right you want to lose this last 5

to 10 maybe 15 pounds right that

stubborn fat that doesn’t seem to want

to go anywhere whether it’s in your

belly on your hips in your butt on your

thighs we’re going to talk about this I

first want to show you this book right

here you probably heard of Sun Tzu

before this is called the technology of

War you may have heard of The Art of War

and I have a lot of different editions

of The Art of War but there’s this guy

who translated

um Sun Tzu’s original text

from the original manuscript he actually

learned Mandarin Chinese to translate

this book

and he found that there’s been a lot of

alterations over the years he found that

the name of the book is not the Art of

War because the translation really

wasn’t the word art art implies more

open ended creativity whereas technology

implies an exact way of doing a certain

thing so he actually found that the

actual name was the technology of War so

anyway this book is about a master

strategist and what he did to win so

many wars and a lot of the book is about

gaining advantages or creating

advantages so you can overcome

an opposition a problem or an opponent

versus just using force or working

harder at something doing the same thing

over and over and expecting a different

result so we’re going to apply this to

weight loss so we first want to just

kind of briefly mention your

disadvantages let’s say that your

menopausal you’re getting older your

metabolism is slowing down you have

chronic insulin resistance you may have

atrophy in the muscles which makes it a

lot more difficult to lose the weight

because you need that muscle to help

with the burning of the fat so I’m going

to cover every single advantage that you

can use to overcome this problem but I

want to say something many times when I

talk to people they will tell me well I

already tried that it didn’t work okay

and then you find out the way they were

trying it wasn’t quite right so I’m

going to talk about that as well and

also some other times they were doing it

right they just didn’t give it an

time they didn’t know what normal was as

far as losing weight they thought

because my spouse loses seven pounds a

week and I only lose two pounds or one

pound per week then that means it’s not

working in fact if you’re losing over

two pounds a week you’re just losing

water weight it’s not actual fat and an

average person over the age of 40

if they can lose one pound a week that’s

actually pretty good also you need to

understand the principle of it’s not

lose weight to get healthy it’s get

healthy first to then be able to lose

the weight because many times in the

process of getting healthy the body

doesn’t necessarily lose weight first it

might get rid of the Cravings get rid of

your hunger help build muscle but the

body doesn’t actually naturally like to

lose fat at all because fat is a

survival mechanism

so anyway you want to be able to do

something correctly long enough and

consistently enough so you actually see

results it’s kind of like me with my

guitar teacher


he kept insisting that I go really slow

and I really learn to repetition the

patterns of my fingers right well in my

mind that’s too boring it’s too slow so

I actually practice a little faster

making all sorts of mistakes and I never

was able to achieve where I really

wanted to go with that so the key is

first knowing um what type of things you

can use to leverage this problem right

your leverage have certain advantages to

leverage the disadvantages just like

you’d have like a crowbar that you apply

like a five pound pressure to lift a 500

pound rock on something we want to do

the same thing with weight loss so let’s

first start with

um doing the ketogenic diet right maybe

your carbohydrates just are not low

enough you want to go as low to zero as

far as carbohydrates as you can and I

have a video on that as well it’s called

the keto and steroids I have another one

I will put both links down below but you

want to keep your carbs as low to zero

as possible the other problem I see with

keto is you may be doing a dirty version

of Keto not the healthy version makes a

big difference because yes lowering

carbs will help you lose weight but

having quality ingredients and making

sure those ingredients are really

healthy can actually help you lose even

more weight and get healthy at the same

time which is what we’re trying to do

and also just because something on a

label says it’s keto friendly does not

mean it’s keto friendly okay and then of

course combining intermittent fasting

that is a necessity okay had one person

did keto but they didn’t want to do

intermittent fasting so they were

basically eating High fat low carb keto

snacks through the whole day thinking

that they’re gonna lose weight so just

because something is keto doesn’t mean

you’re gonna lose weight especially if

you’re snacking or eating between meals

then let’s get into the point of fasting

in a minute fasting how long are you

fasting for if you’re up two meals a day

go to one meal a day okay if you’re at

one meal a day maybe you have to go to

one meal every other day also a periodic

prolonged fasting is really going to

help you let’s say on the weekends you

do a 48 hour fast let’s say once every

two weeks or every month you do a longer

fast maybe even five days I mean that

right there usually will solve the

problem especially doing a lot of diets

or have very severe insulin resistance

however that being said I have some

people that do that and they still have

a problem so we’re going to go through

some more things too so we have doing

the healthy version of the ketogenic

diet we have doing intermittent fasting

more aggressively and one thing I want

to mention about fasting if you’re doing

prolonged fasting and you don’t feel

good what that means is there’s

something not right you should feel

wonderful when you do fasting I’m not

talking about when you first start out

and you’re transitioning into the keto

fuel I’m talking about when you’re

already adapted but you know you feel

tired you’re hungry something’s not

right in that case you’re probably going

into it with nutritional deficiencies so

you better be taking electrolytes sea

salt a good amount you better be taking

B vitamins vitamin D maybe vitamin C and

you may even need if you’re doing

prolonged fasting a really good amino

acid product so that way you don’t have

the calories with actual protein

you just have the broken down amino

acids so your body can use that to

fulfill whatever need that it’s trying

to fulfill and it’s usually going into

fasting without having the right


and many times it’s just adding more

salt but very minimally you need at

least one teaspoon not a heaping but

just a level teaspoon of sea salt spread

out through the day we put in your water

that will usually make you feel a lot

better so those two things right there

will pretty much handle for most people

any stubborn weight but I’m going to

keep going and by the way as I go

through this I will put

a more detailed video on every single

topic that I’m talking about because I

don’t want to make this video two hours

okay so we’re kind of isolating what

area you need to focus on More by

covering all of them so then you can put

more energy into that Advantage okay

let’s talk about sleeping some people

are sleeping but they don’t feel rested

they’re not waking up feeling

rejuvenated and I’m talking about if you

don’t have a quality of sleep it’s going

to affect your blood sugars it’s going

to raise cortisol you should be able to

sleep and wake up and feel refreshed and

have energy through the day if you don’t

have energy then we need to look at your

sleep by a ton of videos on this but I’m

going to put some down below that are my

most recent ones but as far as sleep

goes there’s several things that can

help you sleep number one doing uh some

type of physical work around the house

outside primarily to get your mind off

the stress so stress is one of the

biggest Inhibitors of sleep doing a form

of exercise where you’re really working

one or two muscle groups but you’re not

working the whole body so you jack up

cortisol and your pulse rate is so high

where it can’t come down because a high

pulse rate could keep you up at night

and then of course we have the

temperature being slightly cooler the

other thing is your room making sure you

don’t have any extra light especially

not watching your computer screen or

right before bed or your cell phone

because that blue light can inhibit

melatonin we also have a few supplements

you should be taking before bed to help

you sleep like vitamin D is a good one

zinc is a good one and B1 is a really

good one even though B1 gives you energy

but it won’t prevent sleep it’ll

actually help you sleep because sleep is

an active thing it’s not a passive thing

there’s an there’s like the Sleep

pressure that pushes you into these deep

delta waves that you’re going through at

night to feel rejuvenated it’s a

pressure that pushes you into the REM

sleep as well trying to sleep an extra

half hour or even an hour a day will

help you greatly even if you have to

take a nap all right next topic gut

issues if you have gut issues it’s going

to be hard to lose weight because

typically if someone has a gut issue

they have a hard time with fiber so

they’ll eat all these vegetables and

salad that I’m recommending and then

they end up like feeling bloated or

distended that is going to be a problem

so if you have gut issues you might want

to try more carnivore ketogenic than the

one with the fiber or probiotics I have

a very good video on that but we can’t

have this bloating in your gut if you’re

going to lose this extra five to ten

pounds I just want to touch on one

patient that I had who had a gut and

every time he went on vacation down to

Florida and later on the beach didn’t

even change his diet but the lowering of

the stress okay and the sleeping

helped his gut go down to I mean like it

was flat when he came back it was

bizarre so that would be the stress

factor as well as the Sleep Factor

so now let’s bring up this topic of

stress right if you’re going through

stress it’s going to be a big barrier

right why because of cortisol cortisol

can jack up your blood sugars almost as

much as eating sugar because cortisol

turns even ketones and fats and protein

into sugar for that quick energy that’s

why even the hormone name cortisol

another name for it is called glucose

corticoids and this is why people when

they take synthetic cortisone or steroid

end up gaining a lot of weight because

of what it does to your blood sugars in

fact it can cause diabetes because it’s

elevating your blood sugars so a couple

points with stress okay physical work

around the house out in the environment

long walks in nature vital taking more

B1 important also ashwagandha is a great

herb and it acts as an adaptogen so it

helps you tolerate stress much better

vitamin D will help lower your stress

greatly but

um just from the topic of stress when

I’ve worked with people for many many

years sometimes those people that have

really stubborn weight are just so darn

serious the intensity of trying to lose

weight and the stress of it is keeping

the adrenals revved up so I told one

lady okay who’s doing everything right

just to stop worrying about losing

weight okay stop weighing yourself on

the scale just relax don’t try to lose

weight so hard do everything in your

life that is

non-serious okay

and um just keep a real light attitude

I swear when she came back the next week

that was the only time she lost weight

that includes stop watching the news

stop watching things on the internet

that rev up your adrenals have a relaxed

a Carefree attitude all right next topic

pre-existing health conditions so many

people are on medication so many people

have health conditions that’s the area

that you need to address I have a video

on every single possible health problem

that you might have do a search find out

how to address it naturally and try to

resolve that if you have some type of

condition that’s inflammatory you need a

lot of vitamin D okay and that can drop

the inflammation and drop the

complications of that problem especially

if it’s an arthritis and autoimmune

problem and that can help you lose

weight right there another barrier

the health of your liver if you have a

fatty liver okay

you could be doing things right now to

speed up removing that fat off your

liver because the more fat off the liver

the more weight you’re going to lose all

the fat on your body has to go through

the liver and if it’s all gunked up with

fat or cirrhosis or inflammation that’s

going to slow down your progress the

best thing to take for a fatty liver in

addition to what I’ve talked about like

keto and intermittent fasting is to take

tadka as a supplement twice a day an

empty stomach and choline a few times a

day most of those will help speed up the

dissolving of the fat and it also will

help manage your cholesterol levels as

well in the food that you eat right we

want to eat food that

has energy in it the more processed

something is the more cooked something

is the less life it’s going to give your

body so cruciferous vegetables are just

loaded with energy and life but let’s

say for example you steam them right if

you steam them some of them will be

easier to digest if you ferment them you

enhance more life to that vegetable why

because now we have all these microbes

that actually are giving you all these

additional benefits to that food so

that’s giving more life to the food more

life to your body the same thing with

the food that you eat if it’s grown on

soils that are just dirt which means

void of microorganisms and you eat that

food that’s grown on that you’re only

going to reach a certain level of Health

it’s not going to be very high and so

when you really look at it the health of

your body is dependent on the fertility

of that soil which is basically the

density of microbes that are mobilizing

these minerals that are not alive like

they’re rocks so you need the microbes

to mobilize that to pull into plant so

then the animal eats that and you eat

the animal and you’re eating something

healthy it’ll actually give you more

Health all right what about bad genes

right you have genes that are keep you

fat well

you got to pick your parents more wisely

next time and I’m just being very

sarcastic but there are things that you

can do that can help influence the genes

it’s called epigenetics it means above

your genes for example a lot of things

I’ve already mentioned fasting keto

reducing stress are all things to help

support these Gene actions that you want

right and avoid the other ones but

there’s other things you can do these

are called hermetic factors that add a

little bit of stress not too much just a

little bit to cause your body to get

stronger and that would be of course

exercise prolonged fasting but also cold

therapy taking a cold shower can

actually stimulate Brown fat and

increase your metabolism and help you

lose more weight you can also do the

same thing with a sauna treatment that

can help you get the edge and give you

more advantage over this problem and so

what we’re trying to do is to give you

multiple advantages to actually achieve

the goal now another hidden barrier

which keeps you at a certain set point

is chronic insulin resistance so there’s

many things you can do to improve that

in addition to the things I just said

which will improve it you can take

regular apple cider vinegar it’ll make a

big difference just with all your water

you just add a teaspoon of apple cider

vinegar and if you add cinnamon in there

or just take a cinnamon as a capsule

that can also help your blood sugar

significantly as well as make insulin

more sensitive berberine is a very

powerful herb that can mimic metformin

to help speed up the results of insulin

resistance and of course exercise is

another thing that can help it and

vitamin D can help it there’s many

things on this topic I’ve done a more

extensive video and I will put it down

below all right so now let’s talk about

exercise here’s the thing exercise is

responsible for like 15

of this problem okay but 15 percent

could be the difference between success

or failure diet makes up the majority of

the weight loss okay now there’s two um

types of fat primarily you have the

visceral fat in the gut okay and you

also have the superficial fat which is

just below the layer of skin right and

so women have more of a superficial fat

layer especially in the hips thigh and

buttocks and that type of fat is a bit

less influenced by insulin resistance

so if they do the usual things that I’m

mentioning with insulin resistance they

don’t normally see the significant

impact like they do mainly in their uh

midsection which is the visceral fat

which is more influenced with insulin

resistance okay so that’s why all these

other things will will help that in fact

that’s easier to get rid of Than The

Superficial fact but exercise can be

more of a tool for that than anything

else why because it’s going to build up

more muscle mass to give you more

metabolism right off the bat especially

if you have atrophy and especially if

you’re postmenopausal so the other thing

about exercise is that there’s some

mistakes that you can make

exercising over soreness that’s really

bad that’s over training that’ll keep

you from getting results I had a patient

who exercised six hours a day seven days

a week that was her biggest problem as

soon as we reduced it boom she lost

weight I had a patient who was a guy who

was exercising seven days a week I got

him to work out one day a week and he

started to lose weight so over training

is an important thing don’t ever

exercise over soreness the other point

is doing enough exercise to create a

stimulus to make sure these muscles grow

okay and so you want to use enough

volume and exercise to create that

effect how do you know if you’re doing

it right well the next day you’re sore

not just the next day the next three to

five to seven days that would be the

right amount of exercise and that’s how

you can judge it and then you just let

your body go into that process but what

I mean by soreness and I’m talking about

let’s say your legs are sore but your

upper body is fine so maybe the on the

other day as you’re working the upper

body so you kind of divide up the body

in maybe three different sections maybe

you’re working your chest and your

shoulders one day and then your back and

your abs another day and then your legs

the next day and that way you can create

soreness and then you want to let your

body fully recover this way you’re doing

it correctly and then you need to do it

consistently long enough to have it work

so I want you to type down below what

you think you need to focus primarily on

on all the things I talked about

and then come back after you’ve done it

and report your progress but this will

definitely work if you haven’t seen my

recent video on Plateau that probably is

another one to watch too because I get

more into the details of the food check

it out I put it up right here