How to Reverse a Fatty Liver? - Dr. Berg | DrEricBergDC

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- Hey it’s me again.

First thing I want to tell you is I don’t drink

and I don’t recommend drinking alcohol,

alright so in this video we’re going

to talk about the liver, specifically how

to reverse a fatty liver.

Couple facts about the liver.

The liver is about three and a half pounds,

it’s huge it’s on the right side of your body.

It goes all the way up here and it’s right through here.

Okay, it has over 500 functions.

It does everything from immune control,

digestion, detoxification of chemicals,

building up of proteins, it does so many things.

It’s an amazing, miraculous organ.

It has 50,000 to 100,000 small little units

of cells that help do the work.

You really could be functioning pretty good

in your body and have 90% of your liver

destroyed or dysfunctional.

So a lot of times the liver will not show up

until greater than 90% of it’s destroyed.

So you can’t always go how you feel with the liver.

But some of the symptoms with a real bad liver issue

is you get bloating, you have right shoulder

pain through here, the whites of your eyes turn yellow,

there’s a lot of skin issues, itching of the bottom

of the feet and the palms of the hand,

basketball belly like you’re protruding belly.

But you can really predict the health

of the liver by the person’s lifestyle habits.

So there’s several stages of liver damage that occur.

The first one is from inflammation.

Inflammation where it could come from a virus

but it also could come from bad eating or alcohol.

So every time you drink it creates a trauma,

kind of a whiplash because you’re killing

liver cells when you’re doing that.

Every time you take Tylenol or medication

you kill liver cells.

So it has a lot of damage.

Even some of the medications like Lipitor,

for example, will severely stress the liver

and increase the liver enzymes by 500%.

So one of the big side effects.

The medication is supposed to lower your cholesterol

which basically has everything to do with liver,

ends up destroying your liver.

It’s kind of insane.

So you have an inflammatory condition.

Then you have fatty deposits that lodge into the liver,

so over time the liver can be replaced with fat.

Many people with bellies out to here have a fatty liver.

If they just had an ultrasound they would

be able to identify that.

But it’s very hard to detect chronic liver problems

unless you do a biopsy because it doesn’t

always show up on a blood test.

So over time when you have this inflammatory state

of continuing damage on the liver because of bad habits,

you develop scar tissue and that leads

into something called cirrhosis.

Cirrhosis is the liver that is filling up

with fibrous tissue that’s making it dysfunctional

and you lose the function of the liver.

But again you can get away with only a small portion

of liver working before you even notice

a lot of the symptoms so just because

you are feeling it doesn’t mean anything.

Alright, so that’s what happens with the liver.

When the liver swells up because there’s

not a lot of space it could put pressure

on the heart and create a lot of heart arrhythmia issues,

a lot of skipped beats, it can create high blood pressure,

increase pulse rate, why?

Because the liver is right next to the heart

and it’s going to compress on the heart.

When the person sleeps on their left side

if they have an enlarged liver,

it will compress the heart and make it hard

to breathe and sleep at night.

So liver cases tend to sleep better on the right

side of their body than the left.

So that’s one thing.

Secondly is the liver is one of the only organs

in the body that can completely 100% regenerate.

That’s the good news.

The bad news is it takes a long time

to regenerate the liver cells.

It could take up to three years.

But I think the worst recommendation for people

is everything in moderation because you cannot

heal the liver having a moderate amount of junk food

to the diet because again if you’re drinking every night

or every other day or even once a week

it could take you one, two, three, four days

for that liver to recover and so you

never really let it recover.

So it’s the accumulation of letting the liver recover

and heal that helps it regenerate.

So it takes a long time.

I had someone do my liver enhancement program

and they lost all this weight but they had called

me up and said Dr. Berg your liver enhancement

doesn’t work because I did it for two weeks,

I lost the weight and then the weight came back.

Come to find out in their mind they thought

they were going to heal the liver in two weeks.

That was a miscalculation.

They need to do it for a lot longer until that liver heals.

So that’s one thing.

So what we want to do is we want to eliminate

the things that are destroying the liver.

Now alcohol is probably the top thing

that destroys the liver and I do not agree

with so called recommendations that you can

get away with drinking every night.

That does not work, it creates damage on the liver.

I don’t want to get into that,

I think that’s kind of common sense

but what I want to tell you is what to do

to get this fat out of the liver.

Number one stop the things that are destroying

the liver and add the things that

will create a healthy liver.

One of the most powerful things that will do it

are the bitter vegetables, the ones that don’t taste good.

The more bitter the better like the collar greens,

mustard greens, the kales, the spinaches,

those are really good for liver regeneration.

The radishes are really good for the liver

and you have to start consuming those on a regular basis.

So the other thing is that the liver does

not do well with deep fried foods,

but it does need certain oils.

The types of fats that are good for the liver

are the medium chain triglycerides.

Now what does that mean?

Like the coconut oils.

The coconut oil is one of the best things

as far as the fat to cook in and to consume

to help a liver because it doesn’t seem

to strain the liver at all.

It takes the stress off the liver.

The ones that destrain the liver are like

the corn oils that you would buy at the store

or of course the hydrogenated oils.

Those are really really bad.

So we want a healthy liver.

Butter is actually a medium chain triglyceride too

so that would be okay to consume

and that takes the stress off the liver.

So bitter vegetables, the other thing that’s

really good for the liver to clean out

some of the toxic waste would be apple cider vinegar

and some of your water.

So if you take like a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar,

put it in your water and consume that

a few times a day, that is really good

to strip off the fat off of that liver.

So as you consume these vegetables over time

that have a lot of the B vitamins too,

especially like vitamin B2, choline, folate,

all those key B vitamins that help

the liver regenerate, over time the liver

will get better and better and better and better

but you’re just going to have to not drink

or not drink so much.

One of the replacements that I like

for the alcohol would be the kombucha tea.

You can get it from the health food store.

Kombucha tea creates a similar effect to alcohol.

You feel very relaxed and calm and again

people drink to relax so that would be one substitute

and it’s really good for the liver.

But the main thing is the vegetables.

In this product I have it’s called

the whole cruciferous food.

I created a blend of the garlic, turmeric,

radish, brussell sprouts, kale, cabbage, parsley.

Parsley has the most vitamin A,

the most nutrition of any vegetable

and number two is kale.

Kale is not quite as strong as parsley

but it’s easier to consume kale in the kale shake

so I recommend at least one kale shake for your liver.

But this is a good combination of cruciferous vegetables.

For those people that cannot consume that amount

of vegetables and they need some supplement

type help with the liver.

So those are some tips on reversing a fatty liver,

it’s doable but you have to take aggressive approach,

you have to keep creating the liver,

give it time, have patience,

that’s why we call you a patient.

I’m being sarcastic and so go ahead

and do that and I will see you in the next video.