Eric Berg Live Show 7-14-2022 | DrEricBergDC

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this is the dr. Berg show live from the

nation’s capital it’s time to get

healthy lose weight and feel great call

now to speak with dr. Berg at eight six

six five six one four two nine two and

now dr. Eric birth

good morning and we’re here to answer

your questions live from the nation’s

capital which is Virginia now I’m just

kidding it’s we’re in Virginia but we’re

very close so I want to take get right

into it because there’s a lot of

call-outs already so the first caller

we’re gonna take is NIDA you’re from

Orlando go ahead you’re on the air

yes yes thank you dr. Byrd lower my

blood pressure it’s a few months and it

has and I do know that you recommend the

d3 k2 for high blood pressure my

question is a - I know it removes the

calcium in the blood system but there’s

the k2 form the blood clot that how

would that help lower blood pressure

yeah good question so there’s two things

number one the vitamin k2 removes soft

tissue calcium from the arteries so

thereby making the arteries more elastic

so really it’s about making your

arteries more elastic so they can not be

so rigid because when the blood pressure

comes in what causes a lot of times high

blood pressure is the arteries are just

basically hardened and so the blood

pressure goes up because they can’t

compensate so now will it cause clotting

well that’s k1 not k2 alright so and we

need vitamin k1 so it’s you don’t have

to be afraid of taking k1 that’s a

holder for another seminar or talk

because vitamin there’s a coumadin which

the people are taking to prevent blood

clots but that’s a whole different

situation I have some videos on it so

you don’t to be afraid of taking k2 and

you’re gonna clot at all it basically

removes soft tissue calcium it works

with vitamin d3 and it works really good

now that being said the other thing that

you really need to do NIDA is for blood

pressure is lower your insulin and I

have a ton of videos on this really

what’s behind it it’s called insulin

resistance and that’s the situation

where the body has too much insulin so

resist it because it’s trying to prevent

you from putting too many refined carbs

and sugar into the cell and that signals

the pancreas to go out we’re low in

insulin and glucose so let’s increase

more so now we have situation we produce

more insulin that’s why diabetics have

high blood pressure a lot more than

people who are not diabetics so you need

to cut out the refined carbs you need to

consume a lot of potassium foods

potassium will also lower blood pressure

as well but you need a lot you need a

huge huge bowl probably minimum seven

cups a day ok so the combination of that

and then to put the icing on the cake my

project in Denmark cake you want to do

intermittent fasting so that is going to

also drop insulin because you’re eating

less frequently and every time you eat

increases insulin so we don’t want to do

that so the point is we want to have

start with three meals a day no snacks


that’s hard add fat to the meal to go

longer between the meal so you’re not


do that for about three weeks and then

start kind of slowly pushing your

breakfast towards lunch so now you’re

eating later and later and later for

breakfast and in fact don’t eat if

you’re not hungry the goal is to be able

to go as long as you can in the morning

to have your first meal and then have

one more at dinner if you did that I

mean it’s almost a guarantee that lower

your blood pressure but of course

anything that I’m saying in this

presentation I’m not meant to diagnose

or cure you or make any claims get with

your doctor before you know you take

action in any of the recommendations

okay that’s my disclaimer but anyway

take that do the research and watch the

videos and in a minute fasting all right

thanks so now we have a call from

Vanessa you’re from California Orange

County go ahead good morning dr. Burt

thank you for taking my call um

currently I’m taking your insulin Coco

support go platters and um and then the

electrolyte and these apple cider

vinegar along with the k2 and d3 and the

multi vitamins

now I also doing the ketogenic eating

plan and intermittent fasting I

experienced it’s been three months going

on to the whole program and I

experienced some muscle loss um

low energy some time I people to work

out some time I jump especially if I

joined it like aerobic class I can’t

like keep up with people basically

running up and down you know at that

space and then I also experience some

like cramps and sour stomach once in a

while oh I’m sorry the most philosophers

like totally my I use up muscle as I do

workout before and now it’s just like

hanging my arms and oh and also my legs

when I walk up stairs really you know

heavy just like you described on video

okay good so Vanessa tell me what when’s

your first meal what time is your first

meal so I don’t it could I couldn’t do

these 16 hours bad thing it’s usually

about 12 to 14 when’s your first meal

well in the morning it’s probably time

between 9:00 to 10:00 okay and what do

you we and I worked up what do you yes

so the mix of usually two legs and I

measure the three pounds three ounces of

protein and I’m sorry 50 of 50 ounces of


you got a fat it divide it I follow you

yeah yeah Vanessa real quickly just tell

me Vanessa so just for a time just real

quickly so you have eggs in the morning

then when’s the next meal usually eggs

in protein and fat in the morning okay

what do you have any more lucky not eggs

but usually why do we kill juice I do a

lot of family

in this day but I do the most opinion so

I usually add some protein which is fish

some beef from the bacon but I usually

have some fat to it and coconut fat good

and then what’s the next time you eat so

usually about maybe seven or eight seven

five okay all depends yes I’m within you

know the twelve hours is forty-nine

what do you have for dinner oh I’m sorry

that was my dinner which is probably

some vegetables mixed vegetables and

again I also incorporate the proteins

and if fat that takes up nuts that’s

well nuts okay good now question do you

crave anything not really into sometimes

you know I started with the chia pudding

your recipes and I love that so I have

to use mmm do you crave anything much no

well I would say the most part no I mean

I’m totally doing like 90% of what I

don’t use the eating a little bit okay

what do you cheat with well if I do my I

mix my protein powder sometimes I then

have a little bit sugar I try to cut it

though you know big thick grass and I

don’t wanna throw in for the protein

okay all right so Vanessa so let me just

kind of tell you give you some tips on

this this is good that this came up

because this happens to a lot of people

you’re experiencing muscle loss it’s

real interesting with this whole keto

you have these keto energy you’re

running your body in ketosis versus a


it’s really an all-or-none it won’t work

with a little bit of too many fruits or

sugar or it just won’t work because it’s

going to knock you out of ketosis

so to fix that I would go a hundred

percent on board without any fruits

because even if myself I had some proof

or added some hidden sugar the next day

or so or even three days I don’t feel

quite right I mean occasionally I’ll

like one time I have a great for it just

didn’t feel quite right so it’s at the

point is that I don’t think you’re fully

in a hundred percent of ketosis that’s

what I think now the fact that you um it

sounds like the meals are okay but the

intermittent fasting you’re probably

only at the first stage which is three

meals and they’re pretty far apart so I

think you just have to work towards

having an earlier dinner and a later

breakfast to start working on that

because intermittent fasting we want to

shoot for a four hour window but we

might stick with that eight hour window

so you’re not I think you’re like nine

and then seven that’s pretty wide so

you’re going to start shortening that in

a minute fasting to the point where you

can do it more and more so you’re really

just in the transition phase yet and

that’s probably why the muscles are not

being salvaged or maintained as well so

as long as you can tighten up that

little thing where you’re having more in

a minute fasting and you’re truly not

cheating in between it’s going to work

but you have to really do it a hundred

percent that’s all I’m saying

thanks Vanessa hey Arlene you’re from

Delaware go ahead you’re on the air I

have a question for you my husband he

has COPD and you cost an awful lot and

they have him on a few different

inhalers and we’re going away we’re

going through Mexico and I wanted to

know what we can do for him and is it

safe for him to fly and I also have

cellulite in my leg and I wanted to know

is it safe for me to fly and what can I

do and my last question is um a fishy

odor that I have when I when I urinate

it what does that mean and what can I do

about it okay

question I have are you doing the

ketogenic in a minute fasting at all yet

absolutely okay not my husband trying to

get him I am okay great thanks

so Arlene let’s first talk about your

husband the long

I think this trips gonna be very healthy

for him because especially if there’s a

lot of sun vitamin D is the key vitamin

for the lung because vitamin D acts like

a hormone and it can it helps improve

the adrenal hormones cortisol so it’s a

really great thing for asthma lung

conditions emphysema COPD oh my gosh so

we do high levels of that now the other

thing that can cause lung problems is

mold or fungus that’s living in the

lungs so if he was exposed like

something in the basement if that’s the

case that would be a situation where if

he and I’m not recommending taking an

antifungal but he’d probably feel better

and then it comes back so there’s


it’s oregano pearls it’s in these little

pearls you can get it online or help the

store take these little pearls take that

and in higher amounts that will start

killing off any mold or fungus in the

lungs so that’s another thing you can do

high levels of natural vitamin C foods

are going to be key he’s going to have

to cut out the sugar supplement wise

there’s a supplement that I would highly

recommend for the it basically supports

like adrenal kind of a low adrenal and

it’s called adrenal fatigue advanced

formula I think that would really help

him to kind of make make this transition

really nice as far as cellulite goes

there’s several videos you can watch but

in a thumbnail sketch cellulite is a

combination of atrophy in the muscles

and actual fat but it’s a combination so

from my experience you can get rid of

cellulite unless you’re on a very active

exercise program for you know get a

personal trainer or something just to

start working on those muscles because

the muscle starts losing the tone

especially when you get in your 30s 40s

and 50s and

has to be toned up to really make get

rid of the atrophy it’s because

especially as you go to menopause the

adrenals start kicking in and make

making the muscles just really loosen

it’s not just all fat so and the problem

is with exercise is that it’s very

difficult to target fat exactly in your

hips or thighs it’ll go in the stomach

first and then eventually in the thighs

so the combination will eventually get

you there of maintaining the ketogenic

and imminent fasting and then adding

some serious exercise in there as well I

would do if you can do at high interval

training high intense interval training

yeah and the fish order what that means

is that you need more greens to flush

out some of the waste that’s coming out

probably from the liver so I would add

more leafy greens parsley beet tops the

cruciferous put them in a kale shake

maybe a little berries and I think

you’re gonna do very well thanks okay so

a man from San Francisco you’re on the

air go ahead good morning I much for

taking my call mmm I really appreciate

you so much and thank you so much for

all your videos you are an amazing

teacher my question is about slow

learning I would like to know your

thoughts about it and if there is any

way to solve this problem by taking some

some some supplements or food and then

the second question is about hearing

problems actually I feel like I don’t

really hear very well mm-hmm and that

could be the reason for slow learning

I’m sorry what did you say

I don’t know I’m just kidding I’m sorry

sometimes I do that yeah yeah the third

question is about feeling called I feel

called all the time I don’t know why


hey are you doing the in a minute

fasting in ketosis are you doing that


about three years ago oh that’s awesome

awesome okay

so a couple things I want to talk about

slow learning there’s two things as you

do the ketogenic in a minute fasting it

really supports more than anything the

nerve cell the nerve cells will actually

it’s ketones are neural protective

especially in the area of what’s called

the hippocampus which is the kind of the

relay switch with with the with the part

of the mind that actually affects

learning which I’m not going to get into

at this point but the point is the relay

switch so you you can improve that

memory prevent cognitive dysfunction

Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s and

especially spatial rememberings like

location in time in space that’s a good

one in a memory and then learning those

that’s the kind of a center so ketones

are going to support that greatly

they’re gonna reduce stress on the

neurons versus the glucose so I think

you need to keep going in that area and

add exercise and then make sure you’re

doing in a minute fasting pretty

hardcore two meals a day that being said

you still have learning problems I

recommend that you email my office dr.

Burke Dr Berg at dr. Berg comm and ask

asks just to have them routed to me

regarding um something I’m learning

there’s a I learned how to study after I

graduated from grad school a little late

than ever but in school they don’t

really teach us how to learn so there’s

a technology of how to learn and I’ll

actually refer you to a book that I

recommend because they don’t teach how

to learn it’s all about memorization so

there’s actually some barriers of

learning that you can find out about to

really pick up your ability to grasp and

digest information versus just looking

at a page for a half-hour it’s just not

going in so it could be a not

necessarily your neurons it could be

basically you just don’t

you’ve never been taught how to learn

something effectively and I’m not

talking about memorization or speed

reading so email us at dr. Burke at Gena

if you want to know more

book and as a side now now as far as

feeling cold goes you need to that’s it

normally it’s thyroid okay so it could

also be other things as well but let’s

just talk about the thyroid it’s very

unlikely that you have a primary thought

it’s usually coming secondary from a

gallbladder liver issue so to improve

that you can take some bile salts to

help the conversion of t4 to t3 a lot of

times that works sometimes you have to

add iodine from seek help sometimes you

have to add selenium and then lastly

estrogen if your estrogen is too high if

it’s dominant that can block the thyroid

so that’s just other things that you

need to look at to increase your your a

thermostat there so go ahead and do that

and then let me know how you do Thanks

so Amy you’re from Atlanta go ahead

you’re on the air I am doctor bird of

your pizza oh good thanks I began my

keto diet four weeks ago I’ve used your

videos as my guide I’m doing really well

I’ve transitioned on to two meals a day

but I’m still meeting a snack between my

first meals about 10:00 a.m. in the

morning and then dinner between 4:00 and

5:00 but I I’m still getting a little

hungry in the afternoon around noon so

I’ve been having a list of snacks my

question to you is this I know I watched

your video on protein bars but there’s

one specific one called a quest bar is

it okay to include on my snack list

there a protein bar but they only have

about five net carbs good question

the question I have for you so you’re

basically you’re trying to do two meals

a day right yes okay got it alright I

get a little hungry in the afternoon and

a little bit tired so I found that just

having a little salad or snack just

helps me get to that extra three hours

and then I do the fasting from around

4:30 5 o’clock until 10 o’clock the next

morning and I do okay I think you’re

doing overall really really good so let

me just kind of answer that I think that

I think this is going to take some time

to get to the point where you can fully

adapt and start beefing up your

like this a little bit bigger and adding

maybe a whole avocado or more potassium

that’s number one the other thing that

you may want to try is right around

lunch have a big huge salad okay so do

the salad part at lunch the other thing

you can do is the quest bar you can try

that too I would prefer the salad but

the quest bar if you still experience

good results with the quest bar then

you’ll find most people are do fine on

the sugar alcohols quest bar is probably

one of the only bars that has like a

very low net carb some of these other

ones don’t so I’m familiar with the

quest bar I guess there’s only one

ingredient that I not crazy about it’s a

um it’s a type of and I think it’s

non-gmo but it’s a type of corn soluble

fiber which is has the very zero

glycemic index but it it tends to create

a lot of bloating okay so but try it out

you may be very successful on that so

I’m not opposed to it you can try it out

try the salad now but given more time

till eventually you fully key to adapt

to the point where you can do that and

then also try to beef up your fat for

breakfast and you were potassium from

the avocados thanks Andy

hey D you’re on the air you’re from New

Jersey Oh

grateful to find your videos I just

discovered you a few weeks ago so my

first question is about my dad he has an

inguinal hernia and he’s up in aged over

90 and he doesn’t want to have surgery

so he wanted to know if there are any

recommendations that you have for that

and also my other question is about you

did a video with your wife called the

healthiest bread ever in the world and

you said that be wheat bread if you make

your own wheat bread it’ll last six days

because though the bread in the store is

dead but you don’t recommend it so I had

already bought our wheat know to make my

own bread and then but my so my question

is isn’t the almond flour and the flour

and all that stuff already did also

cause her

they’ve been on the shelves also

good question good okay so let me answer

those let’s start with the herniation

herniation is it’s basically a loss of

college and connected tissue and you

have a lot of disorders that are

collagen problems hernias and your

rhythms also even lesions in the

arteries like little holes leaky gut is

a college and disorder and I believe

that the root of all those is basically

a vitamin C deficiency let me explain

vitamin C is the key vitamin to help

synthesize or make collagen so when your

vitamin C deficient you lose the

structure like even in the colon for

example the gaps normally should be like

1 to 7 microns which are really small

Nick you got you’re like 200 300 microns

it’s like huge holes so you got the

Sunda just the protein that goes in

there and develops allergies and you

start getting all sorts of food

allergies but the point is with the

aneurysm it’s it’s usually about even C

deficiency now you say well I I take

vitamin C well number one most people

take a synthetic from ascorbic acid and

that is not the part of the vitamin C

complex that you need in nature vitamin

C comes with a lot of different parts

specifically bioflavonoids it’s the bow

flavonoids like rootin and bioflavonoids

and flavonoids which are mainly and like

a lot of the cruciferous lemon peel the

best bioflavonoids on the planet would

be buckwheat sprouted buckwheat but

you’d get it in a supplement and there’s

other ones as well like parsley has

loaded onions are loaded with that all

that is very high in vitamin C the part

that you need or your your father needs

to help repair the collagen okay laughs

there’s two of the things that will

deplete vitamin C number one insulin

resistance so that’s sugar okay

so that has to be corrected and the last

thing is smoking so smoking blocks

vitamin C I think one cigarette will

deplete you of 25

milligrams of vitamin C so if he’s a

smoker that could be a situation all

right so that’s what I would do to

recommend that now as far as the

healthiest bread in the world

if you’re gonna make bread it’s really

hard to make the texture the recipe I

have is like the texture is like amazing

you probably already tried it it’s just

incredible there is one ingredient in

there called arrowroot which is slightly

high glycemic but your take you’re using

so small amounts that it’s really a

minor point okay and I’m not saying you

know you can just have it every so often

as well but it’s a really good bread the

almond flour is very low glycemic so

that’s gonna be fine it’s from a nut but

the UM the the bread that you’re talking

about is the wheat bread and I was I

actually mentioned some my older videos

if you take whole wheat berries and you

grind them yourself and you make your

own bread

you’re gonna retain a lot of the B

vitamins okay so because they go bad

after six days because they oxidize well

I was only talking about the nutrient

value in bread like getting some

nutrition from it what I didn’t talk

about in that video is that it’s still

gonna be high glycemic it’s still not

okay on a ketogenic diet that’s why so

yes the brown the almond flour were not

necessarily consuming that for nutrients

we’re consuming it for keeping our carbs

low so yes we have lost some nutrients

because it’s ground down but the point

on the whole wheat is that as soon as

it’s ground into flour you lose the

vitamins pretty quick so all this bread

in the store it’s made from flour that’s

been sitting in the shelf for a long

long time so it’s very low in nutrients

so I hope that answered that question

hey Leslie you’re from Puerto Rico go

ahead you’re on the air yes good morning

mr. Gargan thank you for your time sure

my question is of all the coconut sugar

in the ketogenic diet so what I want to

know about the coconut sugar

oh the

okay got it mm-hmm yeah yeah yeah the

coconut sugar unfortunately is pretty

darn high now it’s not as bad as table

sugar but it’s probably you know 20%

less so it’s it has a lot of good

potassium and nutrients but just like

molasses it’s still very high in sugar

and that will keep you from going into

ketosis because the carbohydrates are

too high they’re the sugar and there’s

just too high so you even know you know

there’s things like honey and agave

nectar and some of these so-called

natural sweeteners there’s still not

really good for a ketogenic diet because

the amount of sugar even if you take

coconut water

that’s pretty high in sugar so I don’t

recommend that either even though it has

vitamins like potassium like 300

milligrams so yeah sorry about that

hey Victoria you’re from Arizona go

ahead you’re on the air hi thank you so

much for taking my call sure I just

wanted to ask my sister and I have been

doing the ketogenic diet for gosh like

February my sister has been going

through a ton of like life-changing

stresses and it was all happening all

ones we’re doing a ketogenic diet

adrenal body type and basically she

hasn’t really lost any weight whatsoever

and my question is is while you’re under

this extreme stress and you’re doing the

ketogenic diet will it cause your body

to stall and go into a plateau and then

the second part is how long does it take

for your adrenals to get back to normal

it’s like the aftermath of this dress

yeah that’s basically my question great

question I have a question for you is

she also doing in a minute fasting here

and there okay like yes she does do

intermittent they like 85% of the time

okay all right so let’s talk about that

Victoria good question very good


stress whether it’s mental stress

whether it’s emotional stress losses

being in a stuck between a rock and a

hard place are worse than physical

trauma and stress it’s still gonna

activate cortisol cortisol what that

does is it converts your own muscle

protein into glucose and sugar that’s

why a lot of diabetics can be actually

stemmed from high levels of cortisol

prednisone or even going through a lot

of stress you take a diabetic that and

you ask them when did you start becoming

diabetic what’s after a stress event

many times so yeah so stress is keeping

her from getting into a full fat-burning

effect absolutely there are several

things that I would recommend and of

course you know the anatomy of a problem

is like an indecision so a lot of times

if you list all the problems that you

have you’re gonna see a lot of those are

indecisive should I do this should I do

that should I do this or do that so as

long as you one way to get rid of

problems is just make a decision decide

one way or the other and just start

deciding and your problems tend to kind

of be less but the point is that she’s

gonna have to either eliminate that

stress somehow I don’t know what it is

or maximize the coping with the stress

like daily long walks for an hour to an

hour and a half adding in every other

day some high-intensity exercise change

your environment you know go get out and

go into nature things like that go for

long walks don’t don’t talk to someone

just get out there and just look at

trees Birds clouds because you want to

get your attention off the problem that

you’re thinking about 24/7 and then

because that hold that activates the

adrenals it keeps it active the other

thing is that she definitely needs to

consistently stick in there the

intermittent fasting that will see

ketogenic diet in general works to some

degree but if your metabolism is slow

and you’re doing snacks between you

won’t see the grade of

so in a minute fasting will greatly

accelerate the effectiveness of

ketogenic diets so you want to do go to

three meals no snacks and then two meals

no snacks that probably is what she

needs to do the last thing would be to

enhance the sleep a little more

but people that are stressed don’t

really sleep so I would recommend a

couple things my sleep aid works really

good for sleep take one before you go to

bed and then the adrenal and cortisone

relief during the day just to kind of

cope with the adrenals and support them

nutritionally dose and those are some

things that I would do to help so I hope

that helped alright so Jennifer you’re

in the area from Cleveland go ahead hi

thank you for taking my call I’m so

honored I’ve been doing low carb high

fat for about six weeks and I’ve watched

a ton of your YouTube videos basically

my question is and I’ll give you a

little history if you wanted but my

question is did you have gallbladder

pain or inflammation without any stones

I’ve had some gallbladder pain and

issues recently and I went and had an

ultrasound and they found absolutely

nothing wrong all my blood works normal

and there’s no stones but I’m having

pain like in my rib cage you know right

side area kind of radiating slightly to

the back okay good so I have a question

for you are you doing in a minute

fasting no not yet no I’ve been doing

this way of eating for about six weeks

I’ve lost 15 pounds and dropped my

glucose number from 101 to 82

but not intermittent fasting yet okay

next question are you doing a lot of

nuts right now I am okay peanut butter

peanut not peanut butter okay an almond

flour you know okay yeah so here’s the

thing Jennifer a couple things you can

totally have stress in the gallbladder

without having stones absolutely so

there’s several things you need to do

to handle that the first thing is in a

minute fasting the purpose of the

gallbladder is to store and concentrate

bile because when you eat your you need

bile in a state of super concentration

like 20 times so if you’re eating too

frequently you drain out this bile you

know have a chance to concentrate the

bile so now we always have a little bit

deficiency of bile which puts a strain

on the digestion because you’re not

fully gonna break down the fats

especially the nuts so it’s always

incomplete fat so the fat kind of just

aggravates it and just kind of keeps

keeps it inflamed and swollen but if you

take in a minute fasting think about

what you’re doing you’re dropping

insulin you’re giving the gall bladder

rest you’re allowing to reset over a

period of time oh my gosh it’s the best

thing for the gall bladder it’s the best

thing if you go to two meals like maybe

a late morning and then an early dinner

you you won’t have got her problems now

the nuts you may want to kind of cut

down on the nuts because they tend to

they have enzyme inhibitors they’re

harder to digest

they’re just there’s stress in the gall

bladder so I would probably switch those

out for something else but they’re a

really good go-to I know that the last

thing is to increase the cruciferous

vegetables the salads to help clean out

that gall bladder so it’s so it it

doesn’t get too congested with some of

the proteins and the fats okay alright

good question hey Melanie you’re on the

air you’re from let’s say New Haven go

ahead hi I have discovered you about

three weeks ago and the first two weeks

I did a gradual change into ketosis

I was still eating some fruits and so

drinking coffee having my glass of wine

a couple of days a week this past week I

have cut out every type of sugar that

I’ve had in the previous week so I’m not

drinking any coffee with that sugary

creamer anymore I

about wine and fruits and I am strictly

protein and veggies my question is I am

craving my end of the day sweet coffee


so I was wondering if having something

as like a sugar-free jell-o if that’s a

safe thing to eat that’s my first

question my my second question too is

that I’ve been experiencing a lot of

joint pain muscle stiffness and fatigue

in the last three weeks um I have taken

this topic I had a full blood work and

everything came back negative and

everything came back normal so I’m

wondering if the muscle and the

stiffness is can I attribute that to the

keiki doing got it okay

good question I think I think you’ve

probably been on this program truly one

week and you’re just in the very

beginning your body has not converted

over because you’re still crave so

you’re right in this keto adaptation

beginning okay so another two weeks

it’ll probably want it never 1 week oh

go away but in the transition you

probably need electrolytes you probably

want to see if you can get some my

electrolytes have a thousand milligrams

potassium that should take away a lot of

the symptoms for potassium so you should

do really good on that but in addition

to that get some nutritional yeast and

start taking B vitamins because the B

vitamins potassium will make things the

transition really really good now the

joint pain will go away with a little

more time because this getting into a

full-blown ketosis reduces inflammation

in the meantime not a problem with the

sugar-free jell-o you can do that that’s

not an issue but just make sure you have

more fat at each meal to go longer all

right thanks so we’re going to take a

little break we’ll come right back and

stay tuned

call the show now at eight six six five

six one four to nine to the doctor

returns in a moment




hey guys I’m back on the board so I

always want to just kind of you know

John sounds some things I think the last

call not sure people got the information

I wanted to answer it again because

somehow there’s a mic issue so I want to

talk about answer anything was Melanie’s

call so hopefully you’re still watching

so I’m gonna just kind of answer that

again she asked about sugar-free jell-o

can I do that absolutely you can do

sugar-free jell-o it’s not a problem

that’s a good transition but you said

you did it for three weeks and then one

week really strict so you’re right in

the middle of keto adaptation which does

take a good couple three weeks maybe

more until you’re fully adapted the fact

that you’re craving sweets means that

you’re not fully adapted yet so that’s

the thing that you need to focus on is

just do it do it longer and then you

need to add a little more electrolytes

and B vitamins I recommend I have a

really good electrolyte powder it’s has

a thousand milligrams of potassium no

multi dextran is trace minerals all the

electrolytes you take one scoop of that

it’ll really make you get through this

easily you can get that on dr. burr calm

the other thing is go to Amazon and get

some nutritional yeast or the health a

store and take a tablespoon of that that

will make the transition really easy

okay and then the other thing is add

more fat with the meals so you can go

longer so you’re not hungry at night but

again if you’re craving just hang in

there and it’s going to happen and all

of a sudden a switch in your body has to

adapt so I just wanted to talk about you

know how I’ve been talking about this

subject for a quite a while and I’m

staying on this topic because of

basically changing your body’s fuel

source to a different fuel source and

the importance of that I think as the

more I look at this the more I am blown

away at the benefits that an average

body can get by switching fuel sources

from sugar fuel to fat fuel the benefits

are just amazing I’m going to talk about

some of the benefits because

when you actually your body is running

on ketones neurologically it takes its

neuroprotective it protects the brain

cells it helps as effective treatment

for seizures epileptic seizures bipolar

schizophrenia depression anxiety autism

I mean that’s incredible it’s a way

better fuel source for the brain then

sugar hands down running your body your

brain on sugar depletes oxygen it adds a

lot more stress

the thing that ketones do is they help

you make more of the energy factories in

the brain specifically the hippocampus

which is the really switch to the memory

to learning to spatial memory and so I

mean your cognitive function is going to

improve greatly by running your body on

ketones but you need to combine ketosis

within a minute fasting now a couple

other things that it will do high number

high amounts of insulin deplete vitamin

C okay vitamin C is intimately involved

in collagen production so let’s just

take your artery in your arteries you

have a line a single layer of cells

called epithelial cells it’s the

vascular epithelial cells it’s this

little lining that helps filtration the

tone of the artery and the exchange of

fluid through your lymph system so if

your vitamin C deficient you’re not

going to make the college and you’re

gonna get little holes or lesions into

the artery itself okay and that’s coming

from high levels of insulin so then the

signal you’re going to have a bandit

come in there LDL and start to patch

that up that so called bad cholesterol

LDL is your friend it’s not the problem

it’s there to help fix the lesion from

the vitamin C deficiency so it’s not

necessarily that you’re not consuming

about it than c4 in the food maybe

you’re not because we’re not having the

vegetables it’s the high insulin that’s

depleting vitamin C okay so then you get

the clot

the arteries and this is the first thing

that well high insulin and this the

second thing and then cholesterol comes

in there and calcium comes in there and

you get a clogged artery that’s what’s

really behind it

okay but that’s you can call this scurvy

which is vitamin C deficiency of the

arteries there’s also scurvy of the

colon same thing happens you have the

colon you have the wall the colon and

think about it what happens in the colon

you absorb all your nutrients so you

break down the food the micro break down

the food and it’s supposed to be

absorbed through these little junctions

here into the lymphatic system and then

up set up into the blood and so normally

those little those little spaces where

we absorb nutrients are very tiny

between 1 and 7 microns when you get

leaky gut it goes between 200 to 300

microns or like huge gaps well what

causes that is a vitamin C deficiency

from the high levels of insulin yes

gluten is one of the causes for sure no

doubt but what happens when you cut out

the gluten and things don’t clear out

well that’s because the it’s the vitamin

C deficiency you have this leaky gut and

then all this undigested protein goes

into the lymphatic system the immune

system attacks it you start developing

allergies to everything all these food

allergies especially proteins so now you

can’t eat anything and then it’s scarce

what’s the solution to fix the insulin

thing okay and then take some really

good vitamin C bioflavonoids from foods

cruciferous and things like that to

start healing this up so you can get rid

of the inflammation other benefits belly

fat if you have belly fat you have high

insulin okay belly fat cognitive

functions high cholesterol I mean the

list goes on and on and on PCOD pot

cystic ovarian syndrome acne I mean

there’s so many benefits okay

so just I’m trying to sell you on the

concept that this is a really good thing

to do for your body so you might want to

try it okay let’s go back over to the

computer and take another call

hey Robert you’re from Thailand you have

a question go ahead right oh boy I get a

couple bit here I’ve been doing the

low-carb to basically no carb I have

been doing intermittent fasting uh

between 12 and 16 17 hours a day I eat

one meal around two to four o’clock I

think I’m doing the right things I’m

eating good fats I’m eating butter and

all that and I just got my my readings

today which I was a little stunned on my

a1c and and and stuff like that so I’m

just wondering what I could be doing

wrong I learned tell me after this

thinking’s right dr. Berg I basically

think that if you have high insulin I do

have belly fat I’ve been a diabetic for

25 years I’ve had some really great wins

and right now I’m not doing as well my

a1c was 8.6 what was it before what was

it before the last time I did it

something strange happened I made my

mind up but I was kind of low in my my

my a 1 a 1 C and I did take metformin

2,000 milligrams a day but I was doing

the intermittent fasting and there was

6.1 okay from ten point one one month

later okay okay so I have a question

what other whether their blood blood

values were incorrect or not good well

let’s drop it right here cholesterol

well my HDL is 54 which I thought was

great pretty good

my LDL was 163 I think my I’m not sure

about the rest of it

okay just hang on one second if you can

have it right here

okay I mean I want to be healthy and I

want to be in ketosis and I I want to

not take metformin which I’m not taking

anything now but do you agree with this


most of these alternative doctors are

saying you want to treat the symptom you

don’t want to take the insulin because

you’ll just take more and more you don’t

want to take the metformin because it’ll

lead you to the insulin your blood

sugars could be coming down but your

diabetes could be getting worse so you

got to deal with the problem and as I’m

learning if the insulin resistance

correct yeah you’re right okay Rob let

me let me talk about this okay go ahead

so I think you’re on the right track you

I always like recommend things on a

gradient right you take you’re on

medication you take less less less less

less less and then you come off of it

and then you kind of do this not like a

one shot too fast sometimes people can’t

do that

I think I think you’re on the right

track I would want to make sure that

your eating is um you have a lot of if

you’re doing one meal like it’s really a

robust huge salad and then do protein

and healthy fats it sounds like you’re

already doing that electrolytes are

going to be important especially

potassium because for diabetics that can

actually improve things but here’s the

point if you’ve been a diabetic for

20-something odd years you know that’s

gonna it’s going to take some time but

also instead of resistance is a problem

where insulin as a key is not working

anymore you can look at insulin like the

chef that feeds the cell glucose but

it’s also a key that allows nutrients in

the cell potassium magnesium amino acids

and a lot more nutrition in other words

almost every single nutrient I’m talking

about an a/d chromium omega 3 6 fatty

omega-3 fatty acids B vitamins are all

influencing insulin

so what happens if you have instant

resistance you can’t absorb those

nutrients if you don’t have those

nutrients you can’t fix the insulin

resistance by taking more nutrients you

can actually improve insulin resistance

so that’s why I’m saying like that dot

has to be really robust and healthy and

then intermittent fasting ketosis will

start improving it the combination there

will be really good now that last thing

I’m going to say is that a1c is not the

most accurate test in the world to

determine if you have diabetes it’s one

factor to look at but there’s other

variables that will make it high that

are not related to blood sugars I like

to look at your symptoms a fasting

glucose which is not always the best

thing either a fasting insulin which is

the better indicator and also uh it’s a

post perennial glucose test where you

basically get a glucometer and you check

your blood sugars two hours after you

eat okay and it you know the American

Diabetes Association says it should be

like 140 I’m saying it should be 120

okay so it should come down or even

lower if that’s coming down that’s like

that’s I like that test the better

because it’s a functional test to see

how you’re recovering so get these other

tests don’t be too concerned about just

one test and also retest it because if

you would took that test when you’re

stressed or you didn’t sleep or maybe

didn’t drink enough whatever water or

whatever it can alter your data alright

hey but thanks for calling from Thailand

hey Sandra you’re from New York go ahead

you’re on the air fasting now for two

months haven’t lost any weight but I did

stop taking my hydrochlorothiazide that

I always took for water retention so now

that’s kind of disappeared so I don’t

need to take it and I’m always doing

avocado every day I can do my first meal

is usually around two and then my next

one’s like between five and six so I can

go almost 19 to 22 hours without eating

well and and the only thing I do is a

cup of coffee in the morning I do a half

CAF because I’m not really a caffeine

person and I do use MCT oil I do not

the butter and I put my collagen

peptides in my coffee in the morning I

don’t know if that’s throwing me off I

have no idea I’m thinking maybe I’m not

losing weight because of that but I’m 45

I have severe arthritis everywhere to

the point I have to have a hip replace

weird I was a runner for years I had to

stop running I saw that’s why I have a

hard time doing the high-intensity

interval training because with my hip I

can’t do that I’ve gotten four cortisone

shots so I don’t know if that was giving

me the issue but without the cortisone I

can’t walk so and I’ve been reading your

book and I read the section in regards

to ovaries and I’m knee hurting and it’s

really weird but my left knee started to

hurt probably like a month ago to the

point that I was like ready to get an

MRI but I haven’t done anything so I’m

thinking hey maybe it’s the ovaries

because I have an ovarian cyst on my

right side and and as I told the guy

that I asked me the questions I told him

my knee hurts and then also I’ve been

taking the gallbladder stuff that you

have and I feel pain now after I eat on

the left side like more where the

pancreas is maybe it’s just digested but

I’ve always had gallbladder pain it’s

been I’ve had Emer ultrasounds I’ve had

the gall bladder test they find nothing

but if I eat too much like if I eat too

many eggs I definitely get pain up under

the liver area and into my back okay so

I oh I don’t know so I have a question

question are you is your stomach

shrinking it’s going down a little bit I

blow a lot I am gluten free I’m dairy

free so I know those are to go in

tolerances for me I’ve been that way for

a long time I don’t do any bread I you

know I’m trying to do a hundred percent

veggies and protein and I have grass-fed

beef I bought a half a cow so okay good

well good let’s talk let’s talk Sandra

okay so here’s what I’m going to


there’s an underlying thread that you

mentioned you had severe arthritis so

that tells me right there yeah there’s

been some adrenal issues in the past and

then the four cortisone shots okay

that’s another that’s cortisone that’s

gonna that’s gonna really kind of keep

you from having ketosis work effectively

but the fact that you’re losing your

stomach tells me it’s probably working

probably slowly but it’s still working

but you’re getting more muscle mass and

that’s that’s stopping the weight loss

so I would want you to switch your goal

to just monitor your waist as you’re

indicated it’s working okay now if you

go through this over a period of time

the more you do this the better they are

arthritis is gonna be your inflammation

is gonna go down it is the best therapy

for you right now now to clean up the

cortisone shot side effect stuff you

need to take something called colostrum

it’s kind of expensive get it in the

powder form take a little before bed in

some water drink it down and that will

slowly start building up your immune

system that’s what’s destroyed from the

cortisone okay

that’s what happened to me and that’s

what I had to do and it really does work

and it just helps your liver and it

helps you increase growth hormone and

other things to do what you can with

exercise I would add the opposite of

vinegar plus thing because I think you

need some support for your stomach so

it’ll activate the enzymes from the

pancreas and maybe take a little less

gallbladder but the fact that you had a

chronic gallbladder just means it’s

gonna take some time but I love the fact

that you’re doing in a minute fasting

that is the thing you need but to

improve things you may want to

supplement the actual adrenal itself was

something called adrenal fatigue

advanced formula that’s the one you need

is for chronic inflammation and see if

you can take that in place of some of

the shots but that’s that’s going to

help you more than anything the collagen

you’re taking in your coffee is gonna

spike insulin so I probably would not I

would only do coffee with a little bit

of cream and that’s it nothing else

and that will help you and ovarian cysts

you’re gonna have to take some seek help

for that to help that that’ll probably

help your knee do a search on knee pain

to do this techniques that I show you

with the acupressure tool and again I

think that’s going to help you there’s a

lot there but this is another good good

question because there’s other health

problems that that complicate everything

that you need to address so I hope that

gave you something Sandra thanks hey

Christopher you’re from Arizona go ahead

you’re on the air

thanks dr. Byrd thanks for sharing all

your knowledge and being so available

for everyone it’s really awesome

I am 52 year old male and I was looking

for a good source of nitric nitric oxide

yeah and I’ve been drinking organic beet

juice and ice from what I know or beets

are really high in sugar but I was

wondering what your thoughts were on

that as being something for guys my age

to take and or if there’s a better

source of nitric oxide are you taking

that for blood pressure or testosterone

yeah for tech for more of the health

benefits that would be related to

testosterone you know as we get into our

50s we want to we want to feel like we

did when we are 20s and right yeah so I

was searching for something like that

because so yeah I don’t I don’t have any

health problems that then I would be

taking anything for I’m I don’t take

anything I’m completely in the organic

food is medicine ideals and I love a lot

of the things that you talk about anyway

right okay so here’s here’s the thing

with that as long as you calculate and

not let the carbs go ever maybe 30 grams

for the day so include those carbs the

beet juice include those into your you

know 30 grams a day and I think that’s

one solution that you can do so it

doesn’t go over that so I think it’s

because there’s great benefits in beat

you especially that go way beyond nitric

oxide the couple of things that will

improve testosterone believe it out our

button mushrooms for a man you

because they lower estrogen and

naturally increase testosterone and

there’s a couple of ones to in a minute

of fasting will increase growth hormone

which by the way follows the pathways of

testosterone they both work together you

can do in a minute fasting an increase

growth hormone by three hundred to two

thousand percent then if we add high

interval high intense interval training

on top of that we can increase another

four hundred fifty percent those are all

things that I would highly recommend to

do that and of course you probably are

doing this like really beefed up your

your like kale shakes cruciferous for

the liver which will then help

testosterone that’s like the the best

thing you can do for testosterone get

more sleep maybe take naps do the height

intense exercise all that’s really

really good so that’s pretty much my

answer and I’m sticking to her thanks

hey Carrie you’re from Tennessee go

ahead you’re on the air hi dr. Byrd hi

my my boyfriend was a nice tall six foot

two person with very good muscle tone

just just kind of naturally with kind of

normal activity and a couple of years he

was put on blood pressure medications a

couple of years ago for about four years

ago and he was already on testosterone

replacement therapy and synthroid he had

had a big stressful event and just kind

of crashed but when after he was put on

that medication I noticed that he had a

lot of muscle wasting and now he he’s a

nice tall person but like his muscles

look like a little old man you know he’s

you see it and and so this year he was

diagnosed with diabetes and they wanted

to put him on metformin or invokana and

I just I’m kind of more the holistic

person in the family and I but he’s the

one in charge of the food so I just put

my foot down and I said you know we

about the same thing

and I don’t want to be right behind you

on this on this track and and and we

need to find out what to do so it’s been

watching your videos and I’m trying to

get us into the intermittent fasting and

the and the cruciferous and and protein

thing but I’m I’m really concerned about

this diagnosis and I’m also wondering if

some of this muscle wasting a side

effects from the high blood pressure

medication and as you go into as you

start healing and going into the

intermittent fasting and taking care of

the diet side of things that’s the

muscle return okay I mean it’s a let me

let me answer that caring the reason why

has and we can kill two three birds with

one stone on this the the cells have a

key that allows the protein to go inside

I mean when asked to go inside and the

key is insulin so we know he has insulin

resistance and that’s what created the

diabetes that so created the muscle loss

aside if I communication absolutely so

you’re gonna have to get with your

doctor on that I can’t say not to take

it but I can say this if you improve

insulin resistance that should naturally

lower the blood pressure so the need for

medication will go way down to zero so

but if you fix insulin resistance you

will help the muscles regain comeback be

absorbed and at the same time clear out

the diabetes so I think he’s in pretty

good if he could just focus on fixing

insulin resistance which is in all of my

videos I think he’s gonna be so happy in

the end that it’ll solve the majority of

his problems so go ahead and do that

Carrie thanks for calling hey Sharon

you’re in the air you’re from Indiana

yes thanks for taking my call dr. Berger

my question is is that I would like to

start the ketosis process because I fit

the adrenal profile I had surgery and

had my left kidney removed

twelve years ago and I’d like to know

would it be safe or productive for me

since I only have one adrenal gland yeah

good question because they obviously

took out your adrenal your your kidney

and into your adrenal the other one has

adapted by now so they just they can

adapt they just compensate so it’s a

little bigger it’s working a little bit

harder I think it’s absolutely necessity

to do you know manifesting in ketosis to

salvage and take care of the kidney the

benefits of your kidney I mean think

about being it let’s let’s take glucose

to the extreme being a diabetic think

about what that does your kidneys it

destroys the kidneys leads to kidney

dialysis so switching your fuel source

now will probably make your other kidney

very very happy and your adrenal will

take the stress off of it highly

recommend it jump in and start doing it

immediately good question

hey Leon you’re from Ohio you’re the

last question hi I have called in before

I had found you actually after I went to

a biofeed session and and she had said I

had all these issues and I had to hire

my fat and all this stuff though we we

my daughter and I have been we had found

you and I had started getting some of

your supplements and she has kidney

stones and she had quite a few of them

and all of them are gone except for one

she just had to get that lithotripsy it

was stuck in her ureter but I have to

tell you that stuff is amazing and I

feel great on doing the keto and the the

intermittent fasting and everything love

your recipes your wife everything and

but one of the recipes it was a for keto

bomb it called for a hemp cream I don’t

know what that is

I’ve been trying to find it

and is there a substitute for it since I

can’t find it

and I also hid a question about yours at

one of the your YouTube videos you had a

huge salad with a huge Fork really no

that was a situation I just wanted to

emphasize the point that you want have a

big salad but no I don’t have that big

of salad some people actually think I do

I don’t I it’s a big salad it’s not that

big okay

but good so I think you could substitute

the hemp I if it was an oil just with

coconut oil I mean that’s one thing with

it was a hemp powder or hemp seed you

can probably do chia seed if it was a o

or coconut powder I mean I think it was

probably a powder it wasn’t an oil hemp

yeah I think it was a powder so you can

you can do chia powder I wouldn’t do

flax Chia is pretty neutral so that

would be a good one to do and humppa

hemp is just a protein powder as far as

I know now kidney stones yeah so the

electrolyte powder that you probably

already taken has a thousand milligrams

of potassium citrate which is exactly

your daughter needs to prevent stones

when she does the ketogenic diet and I’m

in a fasting that will drop insulin then

will help reduce the stones but you want

to be careful of the spinach I would not

consume spinach because it’s very high

in oxalic kale by the way is low in

oxalic so that’s fine cabbage is low in

Oxford’s peanuts are high in oxalates so

it’s chocolate even unsweetened I’m

sorry so the point is that you want to

get the list of oxlips I think I

actually have a video on that and avoid

those foods because a lot of people who

start eating more peanuts and and then

more spinach and then they get a kidney

stones so every day you want to do the

lemon juice with water and the calcium

potassium citrate hey thanks so much

guys this is great I appreciate your

attention I will let you know when the

next Q&A is going to be so until then

have a great week
