The Fascinating Benefits of RAW MILK Dairy | DrEricBergDC

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now there’s some fascinating benefits

with raw milk and raw milk products that

i’m going to talk about today

but if you

ask someone what is the most perfect

food for an infant um

i would imagine they would say breast

milk right because breast milk is

something that’s been created over a

very long period of time as a survival

thing you can build a very healthy baby

on breast milk and if an infant is not

fed breast milk oh my gosh their risk

for all sorts of problems go way up

sudden into death syndrome obesity

diabetes allergies and the list goes on

and on and on our bodies were designed

to start out on breast milk so if breast

milk is so good why is cow’s milk or

goat’s milk so


that’s what i want to discuss well i

think it really has to do with the

quality of milk okay

pasteurization now i’m not saying that

there wasn’t outbreaks of certain

diseases like tb and things long ago due

to sanitation

but if you have a healthy environment

for that cow and that cow is healthy

then what’s really bad with milk first

thing is pasteurization well you might

want to say

we want to sterilize the milk to make it

really healthy to get rid of all the

bacteria in this milk this very

unhealthy pathogenic



yes heat kills bacteria but it doesn’t

get rid of bacteria when you’re drinking

pasteurized milk you’re drinking all the

dead bacteria that’s in it but another

thing that happens when they pasteurize

the milk is they’re killing all the

enzymes okay

enzymes are proteins there’s over 2500

different proteins in milk okay and


altering and damaging those proteins

they’re denaturing those proteins and

i’m talking about

proteins that can help someone’s immune

system like for example

lacto-peroxidase which is an



that’s destroyed when you pasteurize it

lactoferrin which is a protein

that starves off pathogens from iron

okay so

when you have pasteurized milk

that’s destroyed the antibodies in milk

are also destroyed that is an immune

benefit that you won’t have also lactase

bacteria are destroyed there are certain

bacteria that make the enzyme to get rid

of lactose okay and so those of us that

have lactose intolerance like myself

need lactase which is the enzyme that

breaks down lactose and in raw milk

there’s that enzyme okay from that

bacteria so raw milk has a lot of

good bacteria that can help us now

there’s also like 400 different types of

fatty acids

in raw milk that are destroyed when you

homogenize the milk okay homogenation is

about breaking up the fat into small

little particles that now you lose the

function of that fatty acid because

you’re now mixing the cream with the

other part and it won’t separate and i

don’t know about you but my body

craves the cream on raw milk in fact i

could probably live on that cream it’s

so delicious and it’s so good for you it

has something called the waltzin factor

what is the waltzer factor that’s an

anti-stiffness factor and i’m not going

to give you the long chemical name but

it’s good for rheumatoid arthritis and

stiffness because it’s anti-inflammatory

especially stiffness in your wrists now

i do want to say that i don’t drink raw

milk i actually consume raw milk

products that are fermented okay

like raw milk cheese which i love by the


kefir and sometimes yogurt but mainly

kefir because it has a lot more friendly

bacteria and friendly yeast and raw milk

products there’s a lot more bioavailable

calcium and fat soluble vitamins all

right you also have this enzyme right

here alkaline phosphatase which is


so way back early in the 1900s there

were all sorts of people using raw milk


cures for all sorts of things to help

their ulcers their gi problems

inflammation in the gut to help with



gum disease and even asthma now you

might say that raw milk is illegal in

your state

but if you go to real

there’s actually if i’m not mistaken at

least 43 states that you can get access

to raw milk and sometimes you have to do

and i’m not even sure what this is

called but i think it’s some type of

program where you’re sharing that the

cow and you’re getting a portion of that

cow which is milk but anyway you should

check this out there’s a

lot of additional great data and lastly

i want to just mention the difference

between a1 and a2 milk okay this has to

do with the protein casein and milk

if given the chance get your milk from


cows because

a2 is a type of protein

that has a lot less bloating a lot less

digestive inflammation

unfortunately the a1 protein type milk

is more inflammatory and you may find

more gi problems now if you have not

seen my video on consuming kefir to help

yourself sleep i put that video up right

here check it out
