The Dr. Berg Show LIVE - March 19, 2022 | DrEricBergDC

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thank you

welcome back everyone we’re here for

another uh q a anything that I say is

definitely not meant to diagnose or

replace your medical care check with

your doctor before implementing any of

this information

uh so let’s go right jump right into

social media uh Steve you’re standing by

with some great questions we sure and we

got a full lineup in what we call our

green room so we’re going to have a lot

of fun today in the usual quiz questions

uh true false questions so uh we’re

gonna entertain everyone let’s kick it

off with social media we want to show

equal love to them we’re going to give

them top building starting off with this

show Andrew from YouTube is it possible

to do healthy raw vegan keto

it’s possible

um it’s more difficult because when you

do vegan you have um a lot of carbs and

it’s hard to get enough fat

and the type of complete protein that

you need but it’s possible just takes a

little bit more work and you got to make

sure that you um get enough zinc because

normally zinc comes from like animal

products but you can still get it from


other sources as well and then you have

the active form of vitamin A which is

difficult like retinol that’s hard to

get DHA is hard to get so you can do it

but it takes a little bit more work

all right well good luck on that when

Jeanette also from YouTube I’m allergic

to lemons no lemonade for her what can I

drink as an alternative to lemon water

well you can do the apple cider vinegar

water that would give you a different

um angle and that really helps your

blood sugars and it’s good for


insulin resistance it’s good for your

liver so I would do the outside of

vinegar do like a tablespoon and a glass

of water drink that thing down and uh

you’re good to go

okay one more from uh from uh social

media Southern Bella as she calls

herself I’ve had acne the past three

years after taking an antibiotic that’s

interesting what are your five biggest

steps she wants five biggest tips to get

rid of it

all right number one you need a


number two you need a Prebiotic so just

combine those in sauerkraut just start

consuming sauerkraut on a regular basis

because if you you know there’s when you

start uh destroying your microbiome in

your gut oh my gosh not only can it mess

up your skin because there’s microbes on

your skin as well that get uh altered

but also

um it affects people’s mood I mean they

can actually get depressed from doing

that antibiotics also have a side effect

of increasing um

um like blood sugars and uh

um also throw off your mineral balance

because you know you’re not making

enough lactic acid from the

lactobacillus so it just it just creates

a huge huge problem so we got Prebiotic

we have a probiotic in the Prebiotic

okay and then

um as far as acne goes that’s an

androgen problem so you wouldn’t want to

um if you’re female you want to make

sure you don’t have PCOS and the way to

do that is just to start avoiding these

things called carbohydrates so number

three reduce carbs number four start

doing fasting there’s nothing better

than your skin than a nice glowing skin

than doing regular fasting I mean take a

look at steep I mean it’s amazing his

skin and the last thing


for acne is to take enough vitamin d

whether it’s the Sun that would be the

ideal situation or just take it as a


so there we have our five my goodness we

could actually go to six zinc is also

really important too

wow bonus bonus advice well that’s

terrific well good luck to you that’s uh

an agonizing problem to have that most

of us suffer with from sometimes so I

can’t wait for you to report back in

with a nice clear face and why don’t we

kick off with one of our highly popular

quiz questions doc there it is

all right what do Americas eat more of

hamburgers or hot dogs

I have an opinion but we’ll leave that

to the audience and then why don’t we uh

now go uh to our our guests and we just

got Greg

Horseman back he had sort of disappeared

for a while and Greg we’re going to put

you on uh with Dr Berg please unmute

yourself and you’re wrong with Dr Berg

okay I think I’m unmuted is is that good

you sound terrific that’s great great

well I appreciate the uh the opportunity

Dr berga I’ve been actually uh onto your

program really since Christmas day uh

last year and uh I’ve lost a

considerable amount of body fat and

weight uh and I’m really pleased with

the results I’m actually feeling really

good these days

and uh but I’ve got a few issues that

I’d like to share with you and I’d like

to get your thoughts on them to tell me

where I’m missing the boat first off I

want to mention instead of doing omad I

do om EOD most of the time which is one

meal every other day and so that’s been

a pretty consistent Trend that I’ve been

on really since December uh but I’ve

also experimented with longer fasting

because you’ve said in some of your

videos that hey if you’re not hungry and

you can push this out go ahead and push

it out so I’ve I’ve really tried to push

the limit I’ve gone as many as four days

in a row without eating anything and no

issue but then I think maybe I should

eat something just to be safe so anyway

the the symptoms that I’ve experienced

since I’ve started this path that are

not real favorable is I have experienced

extreme leg cramps from really the knee

down and it wakes me up from a dead

sleep and I have to stand up to get it

to ease up and then once it eases up I

can lay back down and and it follows the

cycle it’s about every two hours and

usually when I wake up I end up going

and urinating too but I was sleeping

through the night before when I was

heavier which don’t get me wrong I’ll

trade off the heavy for uh not sleeping

well but but uh I I’ve gotten so much

energy that I don’t want to stop and

sometimes even lay down and sleep and I

know you say seven or eight hours is

good but I find I don’t really need that

so what part of that process might be

contributing I mean potassium I’m eating

I got took I got the Magnesium uh things

that you offer on your website so anyway

okay so I think I think if you’re

already taking you’re probably taking my

electrolytes I’m guessing so you’re

getting a lot of potassium

so you’re getting also magnesium which

is important but there’s one more

mineral that you’re probably going to

take in addition which is calcium I

would probably find a good maybe a

calcium lactate and take that before bed


um if you’re lacking calcium and I

haven’t really talked a lot about this

that specifically can create some tetany

and tightness in the lower part of your

legs especially when you’re sleeping

nocturnal and

um cramping

um so I think that is what’s missing

with you


I don’t think

um I don’t think it’s potassium I don’t

think it’s magnesium which could be a

cause but especially when you’re doing

this fasting you’re only eating once

every other day

it’s just going to be a balance of

trying to figure out what mineral

vitamin and so

you know calcium

is not something that is uh

easy to get from unless you’re doing

some Dairy and a lot of vegetables but

you’re eating once every other day so I

think what’ll happen if you right before

bed if you took like a good calcium

lactate that cramping would go away


so the other thing too would be vitamin

D to increase the absorption of calcium

so the combination of both of those I

think you might already be taking

vitamin D but calcium is probably the


before I started I was drinking

generally three to four glasses of milk

and when I read the milk carton that

said sugar I said well that’s I’m done

with that so I did stop drinking the

milk uh you know when I started the

program so calcium might be might be

right up my alley I think that I think

that’s what you’re missing you know

even from a cardiovascular standpoint

you have the heart muscle itself if you

don’t have enough calcium

um boy do you have a problem with the

heart I mean and if you have too much

that’s the problem too that’s why you

have calcium channel blockers but um

I think even one of the side effects

from a calcium channel blocker which

actually creates a deficiency would be

leg cramps so

um I think it’s a real simple answer for

you so go ahead and try that take some

calcium before bed and let us know if

that helped I think that’s really

what you need to do

and then maybe on the days that you eat

have some consume some cheese some high

quality cheese and see if that doesn’t

help you but I think any symptoms that

occur with um more of a prolonged fast

gives us a clue on what your body might

be having a subclinical deficiency

because you’re putting the body into a

state where

All These Little Things show up now that

might maybe didn’t show up before

well I got to tell you in terms of the

way I feel I’m energetic I don’t have

nearly the brain fog that I felt was

beginning to grow uh for me and I got to

tell you I mean like I said I wouldn’t

trade it any of these little symptoms

for what I had before but I thought

maybe you could help me out I appreciate


this is awesome great

appreciate your success awesome that’s

great thanks so much Greg and uh uh what

a wonderful success story uh pruned off

all that weight uh why don’t we discuss

who’s watching us around the world so a

good morning to all our viewers joining

us from the UK Canada Jordan Yugoslavia

hang on I just jumped up for me uh I ran

Kuwait Algeria France Greece Italy India

Japan Pakistan Germany Cameroon Chile

Trinidad Tobago the Netherlands Scotland

Taiwan Iraq Lebanon Uzbekistan uh

Istanbul Egypt Kurdistan Mexico and by

the way we’ve got a guest coming up

later in the show Daniel representing

Mexico City so we’re excited about that

uh Suriname haven’t heard of them before

but I’m sure it’s a great place Israel

Sweden Zambia Norway the Philippines

Brazil Peru Switzerland Thailand and all

the costs of course these United States

and did he say Canada if he didn’t let’s

throw that in so that is fantastic and

all of these people have cumulatively

worked on the quiz question and the quiz

question asks what do Americans eat more

of uh hamburgers and hot dogs I’m

guessing hamburgers maybe because I slam

a lot of them down and let’s see um

so 65 say the boyger 35 say hot dogs are

they onto something doc

well they are on to something it’s it’s

about 14 billion now honestly I I uh

there’s conflicting data on that but I

will say that there’s like a 14 billion

to a 9 billion but again

there’s conflicting data down there but

we do know Steve and this is such an

important question that people in the

U.S eat more hamburgers and this relates

to the video that I did I released

yesterday on


incredible if you’re if you’re consuming

burgers at a fast food uh restaurant

like I did Growing Up Until I was like

28 years old which was about five years


um I

basically accumulated so much corn in My

DNA I mean even the burger itself is

like 93 corn derived because of the the

corn fed

um cows so um and then of course it’s

GMO so we’re putting all this stuff into

our bodies

um at a foundational

DNA level which um I don’t know I don’t

think it’s the best thing to uh

to build our bodies out of corn uh Steve

I don’t think it’s the best foundation


um the point is that uh

if you if you can do it make your

Burgers grass-fed at home without the

bun because there’s a lot of additional

things in there that come from corn too

like the high fructose corn syrup

so-called ketchup

and then of course the soda and the corn

oil that they fry the fries and it’s

incredible there’s a great um

documentary I think it’s called King


fascinating you got to check that out

very interesting let’s go to Facebook

Iona says please share she’s getting

personal here please share what

supplements you take every day Dr bird

um you know I I rotate and depending on

what I need but I I right now the sun’s

coming out so I don’t take my D3 anymore

because I’m getting enough Sun but I

usually take the D3 and K2

um I also in the morning I take a whole

lemon and stick it in the blender with a

glass of water a big glass of water and

I’ll put a scoop of my um electrolyte

powder in there uh with another scoop of

wheatgrass juice powder so now I have

the chlorophyll

phytonutrients and and then I take my

trace minerals because I actually spiked

it recently with a little bit more zinc

copper malignant manganese things like

that and so that’s pretty much what I’m

doing lately it seems to work out real

good but then you know other times I’ll

I’ll go to my probiotic I’ll start

taking a probiotic a little bit of that

and uh I might rotate sometimes to a

sleep a before bed but I don’t really

need that anymore I’m like

just go right out and and sometimes I’ll

take my nutritional yeast before bed as


so um

and then when I’m exercising not lightly

but I used to take the the keto energy

which used to be called the

mitochondrial support just because it’s

a real high quality B1 product with in a

blend of all the nutrients that

definitely increases your energy if you

need more energy when you’re working out

um the latest workout that I’m going to

be recommending I’ll be doing videos on

it you know I kind of rotate I find some

new workout and I’m like wow this is

awesome the sled

the sled

um there’s a really great uh guy out

there that I I’m going to interview at

the end of this month it’s called the

toes over knee guy and he recommends a

sled I got a little sled you’re not that

expensive and boy you want a workout

the sled for your knees you go backwards

incredible cardiovascular and leg

workout and that’s the one that I’ll be

doing a video on very soon but uh

um definitely want to check that out

it’s pretty pretty cool stuff very

interesting I can see Karen on there

with a whistle yelling at you as you

shove her across the field hey I got her

to do it too because um it’s especially

good for people that have knee problems


I’m telling it for your back because it

kind of reverses the whole flow like

instead of doing like this squats

um it blows out your discs um this this

works on your

the different different muscles that

strengthen your back and so if you do it

like if you have back pain and you have

a lumbar support maybe even a rolled

towel or something like this if you do a

lot of sitting

a little

thing you can get from

Kmart or Walmart whatever and you keep

that in your lower back keep the curve

in the lower back and then you do the

backward pull with that sled you will

not have back pain because the

foundation of your feet your knees your

quads your hip

um all will support that nice curve in

your lower back versus

sitting all day which just loses the

curb and then you get back pain

wow I can’t wait to see that video

ambreen from Facebook my mom is a

diabetic and her feet get painful

especially at night time can you explain

what I can do to make her feel better

you can immediately you know for

immediately relief you can get something

called benphotamine it’s a fat soluble B

vitamin take just four of those a day

spread them out and within probably a

few days you’ll start feeling relief but

what’s happening is she needs to reduce

her blood sugars she needs to get off

these things called what do they call

them carbohydrates and then go on keto

intermittent fasting because it’s that

high sugar that’s creating

damage to her vascular system

that then feed the nerves to the lower

part of the feet so her nerves are


dying because they don’t have enough

blood flow

because what sugar does to the vascular

system and nasty and it destroys your

eyes your heart your kidneys and your


well that’s a bummer Todd from YouTube

is a good question would any of your

products break a fast my friend is in

menopause asking for a friend and is

struggling to lose weight and she takes

a lot of your products

uh the only product that we break fast

is the meal replacement or the keto

Shake because it has protein all the

other ones won’t break the fast at all

because it’s they’re very very low

calories and they don’t have carbs and

I’m not I do have an amino acid product

but it’s different than the branch amino

acids that you would get that turn in

the sugar

this blend of amino acids is a very

unique blend that replaces your protein

it doesn’t turn in the sugar maybe one

percent of it does but it’s so

insignificant compared to all other

proteins out there okay how about

another question

all right good what’s the primary side


of electrolytes on the heart

so what’s the number one symptom you’re

going to get within your cardiovascular

system if you’re deficient in


all right terrific well we spoke of

Mexico before and we have Daniel

Dominguez standing by to represent the

city and ask a question of Dr Byrd

Daniel you’re on with Dr Berg

go ahead sir

hey doctor a pleasure following

following work from Mexico City and well

my question is this uh three months ago

I started keto and uh fasting because I

developed this thing called leaky God

and back in December the

neuroinflammation and the brain fog was

10 out of 10 I was feeling drugged and

high all the time my wife and I got

really scared I couldn’t drive couldn’t

go to the mall by myself because I was

all foggy all the time and well after a

doctor told me keto fasting and natural

supplements three months later so far so

good I’m coming back being myself but

every now and then

um I get after a meal or after working

out I get the brain fog back

and migraines on the right side of my

head so my wife and I are wondering like

which is that last step I’m missing for

my total healing

uh should I Target you know the

digestive system should I Target the


um basically that’s my question because

so far you know thyroid

uh blood tests hormone test everything

looks fine and the doctors are like okay

we have no idea what else to do with you

right and this relates to exercise right

yeah every time I exercise or or every

time I finish a meal let’s say the

breakfast the brain fog tries to come

back and the migraines just show up

yeah I think here’s the thing that

you’re running up against you you’re not

fully adapted to fat

like you should yet and that does take

it takes time it takes between one and

three months especially if you’re work

if you’re an athlete

um sometimes it could take up to eight

months because these athletes


that are relying on so much sugar over a

period of time and all of a sudden you

switch to a keto it’s like what your

body’s like wait a second those enzymes

that have to develop within the muscles

and the tissues

um have to adapt and it takes a good

amount of time so without that uh

instant sugar that your body is supposed

to be making you and you stress the body

by exercising and it can show up as a

blood sugar issue just because you

haven’t adapted so how do we fix that

well number one we have patience we wait

but we also do longer fast so you want

to not have a breakfast so you want to

just do two meals and try to squish them

so if you could work up to 18 hour fast

or even 20 hour fasting you’re going to

get there a lot faster now in the


what you should do is you should um when

you work out just take a little bit of a

maybe a teaspoon of MCT oil before the

workout that will give your brain

ketones and probably minimize the side


so that’s all you have to do is just

kind of keep working on lowering your

carbs fast longer give it more time and

then make sure you’re doing some sea

salt too because the sea salts if

they’re deficient can cause a bit of a


um but I think it’s really just you

haven’t adapted to 100 fat burning yet

perfect so basically uh patience another

warning about my brain just blowing up

correct and then just fast longer too

and definitely skip your breakfast



the way you know you’re fat adapted is

like wow I don’t really even need to eat

I can keep going for long periods of

time without any hunger then then you

know your body’s working

sounds great thank you so much I

appreciate your work and thank you for

the help and thank you for making me

um appear today here thank you so much

hey you’re welcome and I do know that um

I think that you can get higher quality

avocados in Mexico as compared to here

and I think uh even some of your food is

higher quality so I think you have a

unfair Advantage those people in the US

and so that’s good I would ride the wave

and uh

after your meals just stick another

avocado in there and you’re good to go

perfect sounds great thank you so much

okay well they might have good avocados

but apparently they don’t have as good

weather today it’s actually warmer in

Wilmington North Carolina than it is

Mexico City they’ve got some little cold

front so I’m feeling sort of

um you know proud of that effect usually

is so gorgeous down there and I tell you

what we have the answer to the second

quiz question which asks what is the

primary effect of electrolytes on the

heart and 80 percent said heart

palpitations 20 say lower blood pressure

Okay so

80 palpitations that would be a heart

arrhythmia symptom and yes heart

arrhythmias is the is the first thing to

show up with a lack of electrolytes but

you can also have blood pressure as well

but um the big one is the um Electro


um so the heart goes out of balance when

you’re lacking electrolytes which you

know it’s really bizarre to me is that

if you go to the doctor

um do they ever recommend electrolytes


they recommend medication for the

rhythmia and what would that be that

well first of all it might be a diuretic

possibly and what is the side effect of


deficiency of potassium magnesium

and the retention of calcium which then

causes arrhythmias and then they might

also put you on um

a calcium channel blocker which has a

similar effect so it’s it’s fascinating

that the solution

ends up creating the problem you’re

trying to solve

I mean it just doesn’t make sense to me

so I will be releasing the video maybe

in two days on that topic maybe tomorrow

um but uh

this fascinating


cardiovascular electrolyte connection

and when you really understand it it

really becomes simple it’s like wow

no wonder I have arrhythmias

I need more of this food whatever so



everything is designed not to correct

the root issue

that’s unfortunate now this one’s a

little earthy walking Mall uh as they

call themselves from Facebook I have

PCOS and have been having recurring

boils in my armpits and groin area what

could be the cause help

polycystic ovarian syndrome females

um it’s it’s an androgen problem it’s

excess androgens which is a testosterone

one of them is testosterone and the

solution is to lower the the key hormone

that raises androgens and that would be

insulin so you want to reduce insulin if

you have too much insulin guess what

else you get boils so

um if you get on healthy keto and do the


um you can kill two birds with one stone

both of these conditions

so that’s the solution I have a lot of

videos on PCOS but um

that’s how you do it terrific I think

this is an oft asked question Aries from

Facebook what are your thoughts on the

carnivore carnivore excuse me Diet

well I honestly I think it’s it’s good

for especially those digestive problems

that people have that have got


um personally I’m not changing my

program to a carnivore because

there’s a lot of benefits to vegetables

that I I that I had found to be helpful

for people and so

um to cut out all vegetables you have

the fiber the feed the microbes you have

the vitamin C the potassium and not only

that but all the phytonutrients the

carotenoids the phenols polyphenols

indol-3 for anti-cancer there’s a lot of

benefits I feel better when I consume

vegetables but also I need my protein

um so I I’m not in any shape where form

a vegan or even a vegetarian I have a

lot of protein enough not excessive but

I also have a lot of vegetables so I

have the best of both worlds but if you

feel worse from vegetables then try the

carnivore and see if it doesn’t help you

well that’s great I hope we can help

Victoria because she’s had diarrhea for

three years and his diarrhea and has

been on keto for three years what’s she

doing wrong

well I don’t know but it’s dangerous to

have diarrhea um that long

um especially with the deficiency of

zinc and electrolytes

um so obviously she needs to get a stool

sample she needs to take the right

probiotic and evaluate what’s going on

and you might want to quickly radically

change different things in your diet

sometimes even

vegetables can create diarrhea or

sometimes um other foods can create

diarrhea but there’s definitely

something odd going on a good simple

remedy that I use for diarrhea I

recommend would be

non-um sweetened

kefir with some blackberries you blend

that up

Slug it down and that usually helps to


um diarrhea

well we wish you all the best Victorian

that does sound serious so let’s see uh

Catalina from Facebook what is the what

is good to treat restless leg syndrome

that is usually a buildup of something

called lactic acid or you might have a

version of what’s called lactic acidosis

so the the remedy is to take more B1

thiamine so you would get it in a

nutritional yeast I used to have that

problem too and it usually comes from

consuming too many carbs like I did so I

would have to get up in the middle of

night and literally pound my legs they

had so much energy I couldn’t sleep they

were restless I would literally go

running at five o’clock in the morning

um when I was I should have been

sleeping of course now I wake up a lot

earlier because I don’t need as much

sleep but yeah that restless leg is a is

a B1 deficiency and you have too much

lactic acid generation and um

uh simple remedy is just take some B1

through nutritional yeast

wonderful well all those folks in United

States enjoy getting your products with

ease and affordably and I understand doc

that you have available all around the

world you want to talk about your new

sort of product availability yeah if

you’re if you’re from from other parts

of the country other than other parts of

the world

excluding U.S we now have we’re in

different places so we’ll put those

links down below so you can definitely

save on shipping costs so and we’re

working on that more and more so


the costs will be coming down as time

goes on

all right well James from YouTube back

to YouTube uh do you believe ionizers

are good what are the benefits of using


the Inez is a really good because they

um they can really help certain uh

particles pollution in the air

um especially if like let’s say you work

at a nail salon and you have all these

chemicals a good ionizer will just kind

of purify the air it purifies uh things

in the air and also


you know in certain concentrations I

think it can help you but if it’s too

concentrated it definitely can irritate

your throat and things like that so the

right concentration I think is a good

way to uh kill off things in the air if

there’s a mold growing in the air you

know or what are chemicals or you live

in a polluted area pollution is one one

trigger for blood sugar issues too which

is wild so depending on your air quality

you may want to get an ionizer

well I love all these names people come

up with for social media next up

destined to play from YouTube I have

Cushing syndrome and I need to lose

belly fat and build muscle I also have a

moon face not sure what that is what

should I do now

well I just happened to have

this book right here Steve

Frank Netter encyclopedia and

endocrinology here’s Cushing’s syndrome

right here wow okay that’s uh highlight

that’s high level of cortisol and I have

a whole

recommendation on that if you look don’t

don’t try to search for um

Cushing search for adrenal body type we

need to help you reduce stress and a

couple things right off the bat would be

for you know even better than exercise

is physical work around the house

outside not in the in the house but

outside being in nature going for long

walks gets your mind off the problems of

the of

in your life and then also the

nutritional yeast is essential potassium

foods are essential

um and vitamin D is really important

because that can act to help reduce

stress and bring your mood up so that’s

that’s what I would do there’s a lot

more to that so watch my videos on the

adrenal body type

wow that’s unbelievable doc I can’t

believe you had that at your fingers

tips uh audience I promise we did not

preemptively tell him what this question

was it just popped up

and uh by the way this is interesting I

don’t know what I can show here but uh

there’s a whole Cadre of people that

feel that our show is not live and they

talked about that last week and they

think we’re pre-recorded and let me see

if I can show them today’s questions I

want them to know that I mean we

wouldn’t mind producing it non-live or

live to tape as they call it but we

really are coming to you live and we are

watching your questions live and asking

them so for those of you who have date

he was hard proof of the fact that the

show is live I don’t have a newspaper to

hold up but this is the second best


Steve why don’t you just tell them these

are paid actors that we have coming on

asking questions in the in the green

room and this is all pre-recorded and


um you can tell by

you know

the polished answers right

that’s right I’m a a Japanese robot that

has been imported to mimic Steve and

anyway so that’s how we fool all you

folks but no the Dr Burke Show is indeed

live and sometimes I hate to tell you

can tow because all of a sudden

something will happen we go off the air

for a second and that would never happen

with a pre-recorded show so that’s

further proof all right let’s get back

to business here with the next question

this is a true falser

okay whole grains are high in fibers

that true or false

All Right audience digging it I tell you

they’re lightning fast they come back

with the answer uh just immediately all

right why don’t we go back to

um our green room and Eric is coming to

us from Fort Myer Florida also a place

with terrific weather and Eric you are

on with Dr bird

Dr Berg uh thanks for having me on your

show uh first off uh long time listener

uh was introduced to this over two years

ago I’ve lost over 40 pounds on uh you

know one meal a day and keto and

following a lot of your recommendations

and all the supplements and everything

that you’re talking about I use on a

regular basis so big fan and so thank

you it’s changed my life dramatically uh

and in the process there’s two things

that um are persisting with me that are

unusual uh and I wanted to get your

opinion on this number one is uh

genetically unpredisposed to gout uh as

part of my DNA and it’s been re

recurring more as a part of the program

that I’m on than I have ever had before

in my life and besides abstinence of all

the key things that cause you know uh

gout you know and I’m I like alcohol I

you know I still partake in those types

of things I’m curious of your point of

view on that so I’d like to get that the

second part of my question is on another

piece too it’s like I’ve also had

intermittent constipation as a part of

this program as well and you know I do a

lot of the you know vegetables combined

with uh proteins and pretty consistent

very drink a lot of water every day as

well so you know something’s causing

that I’m not quite sure what might

be the root of that so there’s my two

questions and I’d love to hear your

point of view okay with the constipation

do you um

are you consuming enough vegetables you


mostly yes I mean I’ll eat a huge salad

and I’ve had people look at me when they

see the salad you can go I can’t believe

you’re eating a whole salad right so

right I do a lot and perhaps you know uh

at some point when I don’t or when I do

have the constipation there might you

know be lulls in the uh you know what

I’m actually eating so I can’t quite

pinpoint it

okay so a couple things um that help



one is uh maybe a try a different

probiotic that would be one thing

um maybe have more fermented vegetables

as part of your salad the other thing is

uh the purified bile salts

um that that tends to um

a lot of times replace the bile that you

might not you might be missing in the

liver and that helps lubricate the colon

so these are just things I would look at

now shifting gears to gout

um yeah you’re right alcohol is a

trigger I don’t know if you consume

chocolate whether it’s keto friendly or

not okay good

um purines are a problem but when you do

fasting you know your your your gas to

just go up one thing

two things you can do if you could get

your pH maybe get a a pH tester you

could probably buy them on Amazon

they’re little

actually just get it it’s like their

little urine sticks and they tell you

various things about your urine and one

of those things would be pH and

see what your pH is if your pH is um

like five which it probably is then

that’s probably why you’re getting gout

we want to bring up to a six maybe a 6.5

um and so how do we do that

um you might need to alkalize with

potassium citrate like through the day

have a little bit more potassium citrate

that’s an alkalizer that’s what the

vegetables will help as well

um the other remedy that’s good for gout

is tart cherries I think that is a


okay good you might want to try to


um and not go crazy with them but to


freeze-dried tart cherries

and have those after your dinner

especially if you get gout late at night

or just during the day or does it come

and go or it comes and goes and when it

hits you know it persists and all the

you know symptoms that come with it and

then it fades over time

um but you know I’d like to figure out

what I’m actually doing that causes it

and then stop doing that there’s

definitely I will say there’s a genetic

uh part of this and it’s unfortunate

like you might if you’re predisposed it

can kind of just turn on it’s really

it’s not even honestly the uric acid

crystals that are causing the pain it’s

the uric acid crystals that are

stirring up your immune system

that’s causing the problem so it’s an

immune issue

um you know people have tried the celery

seed and the um the different remedies

and some of those work right and some of

them don’t I think the the best thing

that I recommend that seems to work the

best is just to alter the pH of your

urine to keep it from getting too acid

and not you don’t want to alkalize it

too much but you may need to just bring

up the ph and and sometimes even when

you’re fasting it takes some baking soda

a little bit like an eighth of a

teaspoon of water drink that down in the

middle of your fast

alkalize it so it reduces some of that

acidity that that might help

um reduce the pain but I think it’s time

for me to do like more of an in-depth

video on gout because it is definitely a

popular problem with a lot of people so

um I’ll do more of a complete video on

that soon

all right appreciate the input thank you

very much thanks Eric well best of luck

Eric that is a very painful and gruesome

problem I understand yeah especially

especially if you’re trying to exercise

and uh you’re doing the the sled if you

have a toe pain and you’re like you know

doing anything with exercise it’s like

it throws off your gate so now your

pressure is on a certain part of your

foot and then now it messes up your knee

and your back so what can you really

throw off the whole Foundation of your

body wow your Eric’s shaking his head on

that one okay so the audience is right

on it and our last uh question was a

true false whole grains are high in

fiber and sixty percent of the audience

say that it’s false and forty percent

say it’s true

I mean they wherever they is promote

that it’s high in fiber these healthy

whole grains get your fiber well guess


I mean it’s roughly between


to ten percent it’s it’s extremely low

it’s extremely low even the whole I mean

not 100 Health grain is very very low

it’s not a high fiber thing let’s take

vegetables for example let’s take celery

in or spinach it’s a 50 fiber with only

like a per cup it’s like a four grams of


whereas you have with the grain

you got this four percent fiber with

40 carbs

I mean it’s like it’s not a high fiber

food and don’t if you want to get fiber

don’t get it from your grains

um I’ll be releasing a video on grains


but there’s I think um

yeah so

there’s just a lot of myths about that

so that would be a big fat false

all right well uh real quickly at one of

our former guests here Greg Horsemen was

on uh the TV so to speak he wants to

know if there’s an amount of calcium

lactate to take each day to help his


you know

I don’t have an exact amount

um if if you could find a lactate in

whatever normally comes and I would take

that because

normally the um I haven’t tested out

exactly how much you need but I would

just try try one or two tablets but the

one I would not take if I were going to

take calcium is calcium carbonate but

get like a lactate or even a citrate and

whatever comes in if it’s 250 milligram

300 milligrams gray for great that would

be perfect but

um I probably wouldn’t go up over 300

but take it right before bed

um that’s the best time to take calcium

because calcium relaxes you and um also

um You probably get the cramps at night

so taking it at bed will actually help


that’s terrific okay on to the next Quiz


all right so which key mineral

helps convert the thyroid hormone from a

T4 to a T3

okay get on that and let’s see and by

the way Greg said awesome thank you and

let’s go on to someone that’s on the

phone with us and that would be uh Ruby

from New York City Ruby are you


hi Dr Burke thank you Stephen

hello how are you I’m so sorry about my

camera I’m on campus so I couldn’t find

the best way to turn it on so happy

but I’m so happy to be on the show my

mom inspired me to speak with you today

because she is a keto follower because

of you

and so I wanted to come on today and

talk about my thyroid because

um I was recently told that I have

Hashimoto’s and hyperthyroidism

so um I wanted to first start with

saying that two and a half years ago is

when I first started to experience

symptoms of like having a thyroid

disorder I had hair loss and heartbeats

and weight gain but my endocrinologist

didn’t like didn’t treat me she said

everything was normal so I went to about

two years untreated so last year in 2021

I was told that I have hyperthyroidism

so I took

um supplements on and off and I was told

to stick to a diet which I didn’t stick

to strictly and my stress levels and my

cortisol was through

through the roof

so now in February I recently took

another blood test and my cortisol and

all of my thyroid panel was doubled so

my red blood cell was even increased and

so was my my ALT so now I have a TSH of

0.01 the T4 of 17.5 my cortisol is 26.8

in the morning and my thyroid peroxide

antibodies is 221.

but I thought from my original diagnosis

of hypothyroidism I was feeling better

so in the meantime of these past three

two and a half weeks I went on keto I’m

on a strict diet of no sugar no gluten

two quarts of water one cup of

cruciferous vegetables no carbs

nutritional yeast and I’m on a bunch of

some new supplements now but I’m not

sure if these supplements are

like I wanted to make sure these are

working for me so my nutritionist told

me to take paba 500 milligrams thyrocom

cortisol manager and a liver detox

but I just want to make sure that

through this strict diet and

intermittent fasting and through these

supplements that I could kind of sort of

bring my thyroid back to normal or

stabilize it just because I’m young I’m

20 and I don’t want to go on synthetic

medication so I wanted your opinion

I got it

um do you do you presently go through a

lot of stress at school and things yes

yes stress at home stress at school

yeah so that’s great that you’re taking

the supplements you’re taking the right

things the the uh the the nutritional

yeast has the B1 which is great for a

hyperthyroid if you went from a hypo

Hashimoto’s to then a hyper the chances

are it’s really just a autoimmune issue

more than a thyroid issue


so I and that can be triggered by stress

for sure so

um I think you’re on the right path as

far as you’re eating and your nutrition

I think you’re doing a good job I think

the big thing that I would put attention

on is doing whatever you can to um

eliminate sources of stress in your life

and and um counter some of the stress by

the like I said previously

doing physical work outside you should

get a job where you’re doing physical

work manual labor I’m not kidding I mean

it’s like such a great therapy

especially if you’re a student sit

behind a computer all day like you get

out there in nature and do something

um it’s so good for your adrenals it’s

good for stress and if you don’t have

something outside like start cleaning

something inside but

the stress is um what that does is it

it’s it lower it suppresses the immune

system and allows these autoimmune

things to kick in so I think yeah take

the nutrition do these other things but

probably watch my videos on stress


because that is what I see is like a

what you need help with most uh mostly

and hopefully you can get through the

schooling fast so you can then because

going through school is extremely

stressful as I remember so um you know

you’re going to have to cope as well as

you can as you get through and then when

you graduate you can do other things

that hopefully will reduce your stress

okay and so but the news supplements

that my nutritionist told me to take the

paba and the liver detox and the

cortisol manager is that are those all

supplements that you think will help

over time I I think they’re fine I think

they’re fine they might help you

um I just don’t have enough data to tell

you for sure but you know you’re

supporting the adrenal you’re supporting

the liver

uh paba is is also good as a B vitamin

so all those are are beneficial but um I

don’t I couldn’t tell you because I

I I don’t know those brands


yeah because I can’t really give you an

opinion if I

don’t have that data but I will say that

um going on that low carb doing them in

the fasting

is very very important

um another good thing

like lemon balm tea drinking that

through the day is really good for

cortisol to low up lower cortisol

vitamin D is good to lower cortisol

magnesium is it’s very important for

cortisol because even a magnesium


um usually occurs before you get

Hashimoto’s and even other types of

autoimmune problems so


consider a good magnesium

product as well

okay all right thank you so much

yeah good luck Ruby yeah she’s got the

World by the short hair is it 20 years

old got a nice long life ahead of her

and by the way you talked about exercise

and and you use the example of the

jethros that work around your farm you

know they eat a moon pie and an RC Cola

for lunch but they’re chucking bales of

hay all day and they’re just super

healthy right because they just sort of

overcome maybe their nasty diet which is

constant movement

you know if you just weigh out the

different things to improve your health

there’s a lot of factors to look at you

have diet and um there’s other things

and that’s like physical activity

outside not on a treadmill the physical

activity outside I mean people tend to

live longer if you take a look at the um

the countries where people live for very

long they usually hang outside they’re

not inside playing the video games all

day they’re not on the treadmill at the

gym they’re outside doing physical work

which is such a great therapy I mean

just try it just try it and see if you

don’t um you know because it affects it

takes your attention off the problems of

life when you’re

when you’re doing other types of work

that um you know you don’t have time to

focus on so that shift in that shift in

mental focus is a very huge benefit of

doing physical work and cleaning

something or whatever

that’s terrific all right great advice

uh and our audience is nailed uh answers

again I think quiz question number four

asks which key mineral helps convert T4

to T3 and the audience 45 percent of

them claim uh that it’s selenium 35

percent say iodine and 20 say zinc

okay so this relates to the last person

I was just talking about which I was

withholding this answer which is because

for Hashimoto’s you want the conversion

mineral and the answer is selenium

um one

um Brazilian nut per day will give you a

good amount of uh selenium that you

would need like the rdas I mean you’d

get enough by having one nut a day but

selenium is also good in high in Seafood

oysters other other things clams things

like that but selenium is the the key

mineral to help convert the T4 to the T3

fantastic our final contestant so to

speak in the green room is Mia Franklin

by the way thank you folks because these

poor people have to have their faces

pressed to the camera for an hour

straight and they’re such good sports

about it me is coming to us on the phone

so to speak Mia are you with us


go ahead with your question Mia

okay thank you Dr Berg

having me and um I’ve been watching uh

YouTube you YouTube about you know

gallbladder problems and you recommend

um take a vile pure biosart and

I’m trying to find it on uh

you know online but I couldn’t find the

you know pure bio salt and I mean I took

your uh gallbladder formula for uh three

months straight and my


oh it’s gone and uh I don’t know if

should I keep taking your gallbladder


but I don’t have a pain but I do have a

bio going into my stomach that cause

sociable uh biogastritis and the a

little better also

so did you did you say that you have a



biogastritis oh okay okay so so yes the

gallbladder formula that you’re taking

the one that I have is the purified bile

salts that is the one that’s that’s the

correct one I’m glad it helped you

um so now we’re dealing with gastritis

right so


I think that um the other thing that

you’re missing is you’re gonna have to

search out a good source but it’s a zinc

kernel sign is good for inflammation in

your stomach gastritis and that will be

a really good remedy for you and as far

as vegetables go I probably would stick


different forms of cabbage

cabbage seems to be really good for

gastritis heartburn gerd acid reflux and

you can do it in different forms like

coleslaw without the sugar

uh even um cabbage shredded in your

salad uh or even

um sauerkraut so that’s a really uh it’s

a unique vegetable that helps the gut


so I think you’re on the right track I

would also then

um work on the manual remember I have

the I don’t know if you saw the video

and it’s I think it’s called

gallbladder flushing but it’s not

actually it’s a physical it’s a Hands-On

massage of your gallbladder and your

pancreas and that should be on my

website or if you do a search on it but

I would be doing that through the day as

your digestive system calms down even

more because it’s gonna you’re gonna

allow more drainage through that those

ducks and of course

you know I’m assuming you’re on the

healthy version of Keto as you’re using

these supplements because the point is

that we want to eventually get your

basic eating corrected that’s with

everyone because you don’t want to be

dependent on anything the rest of your

life so the key is see-through food have

the right um combinations of food the

right timing of eating to um so your

body can heal

thank you so much but my doctor suggest

me to have a removable gallbladder

good thing it was an extra organ that

you didn’t really need

yeah but uh

so I’m doing a lot of cabbage and the

only time uh bottom is when I’m sleeping

at night it wakes me up because I think

about a while going into stomach

I got it okay so then that uh then I

would add one more thing

um during the day uh take with tadka

t-u-d-c-a I think yes I saw that video

you made and uh I do have a um

autoimmune hepatitis but this you said

that you don’t recommend if I have a

label problems

oh no no you you want to take it

especially if you have a liver problem

is really amazing uh uh what it does to

the liver and it takes the stress off

the liver takes the inflammation off the

liver so so what will happen is that

sludge that’s backing up into your

stomach causing gastritis which is from

bile salt more than acid


can Now drain properly so

um you take it during the day empty

stomach maybe once or twice with two

different tablets and then um

I bet you you would sleep and not have

that problem anymore

I would definitely know I would take a



video many times okay thank you so much

you’re welcome

well that’s great thanks Mia and thanks

everybody for participating why don’t we

try we’ve got a few seconds left uh for

go to social media wrap it up there

Karina from YouTube will drinking raw

lemon juice break a fast

no no it’s it’s it’s such a small amount

of uh carbs that I mean you’re talking

about maybe breaking a fast for a few

minutes it’s not going to be a big deal

I wouldn’t worry about it because the

benefit of the citrate is very good when

you’re fasting uh especially to reduce

kidney stones and and oxalates in the


um from certain vegetables that you have

um one little thing I want to mention

instead of sauerkraut you can do kimchi

which also is a cabbage pepper and

that’s a really good vegetable I mean

not it’s a fermented blend of really

good vegetables and if that’s good for

sinus issues as well but um

it’s kind of spicy so

anyway I want to just say thanks for

everyone for having their attention this

long on this video you made it to the

end I appreciate you

um stay tuned for additional videos

coming up every single day and um

you know

um also next Friday we’ll be back but um

thanks for your successes stay tuned

we’ll talk to you real soon


thank you
