Feet & Keto Leg Cramps at Night on Ketogenic Diet?: Dr.Berg | DrEricBergDC

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so today we’re going to talk about

what’s behind leg and feet cramps at

night when you’re doing keto

it’s called nocturnal leg cramps so if

you try to look this up you’re not gonna

really find very much in fact they don’t

really know what causes it

I’m just going to give you my two cents

on this because we’ve gotten some really

good results dealing with leg cramps

when you doing keto this is really an

electrolyte problem electrolytes are

electrically charged minerals that help

the conductivity of certain things in

the body specifically muscles and nerves

and they help push fluid in and out of

the cells so we’re talking about

potassium magnesium calcium things like

that so the two most common minerals

involved with cramps are potassium and

magnesium okay the symptoms of a

potassium deficiency are very similar to

a deficiency in magnesium magnesium by

the way is a cofactor it’s a helper

mineral in over 300 enzymes so it’s

involved in anything nerve and muscular

including the heart it generates ATP

which is the energy of the cell and so

if you’re deficient you’re going to get

tired you’re gonna have muscle weakness

tremors okay it could be like little

resting tremors arrhythmias which is an

abnormal rhythm of the heart and

hypokalemia which is basically a low

potassium so if you’re low in magnesium

you can also then affect the potassium

levels also loss of appetite and I

already mentioned weakness okay with

potassium very similar symptoms

potassium controls the cell energy it’s

involved in the cell pump of things

going in and out of the cell it’s

involved with nerve and muscle and also

sleep both these minerals are involved

in relaxing the body and helping it feel

calm and the other thing that these

minerals are involved in is the ability

for the muscle to fully relax and not

stay in a cramp okay so now you’re on

keto why are you getting these cramps

and why are they at night so I have some

theories and why they are at night

versus the day but let’s first talk

about what could happen when you do keto

especially in the beginning when you are

in key to adaptation

your body does require more potassium

and more magnesium especially if you’re

going in the keto coming off of a high

carb diet because you’ve already been

depleted because high amounts of carbs

will deplete these and so you’re now

going into keto and you’re doing if’ and

you’re by is using your reserves which

if you don’t have much there you can end

up with a deficiency so this is why I

always recommend either taking potassium

magnesium with electrolyte powder or

making sure you’re getting it from the

diet so the foods that are high in

potassium magnesium are really the leafy

greens okay at the heart of the

chlorophyll molecule which is all the

green stuff when those leafy greens you

have magnesium so magnesium are in the

greens also potassium are in the greens

and I’ve been recommending consuming 7

to 10 cups today now you might say well

that’s a lot of greens and when I

consume that I might get bloated in

which case that means that you have an

intestinal problem and you probably want

to lower it okay but if you don’t have

an intestinal problem you want to start

to increase your greens now should they

be raw or should they be steamed or

slightly cooked I would say do 5050

because when you cook them you actually

do enhance certain phytonutrients and

you do increase the availability of

certain nutrients and on the other hand

when you have some raw you also get

other factors like enzymes and you get

other nutrients that a little bit higher

but as far as minerals go when you steam


you’re not going to lower your mineral

content unless it drains out into the

liquid into the water that you’re

boiling with but if you’re steaming it

and you’re consuming the whole thing you

actually are increasing the absorption

of minerals because you’re getting rid

of some of the anti nutrients which I’m

gonna do a separate video on that

also when you’re steaming the vegetables

or your stir frying them a lot of people

have an easier time of consuming them

they’re easier to digest but here’s the

thing that I want to talk about ok so

here you are you’re on keto and you’re

doing a lot of greens and you’re still

getting cramps that is because your salt

is too high when you increase your salts

you actually can throw off the ratio and

in other videos I recommend taking more

salt ok

in this situation if you get cramps and

you’re consuming a lot of greens just

cut back your soul a little bit because

you’re doing too much and then your

cramps will completely go away and then

another situation you’re doing keto but

you’re not consuming enough greens but

you’re doing a lot of salt all you need

to do is increase your greens to counter

that and of course I’m recommending sea

salt not regular table salt but these

are some just really key insights that

you need to know that salt tends to

throw off of these two minerals here and

then you’ll have this imbalance last

scenario you’re getting a cramp because

your pH is off now I’m talking about the

blood pH so normally the pH of the blood

should have a very tight small band of

being slightly alkaline okay so it is

alkaline but it’s just slightly Ocalan

if the blood is slightly too alkaline

what happens one of the symptoms is

twitching okay technique could be here

it could be the arm and cramping okay

and this is another reason why I

recommend apple cider vinegar right - in

your water through the day because

adding apple cider vinegar can help just

push your pH into the right level make

it not as alkaline and then you’ll start

absorbing these minerals a little bit

better including calcium okay so in

other words in order for these minerals

which are alkaline including calcium to

be absorbed more readily you need the

right pH and even if your stomach is not

acid enough that can create the same


so in summary consume large amounts of

greens if you don’t have a problem with

your digestive system make sure you

regulate your salt not too much just the

right amount okay and outside the

vinegar if you’re getting a problem with

that and your cramps should go away

thanks for watching

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