9 Apple Cider Vinegar Health Benefits – Dr. Berg on ACV Benefits | DrEricBergDC

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so today we’re gonna talk about the benefits of apple cider vinegar all

right so what is apple cider vinegar basically you’re taking the sugar in the

apple juice in certain microbes bacteria and yeast are turning that sugar into

alcohol then eventually into vinegar so there’s a whole process that occurs and

the end product vinegar is acetic acid now there’s other acids involved but

this is the main one so remember growing up in Wisconsin

where there was farms all around our neighborhood and so we had a crabapple

tree and there was a farmer on the other side of the cornfield so I brought him a

big bushel basket of crab apples and I wanted him to grind up these apples and

turn them into apple juice so he did that for me I brought him back in jugs

and I left him out in the Sun I think one or two days and they turned into

something called apple cider apple cider is basically a spiked apple juice okay

it had some alcohol in it and that basically was the start of my alcoholic

journey at eight years old and I’m completely being sarcastic so I did not

become an alcoholic at eight years old more like twenty years old no I’m just

kidding but the point is that if you take apple juice that’s not pasteurized

not heated it goes through fermentation okay so with the help of microbes it

eventually turns into vinegar so there’s many different types of vinegar that you

can get the one I’m gonna recommend is a raw unpasteurized version of vinegar

organic Bragg’s has a really good one it also has the mother what is that that’s

basically some residue of some fiber pectin

some bacteria in yeast I do not think that’s going to give you a lot of health

benefits really the health benefits are the acetic acid but the fact that the AB

set of vinegar is raw means that it’s going to be rich in enzymes so that

alone can actually help you in your digestion so you don’t want it

pasteurized and the other thing that because it’s organic means it doesn’t

have the added pesticides in the chemical so Bragg’s is a really good

version also the pH is between three point three and three point five if you

get distilled vinegar it’s a little bit lower I think it’s like two point five

but this is acid enough all right so the other thing is you

don’t need to keep it in the fridge shredder you can keep it outside the

refrigerator and it’ll last for like five years okay so now let’s talk about

the benefits of apple cider vinegar here number one digestion it speeds up

digestion it activates enzymes so a lot of these enzymes in the stomach in the

pancreas and other places in the body are dormant and it takes certain things

to activate them and acid is one of the activators of the enzymes in the stomach

to help you break down protein so right there that’s going to help speed up

digestion number two it’s going to control pathogens if you think about it

you have pickles you have fermented vegetables that are in acid that acid in

there is preserving that food and preventing bacterial growth so when you

consume an acid actually lowers the pathogens in the body that helps in the

overgrowth of certain microbes especially even a condition called sibo

sibo small intestinal bacterial overgrowth which is a condition where

you have bacteria growing in the wrong place you have all this bacteria growing

in the small intestine instead of the large intestine and so if your pH is not

strong enough in the stomach you can actually develop that condition so if

you take outside of vinegar it can help create a condition where the microbes

cannot thrive in the small intestine number three it helps you absorb

minerals like calcium magnesium and iron all need certain pH to be absorbed if

the pH in your stomach is too alkaline you’re not going to absorb as many

minerals also vitamins vitamin K vitamin C and even b12 need this acid to be

absorbed all right number four it can decrease gas bloating and even

indigestion so the last thing you want is undigested food in your in your

digestive tract so apple cider vinegar just speeds up the breakdown of food so

you have more of a complete digestion one cause of gas is incomplete protein

digestion alright number five it decreases acid reflux now normally what

happens in the stomach is you have to have an acid up between one and three

very very acidic to be able to have that valve on the top close and prevent the

backup of acid that comes in your esophagus so when you lose your stomach

acid the valve doesn’t close and the acid can reflux up and the term for that

is GERD and so you would take in any asset and you feel better but the next

time you eat it’s worse why because you’re making that acid less acid and so

over time that valve just stays open and you have a constant reflux and you’re

dependent on these medications well here’s the thing if you take apple cider

vinegar it helps the valve closed more improving the symptoms of acid reflux

and GERD the exact opposite thing you would think that would work but it does

work now even if you look at the side effects of taking medication for acid

reflux and GERD is GERD it’s the same thing so the side effect is that you get

at more acid reflux it doesn’t make sense okay so number six it helps to

release bile the bile is made in your liver and it’s released from the

gallbladder and there’s a certain signal from the stomach of having a certain

amount of acid that then triggers the release of the bile

so apple cider vinegar can help release the bile that’s congested that’s why you

probably have less bloating when you take it also the enzymes from the

pancreas can release so you have more complete digestion alright number seven

you get more of a complete breakdown with protein so the protein can then

turn into its amino acids which are the building blocks of protein and you need

a certain acid to activate the enzymes to do that okay episode of vinegar can

contribute to those acids number eight blood sugar improvement episode vinegar

can help you make glucose more sensitive so you have less insulin resistance and

thereby less insulin being produced and that can directly cause more weight loss

so when you hear these claims about episode of vinegar helping you lose

weight this is why also it’s going to help you lower cholesterol why because

when you reduce insulin you lower cholesterol it’s probably going to also

help with blood pressure and anything related to high levels of insulin it can

improve okay and lastly it can help your immune system it can stimulate the white

blood cells to speed up and help fight infection so as you can see there are

many benefits apple cider vinegar so go ahead and take between one and two

tablespoons outside of vinegar in some water I usually use 16 ounces I like to

put lemon juice in there as well you can use a straw so it doesn’t affect your

teeth and you can take it before a meal after a meal I take mine in the evening

right about 6:00 o’clock I usually take my wheatgrass juice at powder in the

morning and I’ll take this in the evening but in summary there’s many

benefits to this product and if you don’t like the taste you can also get it

into a tablet form and I’ll put a link down below if you want to take it in a

pill form alright guys thanks for watching I’ll see in the next video so

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