Why do I Have Bloating and Gas on Keto Diet? – Dr. Berg | DrEricBergDC

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hey guys today we’re gonna talk about

what happens if you get gas when you’re

doing the keto plan okay or are the

people around you your spouse is getting

gas and it’s gassing you out and you

need to handle this okay so let’s let’s

first discuss one of the problems and

that is if you have pre-existing

digestive problems with your colon the

little colon cells normally head should

have little villi their little roots

that are kind of an upside down plant we

have these roots that absorb the

nutrients passing through the intestines

and then absorb it right into the body

so many times you can have damage to

these little villi and the villa is gone

so you just have this really rough flat

surface in which case you don’t absorb

nutrients like you did before so it

prevents the combination of certain

enzymes and food particles to break down

to absorb into the cell so we basically

get undigested food particles in the

intestines okay so that is a problem

because that food will sit there and it

will either rot or ferment but for most

of you watching you’re probably doing

keto and you probably have seen some my

other videos and you’re doing a lot of

vegetables so but there are certain

types of vegetables that are really more

difficult to digest in the presence of

an already damaged colon so for those of

you that have your two bowel syndrome

celiac diverticulitis any type of bowel

problems watch the video down below that

I just released so you can get the full

magnitude of what I’m talking about and

what vegetables to consume to get your

fibers that are easy to break down okay

but the point is that you have very

little digestion taking place the food

remains there and gets undigested and

then it ferments okay when it ferments

you’re going to get all sorts of

problems with carbon dioxide gas

hydrogen gas and methane gas which has

that odor so we basically produce a lot

of bloating so bloating is gas okay so

normally you have the stomach which is

very very acidic which activates certain


to break down protein okay and kill

microbes and help you absorb minerals

and then as it kind of goes right down

in the small intestine you have the help

from the pancreas that releases enzymes

and the gall bladder that releases bile

so all together you have all these

things happening to break down food so

it can be absorbed through a lot of

enzyme action but not bacterial action

the problem is you’re going to get an

overgrowth of bacteria okay and that

bacteria can start invading the higher

part of the small intestine and even the

stomach and this is where you get people

that have the chronic halitosis or the

kind of a yeasty bad breath you know

that’s what that is it’s like an

overgrowth of the wrong bacteria not

just bacteria you have yeast you have

mold you have Candida all sorts of

overgrowth of microbes okay

and a lot of different gases and certain

toxins which then can create Auto

intoxication which can be reabsorbed in

certain parts of the digestive tract so

this is kind of what’s happening and it

probably originates from initially

taking antibiotics which destroy some of

the microbes and then cause your body to

make more of the unfriendly and

definitely any acids because when you

lose the acidity of your stomach because

you have heartburn and you’re taking

these any acids and you’re losing that

pH then we get the overgrowth because

there’s nothing there to kill the

microbes okay so again you shouldn’t

have these microbes in the stomach or

the top part of the small intestine

and also junk foods and also as you age

you lose the stomach acids and this is

why it’s so vital to have a very strong

acidic stomach between one and three

which is extremely acidic and this is

why I always recommend taking things

like betaine how to chloride or apple

cider vinegar or making sure even you

have enough sea salt because sodium

chlorides chloride helps build as a

precursor the hydrochloric acid so you

can keep the stomach really really

strong to prevent that overgrowth of

microbes coming up now even when

someone’s pregnant the fetus that’s

growing has basically no microbes in

their colon okay so when they’re born

they don’t have no microbes

and then suddenly have this massive rush

of microbes that is supposed to come

from the skin to contact also from what

the baby consumes like breast milk and

it’s so vitally important for a baby to

be breastfed because the microbes

growing in the infant are really just

dependent on what that baby is being fed

so breast milk has colostrum which is

amazing for the immune system so if

you’re doing some infant formula you’re

not going to develop the the strains of

microbes that you need for the immune

system and just for digestion so I

highly recommend if you’re a mother

considering breastfeeding you need to do

it for sure so if you’re on keto chances

are it’s not going to be the protein

causing the gas or the fats it’s going

to be the carbohydrates or the

vegetables mainly okay so and so what

you’re going to do is you’re going to

adjust the type of vegetables and I put

a link down below of what types that you

need to switch to and you’re gonna have

to adjust the quantity you’re probably

not going to be able to consume the ten

cups a salad that I consume each day but

you want to start with a smaller amount

and gradually increase it over time with

the ideal situation of eventually having

a lot more okay you can consume

fermented vegetables and also some

steamed vegetables and I’m gonna highly

recommend that you actually make some

homemade yogurt now typically yogurt is

fermented within six to ten hours okay

and it’s left with a good amount of

lactose which is milk sugar which is not

good on the ketogenic diet but there’s a

really good recipe I’m gonna put a link

down below that you can create your own

homemade yogurt that takes 24 hours

under about 110 degrees that way the

microbes in that yogurt that ferment

that lactose will pretty much consumed

all of the lactose so at the end of this

process it’ll be lactose free yet you’ll

have all these amazing strains of

microbes in huge quantities and I’m

gonna recommend you consume some of that

and that’s going to help build up or the

friendly bacteria in your gut

alright thanks for watching so I hope

you’re coming to the keto Health Summit

coming up in October

so I want to quickly comment on what

we’re gonna do that’s different from

other conventions okay

the problem with these other conventions

is they give you information over a load

okay it’s so much data that you’re

basically swimming in a sea of

information we’re going to do things

very differently we’re only going to

cover the most important things that

make a huge difference now there are

three very powerful strategies that

we’re going to be talking about at the

summit that you will not find and any of

my youtube videos number one is on

memory I’m going to be showing you

something very cool to dramatically

increase your memory in concentration

that’s going to blow you away

and number two I’m going to show you how

to increase your stress tolerance so you

are completely calm all the time alright

and number three and most importantly if

you have a slow metabolism if you’ve

dyed it for a long time and everything

is kind of just really slow I’m going to

show you how to get complete control

over your metabolism so you can

literally turn up the dial as high as

you want and control as much weight as

you want to lose and these three things

are just a tiny bit of what you’re going

to learn in the summit so click the link

below get signed up and I will see you

in October