Dr.Berg Interviews On EMFs, Fasting And Other Stuff With Dr. Mercola – Dr.Berg Fasting | DrEricBergDC

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hey everyone I’m excited to bring you

another special guest dr. Mercola is

here how are you dr. Mercola I’m doing

great good I guess you know I’m up here

in Maryland it’s snow outside it’s

freezing I need some Sun I need some

vitamin D looks like you

you have some nice vitamin D down there

we do well it’s a little bit deceptive

because I just got back from a week in

Costa Rica oh but it is it’s gonna be in

the 70s today so and sunny so that’s

that’s good

I suppose it was rough you had to put a

towel on when you got out of the pool

right that was pretty big pool person

I’d rather swim in the ocean so oh yeah

that’s nice so you know we’re gonna

basically it’s non-scripted we’re gonna

just I want to go through some things

today with you lately I’m sure you’ve

heard the news Jillian Michaels she had

this whole thing against the ketogenic

diet have you heard about that

seriously configures women yeah yeah so

I did a video on her and on her

confusion and and we basically got sixty

seven hundred views an hour it’s blowing

up and yeah I think it’s been three days

and we’re it’s like twenty five hundred

years an hour so there’s a lot of

interest in this time as a personal


he doesn’t have formal science training

oh yeah she’s a TV celebrity she’s not a


she’s clinician no I know she has a as a

major confusion on insulin she doesn’t

understand what that word is and what it

does so yeah yeah I know so a couple

things I wanted just to kind of bring up

you you’ve recently read you recently

wrote two books and you’re you’re on

your next one actually you you have a

lot of books but one of the books

actually I’m we’re gonna I’m actually

currently working well I’m not gonna

we’re gonna two books one for next year

and the year after so I’m doing in

parallel you know I can’t just work on

one project I have to do several things

at once I just get bored so I have to

kind of mala it’s not a board thing it’s

just that there’s they’re really

important topics that need to be to be

out there so and

one of them is personal to us for

longevity so that’s that’s you know as

I’m writing the book I’m learning things

and applying them for myself so by the

time the book is written I’ll have had a

lot of experience and personally be able

to validate many of these strategies

that’s great

the first topic I want to bring up this

in a minute fasting um

your your next book that you’re writing

your you found some interesting data

with detoxing like when people do I

think you you know most of the toxins

are stored in the fat cell so what

happens if you detox org fast too long

there’s a potential of detoxing some of

these chemicals tell us bread yeah so

it’s actually it’s not intermittent

intermittent fasting was my last book

with bad for fuel which essentially

describes a process that is necessary to

become metabolically flexible and you

can actually regain the ability to burn

fat because I would say 3/4 of the

population aren’t able to do this

because of their consistent indulgences

and excessive carbohydrates which

essentially shuts down their ability to

burn fat effectively and they develop

insulin resistance and then secondarily

all these other metabolic consequences

especially obesity so that’s the

baseline if you you know to stab

establish metabolic flexibility and

that’s typically done with a compressed

eating window which is the most one of

those profoundly simple and effective

strategies to regain health is just to

restrict and time your that you’re

eating the window eating period to about

six to eight hours and you mate

you know it’s shocked me but I guess it

shouldn’t have that ninety percent nine

out of ten people eat more than twelve

hours a day

let alone six or eight we’re talking

twelve twelve hours it’s not natural

it’s just not natural but we’re so used

to it it’s this what’s your thoughts on

this I mean massive habit of just

snacking like it’s almost like you

people can’t even go a few hours without

eat they have to constantly snack

that has pushed on us I’m not opposed to

snacking it’s not like a magic you have

one or two meals in fact I have a six


window and I eat liberally in those six

hours I said you know and but before

those six hours or after those six hours

I don’t eat well that’s what I’m talking

about I’m talking about like yeah night

in the morning all snacking at night is

one of the worst thing I could possibly

do to your body yeah I bet your viewers

would like to know why because when

you’re getting when you’re consuming

calories you’re converting those

calories to energy and the process the

energy the biochemical metabolism that’s

required to do that generates reactive

oxygen species and they tend to back up

and you expansion expand the production

of those oxidative stress errs when you

eat when you’re not using the energy and

it’s exactly what you do when you eat

before you go to bed because your energy

consumption drops dramatically when

you’re sleeping there’s no need to have

extra energy so it’s just you’re just

damaging your body when you do that so

one of the most important principles

does not eat for three hours before

you’re asleep so let’s just clarify that

for those people when you talk about

Ross or reaction auctioning species in

relationship to what you said just make

it really simple like what how could

someone really get that what does that

mean well there is a process that occurs

when you’re creating energy and it

usually occurs in our mitochondria those

are these little organelles and our

cells that are considered to be the

energy producers and they create ATP and

that process is has a leaky production

of these electrons that go out and they

cause free Router they cause reactive

oxygen species which are responsible

producing free radicals which can create

cellular damage and proteins DNA cell

membranes okay so net and it’s the many

people have heard that and they think

free radicals are bad but actually the

truth is that you need a certain level

of them to operate and be healthy there

are important biological signaling

molecules so that if you

indiscriminately suppress them with

excessive antioxidants that could

actually cause problems but the key here

is not to take external exogenous

supplementation’s but to live

it the production and one of the ways

you can do that is by not exposing

yourself to ionizing radiation there’s

no dispute here’s it’s non-controversial

the last thing you want to do is stand

in front of an x-ray or a cat scan on a

regular basis because you’re going to

die prematurely or handle radioactive

material we know that and if we have

time later on we’ll talk about the non

innovative radiation but similarly you

don’t want to expose yourself to

excessive oxidative stress errs by

eating at the wrong time because it’s

trying to cause similar damage okay so

now when you talk about I mean like just

eating in general or certain things will

create more oxygen stress both actually

timing is probably the crucial one but

certainly eating the wrong foods things

like trans fats or industrially

processed vegetable oils you know are

really pernicious to your health and and

the trans fats are probably in the

industrial process oils they’re worse

than sugar in my view because the sugar

will create these this pulse of

oxidative stress but then it’s gone it

doesn’t do any long-term damage from

that perspective but these industrial

oils get embed yourself membranes they

stick around for a long time and they

really plug up your system and make it

difficult to stay healthy so when you

don’t eat when you’re fasting what

happens with these do you just have less

free radical damage

well you’re not well because you’re

eating at the right time you’re not

creating excessive free radicals but

there’s there’s a lot of other magic

that occurs metabolic magic when you’re

not eating because you’re replicating

what our ancestors did they went

regularly through times of not eating

and they never had access to a

refrigerator 24/7 where they can eat

like most of our population does I said

90% people eat more than 12 hours a day

I mean that’s essentially every waking

hour they’re eating yes crazy when would

they get up to the moment they go to bed

and that is a prescription for metabolic

disaster so that was one that was one

aspect and the other is that I’m well I

forgot what they did your question was

there well just just the relationship to

when you when you don’t eat I think

there’s a fasting elicit some genetic

things what so that what happens

you’re not eating is that you will

actually stimulate some very important

metabolic about a process called autopsy

which is from the Greek word to self eat

and that is a clean up process that you

have the cellular debris these

organelles these cells that clog up your

system that essentially are removed when

you’re not eating because your system

shuts down it has clean and repair and

then your digestive system is given a

chance to rest to so that you are less

likely to have leaky gut and absorb

these large molecules from your food

that you’re eating into your system and

cause autoimmune problems so it’s it’s

really an important process that we were

designed to follow if we want to stay

healthy oh yeah you know I was before I

was a Carroll I was a x-ray tech and I

did x-rays in nursing homes that would

portable x-rays said go out there and I

didn’t have time to you know properly

bring a shield I would take x-rays with

this little unit like from one foot away

and no shield like I know I was filled

with radiation so that’s just something

that in the back of my mind that’s why

I’m kind of like really you can be

filled with glyphosate from eating

non-gmo foods but you can’t be filled

with radiation you’re exposed to and

then it causes damages you have to deal

with unfortunately there are some

strategies because the ionizing

radiation your is exposed to as an x-ray

tech is very similar to the radiation

you’re exposed to flying at 35,000 feet

I don’t know about you but I’m pretty

much on an airplane at least once a

month and there are some really

effective strategies in would you like

to know one of the simplest and least

expensive strategy to protect it to do

this basic but when you’re flying does

this have to do with fasting it has to

do with fasting because you up regularly

you the other interesting thing when you

don’t eat food is that you increase the

levels of one of the most important

coenzymes in your body which is nad

nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide and

that is really the fuel for an enzyme

that repairs the DNA damage response or

helps repair the damage and it’s called

poly poly adp-ribose polymerase or par

for short and it’s so when you’re the

the radiation comes in damages the DNA

this PARP can facilitate the repair but

this part requires nad so when you’re

fasting you’re going to increase your

entity levels now there’s other ways you

can do that you can take exogenous

ketones which is very expensive it’s

going to be about 25 to 40 dollars a

dose depending on how much ketones

you’re taking and you know it’s in a

work we’re presenting in fact they’re

studying this exogenous ketones with the

NASA is for the astronauts to mitigate

ionizing radiation damage but you can

just do it by not eating and you know

that gets into my next book which is

keto fast that comes out in May which

talks about the benefits of partial

fasting as opposed to long-term

multi-day water fasting which is what I

was thinking I was going to promote

because initially I liked this time last

year I thought five-day water fest was

the best metabolic intervention I’d ever

seen in my entire political career and

it still is powerful but I think in the

21st century it’s not a wise solution

that’s the conclusion I reach after

studying this very carefully now I

recommend a partial fast which I

described in keto fast like intermittent

fasting I’m sorry intermittent fasting

no it’s different intermittent fasting

let me let me describe a keto kisses

because it’s a bit confusing

intermittent fasting is the base so that

you do this for you know eat within a 6

to 8 hour window for at least a month

and then your metabolically flexible and

upon that platform you add another level

of fasting which is you would your first

meal instead of having to whatever 2,000

3,000 4,000 calories a day that you

normally eat your first meal of the day

after fasting for 18 hours would be

anywhere from 300 to 600 calories maybe

800 if you’re a really big muscle

builder so you just have that one meal

and that’s the only thing you eat that

and then for 24 hours you don’t need

anything else

so for 42 hours you’re only having

anywhere from 300 to 500 calories that’s

it so that’s the partial fast which will

not give you the identical benefits of a

5 day water fast but will

give you a large percentage of them

probably 80 to 90% of the benefits which

virtually no the downside which involves

liberation of these toxins from your fat

cells and being unable to effectively

process and eliminate them from your

body causing further damage so so so

clarify that so we’re talking about a

pattern of eating and not eating um and

you said you know you have this certain

intimate of fasting and then

periodically you do that’s right that’s

the key it’s not something you do every

day right just like exercise if you do

extras intense exercise every day you

will kill yourself prematurely you’re

digging a hole as you can’t get out of

this and fasting or partial fasting is

very similar exercising that is it’s a

pulse it definitely in some ways weakens

your body but it makes it stronger when

you get out of it on the other side so

you only want to do this like once or if

you’re if you’re metabolically deranged

you’re damaged then I could say your

weight a hundred pounds overweight they

may want to do it twice a week but for

healthy people I think once a week is

enough maybe even a little bit less than

that but I try

depending on my schedule when I gain

enough weight I’ll partial fast like I

partial fasted Sunday and so that we’re

reporting this on a Thursday so and I

lost six pounds and I regained the six

pounds and so then when I get to that

threshold of weight then I then I can

know I can partial fast I’m gonna lose

five or six pounds my partial fast this

is the way it works it’s interesting

because you’re you’re talking about

something that I’ve I’m also

experimenting on right now as well when

it you know because you think about it’s

a little bit like muscle confusion if

you training over time decreases your

gains because your body adapts to it so

you have to constantly switch it up

because it’s and it probably goes within

a minute faster I mean you take a look

at how our bodies were designed way back

it wasn’t such a regular thing it was

like one day we’re eating two days we’re

not you know right right I mean we see

this in nature all time I’m watching

this brilliant planet Earth 2 on BBC

documentary X and it’s just so

fascinating to watch the animals

a charlie I mean Laden don’t make it

they just don’t get the food on their

dead but I mean that food supply is not

guaranteed on a regular basis it’s

intermittent yeah my wife we’re now just

watching that last night - with the

little starfish and they’re there like I

mean there’s the tides coming and I’m

like this is incredible with this I just

as much planet Earth oh okay which is I

liked even I mean I like getting better

because it’s terrestrial animals and

it’s like it’s just so fascinating these

wild wild stuff I was gonna I wanted to

ask about an interesting phenomena that

occurs and you touched on it when you

fast there’s a your body basically

resists stress it protects you I guess

it’s a I guess it’s the term is it

resists oxidative stress it actually

it’s not like an emergent like like

Julie Michael she’s saying oh yeah

ketosis fasting it’s an emergency state

like actually it’s not necessarily

stressful it’s gonna your body’s gonna

actually protect you against oxidative

damage and that is a very interesting

phenomena because you would think it’s

just the opposite oh I’m gonna starve

I’m stressed out I’m not gonna eat she

hasn’t she probably doesn’t even know

what a ketone is No so for your and many

of your here’s may not either so it’s

you know we hear all the time but what

the hell is a ketone you know it is a

simply put it’s a very small chain it’s

usually two three or four carbon chain

fat that’s because it’s so short

its water soluble and is consensually

penetrate almost every cell in your body

can easily pass the blood-brain barrier

and supply your brain with fuel that

makes it mentally alert and sharp yeah

interesting yeah I you know just one

side out on that just because um what I

don’t understand about and the reason I

bring this up just because it was a hot

topic and I wanted for those of you that

are listening you know there’s a dr. axe

is one of his companies called ancient

nutrition I think and cheese she’s one

of the investors and I’m just surprising

because why would you bash keto if

you’re investing in a company

has all these keto products so it’s just

it’s weird I don’t understand it

so inconsistent yeah you mentioned about


what about EMF I just wanna a lot of

people don’t know what that is I know

you’re you’re interested in it you you

know a lot about it just give us some

data on that well there we talked about

there for hours essentially the reason

why there’s a lot of confusion out it

relates to the reason why there’s

confusion about conventional medicine

because there’s very powerful

corporations and with respect to

medicine that’s primarily the drug

companies that can go out and influence

the public and in fact there was an

article published two weeks ago in JAMA

that reviewed medical marketing and a

night in 1997 they spent 2 billion

dollars on direct to consumer

advertising direct to consumer every

time this is what you see on TV that was

in 1997 ok to confuse people now

remember the United States is only one

of two countries in the world where this

is legal you can’t do it in any almost

any other country in the world so what

do you think they spent 2016 what did it

go up to literally 20 years later I have

no idea 10 billion dollars what 10

billion dollars was spent direct to

consumer advertising okay that sounds

like a lot right what did they spend in

1997 for for manipulating deceiving and

confusing positions how much 16 billion

Woods thousand 16 and went up to 30

billion dollars oh no you know and this

is so that sounds like a lot of money it

is and the reason I went on this tangent

is that most of your viewers are

familiar with the process of

manipulation and deception and fraud

that occurs in medicine otherwise they

wouldn’t be watching your channel

wouldn’t be watching me so the where

they’re not familiar with they’re not

familiar with is the EMF of component

and you need to understand that the

level of

corporate influence is exponentially

higher when it comes to the

telecommunications industry they dwarf

the pharmaceutical industry they have

been able to centrally manipulate the

federal regulatory agencies including

the FTC the FDA the EPA that this is


they these guys are bought and sold I

mean the former head of the FTC was the

head of the telecommunications lobbying

industry it’s like this is icky the fox

guarding the hen house Wow so and and we

don’t have to there’s a great there’s a

I don’t think it’s on Netflix it’s on

Amazon Prime you have to pay for I think

is merchants of doubt’ which doesn’t

brilliant expose on the the corporate

influence a lot of these policies and

they did they focused a lot on tobacco

industry and yeah there’s also a book if

you prefer reading which preceded the

movie or the documentary but the purpose

of this is to know to understand that

the CDC and the FDA believes if DEA at

the FDA and CDC both came out Surgeon

General and denounced smoking yet the

tobacco industry was able to convince

the public and created enough doubt that

they were able to delay the final

acknowledgment in the day of the dangers

of smoking for three decades 30 years

now again tobacco industry is peanuts

compared to telex telecommunications and

we don’t and and they had the federal

regulatory agencies saying that it was

harmful we don’t have that with EMF so

understand the very basic protective

mechanisms that are the government is

supposed to have don’t work when it

comes email if they just don’t work so

that you have to understand any of the

public health authorities that what

you’re going to see in the media which

is bought and sold for by the industry

is going to confuse the heck out of you

but yet there are like the bio

initiative report published

years ago and it’s updated annually has

thousands and thousands and thousands of

studies documenting clearly in

peer-reviewed published journals the

science that that that that

authentically validates the danger of

these exposures you talk about EMF EMF

yes stuff that stuff yeah so you’re

holding a cell phone I’m assuming that

it’s an airplane mode good question but

let’s see without it’s no it’s not an

airline or airplane mode yeah

okay so the airplane mode okay all right

well you that’s good and even dr. bird

in airplane mode and hopefully I will be

able to convince him of the danger from

my perspective unless you have a medical

emergency or something that’s really

just shockingly critical you should

never have your phone on your body

unless it’s an airplane mode and this is

even validated by the instructions that

come with each and every phone it needs

to be at least six to eight millimeters

away from your body okay so first of all

why why should we keep it an airplane

mode well because that will lower

radically by orders of magnitude the

radiation that comes out from there

won’t eliminate it but it almost does so

basically I have to turn it on right now

right era airplane mode yeah yeah turn

it on right and then you can put it on

then do funny about you sure damage it I

mean you know you know Senator McCain

died recently right yeah glioblastoma

that was from a cell phone he also got a

parotid tumors I exactly what where he

held a cell phone Wow

I mean it doesn’t discriminate against

you know who you know who you are what

type of political office you hold or how

much money you have it’s gonna hit you

either way so so this this information

you’re saying it’s not readily available

I mean it’s like this probably been

since lightly suppressed it’s readily

available but there’s just like that’s

why the book merchants of doubt’ is so

good because it helps you understand the

strategies that the court

it’s corporations used and it wasn’t

just tobacco it’s asbestos and climate

change global warming it’s this whole

there’s a lynnium about six different

areas that they discussed it’s the same

down strategy every time Wow

telecommunications industry is still

they they hire the same PR agencies that

tobacco did interesting you know so you

just understand it you know because

people are going to think I’m way out

there and I’m confused and I don’t know

what the heck I’m talking about but once

you understand the foundational

realities of what was that

seeking to confuse you then you then you

can realize well maybe there is

something more listen you feel easily

validate this you can do this yourself

problem is most of us don’t have the

time right you know I’m in a position in

life where I delegate been able to

delegate almost every non-essential

thing in my life out and I just have

loads of time where I can research and

stuff and most people don’t have that

luxury so right you know and I can read

it and compile and put it together and

put in a book that you can read and

there’s other people who do that too I’m

not the only one certainly but you know

it’s there and you can independently

assess it and figure it out yourself

fascinating you know I I’m very very

very sensitive to this phone I can’t I

hate talking the phone I I never ever

hold it up to my ear however the and I

don’t know a tremendous amount amount

EMF but the way I learned about it is I

used to do seminars and all the

governmental agencies in Washington DC

and I went into the an agency the

National Science

’national Science Institute I go in

there to do a seminar and this guy came

up to me he was one of the scientists

and he he says what’s your thoughts on

EMF and at that time I didn’t really

have any data and he started to educate

me from he was doing research at that

institution on EMF and telling me yeah

it’s it can create tumors it creates

this and I just was a sudden awareness

of like I had no idea and if you’re

studying this you know there’s must be

something to it

yeah there is a lot to it and the we’re

not going to I said we wouldn’t need two

to three hours to cover this copper

sensibly and I could easily do that

without notes but we don’t have the time

to do that now so for those who are

interested in this simple book that’s

easy to read and gives you a lot of

pretzel strategies until mine comes out

in 2020 would be the non tin foil guide

to EMF a Nicholas pin alt and it’s

available on Amazon so that’s that’s a

good one to say because it goes with

basically it’s not for the the research

savvy scientist or clinician who wants

the details because this is written for

the consumer which is you know really

the target of most people watching this

so that that’s a strategy for sure and

the other component to understand we

talked about nad before now there’s if

for those of you who are a little more

science oriented there’s an incredible

research paper written twelve years ago

now is written 2007 by Paul patcher PA

CH ER and it’s called parry oxy nitrite

PE ro X y ni t RI t parallaxing nitrite

in health and disease and it’s a

literally a hundred and forty page paper

it is a book it is a book and it has

1,400 references

it is literally I read hundreds and

hundreds and hundreds of thousands of

studies every year and this is one of

the best written papers I’ve ever read

in my life is just unbelievable and it’s

free there’s no charge for it love you

know half the journal articles you got

to pay $30 $40 to get this write free go

online on google type in what I said

line I gave you a title and you’ll get

get this paper and he helps you

understand this is such a foundational

critical paper it really is a foundation

for the next three books I’m writing is

to understand we talked about oxidative

stress and we took then most people

think our OS reactive oxygen species but

it’s not just our OS it’s our NS

reactive nitrogen species and the most

toxic probably the most toxic species is

Perry oxy nitrates so what the heck is

it well this is what happened this is so

just understand it is a thing that you

you and I were not taught in school and

I would say almost all medical students

today are not taught in school okay

because this is biology there’s just

figured out in last 10 years ago maybe

15 years so and then I learned about if

I’m Martin Paul who should my view

should get him a Nobel Prize for this

he’s a little too deep for most people

watching but he does MPA ll Martin Pau

pal-14 and EMF on YouTube and get he’s

got dozens of hour or longer lectures

we’ll go into the deep science of it and

far more detail than I had time to do

now but he told me about Paris I mean he

talks about Paris tonight reelection and

he seems like everyone knows about it

but no one knows about it that’s why

this paper I mentioned it’s so critical

because it help you understand it

because this is a foundation and the

problem is when you’re exposed to EMF

like you are when your phone wasn’t in

airplane mode or almost everyone

watching is because they are at home

where the Wi-Fi is on and believe me if

you don’t understand this you need to

know that having a Wi-Fi modem in your

home on is like having a cell phone

tower in your house yeah that is a same

thing that’s why when I’m talking to you

from my home studio and I do not have

any Wi-Fi in here I have a very safe

signal I’m in the green zone with

respect to I’m less than point zero 1

volts per meter of radio frequency

exposures so that’s great but almost

everyone is watching this on Wi-Fi and

they got their phone on they’re getting

blasted so what is happening what is

happening when you do that these radio

frequency signals typically in the

gigahertz range but even at lower

frequencies will go and stimulate the

voltage-gated calcium channels of V

GCC’s they’re embedded in all the cell

membranes the neurological tissue like

the brain and the conduction pathways in

your heart at the highest densities so

that’s why there’s so many people now

with brain tumors and cardiac

arrhythmias afib a flutter you know and

if you know anyone who has these

conditions you’ve got to tell them be

enough because that’s probably that’s a

good likelihood that’s what’s causing it

so anyway these voltage-gated calcium

channels get activated and it’s just a

gate right it’s just like a gate you

have on your front yard when you open it

up things come in so there

a calcium gauge so the calcium floods

and calcium is really high outside the

cell orders a magnetized on the inside

and which opens up the calcium flows in

the cell so what happens when now

calcium flies into the cell it act it it

does two primary things is a signal and

it will causes more nitric oxide and

superoxide to form and these are very

reactive molecules they get within a

hair breadth of each other a hair growth

of a hair growth of each other and they

form peri oxy nitrite why is this so

dangerous why is it so much because the

most dangerous ro s is hydroxyl free

radical hydroxyl free radicals and I

know many people have heard of this

think what they don’t know about

hydroxyl free radical is his only last

one billionth of one second much very

short-lived it hardly goes anywhere so

most of the art most of the hydroxyl

radical is actually created in energy

generation in mitochondria so and when

it only lasts of billions of a second it

can only travel for the distance of a

protein or so so essentially that means

it doesn’t escape the mitochondria and

cousin go to the cytoplasm it doesn’t

travel into the nucleus but peri AXI

nitrite not only is it not just the

mitochondria it’s hitting it all the

cells but the entire cell is going in

but but it lasts nine billion times

longer and hydroxyl free radical so I

usually travel out of my Kandra into it

can go out of the cell back in the cell

into the nucleus all over a cause is

damaged so it’s not as a aggressively

voracious as hydroxyl but it lasts nine

billion times longer so it’s 99 billion

times more potent from that perspective

now the hydroxyl radical has two needs

either iron or copper to be reactive

right now that’s just catalyzed it’s

called the fencin reaction that the

catalyzes that reaction what does this

created it’s created so the Fen

catalyzes that so if that’s another

that’s another interesting point that

most clinicians are ignorant of

essentially that’s the best term that I

would use to describe the dead excess

iron your body which almost all your

adult males watching this and any

postmenopausal women is a problem so

you’ve got to measure your iron levels

and the best way to do that it’s fair

and ideally should be between 20 and

simple thing that’ll radically lower

your risk of heart disease and cancer

and dementia that’s well documented

right so how do we how do we get these

this this new radical thing well how do

is it from the EMF or what what’s

creating it no no the primary that’s a

great question the primary catalyst for

that is this excessive disposer to EMF

that’s the molecular necklace he I knew

about EMS for two decades and probably

you knew about him to take so treat it

and you know we’re told by the people

who should know that it’s dangerous and

should but it’s so darn convenient that

we don’t want to believe it right right

and you know and and these merchants of

doubt are creating doubt they’re create

all these studies to say well it does it

you know so you’re using data

justification to perpetuate your

ignorance or lack not ignorance but lack

of action to effectively mitigate your

exposure to this so I was like that up

until a few years ago and a clean heart

catalyze my interest in this and they

started studying and Paul is really the

genius in this whole area who’s really

sure I think should get a Nobel Prize

but what so once you once you understand

the mechanism that there’s actually hard

science behind this then you start to

believe it Wow okay so it’s basically

creating this influx of calcium in the

cell what what are some of the

consequences other than you know signal

signaling problems

brain tumors there many that’s why the

title of my book the tentative title for

2020 is EMF the extinction event yeah

because your your what is it I already

mentioned earlier it’s going to hit the

heart so you’ll have arrhythmias but on

the beginning and end of the spectrum

it’s certainly not the only variable but

it’s an important variable to contribute

to the the occurrence of autism in

autism even by conservative measures the

last measurement that by the government

by the government when I was in med

school when I started practicing in 85

wanted I didn’t see any autistic

patients because there was one in 10,000

we’re autistic faces I have 10,000

patients okay I’ve seen tens of

thousands of patient business but I

didn’t have 10,000 patients so I never

saw an autistic patient and tell us the

instance start increase now today they

admit conservative it is probably much

higher this is one in 40 one in 41 40


so from one in ten thousand one and

forty so that’s one consequence

glyphosate is another issue

vaccines are another issue but probably

collecting they are the two biggest so

that’s one so you’ve got you know if a

trial with autism requires care givers

otherwise they’re gonna die they just

can’t take care of themselves so you

have an enormous amount of resources

being invested in the taking care of the

autistic ators and then the other in

this spectrum you’ve got Alzheimer’s

which we have a tsunami an epidemic of

Alzheimer’s which is clearly EMF is

contributing to this Wow so you know

both of those are increasing

exponentially so if you’ve got you know

half the population demented in the

other half I mean we’re going to one in

two autistic birds that care for

themselves how can the society survive

the only segments or remnants of the sub

population of those survivor that people

aren’t exposed to have these types of

exposures because they’re you can’t it

just it’ll collapse

it’s just destined to collapse unless

there’s some changes incorrect

what now as someone ages there’s

definitely this huge problem and I don’t

know if this is related with calcium

calcium deposits you have arthritis you

have calcium yeah well there’s a lot of

variables for that it’s like a chronic

inflammation and right and in vitamin k2

is another important because that sucks

the calcium from the lining of the blood

vessels back into the bones where it

belongs so and it you know in the

hormonal component so it’s not just a

simple I mean you shouldn’t be taking

calcium supplements for the most part

but you should but you know museum is

far more important but you know excess

calcium could be in there but it but

it’s not it’s more of a symptom that it

caused yeah exactly

okay so as far as the viewers right now

or they’re kind of probably gonna go

alright you opened a can of worms at

least need to know something about

because they all have cell phones

only put in airplane mode if it’s gonna

be in your body what it what about the

earphones that earbuds see they have

different kinds what yeah yeah well

we’ll talk about that but let me just

finish this airplane mode okay how often

do you charge your phone every day at

night how often do you think I charge my

phone I have no idea yes when it runs

out yeah well yeah I guess a phone

depending if it’s on I guess it lasts

what every two days every day once once

every seven to ten days what yeah that’s

how often I charge my phone

what yeah how does it last that long I

have a super battery no cuz it’s an

airplane mode that you’re putting into

the battery is creating radio

frequencies which are exposing you your

body and your family to these this

energy interesting so acid mine is mine

is on occasionally I mean but even if

you don’t you ever turn it on it’s still

gonna vary probably only last maybe two

weeks before it goes dead so so you

basically extend your battery life when

you it’s in yeah exponentially alright

so then your other question was well

what do you do you know how do you

protect yourself well the first step is

airplane mode is almost all the time and

use a landline you can easily use a

landline by using your computer there’s

voice phones on your computer which is

what I do all the time people cannot

caught they know I I don’t text I just

do not use my cell phone

I mean I’ll use text occasionally but I

mean I get more the amount of texting I

do today in a year is equal to most

people’s what they’re doing today

essentially you know I do it to over and

catch an uber or something and it’s not

a text but that’s a using my cell phone

but anyway so what can you do if when

you do use it make sure it’s far from

your body so if you’re going to hold it

you speaker from them you know that’s a

lot easier more community because you

all we have speaker always have the

speakerphone actually you never know not

necessarily going to have your headphone

Asst yes inconvenient it’s a hassle so

most of them you just go to

quite place you know I mean you don’t

want to annoy or disturb others so like

if I’m in an airplane lounge and the

only that’s the only phone I have I’ll

use mice but a whole far from you and

I’ll have it on the speaker mode I mean

you’re still hurting your hand but at

least it’s a far away from them what

really counts because the your friend is

distant so the further away from your

body it is the better and you have to

know though and I with with the

equipment the and the best meter to get

for remittitur and radio frequencies for

everyone is called the acoustic comm -

acoustic just like it sounds with an om

and a - and get that out it’s very hard

to find though because it’s it’s so it’s

a very obscure website it’s called

Amazon $150 and I actually the battery

lock I think I’ve had mine for two years

I have been change the battery but it’s

it’s an analog signal so you can

actually it has an acoustic sound so you

can get audio feedback and by the type

of the sound it can tell you what’s it

where the signals coming from this

coming from a cell phone is coming from

a Wi-Fi router is it coming from a cell

phone tower so it’s pretty interesting

so from anything else will tell you the

level you can see it and hear it and so

you know those of you there watching

he’s talking about a device to measure

EMF right well well one love one type of

EMF there’s many types this is a radio

frequency typically from a few hundred

megahertz to like eight gigahertz but

then there’s also higher frequencies and

radio frequencies and then there are

magnetic fields and electrical fields

this doesn’t measure magnetic or

electrical fields okay so like around

someone’s house what are some of the big

sources of EMF that’s a great question

probably the most important is I already

mentioned the Wi-Fi router Wow your cell

phones are the two biggest threats you

have here to your health so for that

problem what is the solution for that

problem well the first step the baby

step to get you put your toe in the

water is to turn off your router at

night because you’re not using it okay

turn off your router or night you can

easily do that you can buy a $25 switch

you plug in your you actually plug your

router into that and then you can

control the switch with a with like a

garage remote control

but the bet the law that’s not the

long-term solution launcher solution is

to get rid of your turn your wife left

permanently in hardwire your house pain

in the butt but it’ll help you and your

family quite a bit you know I I agree a

hundred percent because I there was a

our power went down for three days in

her house and all the Wi-Fi went down

and man did I just I slept better

I felt better I’m like what what’s

different I just feel so good yeah and

he saw also my computer my hard drive

was very close to underneath my desk and

I felt like I was literally being

electrified every single day as like it

and I said get this thing well you well

it’s not your hard drive it’s that it’s

that your computer is using the Wi-Fi

st. Louis right next to you so and that

and don’t make the mistake I did say you

hardwire your house right you know have

no Wi-Fi you still have to go to your

desktop even though there’s an Ethernet

cable and it’s getting a signal from the

ethernet you have to turn the Wi-Fi off

you have to put in an airplane mode just

like your phone otherwise it’s

continuing to blast you with a signal

okay yeah so it’s the confident Devils

of the details because your body it

doesn’t matter what your attention is

you have to take it attention to details

because your body will suffer otherwise

can you hurry up and finish this book

well the book is almost finished I’m

just tweaking I it’s already written I

just have to put it together in a in a

cohesive and motivating and catalyzing

way so that it will convince people of

the dangers but there’s a lot of books

written up this is not the only one and

I said Nick’s book is really pretty good

for the most part it’s just not gonna go

in as much of the science as I’m gonna

do and really some of the other

components and go more into the

deception in the fraud so that people

aren’t because what people understand

the basic reason why they’re being

deceived and manipulated then there are

more open to the science I think because

you scan him with a science you got a

you got a paint the picture for ya see

see the full frame yeah and then the

other thing is that I think one of the

big challenges is especially when I did

or do our summit we had the speakers fly

in and people want application

want simple ways of applying it because

right they don’t want all the science

they want okay what do I do with this

information you know what practical

things yeah well you need to be

motivated first of all that’s the key

Thanks so that’s the reason for the

science and for me I I was it gave me a

simple implementation measures to follow

but unless I was convinced it was an

issue I wouldn’t do it I didn’t do

anything right we convinced first right

but next book goes into great detail all

little little things but the most

important thing is your cell phone and

your Wi-Fi may those are the big ones I

mean the magnetic fields are an issue

but they’re pretty easy to find and

mitigate against electrical fields

there’s a lot more complex topic that we

have time to talk about now but but it

does things it is a big issue for people

with solar panels and I happen to have

you know 15 kilowatts of solar panels on

my roof and the problem is there’s

nothing no nothing wrong with the solar

panels because they create DC power and

DC power is fine the problem is that you

anyone who is almost anyone who’s using

them has an AC converter so they

converts the DC to AC instead inverter

that causes the complication which

creates a massive amount was called

dirty electricity which inputs high

voltage transients into your wiring

system which causes electrical fields

which go go throughout the wiring of

your housing can cause similar problems

as the cellphones Wow a mechanism Wow

fortunately there’s things that you can

do to address that but most but you got

to know it’s an issue to begin with

right yeah this is fascinating

this is great data I had no idea now you

got me really interested now I’m gonna

dive in the optics here I’ll pick up

next book because that’ll give me the

best strategy right away cuz my books

not gonna be out for it could be out

within a year

I mean it’s entually written I just had

to fine-tune it well and the book I’m

ready now now we’ll see the book I’m

ready and now it’s going to be it’s my

master but it’s gonna have thousands of

references it’s how it’s how to extend

your life but but it’s based on the

preceding book so you know intermittent


partial fasting e-m-f remediation you

got to do those that’s the basics right

you don’t do to the advanced stuff until

you do the basics


yeah down and then when you’re there

then you can do the fine-tuning awesome

Wow well thank you so much for your time

this has been great I think a lot of

people got a lot of great content and

also a lot of ideas to start we opened a

can of worms but now it’s time for them

also to take do their own research and

start learning about these you know be a

skeptic I think it’s their skepticism is

a healthy strategy you know you have to

be careful and ideally validate these

things yourself I mean it has a good

source you says be careful especially

with with the EMF because you’re gonna

find a lot of confusing material out

there based on the deception and fraud

that the telecommunications industry is

introducing into the system so no but

you can you can pretty much if you go to

these studies you can see who funded

them and find out you know why they’re


fascinating Wow well thank you so much

for spending the time okay well good to

be with you