How to Get Rid of Hyperpigmentation (Aging or Dark Spots) | DrEricBergDC

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you ever get those little

aging liver spots on your skin

if you do i’m going to show you how to

get rid of them i’m going to show you

what’s behind them okay now you can call

them aging spots dark spots or liver

spots but in actuality it’s not

necessarily the liver that’s causing

those spots

it’s really just too much of this thing

right here called melanin okay melanin

is a pigment on your skin

it’s what gives your skin a certain


and this pigment protects against

uv radiation the sun gives off a lot of

different waves or you could say

radiation it’s like uv

waves you have the visible light

spectrum which involves all these

different colors and then you have

infrared and so if you got the sun

you’re constantly getting hit by

certain amounts of radiation


melanin is there to protect you against

this uv uh

very specific band of

energy and so this pigment melanin

is very similar to the pigment in plants

okay like chlorophyll is a pigment in

plants there’s other pigments too that

also protect the plant from uv radiation

and these pigments are really

antioxidants so melanin is an

antioxidant and so the question is what


too much melanin okay like during the

summer months you might notice that you

have more of these spots than in the


because of this uv radiation

as you get older you might have more

spots if you’re a diabetic you might

notice more of these spots

if you’re pregnant you might have more

of this pigmentation if you are birth

control pills or are taking hormone

replacement therapy because of estrogen

you might notice more of this

pigmentation also when you’re under a

lot of stress you can notice more of

this pigmentation why because excessive

estrogen increases melanin excessive

cortisol increases melanin excessive

insulin increases

melanin and so you have all these

triggers that are increasing melanin

okay the purpose is to protect you

against uv

and also act as an antioxidant so in

your mind you might think melanin is a

bad thing no it’s a it’s trying to help

you so the real reason why melanin is

increasing it’s trying to counter

all the free radical damage and

oxidation that’s happening in your skin

you have a tremendous amount of

networks of antioxidants in your skin

way more than in your blood okay even

like vitamin c you have certain amounts

of vitamin c in your blood but you have

way more in your skin and so when your


go down in your skin

guess what’s gonna have to take up the

slack and do the work of these


melanin okay so when you see these

little spots on your skin realize

they’re trying to help you and they’re

an indication that you are low in

antioxidants in your skin you’re low in

vitamin c and other antioxidants and so

when you look at the mechanism behind

melanin there’s this enzyme here called

tyrosinase that actually it’s kind of a

brownie enzyme and it’s going to be

necessary to make melanin

and so if you look up tyrosinase

inhibitors okay things that will inhibit

this and help balance it out

they’re all antioxidants okay you have


cocoa bean

grape seed extract green tea


vitamin c



and melatonin melatonin okay different

than melanin

this is like the sleep hormone but it

does a lot of other things this is a

the most powerful antioxidant in your


body okay and take a little guess what

the best trigger for increasing more

melatonin is

it’s actually sun

but not the full spectrum the infrared

part of the sun which by the way is like

50 of the sun so is it the sun that’s

really causing this these dark spots no

not necessarily now now if you’re going

on sun and you’re baking your skin and

you’re cooking your skin and you’re

burning yes okay that’s that’s excessive

amount but typically it’s because you’re

going out in the sun

and you don’t have enough antioxidants

because your diet isn’t right and this

melanin has to overcompensate and make

up the damage but the cool thing about


infrared from the sun

and generating melatonin is that you

don’t necessarily have to expose your


to the sun directly because the infrared

wave goes right to your clothing it goes

right to your hat goes right into your

skull and it can start to build up

melatonin in your body okay so there’s

really two things that you can do one is

if you want to see some quick changes

you can pretty much do any one of these

okay in some type of cream and put it

directly in your skin

like the vitamin c serum works really

really good on that okay but the problem

is you have to keep using it until you

build up your antioxidants in your skin

people don’t realize that this is really

an internal problem they focus just on

the topical

problem and they keep rubbing it in

there and wondering why it keeps coming

back well because the real problem is

internally so you can use any one of

these as a coping mechanism but then

eventually you want to increase the

antioxidant levels internally in your

body so you have them in their skin so

how do you do that well

this relates to eating more raw food i’m

talking about

large salads vegetables things like that

not just cooked vegetables right eating

foods high in zinc zinc is so important

for your skin and also building up your

networks of antioxidants okay

fasting by the way

is a huge trigger


building up your body’s antioxidants

okay fasting and also exercise both of


very powerful and this is why fasting is

so good for your skin

also of course avoiding sugar and stress

because both of these

deplete you of antioxidants okay

and then of course if you’re on the sun


burning your skin be on the sun on a

regular basis but then cover your skin

before you burn okay

now if you have not seen my video the

melatonin it’s it’s a really good one

that will explain how to increase that

from the sun

check it out i put it right here
