The First Complication of Diabetes – Dr. Berg on Prediabetes Symptoms | DrEricBergDC

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hey guys in this video we’re gonna talk

about the first complication in diabetes

or I probably should have wrote this pre

diabetes or even pre-diabetes because

what happens at first is you have high

insulin which then pushes the blood

sugar down it’s going to be normal for

like 10 years and then the sugar is

going to start to go up a little bit

that’s pre-diabetes and then the sugar

will go up even more in the blood and

that’s a full-blown diabetes so the

complications of diabetes really have to

do with this thing called glycation

which is the combining of the sugar with

the protein or the fat now you could

also get glycation from foods by

consuming foods with sugar and fat or

sugar and protein that are heated okay

ice cream for example is pasteurized so

there’s a lot of sugar a lot of fat not

good donut would be deep fried

carbohydrate and you have a hot dog with

a bun a burger and bun the fries and by

the way when you consume the type of

sugar fructose it can increase glycation

by 10 times more than other sugars okay

so and then your own body will

glycoproteins as well with the high

sugar so it can happen from the foods

and also it can happen in the body now

when people take medication for diabetes

to lower blood sugar because diabetes is

a disease of high sugar the question is

where does that sugar go okay no one

really talks about it well it’s being

hidden in being pushed in different

parts of the body it’s very similar to

me in college we had a house of college

kids that live together and instead of

washing our dishes we would put them in

a big tray in the pantry and we’d all

line them up and would we wash the

dishes no we would wait til they’re

completely overflowing right and then we

had this extra large garbage can and

we’d fill the whole thing up my wife

would kill me if I still had that habit

so what happens when you take medication

all that sugar is just crammed in the

different spaces until it starts rotting

the body from the inside out

that’s why

even know people take medication for

diabetes they still get these problems

right here because they haven’t solved

the problem of high sugar okay now if

you’re new to this concept I put a link

down below for more information so you

can know what to eat alright thanks for

watching hey I appreciate your attention

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we’re going to do very soon