How To Reverse Wrinkles ? – Dr.Berg on Anti Aging Hormones | DrEricBergDC

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hi guys in this video we’re going to talk about how to reverse wrinkles okay

as we age we get wrinkles some people get wrinkles too early and

some people don’t get them hardly at all okay and I also want to talk about

collagen in general so taking your skin from a rough kind of wrinkly skin and

bringing it to more of a youthful skin what what controls that is something

called G a G it’s a real long name you don’t need to know it but it’s

glycosaminoglycans okay so it’s a chemical in your body that keeps the

skin in collagen hydrated electrically hydrated it helps repair proteins and

collagen in your skin it also helps you make healthy vibrant collagen and skin

alright and if you don’t have this everything kind of sags and droops and

gets hardened and it’s not necessarily the you know the sunlight over the years

that just makes your skin wrinkle in fact the sunlight will give you about a

minute and protect the skin but it really is a deficiency in this thing

right here as we age and also this is responsible for your discs in your spine

to be really healthy and hydrated so if you’re shrinking as you’re getting older

then we know you don’t have enough of this okay but you can’t just take this

as a supplement and see the change because what controls this hydrating

anti-wrinkle chemical is this thing right here it’s called IGF number1

insulin-like growth factor number one so I’m going to talk about that it’s a

hormone made by the liver that is kind of controlled by growth hormone which

also is the anti-aging hormone so this is kind of an extension off growth

hormone and some people actually take growth hormone as a supplement to get

youthful but there’s some side effects to that so we don’t want to take any

hormones we want to naturally figure out how to trigger this thing right here and

I’m going to tell you the seven ways to do it okay and it will improve your skin

greatly especially wrinkles okay number one

this hormone teeter-totters with insulin so if insulin is high this will be low

healthy young individuals need a hundred times more concentrated igf than insulin

so if you have insulin resistance for example or diabetes you’re gonna have

higher insulin what will happen is this will go down and people don’t realize

that this is really important to actually even help you reduce insulin

problems and even diabetes so so we want to reduce insulin and how do we do that

well we change the diet and I’ll put some links down below you’re going to

cut out the carbs you get your intermittent fasting

you’re gonna avoid the hidden things that trigger insulin which is like MSG

monosodium glutamate there’s a whole bunch of things and I’ll put a link down

below so we want to decrease insulin number one number two we want to enhance

your sleep whatever way you do it um you can use my

supplement at the sleep aid or some other supplement but you need to fix the

reason why you can’t sleep because sleeping will increase this hormone as

well if you’re getting by on five or six hours of sleep you’re gonna age quicker

okay so the sleep is important even if you have to take a nap and then lowering

cortisol that’s the stress hormone that actually prevents you from sleeping and

it’s just gonna this is coming from stress so increase stress will decrease

your sleep and decrease this as well stress will aid you right I’m gonna put

a link down below of some things to do for that this is like your checklist to

look at okay so hi intense interval training will also increase this hormone

I mean like amazingly so what we want to do is we want to do full-body exercise

so there’s a lot of different exercises that you can do but you want involve as

many muscles as possible whether it’s you’re doing a spin bike burpees

push-ups some bootcamp class whatever it is you want to do this type

of exercise to do it high intensity very short lots of rest not as frequent and

then every other day or every third day make sure you don’t over train but this

also will increase this this hormone and growth hormone so it’s going to make you

look more youthful moderate amount of protein so if you think you’re gonna add

more protein to help your wrinkles that’s not going to work you just want a

moderate not too much because that’ll stimulate

insulin how much is the right amount the sweet spot is three to six ounces

personally I’m a 195-pound six foot two I do five ounces of protein with each

meal okay it’s a moderate amount of quality protein not the soy protein

isolate crap you need high quality grass-fed protein if you can get it or

at least organic okay next one is enhanced the liver of course there’s a

lot of things to this you know of course avoiding alcohol alcohol will make you

age eat organic a lot of vegetables maybe some supplements to support milk

thistle would be good dandelion root is good for the liver things to improve the

liver because the liver makes IGF number-one if you have a gut for example

we know you have a fatty liver so that’s going to be something your goal is to

get rid of the fat off the liver I’ll put a link down below of how to do that

but the main thing is getting off the things that are stimulant insulin and

you can reverse that and there’s other things as well but next one is

intermittent fasting intermittent fasting is is you eat a meal and then

you’re not going to eat for a period of time and then you can eat again like

you’re not gonna have any snacks between that meal there’s more to this but the

point is that when you don’t eat you’re stimulating growth hormone okay you’re

stimulating this hormone this hormone is activated when you’re not eating

insulin is activated when you’re eating so insulin will deactivate this so the

more you do intermittent fasting the more you’re gonna enhance this and

you’re gonna have to work harder as you reach 50 years old in 60 and 70 because

your liver kind of becomes unmoor healthy over time okay

intermittent fasting and the last one is fat soluble vitamins

so that would be vitamin A vitamin D vitamin k2 and all of that is enhanced

with certain types of healthy fats I believe I demands so I get my fat Sabo

vitamins from egg yolks pasture-raised organic egg yolks oh my gosh that will

give you all the fat side of vitamins you need and you can also do cod liver

oil and you can do grass-fed butter but again the fat size of vitamins are

really important into enhancing this hormone to increase this all right hope

that helped so go ahead and do this and and show us the results thanks for

watching press it forget it forget it I’m done

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