The Dr. Berg Show LIVE - November 11, 2022 | DrEricBergDC

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thank you

welcome back everyone we are here for

another q a we have quite a few

questions lined up and people that are

going to ask those questions anything

that I say is definitely not meant to or

intended to cure you because it’s

illegal to cure people in the state of

Virginia so just check with your doctor

before implementing any of these


all right Steve let’s just Dive Right In

all right

absolutely no cures on this show okay

let’s get right over to social media and

we’ll start off with shrey from YouTube

I frequently have dry mouth which causes

me to drink a lot of water and urinate

often which results in clear urine

should I be concerned about that

well I’m going to be releasing a full

video on dry mouth dry eyes and


dry skin so I’m going to cover that but

I think what I’d rather have you do is

watch the whole video because it really

depends on what you’re doing are you

doing keto on you drying drying out are

you on medication are you drying out do

you drink a lot of alcohol like I just

need to find out because the the

solution is not as simple as just drink

more water so um stay tuned for that

video I’m going to release it this week

should be pretty interesting all right

well speaking of videos It’s confession

time for your producers so

um I uh I’m down about another 12 13

pounds not that that is the uh you know

the the end-all uh

outcome for for what we’re doing to stay

healthy but I was going to a corporate

party other night and I thought well you

know I’ve already eaten my food and

they’re going to have hors d’oeuvres for

goodness sake so I said what would it

hurt if I stopped by Krispy Kreme and

got three chocolate glaze in one of

their traditional ones I mean it’s in

route to my my business event and so I I

did that and then I ate a bunch of

greasy food at the thing and then of

course felt guilty and then but the

point the reason is you all know I’m not

perfect and knows half the audience we

try we try to do the best we can and

climb back out so I’m back on the

program but the point is if I had one is

that I watched Dr Berg’s video a recent

one that talks about what to do if you

eat too much sugar and that really

helped me I ran five miles later that


um I uh you know did the various things

that he suggested so that doesn’t mean

that you should go out and cheat and

ruin your life like I did but it does

mean that there’s certain Solutions if

you go off the wagon a little bit ways

to kind of reel it in and minimize the

agony uh that occurs when we cheat and

do things like that and I’m being a

little facetious here but really it

makes a big difference in my life if I

eat like crap I feel like crap

you know I not that any of our followers

um ever would do that

um because they’re they stay very very

strict all the time and they never

actually even go off the program but in

case they were forced at one point two

at gunpoint to come off the diet and eat

a Krispy Kreme donut

um I have a video what he’s talking

about I should we should probably even

put it in the in the link down below not

that any of you need it but it I show

you how to it’s damage control what to

do if you accidentally slip occasionally

once a year and then you have to get

back on the wagon so all these different

things you can do to neutralize the

effects of sugar alcohol Krispy Kreme


um Steve a long time ago I think this is

last week no it was a long time ago I

actually I did I ate one dozen donuts

so that was um disastrous so I did say I

will never do that again and that’s true

I have never done that again so

well that’s like smoking three packs of

cigarettes after getting caught your dad

doing it does have an effect but by the

way I just want to clarify the Hot Donut

sign was flashing I was powerless over

that went back so you have to put

blinders on uh when you go by uh it’s

like the Isle of sirens that will draw

you in the next thing you know anyway

enough about my weaknesses let’s go back

to social media uh Storm from YouTube is

keto safe for a seven-year-old with

unstable blood glucose levels

I think it’s the best thing for a seven

year old but maybe not do the

intermittent fasting maybe just three

meals a day but make sure it’s a healthy

version but oh my goodness would that

help the blood sugars I mean think about

the average child consumes not just

regular junk food but it’s called Ultra

processed junk food so they’re doing

seriously refined carbs on steroids and

so if they could switch over wow would

it affect their life in a big way the

ability to learn your cognitive function

your mood your um your attention when

you’re studying things like that and

um overall outlook on health I mean huge

of course it took me a couple years to

change my ways in fact I changed when I

was 28 years old that’s when I finally

changed over I’m 32 now so you know

spend some years so


and also in the comments section if you

guys could just

just since we’re on this topic write


out of all the foods that you’re that

you could eat if you I mean if you had

permission to eat junk food wise what

would it be would it be a donut would it

be chips would it be Pizza what is that

thing that you could I mean would love

to eat if you could just put that in the

comments I’m curious

um I think if I had to put something it

would be

probably salty buttery popcorn that is

um made really you know healthily no

made um

um without all the GMO stuff of course I

would never do that but

um that’s my that would be my thing that

I would go to so go ahead and type down

below I’m just curious

um and I’ll read the comments later

all right Steve let’s get back on track

okay and the best way to do that is to

pitch one out to our well-read audience

there’s our first question for today

okay which nutrient deficiency can cause

you to hear your heart beat louder than

usual so let’s say you put your head on

the pillow and you hear this pounding

boom boom boom you’re hearing your pulse



what deficiency is that

interesting okay I tell you what why

don’t we now go over to our green room

and we have

um a well a new mommy she’s got other

babies but she’s got a brand new one

here and she’s doing such a great job

trying to keep that little child uh

happy we’re gonna put her on here first

so welcome everybody Jenny is coming to

us uh from uh Riverside California just

below uh good old Big Bear Mountain you

probably remember that uh doc so Jenny

you’re on with the doctor go ahead with

your question

okay so um by the way I’ve done

ketogenic with all my pregnancies and

breastfeeding and there’s no issues for

people who might be worried about milk

supply and

um I’ve never ever had to uh

I’ve never had a decrease in milk supply

at all so

um I started the ketogenic diet when I

was 20. I’m 37 now and um the reason I

started it was for GI issues so not to

lose weight or anything and I noticed

when I first started I didn’t use

caffeine or Stevia and then a couple

years in I discovered Stevia and I

noticed that my blood sugar would crash

whenever I would use it and the same

kind of thing happened with caffeine

and so then I started kind of digging

around and noticed that Stevia and

caffeine stimulate insulin and they

don’t necessarily raise blood sugar


um after I continue to use them for a

while I think my body kind of


I maybe I caused some insulin resistance

and then I was able to use them without

um a blood sugar crash so I’ve always

kind of been curious because I do drink

a little caffeine and I do use Stevia

but I feel like in an ideal scenario

would we really

um want to avoid anything that might

stimulate insulin even if

um you know like caffeine Stevia I’ve

I’ve read studies where some

bodybuilders will swish with mouthwash

before they work out to try to stimulate

insulin resistance in their muscles

muscle cells so I feel like just the

sweet taste alone must stimulate insulin

and my question is are we being too

nitpicky if we you know if I feel like I

need to really

the the ideal

have the ideal diet is that too nitpicky

caffeine and Stevia stimulate insulin

and what’s their insulin index I guess

very good question

um or questions uh you know

um one thing I want to bring up about

Stevie is it’s so many times and I don’t

know if this is your situation they

um to make the Stevie into a powder

to make the stevia into a powder they

have to use maltodextrin a lot of times


um and sometimes

I know in Europe I don’t know about

America they don’t necessarily always

have to list it if it’s less than one

gram per serving so

um it could be

um not necessarily your Stevia but it

could be the maltodextrin in that


because even like a lot of the

supplements that they have put out there

even especially the citrates anything

citrates like potassium citrate

magnesium citrate they use maltodextrin

also with the flavorings use

maltodextrin so that’s like a little

hidden thing that can definitely affect




I think that it really depends on

how bad your insulin sensitivity is or

your resistances you know some people

it’s a minor problem so they can get

away with it other people can’t

um and then also your goals like how um

how far do you have enough Health

Reserve to be able to to do that you

know maybe

occasionally some people can’t afford to

do that they have to be strict but those

are the people that are usually not


um so I’m sorry sorry about that let me

just go ahead and turn that off sorry


and then you you had another question

you have Stevia and then the other

ingredient was um

you said two things Stevia caffeine yeah

caffeine stimulates

um noradrenaline and adrenaline

to some degree so it does activate the

adrenals and a little bit of cortisol so

that could that’s probably mobilizing a

little bit more sugar in your glycogen

than you should it’s not giving you


but it might be raising some things so

one of those things I would test it out

but I will say if you’re just doing one

cup of coffee right and a little bit of

stevia yeah it might affect you at a

very small level that I wouldn’t even

worry about it too much really it’s not

for the average person so yeah that’s

yeah but I’m glad that you’re you’re

doing what you’re doing I’m assuming

you’re doing breastfeeding I’m really uh

glad that you’re doing that because um

yeah it’s just the healthiest kid for

your child and plus the keto yeah you

probably have some pretty serious

healthy kids

yeah and actually they do keto too for

the most part so and they are fine I

mean people are so afraid to deprive

their children of modified foods

oh my goodness yeah yeah that’s uh

that’s too bad I’m so glad that’s so

great that you came on and uh

hopefully I answered it

thank you so much yeah that’s great so

she does a packet of Stevie I do four

Donuts which is equal to levels of

discipline here I’m so pleased to be

like Jenny okay let’s see we’ve got some

answers uh from the first question our

astute audience uh let’s see okay and

the question asks which nutrient

deficiency can cause you to hear your

heartbeat uh louder than usual like

something out of Edgar Allen Poe and 80

of the uh oops had jumped a little bit

Hardy response 80 responding and says

potassium deficiency 10 say magnesium

deficiency and finally 10 say A B

vitamin deficiency intelligence level



you’d have to have seen my video on it

so um it’s kind of buried so I will you

know it’s not an easy answer but it’s

potassium a potassium deficiency

um the story was that when I was um

long ago when I went to this Italian

restaurant and I had um In America which

is very different than in Italy but I

had all this pasta pizza wine sweets

more sweets and more sweets and I drew

drove home and then I tried to go to bed

and I was hearing my my pulse rate bum

boom boom that is um a serious potassium

deficiency because when you have that

much carbohydrate in your body your body

is getting rid of this um sugar first

not necessarily trying to store it as

fat but to store it as stored sugar coal

glycogen so it’s going to dump it in the

muscles in the liver and then it has it

needs potassium uh to store it so it

just sucked all the potassium out of my

blood I end up with uh

um low potassium and that affects the

heart rate because it’s kind of

potassium is like the governor of the

the heart so it can affect blood

pressure in the pulse rate and um so I

had this uh this shift of potassium from

my blood into the tissues

um still in my body but in not in a good

place where I can use it so if you

happen to accidentally eat all these

donuts and hear your pulse rate you need

potassium as the remedy

goodness sakes again folks watch that

video it’s fascinating how to cheat and

get away with it no that’s not the title

don’t do that don’t follow my don’t

follow what I did okay let’s see let’s

belt out the next question since the

audience 80 percent of them have

demonstrated that Brilliance here we go

okay true or false

regular sauna use can decrease all cause


wow okay audience dig into that let’s go

back to social media Rose from Facebook

I have high blood pressure and taking no

meds can I eat kimchi sauerkraut and

other fermented foods

I would highly recommend that I would

highly recommend that for sure


great Foods

fermented and um

blood pressure 90 percent of all types

of blood pressure is called essential

which is um what that means is they

don’t know what causes it it’s

idiopathic and so

I mean how could you have 90 percent

of blood pressure not having an unknown

cause you know they say it could be

related to Lifestyle well

um they don’t really look at

um two really big factors well actually

three one is insulin resistance that’s a

big one number two

um potassium deficiency and vitamin D


so don’t look at those things and I

think the reason is because there’s not

a lot of

um who’s going to invest in that much

money in doing a study on something you

can’t patent

um and um unfortunately if you can’t do

a study then it’s not going to be on the


and then people you know they’re not

going to actually endorse it so um but

in the meantime

um I think everyone needs to know some

of these alternative

uh viewpoints on health so they can try

them out for themselves

very good well today on usually all of

our guests our state side however we

have a huge contingent of folks watching

from around the world and here’s

evidence of that we’d like to say good

morning on this Veterans Day by the way

in the U.S and to all our fuel viewers

joining us from the UK Canada South

Africa Japan Pakistan Kenya India Zambia

Egypt turkey Poland Greece the

Netherlands the United Arab Emirates

Mexico Argentina Bermuda Nepal Oman

Italy Belgium Sweden Trinidad and Tobago

oh wait we got Oman twice look at that

Terry made a typo That’s so exciting

he’s like an English Professor so I’m

going to really let him have it on that

Oman again Iraq Sweden Trinidad wait a

minute I got ahead of myself Iceland

Vietnam Nigeria Bali Chile Switzerland

Denmark Denmark excuse me Germany Taiwan

Scotland Romania Australia pointy

solicitor growing Jordan Ireland Israel

Dubai Thailand Ghana Bahrain Colombia

New Zealand Ethiopia Georgia Papa Guinea

Uzbekistan if I said that right the

Czech Republic Bosnia Malaysia Spain

Austria I’m kind of Breath guitar I ran

the Dominican Republic Peru Saudi Arabia

Croatia Sudan this is unbelievable

Suriname I haven’t heard of that

Zimbabwe and all across these United

States America on as we again honor all

of our veterans that served here and

around the world and I tip our hat to

those all around the world that are

preserving freedom in their various

Armed Forces so we salute you with your

courage and bravery and so on anyway so

that’s a lot of folks listening Doc and

thank you all for making the show what

it is and let’s go back to oh wow quiz

question number two is already been

tabulated it had asked true false

regular sauna use can decrease all cause

mortality and let’s see 75 percent say

it’s true and 25 percent say the heck

with the sauna

hmm you know it’s

I was actually surprised

um all cause mortality I mean that’s yes

that’s a true statement I mean it’s

incredible so

um another reason


do some sauna treatments

um I’m going to be doing a video today

on um what would happen

if you did

a couple weeks of uh sauna treatment

what are the benefits uh it’s quite

remarkable I’ve talked about the cold

therapy jumping in a a cold Icy River

but somehow Steve found that too

uncomfortable so I decided to flip it

over to like maybe a warm sauna that

might be a little bit better for Steve

so I decided to do that video so that

stay tuned for that information as well

I can’t wait our little Health spot has

one I love it didn’t know it was good

for you okay let’s see Greg uh from

Facebook I am 68 with an enlarged

prostate I feel your pain you have said

consuming Dairy is not good for this

condition I have read that organic sheep

cheese like Feta might be okay your

thoughts Dr bird

here’s the challenge I mean the feta

cheese the Sheep cheese the goat cheese

is just awesome awesome product there’s

so many great benefits from it however

there’s also um

there’s hormonal uh factors there’s

growth factors because think about the

purpose of this milk it’s to grow

baby sheep baby cows and um

baby goats so um unfortunately for if if

your prostate is over swollen you might

may want to um look at that as something

that could potentially worsen it however

test it out you may be okay but you’d

have to do some type of test sometimes


um you can identify your urine flow

before and after you eat something so

maybe that’s one indication to see if it

you can do it or not but I will say the

benefits of uh especially European sheep

cheese or goat’s cheese is um

fantastic fantastic so um

yeah the other thing with the prostate

too is um uh be careful of estrogenic

effects from things especially like soy

and also be careful about the other

anabolic hormone that makes things get

bigger and that is insulin


um maybe you should focus on that first

because you might find a huge benefit to

the prostate when you start to lower

your insulin and get off the carbs

terrific okay our next guest is from

Wisconsin I know you love that state

it’s Lauren and she was a little

concerned that she didn’t quite know how

to phrase her question so I’m going to

help her she has a concern about her

metabolism so Lauren if you can in 30

seconds if you need to supplement what

I’ve said tell Dr Berg about your

concern so it’s a metabolism issue

sure hi there good morning Dr Berg good


um I’m always having problems

metabolizing fats and so I’ve struggled

to get on keto

um yeah I’ll just I’ll say that I can’t

remember the specific detail that I

fired off to you

um but maybe I’ll just leave it at that

okay uh what part of Wisconsin are you

from I’m Milwaukee right by the lake oh

great yeah I have a lot of relatives

there I was raised in Kenosha Wisconsin

so no way yes yes for 18 years so um

yeah great place to grow up it does get

a little bit cold in Winter though

um so I think that um

um the thing that you need to look at is

there’s like two things going on um one

is either you might not have enough bile

in your gallbladder or produced by the

liver because of some reason or it could

be something going on with the the

pancreas not making the lip base because

they all they both work together to

digest fats so if someone just can’t

digest fats

um I would add bile salts to the meal

right after the meal and see if that

doesn’t help you take like two two

tablets of a gallbladder formula or some

other bile cell the other thing that’s

very beneficial is to take choline

uh that’s like part of bile and that’ll

help you digest fats as well there is a


um weakness that I’m starting getting


this genetic testing lately and I found

some really I want to know more about it

I’ll be learning I’ve been doing courses

on it and then I’ll do videos on it but

if someone has like some type of

weakness within the genes to digest fats

um they they need you know more bile

salts and definitely choline and then

they can actually digest the fats but um

those are the things I would look at now

there’s one more factor to this in order

to release the bile you also need an

acidic stomach so potentially it could

be you just need to add some betaine

hydrochloride to your stomach before you

eat and so it stimulates your liver to

release more bile and produce more bile

but watch my videos on bio I have quite

a few but there’s more to this topic but

I think you could eventually get it to a

point where you can handle you know a

decent amount of fats on the ketogenic



so hopefully that helps you

ask one more thing

starting to do

is falling into that genetic category

and I have some evidence of it you know

I’m taking other steps because I’ve

watched a slew of your videos and I’ve

learned a ton

um what did I want to say what I wanted

to say is I think right now the most

beneficial portion of the keto fasting

I’m not really fully doing keto just yet

has been the fasting the fasting is

fantastic it really helps calm my whole

system down so I’m really grateful for

that oh that’s awesome

thank you yeah that’s great thanks so

much the DNA testing it’s uh it’s a it’s

very complex so I’m going to try to make

it simple

um but to make it simple you have to

understand it very thoroughly and so

there’s a lot to learn about it but it’s

I did my my DNA test and uh uh found

some it doesn’t tell you what’s wrong

with you it just tells you where you’re


weaknesses are which is beneficial so uh

now I have more information on what I

need to focus more on so it’s it’s

awesome so I’ll be doing more videos on

that once I um learn all about it stay

tuned terrific next question please sir

all right the first sign of kidney


is fill in the blank drum roll please

and by the way it takes 10 years after

you start getting this disease

until you ex usually feel a symptom


so what would be that first symptom that

you may experience with that disease

very good okay we always want to focus

on questions but we just got to throw in

uh some of these comments every once in

a while for instance from Tony on

YouTube thank you so much for all the

wealth of information you have shared it

just the type excuse me oh it jumped is

just that type in your name and medical

condition I’m researching and your

videos pop up that’s great well that’s

showing the search engines are starting

to recognize more and more what is going

on so thank you Tony for that we also

have an app and Terry’s going to yell at

me because I still don’t have a little

logo up but if you go to either on

Android or Apple you’ll Dr Berg app is

terrific and it organizes these videos

so you don’t have to jump into the big

world of Google but apparently Tony says

that you know you can find anything you

want is a big search uh or

excuse me Dr Berg is a big search

popular search name so let’s see uh uh

oh let me just let me just make one

little point about that app uh you can

go to the app store and just download

its free app uh Dr Berg app

um I would what I would really

appreciate it

um is if you can give me feedback on the

app positive or negative and just go to


Dr Berg Dr and uh just give us

feedback because that’s that’s what I

want I always want to make it better so

I want to find out what you what do you

think about it is it totally crappy is

it good you like it do I need to redo

something so just give me that feedback

if you could all right that’s terrific

you know whenever we do the big shout

out each week well additional people say

what about us and Terry leaves no one

else so an additional shout out to our

viewers in Russia Bulgaria Uganda

Finland the Philippines Bolivia Albania

Tibet maritis martus oh I’m butchering

it and of course Afghanistan which I can

pronounce so thank you folks for also

tuning in to the Dr Berg show uh Anna

Marie from Facebook Dr Berg you’ve been

a great help I just finished treatment

for deep vein thrombosis I’ve been

following your keto program since

October 1 and have already lost six

kilograms thank you another thank you

from our audience

well that’s that’s awesome all right

let’s see here oh by the way Terry said

pizza ice cream and chips are the

runaway leaders for our forbidden food

responses that makes me mad what about


peace yeah yeah I can see that pizza ice

cream and chips

um well the good thing the good news is

you can have a you can have a keto

version of your pizza

uh as it ships some are a little more


um but there are like delicious kale

chips how about that I’m sure you’ll

love that and uh ice cream there’s a lot

of Keto recipes for ice cream too yes it

does take more time but um

you know I tried to make my own ice

cream I had a product out there


it was a nightmare it was too hard

because when you have a product and

you’re shipping it

on ice

to someone’s house first of all that’s

crazy expensive secondly

um if there’s one thing that goes wrong

like um like happened to me where

um the trans uh you have to ship in an

um a refrigerator type truck right if

there’s any problem with that

refrigerator in the truck at the other

end you get this ice cream that is

completely melted down to nothing


um that was a very short little pilot

with the ice cream idea I’m my best idea

in the world I must say that you let us

be guinea pigs and we sample a little

bit of it and it was fantastic I’m sorry

it was just so difficult to support but

I don’t think there’s anything better

because Dr Berg really focuses on this

ingredients not the bottom line and I

mean that he pays a lot of money for

that stuff and that ice cream reflected

that but alas it ended up in a big

puddle and he uh moved on to the next

thing so thanks for that attempt uh Dr

Berg that was absolutely delicious let’s

see now let’s go back to social media


oh yeah he did that one oh here’s a new

one thank you oh by the way quiz

question number three we’re not going to

miss any quizzes this week and a quiz

asked the first sign of kidney disease


in uh 55 say yellow eyes 25 say dark

year dark urine ten percent say frequent

itchiness and 10 say swelling in the

lower extremities

well you’re all right about the symptoms

but there’s something very specific that

I think is pretty surprising nocturia

you know what that is Steve uh yeah but

I don’t want to tell the audience

okay it’s uh the urge to urinate at


um now that’s a very common symptom uh

getting up several times a night right

where you’re having to urinate that is

uh one of the first signs of kidney

disease so

um now it can it could be caused by

other things as well but

there’s a crossover

to what the underlying cause of kidney

problems is and that would be uh the

diabetic uh nephropathy it’s called

which I’m going to do a video on but

um they both cross over so yes it is

related to insulin resistance

um but I think you should stay tuned for

the video on how to get rid of that

problem getting up at night and uh


so um the inability to hold your urine

through the night and be able to sleep

that would be uh the problem there so

stay tuned for that video but it’s um

definitely related to the kidney

all right we’ll let begs for our next

question uh Doc and here it is

all right the memory indicator of kidney

disease on a urine test is

fill in the blank boom

okay let’s see here

we already read that sorry I’m just

there’s so many great questions I’m

trying to pick out through them uh you

already told them the sauerkraut was

good uh oh here we go Dan excuse me Don

from Facebook just got my labs back and

everything is great except for my high

protein levels

um should I stay on the healthy keto if

program absolutely not oh let me let you

answer that

so um would that be a urine test or a

blood test or what kind of protein was

it uh albumin was it uh just regular

protein I need to know that but

um you know key this is what keto is

keto is low carb moderate protein okay

and higher amounts of fat so um

so if you do have uh this protein in

your urine you should probably just go

moderate protein

uh the best source of protein dietarily

is the egg but there’s other good

sources too make sure you have enough

hydrochloric acid from either betaine

hydrochloride or apple cider vinegar to

help you digest this protein

um but um

I think

if you do have protein in the urine that

usually comes because your carbs are too

high sugar wise so and then someone says

should I go on keto well yeah that’s the

only thing you can do

um you don’t want to go more carb you

don’t want to keep doing the carb thing

um and I’m talking mainly about the

carbs that are related to causing

diabetes starches and refined carbs

things like that and sugars because I

know I’ll get some

some counter to that someone will say

wait a second I eat carbohydrates I eat

salads I’m like uh okay cool I’m not

talking about that it’s uh mainly the

the other carbs that

uh can create that problem all right

very good last week we heard from

Virginia’s husband Richard and he’s uh

cured of everything based on your oh

that’s right we don’t care and this week

Virginia has a question for you Dr Berg

Virginia you’re on with Dr Burke

good morning Dr Berg I do have

appreciation for all the research and

all that you have been pouring out and

uh it’s benefiting me 15 months on a new

moderate protein and your Healthy

ketogenic diet but my burping issue

keeps coming up and from

um what you have been showing is that


perhaps gallbladder formula I know that

I have water tea coffee the lemon


um electrolyte drinks I do I burp so

I’ve learned to take a gallbladder

formula just one capsule before that and

it does seem to help this morning I

forgot I started burping just having

coffee and water

so I decided to do uh carnivore but with

the carnivore my blood sugar is going up

to like this morning I tested it as a

hundred and before that uh it was in the

80s and 90s

when I was on a healthy keto so I’m

trying to keep the protein moderate like

10 ounces no more than that to give you

an example yesterday the only thing I

had was organ Meats uh just under the 10

uh not 10 grams 10 ounces

but my Sugar’s going up so how do I do

this carnivore for a temporary time to

help with my psoriasis my gut issue

um well um yeah the question is how do

you keep your protein in a uh the right

range you have to increase your fats

um so how do you do that what foods are

um you’d like ideally like

two to three to four times fat versus

protein that level ratio there so you

really have there’s certain foods that

you have to eat like like certain



they have a lot of a lot more fat summer

sausage and other types of sausage

um and definitely the um

Pate you know they have um

different I know in Europe there’s a lot

more options in America it’s more

difficult but yeah that’s that’s the

problem keeping your protein because

chances are your blood sugars are going

to be higher because of the uh

the extra protein will your body’s not

turning it into body tissue so there’s

no way to store it so it’s going to turn

it into sugar uh eventually so that’s

probably what’s happening


so as far as the burping goes

um if you

primarily with the gallbladder it’s

burping with you when you eat a meal

versus drinking something if you’re

drinking something and burping I think

um that could be a different thing

um so

it’s mainly if you’re eating food and

you’re burping a lot that would be the


the other thing to look at with you

especially from what you told me is um

another thing is choline choline is um


nutrient and that really helps a lot of

people with

kind of De burping and also the

gallbladder and thinning of the bile


I did a genetic test and it just so

happens I have a problem with cholinks

myself so of course I’m taking more of

it on a regular basis too but that

genetic test will pick up if you have a

a little mutation with that Gene that

just gives you a little weakness so what

happens when you’re deficient in choline

is you um you could end up with the

fatty liver and that could affect the

bile production too so and choline in

the body actually acts like bile so

sometimes a combination of the bile

salts and the choline is a

like the secret

bullet that you can use to help yourself


so anyway that’s um

that’s just some things to think with

yeah going back to the meat what I’m

eating more is lamb and liver are those

not high fat do I need to add more fat

well it depends what cut you’re you’re

using like uh there’s there’s lean parts

of um

there’s actually you know what if you

eat a liver that’s non-fatty you know

like I mean you have duck fat which you

know they actually make this product

that’s very very fatty like 10 times the

size of a normal which I don’t want to

get into that topic but

um typically

um there is more fat on liver

um but um

when you have a grass-fed liver it’s

going to be a lot less fat it’s going to

be more protein and also um

you know maybe you have uh the type of

meats that you have

make sure you get the cuts that are just

a lot more fat you know less whatever

animal you use so

that’s great well listen Virginia


yeah you’re probably going to have to

add a little bit more fat to

um what you’re eating and then see if

that doesn’t help you to kind of balance

out those calories all right so let us

know how that works out for Jenny we

can’t wait to have you back on give our

tip your hat to Richard your great

husband for us and uh off we go now

let’s see here

uh oh uh when uh rajinit uh rad uh

Ranjit excuse me from Facebook any

advice for anyone suffering from


yeah that’s an autoimmune problem in

which I would take a lot of vitamin D

uh there’s a stress component there’s an

adrenal saying you need to support your

adrenals with maybe something like


um and um watch my video I have more

data on that topic


Steve I’m going to be releasing another

video this week I just realized looking

at Jenny um holding her two beautiful

kids that I


well one of the videos um that I had to


um I also had to babysit that day so

you’ll see uh uh I did the entire video

actually holding my granddaughter so I

did the whole video so hopefully you

could actually even


get the information but it was a tricky

thing to do but I had to do it because

there’s no other way

so stay tuned for that video

I just put Jenny her beautiful uh keto

babies up that was fun uh Jenny hope

that didn’t seem too voyeuristic of us

but here let’s give her one more look

looking kids so proud of her babies

thanks for sharing that with us Jenny

unwittingly you know we put you back up

uh anyway let’s go on to the next uh

deal uh oh she looks so pleased with

beautiful babies okay uh Kelly from

Facebook is alcoholic neuropathy

different from other kinds of

neuropathies I don’t see a video on your

channel on that condition

well think about

um what alcohol does to your nervous

system it just sucks the um the thymine

right out of your system the requirement

for thymine B1 goes so high anytime you

take a alcoholic um Advanced liver

disease you’re always going to find a

serious problem with uh B1



and so

that’s the time when sometimes doctors

will eventually check for it but

um yeah this is a different mechanism

than other other ways from it from

diabetic diabetic so you have um things

that can create um problems with

neuropathy uh you have alcohol you have

being a diabetic eating too much sugar

you could have chemotherapy create

create these problems so there’s

different ways to get neuropathies but I

think the solution would just be the

same thing other than

cut down in alcohol but start taking

benphotamine that’s my one of my

favorite nerve support



products out there and it’s benphotamine

is a it’s a synthetic B1 but it’s um

doesn’t seem to have any side effects

and it’s a fat soluble so it penetrates

the the nervous system and it’ll help

rebuild the myelin sheath so you can get

your nerves back it’s miraculous uh Ben

photamine is uh a pop there’s other

things you can use too but benphotamine

is a really good one is that one of your

product stock or just get that somewhere

else I do have it in the nerve support


yes all right nerve support formula okay

let’s go back to our quiz questions the

astute audience got right back with this

one which asked the primary indicator of

kidney disease on a urine test is

and 78 of our respondents say high

creatine indicators and 12 say high

protein level indicators and 10 percent

um say

egfr or GFR indicators wow that’s


well you’re all right um it’s a protein

and creatine is a protein

gratinine is a protein so you have that

and then also there is another indicator

which is a

decreased filtration rate which so I

think everyone had 100 on that because

there is you’d also look at both of

those factors but but the protein the

urine is one of the suretail giveaways

that uh you have kidney problems so um

why is that because you know we’re all

born with about

a million little filters they’re called

nephrons these tiny little amazing

magical filters that are very different

than filters in your car because they

they keep recycling like like all the

fluid that you recycle like you might

drink Steve you might drink eight

glasses of water a day but your kidneys

are filtering

in a given day about


I think it’s 180 liters okay wow liters

of fluid so it’s like recycled and

recycled and recycled and recycled and

so it’s amazing and so when you have

kidney disease you destroy these filters

so you may end up with a lot less

filters which means

you can’t filter what’s going to happen

to this protein it’s going to end up in

the urine

and then

um it’s going to be since there’s a hole

in the bucket you’re going to be

deficient of this protein in the blood

too so when you’re deficient in the

blood some interesting things happen and

one being

edema and swelling all over the place so

your whole body is one big swollen ball

of inflammation because of this

imbalance of protein in your blood

so you’re going to be waterlogged and

your face will be puffy your eyes your

fingers your feet and um so I will be

releasing the video on the on the kidney

this week then I think it’ll give people

a greater appreciation for their kidneys

and and maybe just maybe they may uh eat

better because of that to save the

kidney save your nephrons

wow audience please take care of your

kidneys that sounds absolutely awful

okay I’m so proud of the audience

they’ve been so lickety-split on the

questions we’re going to get to the last

one in this week’s show and there’s our

final question for today

of all the foods

um that fight artery plaquing okay all

those Foods

which one is the most effective what’s

like the best food overall

to help fight artery plaquing

all right well there’s just too much

good news on the social media end for me

not to continue to mention it sharing

from Facebook I have dystonia sleep

disorder your keto and if system has

actually controlled my spasms and I’ve

also lost 42 pounds

in four months thank you Dr Byrd boy

what a great story there’s just a lot of

joy that comes out of these great

disciplines that you have researched so

hard okay let’s see uh we talked about

prostates the pain in the prostate for


um oh let’s see Jennifer from Facebook

is ketogood for Graves disease or an

overactive thyroid excuse me

yeah yeah I think I think it really

would be

um I think also I would add two things I

would add a lot of vitamin D like

probably 30 or 40

000 international units of vitamin D as

well as doing the prolonged fasting

what’s really weird is some people get

this Graves and other people get

Hashimoto’s like which is a uh which is

the hypothyroid Graves is a hyper and um

they don’t know why someone would get

one versus the other but both of those

conditions are really an immune problem

more than a thyroid problem and probably

it originated from the gut so there’s

some leaky gut going on so you need to

work on that

but I would definitely

um get on keto for sure

and maybe even if there is gut issues uh

do the carnivore for a while because


you know a lot of people have autoimmune

have sensitivities to like they can’t do

these uh 10 cups of salad a day for some

reason so they might um need to do

carnivore until they can kind of heal

the gut

um and this is a side note Steve I’m

just gonna throw this out there because

I did a video talking about Shifting the

time that you do your fasting to maybe

even try it out in the morning and then

at lunch and then not eat past that and

I said you know don’t eat past three

o’clock right so I’ve been experimenting

with that and I finally found something

that works for me

um not that you’d want to do it but so

I’ll do a big lunch okay do protein and

fat primarily but it’s difficult to have

to add in that huge salad that I always

like sometimes which is like virtually

10 cups and if I’m gonna do 10 cups I’m

not going to do 10 cups at like cabbage

leaf right if it’s cabbage or other

types of vegetables that are

more dense you can cut that in half but

if you’re talking about lettuce sleeve

or aruga

arugula you can um I do my salad like at

three o’clock so that way

um I have this huge salad with a lot of

stuff on it but I don’t do a lot of

protein or fat

but I do that earlier so I have this

like 21 hour window of fasting which

works and it’s kind of like one and a

half males because the salad is so small

calories so that’s what I’ve been doing

lately it seems to work really good and

it spreads out that time where I eat the

uh the protein in the salad just a tip

to see if you want to try to get your

Your Greens in there I I just feel

better when I do

um that salad probably because of the

amount of potassium and magnesium as

well as the feeding my microbes and the

phytonutrients that come along with it

which give you added benefits

all right that’s terrific well listen

next up or finally we’re so grateful for

Cassandra to be so patient with us and

she appears to be freezing cold in

Houston she’s gripping her um uh her

sweatshirt there I hope that you get

your heater fixed anyway Cassandra I

know that’s not the basis of your

question and you’re on with uh Dr Byrd

you I’m freezing all the time

um so I am a fitness and dance

instructor and

um I’ve recently been diagnosed with

crohn’s and bacteria fungus overgrowth

and so I’ve

um got into the intermittent fasting

however I’m having a hard time with diet

because of the fact that like Crohn’s

and like candida the they contradict

each other so

um I guess one of my questions is since

I’m having such a hard time with diet

I’m unable to keep on weight like I

think in the last two weeks I’ve lost 10


um I’m Having side effects to like apple

cider vinegar if I’m taking electrolytes

my everything gets swollen if I’m eating

anything with oils like olive oils or


um getting swollen in the joints and so

I was kind of curious as to

is there some kind of I guess diet that

I might be able to try or is this so far

gone that I should give up and give into

the antibiotic world and then try

rebuilding my immune system that way

yeah very good question I’m glad you’re

on I’m glad you asked these questions


the yeast

the candida the fungus the mold are all

in this family

um it’s called the

mycobiota microbiota not the microbiome

not not the all the bacteria but the

mycobiota is all the the fungus families

right they’re all kind of related

um and so you have this overgrowth right

and what keeps those guys in check

what keeps those guys

is the bacteria okay so they both work

together so if you went to the road with

an antibiotic

you would go from bad to worse because

then you’ll really have an overgrowth if

you’re absolutely sure you have this

um small intestinal bacterial overgrowth

I wasn’t sure if you said that or not

but acebo are you sure you have that

uh what kind sorry for some reason it’s

all small intestinal bacterial

overgrowth where you have the

um a lot of bloating and uh

um the microbes in the small intestine

yes yeah yeah and so um


one of the things when you take um

you know you have a sensitivity to oils

right which tells me

you you have you don’t have enough

stomach acid

the stomach acid is probably what

started the whole thing in the first

place you don’t have enough hydrochloric

acid and so that way microbes can get

through the system and populate into the

wrong places number one and

um also


that’s going to dry up your bile reserve

one of the purposes of bile

is to kill off as a detergent the my the

wrong microbes in your small intestine

as it comes to the intestines and then

it gets recycled at the end and it kind

of comes back so I know that you’re

deficient in hydrochloric acid and

you’re also deficient in bile so I know

that and you probably don’t have a

diversify of microbes that you need

um to keep the candida in check

all right so what the heck do you do

right because um

you got a lot going on

um obviously I would definitely change

your diet to um I would probably do a

version of carnivore right now because I

think if you had too much greens that

may bloat you

and so we can’t do that

um because you’re going to be feeding

the microbes in the small intestine

they’re going to compete for your

nutrition and they’re going to like make

you deficient and you won’t feel very

good so I would do a version of

carnivore uh but I would also at the

same time take bile salts

after you eat to help break down the

oils that you’re going to have to have

or the fat with the carnivore


and could you possibly tolerate

any type of fermented vegetables or no

so I just tried Sauerkraut last week and

I think the Crohn’s reacted

that’s going to feed microbes and fiber

into your small intestines so I think

you’re going to have to do


some garlic pills to kill off the

microbes as a natural antibiotic garlic

you can do thyme clove oregano

um as in tablets to kill off the uh the

sibo and then I think betaine

hydrochloride I would play around with

that before the supplements so that way

you can start building up slowly and it

takes some time that hydrochloric acid

so you can start build that’s going to

be kind of


the ultimate way to correct this whole

thing over time and of course avoiding

sugar and things like that because

that’s going to feed the candida because

what happens you can start getting you

know the candida on the skin and

different areas and itchiness yeah my

gums are bleeding like crazy all of a

sudden and I’m just like yeah

and when you say over time

like do you think that’s like three to

six months or six or like a year to

three years no three to six months uh

and then you you keep like no sugar in

the diet and you just do the carnivore

and you do the um and play around with

the bile salts and and the betaine

hydrochloride and then that will build

you up to the point where um and do a

lot of fasting because that’ll actually

reset that your your intestine will be

cleaned out over when you fast so it’s

going to really help get the microbes

from the small intestine back into the

large bottle where they need to be

uh and then

um at that point you can start

repopulating with uh good bacteria once

your stomach is good because we don’t

want to feed the ones in the small



so it’s a little complex but I would

watch my videos on the recent ones on

anything related to digestion because I

talk more about it

awesome awesome well thank you so much

you’re welcome

yeah it’s a difficult problem and um

it’s really hard to get the right

information because there’s there’s a

lot of uh things out there that’ll just

put you in the wrong direction and oh

yeah I take this and like it gets worse

and oh my goodness so all right we’ve

got uh our final contestant if you will

triumphi if I said that right from

Pennsylvania and uh giant they go ahead

with your uh quick question for Dr bird

go ahead you’re on the air okay I don’t

know good morning so I had

thyroid from my first pregnancy uh 10

years ago then I started taking thyroid

medication for hypothetism but I was

doing and taking the medication without

any fail but after that after 10 years

or something you feel that I’m taking

overdose or the thyroid or in I need to

keep out of this or I need to keep going

for a lifelong medication so I tried

some other medications like I said the

and uh other things but nothing worked

because there’s some reduced in the

thing but my TSH got go high however T4

and T3 is normal

but when after seeing my results my

mindset will go down okay something

going wrong like that because the TSH is

too high right

and in two years I had been followed

with vegan diet after that I felt some

nutritional deficiency for a B12 and

ferritin and vitamin D as well

so I had taken some supplements after

that there are some improvements on that

and again I go back to my normal night

with meat in it

now I feel I’m trying some Alternatives

whether I need to skip my thyroid

medication and try the Alternatives like

ayurveda siddha are doing along with

that I’m not sure did you say you have


yeah that’s what they mentioned okay so

let me just give you some quick uh

advice on that and of course uh check

with you doctor but


with Hashimoto’s you got to be careful

about giving too much iodine

um because it’s it’s really not usually

an iodine deficiency it’s an immune

problem autoimmune where you definitely

need selenium for sure selenium that’ll

help you to build the glutathione to

help all the inflammation and the

counter the free radical damage that’s



I’m going to be releasing a video on on

autoimmune stuff but

um I think with

you know it’s kind of like they’ll say

well you need to be on medication okay

how long do I have to be the rest of my

life does it ever correct it like what’s

really causing my problem

um we’re right back to the autoimmune

and I would get Clues on what happened

just before you developed this condition

did you get pregnant did you go through

a stress some type of alteration might

have triggered this it could have

happened in the gut so I would

definitely work on the gut and see if

you can’t pull yourself out of the

situation vitamin D very very important

for any type of autoimmune I would start

taking that and then


you know when your thyroid stimulating

hormone this is how they diagnose the

thyroid is um too high or too low let’s

let’s say it’s too high

um then what’s happened it’s just not um

it’s not connecting with the with the

thyroids and so there’s some type of

problem with that and that could be

because there’s too much iodine in the

body or there’s or there’s too much

there’s a problem in the receptors but


I’m going to release a video on this one

topic autoimmune and actually it’s going

to be on iodine that’s right watch the

one in iodine related to the thyroid and

I’ll give you the full scoop because

we’re running out of time uh Steve did

we have one last question yes we do and

here it is it asked of all the foods

that fight artery plaquing which is the

most effective and our audience 65

percent of them say it’s cruciferous

vegetables 15 say celery by itself 10

say garlic and 10 say grass-fed foods

like butter meat or ghee

well this is interesting because

it is a cruciferous food but it’s

fermented it’s cabbage it’s sauerkraut

now why would sauerkraut

help plaquing in the arteries well

sauerkraut is one of the few fermented

vegetables that is very high in vitamin

K2 normally K2 is in like the fatty

foods the animal products but you can

bacteria make it too so you get K2 K2

keeps the calcium out of the arteries


they have found

and this is interesting that um they

found bacteria

from your mouth and uh you know that

involved with um periodontal disease in

the plaquing in your heart they have

also found microbes

that should be in the gut in the

plaquing underneath the plaquing in your

heart because that plaquing is biofilms

which is a protective mechanism with

these microbes built up of calcium and

they tend to accumulate on roughened

edges or or if your arteries aren’t as

smooth so

you know obviously maybe if I’ve done

too much sugar or something that started

the whole process but there’s biofilms

there’s calcium there’s um and it just

so happens that the lactic acid yeast in

the sauerkraut inhibits biofilms not to

mention out of all the foods that you

can eat sauerkraut has the most vitamin

C and vitamin C is also potent at

inhibiting biofilms

so um

so I started looking at this and I’m

like wow sauerkraut amazing for the

heart amazing for the gut which is also

good for the heart so um

I think most of you probably will should

have more appreciation for this uh

sauerkraut and maybe include that in

your diet uh for many reasons but um

anyway on that note I appreciate all

your attention stay tuned for more

videos this next week as well as next

Friday at the same time same place have

a great weekend
