Best Nutrients for Runners | DrEricBergDC

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let’s talk about the best supplements for  runners okay first one is magnesium one of  

the first symptoms of a magnesium deficiency  is you get tired easily when you exercise  

okay why is that because magnesium is needed in  the energy currency of your cell it’s called atp  

so you have this little energy factory  mitochondria that’s generating atp all  

day long you need magnesium so if you’re  deficient you’re not going to have the full  

energy currency so you’re going to be kind  of tired especially if you exert yourself  

so you need enough magnesium all right number  two b12 especially if you’re a vegan because  

most bioavailable forms of b12 come from animal  products now exercise in general deplete b12  

and so you need enough of it b12 also has a lot  to do with making the red blood cell and what does  

the red blood cell do it helps you carry oxygen so  that’s important as well if you ever consider like  

a certain type of anemia where you’re lacking  b12 what are you going to be you’re going to be  

feeling tired and weak so you need b12 to generate  the oxygen carrying capacity through the body  

also b12 is involved with nerve muscle interaction  and so when you’re exercising you’re using your  

muscles and you’re using your nerves you need  b12 all right number three green tea has some  

really powerful antioxidants and phytonutrients  to get rid of the oxidation free radical frenzy  

that’s going on when you exercise so it’s going  to eliminate oxidation it’s going to help boost  

glutathione to get rid of free radical  damage which is going to help you recover  

and it will increase fat oxidation okay  so you’re going to be able to have better  

performance so green tea is good to take while  you’re exercising or before actually number four  

probiotics and you wouldn’t think something  from the gut would actually help your exercise  

performance but there’s some real interesting  research it does especially for recovery and also  

when you have probiotics you decrease your risk  of getting an infection from exercising too much  

when you exercise especially long distance running  you really put a big stress on your immune system  

so probiotics can help to counter some of  that number five potassium very very important  

because every single cell has what’s called a  sodium potassium pump and you need 4700 milligrams  

of potassium every single day because of so many  little pumps in your cells that help you generate  

electrical current to activate the nerve muscle  interaction so if you’re deficient in potassium  

what happens is you get all sorts of problems  with cramping muscle fatigue and the list goes  

on and on potassium is a key electrolyte just like  magnesium for your heart as well so it’s also very  

important in the cardiovascular system as well  as keeping your arteries very flexible and soft  

number six sodium as in the sodium potassium  pump without sodium your muscles get weak  

so i know people are concerned about too much  sodium you’re not going to have any problem  

with excess sodium as long as you have enough  potassium because these work back and forth  

the best source of sodium would be himalayan sea  salt okay number seven beta alanine helps increase  

something called carnosine by eighty percent  and it works in your muscles and this compound  

can help you decrease lactic acid which could  fatigue the muscle it decreases acidity in  

general which causes you to be tired and it  increases energy so it’s a good supplement  

to take if you are a runner all right number  eight vitamin d vitamin d is a very powerful  

anti-inflammatory but it also has direct effect on  exercise performance i put some links down below  

also it’s very vital for the cardiovascular part  of your body in supporting that and there’s a  

lot of other things that can do as well and lastly  vitamin b1 it’s a necessary cofactor in the energy  

factory in the mitochondria and it’s needed uh to  um as a spark plug to make the fuel ignite okay so  

without enough b1 you’re not going to be burning  your fuel that well and you’re going to be tired  

so this is very very important also if someone’s  doing glucose pure glucose when they’re exercising  

when they’re doing running your demand for b1 goes  way up so if you’re not taking b1 you won’t be  

able to use that fuel efficiently and you’re going  to be tired or you might have other side effects  

before you go if you have a question about a  product or you’re new to keto and you want to  

know how to begin keto or you’re on keto and you  need a debug because it’s not going as smooth  

i have a keto consultant standing by to help you  

this is just for the people in the u.s. hopefully in  the future we’ll be able to answer everyone’s call  

but i put the number down below  so you can call and get some help