Soda vs 100% Real Fruit Juice: What Is Healthier? – Dr.Berg | DrEricBergDC

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so let’s talk about the difference

between drinking soda and a hun percent

fruit juice what would be worse what do

you think well this is worse right here

I’m going to tell you why soda that

contains high-fructose corn syrup has

55% of it fructose okay one percent

fruit juice has actually more fructose

65 percent of it being fructose now

what’s so bad about fructose it comes

from fruit right well fructose is

treated in a similar manner that alcohol

is treated in the liver because the

liver has to deal with it a hundred

percent so your cells can’t really

absorb fructose so everything is forced

down to the liver and there’s a

condition that’s created called de novo

lipid Genesis but basically your body is

converting that sugar into fat okay and

you’re developing a fatty liver and

insulin resistance which is setting

right up for diabetes children and teens

get 15% of their total calories from

soda and fruit juice but a lot of times

people think that fruit juice is so much

better what actually it’s worse so not

only do you have more fructose with

fruit juice but very low nutrients

because it’s pasteurized it’s cooked to

allow it to sit on the shelf for a lot

longer so a lot of the nutrients that

you see in the label are added back in

there they weren’t in there originally

because the heat and the oxidation

exposure to oxygen has destroyed those

nutrients of course you have no fiber -

so you’re drinking just a lot of sugar

and then you have the American Academy

of Pediatrics which basically gave their

daily juice recommendations if you’re

less than 12 months old they say do not

routinely give the child the juice okay

well why don’t they just say do not give

the child the juice routinely so don’t

make a routine out of it if you’re

between 1:00 and 3:00 you’re allowed up

to four ounces per day between four and

six you’re allowed six ounces a day and

if you’re between 7 and 18 you can drink

eight ounces per day now why would you

even want to drink this juice if you

getting all this fruit juice and you’re

setting up yourself up for a fatty liver

another big problem with fructose is

that it creates ten times more glycated

proteins than glucose what does glycated

proteins that is the sticky damaging

protein that occurs when you combine a

sugar with a protein molecule so when

you consume all this juice in your body

it starts combining with various

proteins and starts creating a lot of

problems for you all right so the final

question is should you drink soda or

fruit juice Nev there okay

drink water alright see you later so I

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