Using Sh*t as an Effective Treatment??? | DrEricBergDC

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So today we’re going to talk about

something called fecal


transplantation now why would anyone

give a crap about this topic I’m sorry I

had to do that but this fecal

transplantation is becoming mainstream

in medicine it’s highly effective for

the infection called C diff it can

greatly help irritable bowel diseases

it’s been found to be superior to

antibiotics there’s been great results

with autism Ms rheumatoid arthritis

decreasing risks of cancer Parkinson’s

chronic fatigue syndrome acne and even

depression however I have some basic

questions about this therapy

how long does it really last I mean if

you go back to your usual eating habits

do you maintain this microbiome or does

it become altered or affected by your

lifestyle I mean what people really

should be doing is find out what the

fecal donor is eating and eat like that

person but the fecal transplant has been

around for a very very long time I’m

talking like 2 000 years the Chinese

actually used it as a therapy for many

different things but there’s some really

important points to this topic the fact

that it works so well for so many

different conditions I mean the

connection between our microbes and both

the innate and the acquired immune

system the importance in brain health

the importance of digesting things that

we can’t digest like fiber the

importance of these secondary bile salts

made by microbes and the importance of

bile in general also for our skin

and autoimmune diseases nearly every

single autoimmune disease starts in your

gut and if there was a much better

friendly relationship with these

microbes chances are you probably

wouldn’t get an autoimmune problem I

mean there are certain bacteria that

help reduce the risk for kidney stones

because these microbes help to deal with

oxalates there’s microbes that deal with

uric acid to help reduce the risk of

gout their microbes that produce

compounds that are anti-cancer and

really we just need to change our

overall viewpoint

with these bacteria or microbes in

general we’ve been attacking the germ as

it’s the sole cause of infection but

we’re finding out more and more that

that’s not the cause of infection it’s

our immune system it’s the environment

and the more that we sterilize our

environments our food our gut the more

we’re going to need this therapy so

let’s talk about what not to do and what

to do okay you want to limit your

exposure to drugs chemicals pesticides

herbicides especially the one in GMO

Foods called glyphosate which has been

patented as an antibiotic we want to

limit the exposure to antibiotics and

consuming animals that have been given

antibiotics we really want to start

avoiding foods that have been sterilized

you know you pasteurize all these foods

like the milk products the can products

like soups the juices we even use

radiation to sterilize our foods which

is crazy instead you should have a good

portion of your diet raw okay I’m

talking about raw vegetables I’m not

talking about raw chicken okay but maybe

you can have like beef that’s rare that

would be better but the more you cook

the food the more the pasteurized things

the more you kill off good bacteria now

what’s so special about plants yes they

give us the fiber that the microbes will

live on but I don’t know if you knew

this but plants are filled with microbes

that’s right you’re consuming microbes

when you’re eating a raw plant of course

it really depends on where that plant

has grown if it’s grown maybe

aeroponically or something like that it

probably doesn’t have as many microbes

but if it’s grown on really good soils

chances are it’s going to be filled with

microbes and that can actually help you

one video I did talked about a really

interesting topic on how plants really

get their nutrition and they get to

nutrition by eating bacteria that’s

right the majority of nutrition that a

plant gets is by eating bacteria so the

roots eat the microbe and then extract

the nutrients from it and then spit the

micro back out and it starts to recycle

a lot of these microbes travel up to the

stem into the leaf where they help that

plant and so this opens up a whole new

area to look at in growing

food and in farming and I’m actually

setting up several experiments on this

topic very soon and I’m going to share

that on a new YouTube channel so stay

tuned for more information about that I

found two Labs that can help identify

the microbes in plants and so we’re

gonna do all sorts of tests now these

plants also have certain phytonutrients

that go beyond just acting as a

Prebiotic they can actually help balance

the bad bacteria for example

sulforaphane and broccoli Sprouts in

other cruciferous vegetables

can help inhibit and Destroy H pylori

that microbe that’s behind

ulcers gastritis and even certain types

of GERD you get a lot of cool effects

from eating plants certain flavonoids

are antimicrobial kercetin has been

shown to inhibit E coli and another

pigment found in plants called antho

xanthin has been known to inhibit

salmonella now I know some people are

going to say well wait a second I

thought that plants were filled with

anti-nutrients and we shouldn’t be

eating plants we should all be doing

carnivore well if you have certain

digestive problems where you can’t

digest plant food well then maybe you

should but I’m not recommending that you

eat all plants just a portion of your

diet and probably the biggest

anti-nutrient that can affect people is

oxalates right but that’s really easy to

solve if you just avoid the plants that

are high in oxalates like you’d want to

avoid the spinach the B cream the Swiss

chard also avoid like nuts kiwi and of

course potato and if you’re on the

ketogenic diet you don’t have to worry

about that chocolate is another thing

that is very high in oxalates that you

should avoid and of course beans and

grains are just loaded with oxalates and

especially quinoa which is supposed to

be like a healthy grain so the point is

that just because plants have

anti-nutrients doesn’t mean we should

just completely avoid all of them if you

have gastritis for example

I found cabbage which also is pretty

high in sulforaphane can be good for

that condition in fact it’s probably one

of the only vegetables that I found that

you could actually digest without

discomfort so to increase the diversity

of your microbes in your gut you want to

increase a wide range of plant foods of

course not the ones I just mentioned

instead of just having like one type of

vegetable all the time you also want to

eat fermented products pickles and

sauerkraut and kimchi which are all

microbial enhanced you can also do raw

milk cheese or kefir which are loaded

with microbes another way to increase

the diversity of microbes is to try to

reduce your stress as much as possible

because stress actually really affects

the microbes in the gut which is

interesting fasting okay regular

intermittent fasting and periodic

prolonged fasting also increases the

diversity and the health of your gut and

exercise can even help the microbiome so

it’s all about creating an environment

where these microbes can Thrive when you

change the environment and you stress it

out as in someone taking an antibiotic

boy you create all sorts of shall I say

like a shift of relationship with those

microbes so before they were friendly

now they’re unfriendly and this happens

in the soil as well if you for example

start killing off certain things in the

soil sometimes you’ll have an increase

in fungus right and see in nature fungus

actually as one of their Foods they eat

bacteria and if there’s not enough food

for them they start going after the

plant and start creating plant

infections because their environment is

not good there’s just not enough food

well the exact same thing happens in our

guts as well when you take an antibiotic

you pretty much stress the fungus and

I’m talking about candida and then that

starts to affect you it starts creating

an unfriendly relationship where it

negatively affects you whereas before

it’s like in a symbiotic and a

relationship that doesn’t affect you we

normally have candida in our system and

candida normally doesn’t affect us until

we change that relationship by changing

the environment if you are female and

you’re going to have a baby I would

highly recommend that you breastfeed

because the first breast milk is called

colostrum and in that colostrum you have

the mother’s immunity you’re giving that

baby friendly bacteria that’s going to

go in the digestive system and start to

seed it and the same principle occurs

with plants a seed is not just something

that has genetics that grow into a plant

a seed is really like Noah’s Ark it’s

filled with also sorts of microbes

inside and outside and if you really

understand that concept you know they

could change your method of handling

seeds and how maybe you should inoculate

the seed and add some microbes to the

seed to help it to grow better A lot of

people should be taking probiotics on a

regular basis especially if they take

antibiotics at the same time so I’ve

covered a lot of different areas of this

topic but I think it’s a really

important topic to have it sink into

your brain and there’s a lot more to

talk about with the digestive system

there’s a really important video that I

did that I’m going to put up right here

and if you haven’t seen it you should

check it out