Stop Constant Throat Clearing: Understanding the 3 Causes of Phlegm in Your Throat | DrEricBergDC

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today we’re going to talk about excuse


okay just one second okay good we’re

going to talk about mucus in the back of

your throat I’m sorry I just I just had

to do that

so I’ve done a video on this topic about

six months ago but I didn’t cover all

the underlying causes to this problem

and then understand a little bit more

about it and then also have remedies

that don’t end up creating bigger

problems unfortunately when you treat

mucus problems medically uh comes with a

package it comes with side effects

especially if you use antibiotics when

you really have a viral infection

because it’s not going to do anything

except you know make your immune system

very very weak

um a good portion of our immune system

actually has to do with our friendly

microbes that are living all around us

outside and inside and as soon as you

start killing those guys off

you have a weakened immune system and

then you get this overgrowth of other

problems so when we’re dealing with

mucus in the upper respiratory tract

um you have to realize that any time you

kill off bacteria

you then get an overgrowth of fungus or

candida or Yeast because the bacteria

keep in check all the different fungal

type microorganisms and this is why

people develop candida and throughout

their body and their mouth and the

private parts and also that relates to

the sinuses after an antibiotic here you

are dealing with the bacterial infection

now you’re dealing with a fungal

infection right and then you take

stronger medications and then you get

this resistance

to this treatment and now you have even

a stronger microbe so it puts you in a

really bad place so an ideal solution is

a solution that doesn’t give you a

bigger problem after you’re done trying

to solve it all right so let’s just Dive

Right In and talk about all the

potential causes starting with the one

that I talked about in the other video

uh gerd okay gerd is a situation where

you have

um some really severe acid reflux

because the valve on the top of the

stomach is not closing so acid kind of

goes up into the esophagus it can go all

up into the throat and it can irritate

the structures of the throat and create

this inflammation and mucus and a lot of

people have that problem and don’t

really connect the dots okay and of

course if they do connect the dots

they’re put on an antacid or some drug

that shuts down the acid which usually

just keeps the problem there longer

because the actual underlying cause to

gerd usually is a deficiency of acid you

don’t have enough acid or the acid is

not strong enough so anything treatment

wise to weaken that or make this worse

or alkalize your stomach

tends to cause you to go from bad to

worse if you have this problem I do want

you to watch a complete video on acid

reflux and gerd so I will put that down

below but the whole point is this if you

attack the right problem

you get rid of the problem and the

symptoms so one quick way to know if

your gerd or acid reflux whatever is

causing this mucus is simply not to

necessarily spend a lot of money on a

scope you could do that to kind of go

down and scope and see what’s going on

and do a very expensive valuation but

what about just taking a very

inexpensive remedy like apple cider

vinegar two tablespoons in some water

and you just start drinking that a few

times a day before the meals and see if

your symptoms go away and then you

pretty much know that was it you can

also take something called betame

hydrochloride which is another good

remedy it’s an acidifier it’ll help

build up the hydrochloric acid in your

stomach and you would just take like

five before a meal and you might want to

go up each day to like one more one more

because some people need like a good

amount they might need like seven eight

nine ten before a meal before they see

changes but then they’re feeling much

much better another indication to know

that if you might have this gerd

connection to your mucus is that you

also have gas

indigestion bloating when you eat next

potential cause is this post nasal drip


and that’s creating mucus and it’s just

coming from on the back of the sinuses

and it’s leaking down into the throat

causing you to cough up mucus this could

be coming from a bacterial infection a

viral infection a fungal infection which

also includes yeast and candida

it can also be coming from biofilms if

you haven’t seen my videos on that a

biofilm is a collection a colony of

microbes that band together to help them

survive and usually they produce this

mucoid or mucous layer this slime okay

which happens to be common in the

sinuses and then sometimes even a

calcium shell as in like you would get

tartar in your teeth or even plaquing in

the arteries but the sinuses you just

might have this mucous layer and it’s a

biofilm that keeps things resistance

against antibiotics

and other forms of medical treatment

yeah it keeps this constant irritation

in your sinuses where your sinus is

always stuffy you can’t sleep at night

because you’re snoring and you got this

uh mucus in the back of the throat and a

lot of times if you have more of a

fungal or Yeast or Candida

or biofilms it’s just all year long you

have this problem and usually it gets

triggered by taking an antibiotic so if

you’ve taken an antibiotic let’s say

months ago or a few years ago and you

notice wow my sinuses are worse after

that suspect more of a this overgrowth

of either fungus or

biofilms now normally we have biofilms

in the sinuses in the mouth in our

bodies but we shouldn’t have a severe

situation where it’s an overgrowth of

biofilms and that’s what I’m talking

about but think about this these

microbes are just trying to survive

right they need to protect themselves so

anytime you try to kill them with the

wrong thing they will resist that and

become stronger and especially after

antibiotics if this infection is post

nasal drip infection is more bacterial

the mucus will tend to be more yellow or

green if it’s viral it’ll tend to be

clear or white but that’s not 100 it can

cross over you can also have an

infection where you have both

microorganisms living together so

there’s a couple solutions that you can

do for this post nasal drip depending on

if it’s mild or a major problem okay if

it’s a mild problem you can just use

basic salt water or saline solution I

recommend using a sea salt solution and

you you get a Neti Pot which is like

this little nasal rinse and you can put

it up one nostril and let it drain out

the other one you’re diluting the salt

there’s a lot of videos on like

demonstrating how to do it’s really

really easy but it can flush out the

sinuses apparently salt is antimicrobial

especially for bacteria and fungus and

yeast and candida and potentially it

could help viruses too to some degree as

well as help reduce

how the biofilms stick to the inside

layer of your membrane however if it’s a

major problem you’re going to need

something stronger you’d basically do

half a teaspoon equals 2.5 milliliters

of sea salt into some container you’d

have a cup of water which is eight

ounces or 236 milliliters for those of

you in Europe and my friend Dennis and

so you dissolve the salt in the water

and you use it as a nasal rinse and you

just flush it out that may be enough to

handle this problem okay

but let’s say you need something

stronger okay this next combination is

very effective and a lot of doctors

recommend it and use it you’re going to

be using a small amount of baby shampoo

yeah baby shampoo

the reason why you’re not using regular

shampoo it’s just going to be too harsh

and it’s going to irritate your mucous

membranes so you want to use something

that is like a no tier very gentle and

something that has the least amount of

chemicals I’m not going to necessarily

give you any Brands you’re going to have

to do the research but all you do is you

take two teaspoons of this baby shampoo

and put it into four cups of water and

then you would use that as a nasal rinse

four times a day and it’ll help the

mucus dissolve because it’s a detergent

it works great on that and because

you’re diluting it it’s not going to

irritate the inside mucous membranes if

you also wanted to add some of that salt

water you can just do that too and now

you have this pretty effective remedy

there’s other things you can do if the

mucus is being generated in the throat

or maybe lower in the sinuses back up um

behind the sinuses way back there or or

even in the larynx

or just the back of the throat that

could happen too or you can have an

infection in your tonsils so let’s say

it’s back there what do you do I


povidone eye dag right you can get at

the drugstore okay and you dilute it you

want to get that one that says 10 on the

bottle that’s really one percent

absorption okay and you want to dilute

it by 50 with water so you just take

basically a half of an ounce of this

povidone iodine and you mix another half

ounce of water okay so what you do is

you take a Q-tip dip it into this

solution and rub it around the inside of

each nostril iodine is a very potent

antimicrobial and it’s going to be

diluted enough where it’s not going to

irritate your mucous membranes but now

we add the iodine that’s the acid in the

cake and that actually will directly

kill off things in your sinuses then

what you do is you gargle with the rest

to get this material in the back of the

throats then you gargle it for like 30

seconds and then you spit it out okay

and you do that twice a day with a 12

hour time frame between when you gargle

it so now we expose the back of the

throat to this public down iodine which

is a very powerful antimicrobial so that

way we can topically put something to

start to break up this mucus now of

course if this problem is an allergy

environmentally the best thing to do is

to avoid certain parts of your

environment and do fasting prolonged

fasting improves the immune system and

also it actually can help even get rid

of allergies so that’s one thing and

then as far as food allergies the most

common food allergy involves Dairy so I

would just simply cut out Dairy and

you’re going to find many times that

mucus will go away

now one more point about

the mucus and where it’s generated okay

so if it’s in sinuses or if it’s in the

throat or it’s coming from the stomach

coming up that’s the most important

thing to figure out

um that’s the whole point of this video

is to really isolate and dig down where

the problem is coming from okay now I’m

going to give you another thing to do

that I didn’t practice that seems to

work good and I’ve done a video on this

relating to sore throats but you can

apply this

to this problem too so if the problem is

stemming from the back of your throat


what you can do is a kind of a pressure

point acupressure Point thing where

you’re pressing on the back of

your neck now you can’t press in the

back of your neck you have to have

someone do it to you but I did a video

on it and you basically have someone

take their two fingers right here and


in the vertebra in the back part and

then what you do is you kind of isolate

where that irritation is or where that

mucus is coming from it could be like

right here it could be lower it could be

somewhere through here and then what you

do is you draw a circle around to the

back part of your neck now if you think

this is weird I understand but it really

works you have to try it okay once you

isolated the exact opposite point in the

back of your neck you have someone press

into that point and the way that you

know that you found the right points

because sometimes it’s hard is it’ll be

very very sore so have the person kind

of go up a little bit higher in the neck

or a little bit lower until they find

the exact point where it’s really tender

and then you have them apply that

pressure for a period of two minutes now

the fingers we might get tired you don’t

have to press that hard but you’re going

to start feeling things breaking up

where things kind of draining or things

feeling less congested or irritated

I don’t know exactly why it works but it

works and I’ve done it many many times

in fact I would have people fly in from

different places around the country for

this problem and I would work on through

the day within a few days it would

greatly help them if not completely get

rid of it so this is just another thing

to do which is a very ninja technique

and so if you have someone around you

that can do this on you that’s great I

have built a device do-it-yourself

device you can get that too I’ll put

some videos on how to apply that but

it’s a little massage tool that you put

in the back of your neck and you can lay

back and let gravity put pressure in the

back of your neck but you can apply

pressure different points in your spine

to just to help whatever’s going on on

this side right here there’s some type

of place where you’re getting irritation

in your throat whether it is a sore

throat or just a point of where you’re

generating mucus because some people

generate a mucus from their larynx okay

and that’s her voice box and they get

hoarse so they have all this mucus

generated from that this is a great

technique when I did a video on this I

had so many success stories of people

doing this so you can read them check it

out try it if it works great I mean what

do you have to lose you don’t want to do

anything to lower your immune system you

want to enhance the immune system the

immune system is ultimately the thing

that’s going to heal you not anything

else not a remedy so all you’re doing is

assisting the immune system so garlic is

at the top of the list consuming Morgana

garlic through the day garlic in your

food very potent

anti-everything I’m talking about

antiviral bacterial yeast fungus mold

biofilm garlic it should be at the top

of the list number two no sugar sugar

feeds these microbes especially if you

have fungus yeast or candida okay avoid

all sugar and then there’s three

remedies that I always recommend for the

immune system a lot of vitamin D

minimally 20 20 to 30 000 I use every

single day vitamin C make sure you do a

natural version not the synthetic

version and then zinc those three are

the go-to for every single immune

problem I would recommend that

and then lastly I would recommend if you

have coughing let’s say you have a small

child that’s coughing at night because

of this mucus sometimes you can take

calcium lactate and that will just

suppress the cough it’s a good remedy

for coughing that could be mucus related

or not

but coughing through the night

especially for kids or adults take the

calcium if you look up one of the

symptoms of low calcium okay

hypocalcemia that would be laryngeal

spasm so you get muscle spasms

especially in this this area right

through in the throat and that can

irritate and create a coughing sensation

all right I gave you a lot to swallow on

this one no pun intended but the next

video you should watch is the other

video on

uh how to get rid of phlegm and mucus

and I put that video up right here check

it out