Why People Really Fail with Intermittent Fasting? – Dr.Berg | DrEricBergDC

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hi guys today we’re going to talk about

why people fail with intermittent

fasting okay well number one they never

start minimun fasting brings up a mental

problem because you’re depriving someone

of food and two people food is survival

so you’re taking away their ability to

survive but what you have to realize is

you’re not really doing that you’re just

switching the food fuel for the fad feel

you’re finally for once living on your

own fat you’re living off of the food

that you ate months ago maybe years ago

I’ve turned into fat you’re finally

using it as fuel so once you realize

that maybe you’ll feel a little bit

better about that because you’re not

really depriving yourself you’re just

burning up stored reserves and people

have a lot to burn so you can drink

coffee that won’t break your fast you

can do tea that won’t break your fast

the key is making sure that when you eat

the the meal is very healthy okay and

and it’s big you don’t want to cut

calories yes you make cut calories just

from the nature of eating less frequent

but ideally you want to eat a

nutrient-dense meal we call it a healthy

keto so if you’re new to my channel

click below for the exact diet you need

to be on ok number two you feel worse

when you do in a minute fasting how

could that be now you’re going through a

transition phase it takes two to three

to four up to five days to transition

over because you’re building new

machinery new enzymes in the process

it’s the vitamin and nutrient like

mineral deficiencies that create these

side-effects so all you have to do

increase your potassium as electrolyte

increase your sodium as sea salt and b1

in the form of nutritional yeast and you

won’t have hardly any side effects that

should handle most of them so in the

document below that you can download I

show you very gradually how to go into

this so you don’t feel worse ok but I

understand if you feel where

you may want to stop it just means that

you’re not doing it correctly number

three you’re not losing weight now the

vast majority of people that start in a

minute fasting start losing weight and a

lot of weight

some people might lose her a while and

then they Plateau other people may not

lose initially for this one simple

reason and it’s based on a principle

that I have in my book which is this you

get healthy to lose weight not lose

weight to get healthy it sounds really

simple but it’s very powerful and what

do I mean by getting healthy I mean

repair damaged organs your body

especially if you’re menopausal if you

have atrophy will focus on repair before

just fat burning okay so what you want

to do is you want to look at other

positive health factors is your energy

going up is your cravings going away are

you less hungry you have better

cognitive function that means it’s

working if you want to improve the

weight loss you cut your carbs when you

eat you do longer fasting and you add

exercise and more sleep

  • alright number four this is a biggie

other people your so-called friends and

family members are discouraging you

they’re telling you oh my gosh you’re

starving your body you need to be eating

every three hours you need to eat a

breakfast that is absolutely not true we

don’t need to eat that frequently if we

eat that frequently we never tap into

our fat reserves how you gonna burn fat

if you’re eating so frequently eating

very frequently gets you into a massive

trouble with insulin okay and this is

why we have a massive problem with

diabetes and pre-diabetes so you’re not

starving your body you’re just shifting

what fuel you are running off of you’re

fat if you want to burn fat fasting is

the best way to do it and also if we

look at the when versus to what like

what’s more important when you eat or

what you eat believe it or not when you

eat is a little bit more important than

what you eat I don’t want that to be the

reason you eat what you want

but the point is that intermittent

fasting is slightly more important than

what you eat because if you actually do

a keto plan and eat frequently you will

still trigger insulin just by the nature

of eating in general

okay so insulin is triggered by carbs

and frequent eating so that’s why in a

minute fasting with healthy Kido goes

together why because we’re trying to

heal insulin and insulin is behind most

chronic health problems then we get into

what’s called the five and two and

alternate day fasting what is that I

don’t even consider these intermittent

fasting five and two is basically eat

what you want five days out of the week

and then two days you cut your calories

down to 500 per day well that’s not

fasting you’re still eating it’s a low

calorie diet it’s not intermittent

fasting plus you’re eating what you want

five days out of the week so that is a

very unhealthy pattern of eating okay

alternate day fasting this is where you

pretty much eat what you want every

other day and the days that you

so-called fast you’re eating 500

calories again that’s not fasting you’re

eating 500 calories it’s a low calorie

diet there are some benefits okay to do

low calorie but it comes with the

package it doesn’t get rid of your

hunger you don’t convert over it’s hard

to do because you haven’t adapted it

takes a period of time to totally adapt

to get rid of hunger and cravings I mean

you can do a low calorie diet with the

cravings but chances are you’re gonna go

off because you crave the entire success

of intermittent fasting done correctly

is this your hunger goes away if you

have no hunger okay you can go longer

you won’t give up easily okay and this

is what builds willpower is your ability

to say no to food and the essence of why

intermittent fasting works so well is

you can go longer without eating and you

actually build your will

power which destroys your willpower is

going off the program caving in but if

you can control yourself and you are in

the driver’s seat over the food you can

strengthen your willpower and that is

very very important the ability to

control your environment to not give in

to the different foods around you I mean

very few people can do that but in a

minute fasting is a tool to get into

that state okay all right depriving

nutrients now not if you actually do a

healthy keto plan when you eat we always

recommend to have a very good large meal

with nutrient-dense foods and I also

recommend adding certain supplements as

well and I have a lot of videos on that

so that way you’re never deprived of

nutrients we don’t want your hair to

fall out we don’t want your nails to

become brittle we don’t want you to have

side effects and I show people exactly

what to eat what to take to avoid that

now sometimes you might share this this

concept of intermittent fasting is not

good for women because it destroys their

hormones and you find out they’re

actually doing the five and two or the

alternate day fasting they’re not doing

it correctly the truth is that

intermittent fasting with healthy

ketosis is extremely healthy for the

endocrine system from my experience

working with thousands of people all

over the world rarely do I ever see any

problems with women doing this I’m

seeing just the opposite I’m seeing

massive improvements with women and

their hormones especially after

menopause we’re seeing improved

fertility especially if you’re

increasing the healthy fats that you

need which actually is the raw material

for the endocrine system so it can

strengthen your willpower intermittent

fasting is anti-cancer intermittent

fasting helps you create more brain

cells there are massive benefits but if

you don’t start and you don’t do it

right and you give up because of that or

you don’t continue it long-term you’re

not going to see the success so click

the document down below

find out how to do in a minute fasting

correctly and it will work for you

thanks for watching

so if you’re enjoying this content go

ahead and share it with someone that

could really benefit from it