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hey guys

just trying to figure this out if this

is working so today I want to just talk

a little bit about the digestive system

but I’m gonna wait for everyone to log

on and I’ll be releasing a full video on

this but I wanted just to mention it’s

kind of an important thing I’ll be

talking about hey Mark I want to talk

about Zeebo

okay small intestinal bacterial

overgrowth it’s very very common believe

it or not so I’ll wait for everyone to

log on and then I want to talk about it

but it’s important it is important to

know what to do what it is so many

people have it especially if you have

below team gas or stomach pain or

constipation or diarrhea okay and you’ve

had history of antibiotics and you’re

doing anti-acids then you need to stay

tuned because we’re going to talk about

this very important so I guess I’ll just

kind of jump right in so SIBO someone

says how old are you mark I’m dr.

Burnham now mark I am 50 my 52 I think

I’m 52

yeah I’m 52 years old okay so so let’s

talk about SIBO okay

all right SIBO what is it’s a small

intestinal bacterial overgrowth syndrome

okay what’s happening is the normally

you should not have bacteria in your

stomach because you have asked it in it

should kill it right you don’t want

bacteria in your stomach you don’t want

a lot of bacteria in your small

intestine actually 23 feet okay some in

the lower part but not too much you want

all the bacteria in the large intestine

which is the last five feet after the

Silvius equal valve you know we want the

rest all the bacteria in there

so SIBO is a situation where you have a

lot of bacteria in the small intestine

the place where it shouldn’t be

now why is that bad well it’s not

designed to have that much bacteria so

it’s gonna compete for food because

normally you have the stomach that

should release a very powerful enzyme to

break down protein protease it’s like a

powerful enzyme but you need the acid to

be between one and three very acidic to

release that enzyme so now we break down

the protein okay good so we eat this

food break down the protein kills off

microbes okay

absorbs minerals and then it goes in the

small intestine and that’s where you

have the pancreas neutralizing some of

the acid okay

and that alkali it’s called Alka it’s

called um bicarbonate

that should neutralize and also activate

additional enzymes that are different

from the pancreas so now we have this

amazing release of all these enzymes to

break down carbohydrates and all sorts

of things okay and then the gallbladder

releases bile to break down and modify

the fat particles and then with the help

of the pancreas we can actually break

these particles down to the smallest

particle size so we can actually then

get absorption into these little silly

of those little hairlike structures like

roots that pull it into the cells of the

colon so all this bacteria will start

eating that food especially if there’s

any sugar okay so start eating the food

and you don’t want that because you’re

gonna be starved of energy and you’re

gonna get all this bacteria they’re

gonna procure it all this gas and you’re

gonna be like messed up so that’s how

that’s what’s happening so now how do

you get this thing okay

well number one it usually comes from

consuming food too frequently because

there’s this thing that happens

in between meals that actually is kind

of a cleaning action it’s not a tough 2g

it’s another another action where you’re

you’re sweeping out the residue of food

into the large bowel okay that’s why I

like after three three hours after

eating use your stomach gurgles and it

kind of does some stuff well that’s what

it’s doing it’s cleaning in between the

meals so but if you don’t do if you

don’t actually do in a minute fasting

and you’re snacking between meals and

you’re doing five meals a day you never

get the cleaning so you get a lot of

food that stays there and then you’re

gonna get back to your longer growth if

you’ve been in an antibiotic or an anti

acid you neutralize the stomach or

you’re getting older and your stomach

acids out there

you can’t kill off the microbes from the

food that you’re eating there’s a lot of

microbes and food by the way vegetables

and everything and that’s gonna end up

through the system and start growing

that way so now you are bloated and

you’re like constipated and you don’t

know what to do

here’s a simple solution there’s three

main things one is you have to certify

the stomach alpha cider vinegar works

great the tain how to chloride is really

awesome too you need a lot of it there

is a product I have you don’t have to

get it but it’s just something that’s

convenience combination a betaine her

chloride and outside of it of her pills

I would take probably nine of those my

guitar teacher found that if he could

consume quite a few of them he can go to

five guys obviously was not educated in

what I’m doing so the point is that you

want more of this acidifier you’re taken

in the body and then the stomach starts

getting corrected now starts killing off

the microbes because I can’t live in an

acidic stomach so the next thing you do

is do in a minute fasting very very

important because it gives your body a

chance to do the self-cleaning thing in

between the meals very important third

thing is you’re going to do

accommodation of herbal things that are

going to be really make it a better

environment for the unfriendly pathogens

to be there and that would be like

oregano Carl

time peppermint oil encapsulated encoded

and also there’s one more oregano thyme

garlic and um it’ll come to me okay

it’ll be in the video that I’ll release

but anyway you take these these herbal

things it starts to create the right

environment and then it’ll actually it’s

the that’s the best thing you could do

the last thing you might want to realize

is that stress can also make it so it

never fully gets better so if there’s

any type of emotional stress or whatever

you’re going through you have to figure

out how you have to solve that because

that’s gonna be a really important thing

I mean I’ve had people even just focus

on reducing their stress and they didn’t

do anything else problem solved

so that’s just something to think with

okay all right now I’m gonna answer some

questions here what do you use oh I have

to mention one thing the worse you could

do for SIBO is to consume more

probiotics or more fiber you don’t want

to do that because it’s gonna add more

food and more microbes you’re trying to

get rid of them so you don’t want to do

that with this okay but you can you can

consume some fiber but it has to be

something called low fodmap and i will

actually release the video on that if

you look at my recent recent one i’m

bloating i actually list all the foods

that you can consume on that eating plan

in fact what I’ll do is I’ll put a link

down here when I’m done with this video

okay dr. Burke could you recommend a

good app to track macros yeah I have one

but I have to release it yet give me a

little more time okay okay so now how do

I stop these messages from going so fast


dr. burgers a bad to sleep during the

day not at night the bottom line is just

you need to sleep when you can sleep and

get the sleep that at least 7 hours and

when you sleep is not as important as

getting the sleep ok

my question is since cherry juice has

sugar is it also good for gout to drink

it well you have to cherry pick your

remedy I’m sorry I’m just kidding

you know you don’t want to do the cherry

juice for gout the the best thing to do

for gout and realize what stuck with

spikes gout is insulin yeah there’s a

couple things you can do for gout that

will counter it

one thing is to alkalize the body with

potassium citrate very very important ok

I just released a video on uric acid

crystals I suggest you watch that when

we’re done here and you could get more

data on that ok

all right let’s see here I’m 37 I have

muscle strains more often how do you

keep your muscles younger oh you just

need to do in a minute fasting that’s

gonna preserve your muscles more than

anything how can we build muscles on if'

and keto you have to do weight training

well keto make you gay no it won’t ok no

vegan and could say no vegan and keto do

not mix I don’t know what you’re asking

that sorry it’s sprouting rice worth the

effort no it’s not diagnosis for SIBO

yeah you it’s s it’s s I Beto and

there’s a test that you can do you go to

a gastroenterologist that and you can do

a test where he measures the hydrogen

gas and also the I don’t know if he

measures carbon dioxide but he’ll


hydrogen sulfide and methane gas and

you’ll be able to detect if you have a

SIBO so you can get an assessment on

that which is kind of smart because

there’s three different types and you

want to get and you want to know what to

do but I gave you a general idea of what

to do which body type to start with I

have symptoms from multiple I would

start with the adrenal body type

information okay

the keto summit is at the Gaylord hotel

yes it’s gonna be a National Harbor in

Maryland it’s a really nice one and it’s

gonna be very exciting hello from

Anchorage hello eating resons raisins no

because it’s it’s like concentrated

sugar I’m doing oh man

keto and my morning levels measure 4.2

they’re not losing weight well I think

you need to just you’re in ketosis but I

think you need to reduce your fat

because your dietary fat might be

creating those ketones but just realize

guys and this is very interesting

ketones are

they’re like antioxidants they were very

protective of your cells and this whole

theory of calories in calories out is

what their own meaning is this one

little piece of data I want to tell you

about you know it’s not as mechanical as

that you have when you go on keto and

you lower your carbs you have a testing

you can test your ketones in your breath

and your urine and if it’s in your urine

in your breath which it’s going to be

you’re basically wasting ketones guys

you’re wasting them these guys that say

oh it’s so simple calories in calories

out you just have to you have to do

something to exercise and burn it off no

you don’t with keto there’s a good

portion that is wasted just by eating

certain things it’s like 8 to 10 8 to 20

times more ketones that are you’re gonna

then different than other types of fuel

so basically you’re gonna basically and

I’ll get the exact calculations and I’ll

do a video on this but you’re literally

peeing out chunks of fat and you’re

breathing out fat when you’re on keto

and that’s cool because you’re wasting

energy but it’s it’s not it’s like extra

energy that you have too much of so

might as well get rid of it right so

they don’t really calculate this is why

calories aren’t important but they’re

not as important on keto because you’re

automatically been a waste you’re gonna

get rid of fat it’s not necessarily all

have to it’s not you don’t have to get

out there and burn off every single

calorie that’s what I’m saying okay all

right is online ordering on your site

working ordered the video and audio and

Friday and still waiting the download

link well I’ll tell you what it might

want your spam but on Monday morning

call my office and I will have someone

make sure that you get your download


and I will also check it - Monday -

because that’s weird

why is grass-fed meat so expensive

because it’s really cheap it’s well it’s

it’s expensive because you have to you

have to have grass you can’t really do

factory farming and just keep a cow in a

certain place and feed them grains and

yeah it’s just it’s more labor-intensive

for the farmer so it’s going to cost

more but it’s worth it

can we hurt metabolism on keto and in af

no actually keto supports mitochondria

health improves metabolism the only

thing that will destroy your metabolism

is insulin I mean insulin insulin is

high it destroys your metabolism all

right good

that’s work how do I get rid of man

boobs I actually have a video on this

and you’re gonna have to do something

about estrogen okay will there be a

summit in 2019 yes I’m gonna be doing

one in 2019 as well okay GMO and soy soy

foods at food I’m not sure your question

let’s see what do I eat to lose belly

fat that’s that’s gonna be an hour I

have a whole video on that you can watch

that or get my book that would be the

best thing why is it when I consume

probiotics I need plenty of fiber in my

meal my mood stabilized and it makes in

a minute fasting that much easier

because you’re feeding the microbes the

microbes then can help stabilize blood

sugars and by the way guys if you don’t

have SIBO you need to be consuming good

amounts of fiber from vegetable I

consume seven to ten cups every day but

I don’t have Seva so it’s fine but that

fiber is very very important in to

feeding the microbes so the microbes can

help you lose weight they decrease

appetite the tremendous amount of

potassium and the vegetables help

stabilize blood sugars but at the summit

I’m gonna be talking more about this but

you can actually change your flora in

your gut and speed up your weight loss

by that and that’s interesting because

overweight people have different types

of flora than there are people

interesting interesting guys

gut bacteria autism huge correlation I

will do a video on that stomach pain

okay muscle pain in stomach lasted three

hours well you could have eaten

something weird I would just kind of

isolate what you ate right before that

can i still be pregnant if i have high

prolactin levels check with your doctor

on that I don’t know

Oh mad and let’s say at a meal it’s a

constant bad charley horse in a few

hours later okay can I drink bone broth

well Oh Karen’s in the house here hi

guys I was wondering where you were

I am doing a live video there’s a

thousand people on right now Karen hey

guys so we’re answering questions here

okay and I’m right in the middle of it

let’s see how can I shoot okay I’m not

gonna answer that one all right any

advice for endometriosis watch my video

on that I have something on that you go

okay all right um I’m on my third bottle

of hair formula okay good

yes I wanted to show you guys Charlie

he’s getting way too big way too big


can I take d3k to see kelp and

nutritional use at the same time yes you



okay good

herpes what do you do for herpes herpes

is activated it’s a virus you can’t kill

a virus because it’s not alive in the

first place

viruses are little pieces of genetic

which are wrapped in a sack and just lie

dormant in your body and they come out

when you’re stressed and they kick you

when you’re stressed and down what you

can do is I think there’s two things

that you can do potential that can

probably resolve it there’s not a lot of

research in this but I think there’s a

good possibility of longer term in

termina fasting in going through

something called the toffee gee a

toughie she does dismantle and get rid

of viruses so that’s that’s something

that’s kind of that’s a possibility

and then also cut your stress way way

down now if you want to get rid of your

acne if do keto and in a minute fasting

at the same time okay both alright so

let’s see my grand my green one of the

if you’re in Quito and you have a

migraine the best way to solve it is to

add more sea salt okay sea salt I don’t

know why I keep a few myself you guys

could probably hear me fine it’s just I

don’t really for some reason because I

can’t see you I I’m thinking I have to

shout cuz you can’t hear me but you

probably can hear me fine um okay

highest quality olive oil better than

coconut oil yeah I would suggest that

would be I would say yes

do you eat kimchi no but I think it’s

good and it’s just that I just don’t I

just I don’t buy it but I think that you

should because it’s a really great

product I just I stick with sauerkraut

myself which we’re making homemade right

now let’s say don’t you just keep to

lower testosterone levels no it

increases it estrogen lowers

testosterone levels

if you end up with low libido when

you’re doing keto or intermittent

fasting what that means is you have

nutritional deficiencies so you have to

put back in the nutrition B vitamins and

that will help you okay good a new

taquito I’m tired all the time I take my

vitamins and minerals yeah you need to

do in a minute fasting with keto and

Whitney Lee I would recommend you get my

booklet on Amazon it’s like it’s very

expensive it’s $4.95 and it’s called

it’s not lose weight to get healthy it’s

get a house in this way I show you how

to do keto get the basics because you

might be doing it incorrectly right

any veteran any veggies you could have

unlimited amounts of well I’m sure

there’s always um a limitation of matter

but you know just regular high-quality

green lettuce green beans are pretty

safe I mean I do I consume a lot of

those bell peppers they’re they’re easy

on the digestive system they have a lot

of nutrition you can overdo it with kale

because it’s hard to digest but these

other things like oh I will do people

think that I do like 10 cups of

vegetables I do 10 cups of salad and

it’s leafy greens mainly I’d like to go

to the hub the farmers market but it’s

easy to digest if I had other vegetables

I probably can’t do 10 cups so when I do

like cauliflower or kale I have to do a

little less because it’s just so filling

okay all right guys just want to check

in thanks for being here appreciate your

attention very much if you’re coming to

the summit I’ll be able to finally meet

you go to quito health summit calm all

right guys I’ll probably be catching up

with you tomorrow or the next day see ya