20 Things that Result in Mineral Deficiency – Dr. Berg | DrEricBergDC

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so we’re gonna talk about the 20 things

that keep you deficient in minerals okay

and some trace minerals first of all the

soils the soils just don’t have the

minerals the farmers don’t put these

minerals back in especially the trace

minerals which are minerals needed in

smaller amounts like selenium iodine

zinc very important number to anti acids

they block certain minerals especially

calcium and by the way if you’re taking

any acids for heartburn or GERD you have

number three which is low stomach acids

low stomach acid will cause the opening

of the valve on top of the stomach to

allow the acid to go through you need a

real strong acidic stomach to prevent

the regurgitation of that acid but low

stomach acids will block the absorption

of magnesium zinc calcium iron and a lot

of other minerals too so you need a real

acidic stomach to pull these minerals in

the way that you know you have low

stomach acid is if you have gas and an

inability to digest meat okay

and before chorus sound like like a

medication prednisone of steroids that

will deplete your potassium Reserve

that’s an adrenal hormone made

synthetically medications will deplete

your minerals there’s a lot of

medications that will deplete different

minerals but like I’ll give an example

diuretics for example will deplete your

potassium levels number six birth

control pills

will deplete you a magnesium and zinc

coffee in excess will deplete calcium

magnesium potassium and sodium

basically all the electrolytes number

eight soda soda has a lot of phosphorous

and that depletes the calcium in the

body as well as the potassium now sugar

depletes potassium magnesium chromium

and zinc

number 10 high levels of insulin will

block not just minerals but vitamins

specifically potassium and magnesium and

chromium number 11 if the thyroid is in

a hyper mode you’ll be deficient of

calcium magnesium and selenium number 12

stress which activates your own natural

cortisone will deplete calcium

and potassium and B vitamins like b1 b5

number 13 grains grains have something

called phytic acid which prevents the

absorption of minerals okay and then if

you consume refined grains as bread or

pasta in a state of flour you’re gonna

lose the B vitamins and potassium and

calcium and that’s why they sometimes

enriched grains with certain synthetic

vitamins but they don’t enrich it with

the minerals number 14 ox let’s as in

calcium oxalate stones in the kidney

well what happens it locks up the

calcium in the body and so you become

calcium deficient believe it or not if

you have a tendency to get a kidney

stone it’s not a bad idea to consume

calcium because you’re going to become

deficient and it’ll go through the

digestive system it won’t go directly to

the kidney and bind to the oxalate so it

actually will help you number 15 not

consuming enough vegetables well what

food gives you all the minerals you got


large quantities of vegetables number 16

not consuming enough sea vegetables like

seaweed or sea kelp or even sea food

because that’s where you get your iodine

so if you’re not consuming those foods

and you’re not consuming food that’s

grown close to the ocean you could

become iodine deficient just from that

being pregnant it can create major

deficiency because the demand for

nutrients is so high and the problem

with a lot of women that are pregnant

they’re consuming the wrong type of

vitamins synthetic prenatals with the

minerals that are like rocks they’re not

going to absorb them you want to do

plant base you want to go high quality

of nutrients when you’re pregnant

number 18 being a vegan you really have

to know what you’re doing when you

become a vegan or a vegetarian because

there’s certain nutrients that are very

difficult to get one is iron okay

19 having mercury exposure can deplete

you of magnesium and calcium amalgam

fillings number 20

led okay if you’re exposed to lead you

will be calcium deficient so now you

know all the potential ways that you

could become deficient and mineral

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