Intermittent Fasting, Low Carbs & Your Thyroid – Dr. Berg | DrEricBergDC

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hey I’m back today we’re going to talk

about internment of fasting lower

carbohydrates and your thyroid many

times I’ll hear from someone that it’s

dangerous for your thyroid to do low

carbohydrates or fasting that’s what

destroys the thyroid okay that is

absolutely not true

let me first kind of give you the basics

you have this thing called the pituitary

it’s a small gland in your brain by the

size of a pea and it sends a message

down to the thyroid it controls the

thyroid thyroid at the base of the neck

right here it’s about two and a half

inches wide it comes from the Latin word

which means shield because it looks like

a shield so this gland that’s triggering

the main thyroid hormone is being

controlled by the pituitary through

something called the thyroid stimulating

hormone pretty much describes what it is

right so then the thyroid releases its

main hormone called t4 the four

represents the number of iodine

molecules so t4 is an inactive thyroid

hormone it has to be activated to make

it work and eighty percent of the

activation happens to the liver and 20%

happens to your kidney so what happens

when it gets activated through certain

enzymes it strips off an iodine and it

becomes t3 okay so t3 is the active form

of the thyroid hormone so t3 does its

job and it does has everything to do

with metabolism and speeding things up

and making things work through pretty

much all the cells so when it does its

job it sends a signal back up to the

pituitary complying with this order

completing the action and then this can

turn off so we have this whole feedback

system that’s dependent on a lot of

different things the environment food

etc now it is true there are certain

things that will influence these

hormones like a low carbohydrate diet

and fasting can cause a low normal t3

okay that’s active form it’s not

necessarily abnormal but it could be low

normal ok still within the range okay

why would it be low normal simply

because T 3 is constant getting feedback

from the environment if you eat a lot of

food it has to speed up to keep up with

the metabolism if you eat less food

or less frequent food it can slow down

what you’re gonna find is the thyroid

stimulating hormone is going to be

normal and this is how they diagnose a

hypothyroid problem okay so it’s going

to be normal and t4 is probably gonna be

normal too you may just see a slight dip

in t3 and that is because you’re not

consuming the frequent meals and the

quantities of sugar that you did before

and this is totally okay because your

body just doesn’t need to produce the

quantities of t3 you may also see

another thing okay

higher reverse t3 now what is that what

what happens is if the body doesn’t

necessarily need is much t3 it can put

it in an inactive form okay it’s called

reverse t3 so t3 is kind of similar to

t4 it’s just an inactive form of t3 now

why would this be higher because the

body is just adapting to the environment

it doesn’t need as much t3 so it puts it

into an inactive form because if it did

keep going and you produce more and more

t3 when you didn’t need it you can end

up with a hyperthyroidism okay if you

didn’t have this and it kept going and

you produce too much t3 you can end up

with a hyper state the hyper thyroid

state now what happens when you go on a

little calorie diet okay and you don’t

change your carbohydrates you have

higher months of carbohydrates like most

calorie diets do or even go through

stress or infection you could actually

have an alteration in the thyroid

stimulating hormone right here and you

can have low t3 and even low t4 but if

you’re doing this if you’re doing in a

minute fasting and you’re losing weight

and you’re on a low carbohydrate diet

and you’re having energy and you’re

feeling good and you’re not hungry and

your hair is not falling out okay and

you find out that you have a low normal

but you have a normal thyroid

stimulating hormone just realize that

this is this is a totally okay situation

it’s not gonna be a problem so one more

point I want to bring up about iodine

okay this is an iodine deficiency can

very easily create a hypothyroid state

but if you’re taking a high quality seek

help that will protect the thyroid

iodine is very very good for women and

then it helps balance the estrogen out

also good for men

their prostate so it’s a very vital

trace mineral alright guys thanks for

listening talk to you later so I hope

you’re coming to the keto health summit

coming up in October so I want to

quickly comment on what we’re gonna do

that’s different from other conventions


the problem with these other conventions

is they give you information over a load

okay it’s so much data that you’re

basically swimming in a sea of

information we’re going to do things

very differently we’re only going to

cover the most important things that

make a huge difference now there are

three very powerful strategies that

we’re going to be talking about at the

summit that you will not find and any of

my youtube videos number one is on

memory I’m going to be showing you

something very cool to dramatically

increase your memory and concentration

that’s going to blow you away and number

two I’m going to show you how to

increase your stress tolerance so you

are completely calm all the time

alright and number three and most

importantly if you have a slow

metabolism if you’ve died it for a long

time and everything is kind of just

really slow I’m going to show you how to

get complete control over your

metabolism so you can literally turn up

the dial as high as you want and control

as much weight as you want to lose and

these three things are just a tiny bit

of what you’re going to learn in the

summit so click the link below get

signed up and I will see you in October