Join Dr. Berg and Karen Berg for a Q&A on Keto and Intermittent Fasting (IF) | DrEricBergDC

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this is the dr. Berg show live from the

nation’s capital it’s time to get

healthy lose weight and feel great

call now to speak with dr. Berg at eight

six six five six one four two nine two

and now dr. Eric Berg

hi guys welcome back and Happy Holidays

if you want to call in and this is a

live show

call the number eight six six five six

one four two nine two okay so we’re

going to talk about Keita in a minute

fasting and any other questions related

to that or related health questions so

Sherry’s been on the line for 31 minutes

we’re gonna go right to Sheri first


go ahead Sheri you’re on the line hi dr.

Berg thank you for taking my call and

thank you for everything you do to help

us my question is this I have my husband

and I have been on keto since January of

course he lost like 50 pounds in three

months of course I have of course I have

I lost I’ve lost 65 pounds so far

that weight loss is primarily from

January of July end of July and I have

been at a complete stall since then and

hard to believe I know but I have stayed

completely on keto

we haven’t cheated one time my goal was

to go through at least a year without

having a cheat meal or cheat day we’ve

done that we’ve been very faithful to it

but I’ve been in a complete stall

I’ve gone through countless videos of

yours and watch to try to apply and find

out what I was maybe doing wrong I did

two intermittent fasting with basically

one meal a day and I did lose I did that

for like a week and I did that where I

was just eating and mainly a one-hour

window it’s primarily just my dinner and

then I would fast until the next dinner

the next day and I lost five pounds like

in about a week but by the end of the

week I started gaining and I was like

gaining a pound and then another pound

and I was like that was kind of


I very at one point for a week or two

that didn’t break it I even we were had

kind of gotten into the keto sweets and

I said well I’m gonna cut that out

completely to see if that helped that

didn’t even get the scale moving

even now I only have sweets maybe once a

week I’m just I kind of like a medicine

yes let me just ask a couple questions

real fast what’s your age I am I’m about

52 and just in there okay are you going

through menopause or have you gone

through menopause

I had hysterectomy about in about eight

years ago so a complete hysterectomy um

yeah and I and I have been overweight my

pretty much my entire adult life off and

on diets and and this is actually the

first thing that I’ve ever done I’ve

never lost as much weight before and I

have never been on anything I lasted

longer than a couple of months so this

is the one thing honestly that I can

live with and I and I haven’t cheated

because I can live with it I love the

plan and I feel better my numbers are

great the doctor was thrilled with

everything but I’m only about a little

over a third of what I wanted to lose

and and I feel great and everything so

let me ask you a question about that as

far as your your body goes and your do

you have a lot of loose muscle or

atrophy on your body

um when you stay loose do you have like

loose skin or do you have a loss of tone

in your body do you have a lot of like

as your body um you don’t have good tone

is that an issue I don’t know what Sonia

is anymore to be honest with you I I

mean yeah just from being overweight I

don’t so let me just give you some tips

okay because I’m gonna rapidly go

through some other calls but I want to

give you some tips sharing usually in

this situation you’re not losing weight

you really need to shift to a different

marker and indicator because everything

else is getting better so many women

when they hit menopause they have a lot

of what’s called atrophy and that’s a

loss of muscle and so what happens is

that they have basically the the muscle

is basically turned to fat and they just

have lost a lot of muscle density and

mass that’s the big thing and if you

want to go get a test I think

that’ll be very valuable just to measure

your muscle mass now as you do this

you’re gonna be healing insulin insulin

resistance so you’re gonna start

absorbing more amino acids that’s

protein and your weight will go up in

some cases but it’s not fat you’re

gaining more muscle protein so that’s

why you can’t really go by weight I did

a recent video on that so I would just

ride the wave and keep doing this

because you may find that you’re gaining

weight or maintaining on muscle density

till the point where all of a sudden

that the muscles come back and then the

fat will start coming off I would

definitely add exercise in there

very lightly and gradually increase it

but if you’re doing one meal a day there

is no way no way you’re going to gain

fat absolutely none and if you’re

sleeping good and and you’re eating the

right things and not too much fat it’s

it has to be muscle so I think it’s

working but you’re taking weight as the

indicator so I wouldn’t even worry about

weight you should be shrinking in size

and you should be getting stronger but I

think what happens is you have to gain

that muscle back all right good good

point good question so we’re gonna go to

Keaton from New Jersey go ahead Keaton

good morning doctor good morning first

of all thanks so much for all the

wonderful videos regarding my father who

is V back in India he’s about 75 year

old and he had his bypass a in 2011 2014

onwards he started to have a uropathy in

his right leg okay and now situation is

he cannot walk Wow he doesn’t our

diabetes he doesn’t have a b12

deficiency the only cause I could find

is he was prescribed statin post his

bypass surgery okay happening only in

one Lake not anywhere else so I have a

question and yes it on the right leg

yeah okay all right so let me answer

this usually on the right side of your

body it’s going to be more related to

liver and again anything that I tell you


entertainment it’s not meant to diagnose

you or give you medical treatment check

with your doctor before implementing

anything but point is there side effects

from statins which affect the liver

liver enzymes and it usually will show

up on the right side and the right leg

so honestly I think I would find an

alternative there are other statins that

are less damaging and I don’t have them

off the top of my head I think there’s

one called pro statin that’s a little

less and don’t quote me on this it’s a

little less toxic than some of the other

ones so I’ll release a video on that

shortly but I would take Bend boat to

mean okay that’s the type of bb1 that

actually helps with neuropathy and it

protects the nervous system it’s the

type of b1 that you want to take in

higher dosages to help reverse

neuropathy from blood sugar issues but I

think in his case it’s probably side

effect from the satin buddy if he has if

he’s on statin has high cholesterol

chances are he has insulin resistance so

again been thought to mean is what you

need to get from him change the diet get

him on a keto I’m sure in India they

don’t have a lot of carbs they don’t eat

a lot of rice and I’m being very

sarcastic all right thanks Kevin

let’s go to Karen Karen do we have any

questions well good morning and happy

holiday yes we have questions a couple

here on menopause premenopause and hot

flashes can the keto diet help that well

when you go on a ketogenic diet it’s

it’s what what’s happening is you’re

switching from diesel fuel to electric

fuel in your body if you can just

imagine you’re doing this conversion and

so it’s going to take a huge stress off

the adrenals which usually what you need

is a really happy and healthy adrenals

as you go through menopause and the fact

that when you go through menopause the

ovaries go in retirement the adrenal

backs up the ovaries so that’s going to

be pumping out way too much cortisol and

then that’s when you have symptoms like

hot flashes so if your Drina ’ls are

healthier and that is you know tired you

will have a less symptom so yes the keto

and in fasting is the absolute best

thing but I will say some

go in the Quito in him in the

fascinating your period shuts off and so

that’s a little bit of a shift in

hormones and I’m gonna do a video on

that but that wasn’t the question so I’m

not going to answer that question you

have one another shortened question

Karen sure I have a question here what

would cause a white tongue and ken kitto

or intermittent fasting help it

well white tongue is up the yeast

candida too much overgrowth in your body

and that’s really a systemic internal

issue that you need to start working on

your digestion probiotics I would do

sauerkraut I would do some good healthy

probiotic that you would take and then

avoid sugar which would which is the

ketogenic diet it’s a low carbohydrate

diet that’s going to help you and the

other thing is when you do in a minute

fasting Karen yes you actually put your

body into this condition was called a

tapa G okay and that means it’s kind of

like thinking about your you have a

recycling unit in your house of taking

the garbage and recycling it and going

into healthy and new raw material well

that’s the Tov G and that’s what’s

triggered within a minute fasting so one

of the things that it recycles is

Candida yeast fungus mold and viruses so

you can clean all that up when you

determine fasting better than doing the

six meals a day so that’s my answer and

also you can take some grapefruit seed

extract to help also speed up the

results now let’s go to Frank in Seattle

he has a question about b1 go ahead


hey dr. enjoy your videos seems like you

might run out of videos ya know I’m

running into a capacitor where I don’t

have anything else to say so hopefully I

can get some other questions right right

umm I liked your video of your video on

the liquids he could drink but uh I went

to this one website for insulin the

insulin index you know and they had gin

is actually being the number one louis

insulin on

neck’s gin yeah gin okay but so the big

one is the one hours away how much

should I take on a daily basis good


so as far as the gin don’t take any more

than five eight shot glasses per day no

no the problem with the gin is yes it’s

low in the glare the insulin index but

it’s a solvent which shuts down the

liver which then creates a whole other

problem problems with ketosis and health

and regeneration it basically kills

liver cells but yeah it’s low in the

glycan insulin index but you’ve killed a

liver off so you have to weigh out what

would be the advantage of that

I think the Keela is a lot better no

just kidding be one you want to get that

a nutritional yeast that’s the best

source you want a natural version you

don’t want the synthetic unless you’re

doing a detox as far as quantities go

you don’t have to do the mega dosage if

you do food base or nutritional yeast

you can absorb it much better and use

smaller dosages so what I would do is I

would do either three tablespoons of

nutritional yeast a day or six tablets

of nutritional yeast today I have one in

a tablet form that is non fortified and

it has some natural b12 I like it but

you have to cut it in half and and

swallow it or because the pills are kind

of big or chew a little bit and swallow

it we’re changing that we’re working on

it yes IP so progress

yeah thanks Frank all right we’re gonna

go to Karen for one more question okay

good so Kay is asking oh no I’m sorry

it’s Faye Faye is asking she says I’ve

lost weight on the keto diet and she

feels better is it okay to go back on to

some carbs on a moderate basis like

sweet potatoes grains fruits that’s a

really really good question because

people did she mention like she hit her

target or something and she doesn’t say

she just says she’s feeling better but

you know it’s that like keto is the

solution versus the lifestyle so so we

got to look at

you know people want to achieve a

weight-loss goal they want to achieve a

cognitive goal if you go back to the

carbs you’re no longer gonna be in

ketosis and the benefits of anti-aging

of neuroprotection regrowing brain cells

and heart cells and all these things go

away so it’s really if your goal is just

to kind of maintain a certain level of

existence that’s fine if if you don’t

have a blood sugar issue maybe you hit

your weight some people can do it I

would what I would rather you do is do

go ahead and go off the program see how

you feel and then go back on the program

and you decide what is better for you

and that way you prove it to yourself

it’s really for me it’s like it’s going

back to what we originally did our

ancestors are did not eat five meals a

day they had maybe one or two meals if

they’re lucky that’s just kind of what

we’re going back to what our bodies were

designed to do and our bodies were

designed not to consume all these carbs

so we’re just kind of going back to that

and and that apparently works good for

our bodies so you’re gonna actually

achieve a level of health that’s a lot

higher on the carbs let’s go to Larry

from Indiana hey Larry yes hi hello


hi did you have a question okay I’m 65

years old and I’m going to the gym seven

days a week using a treadmill for 30

minutes and the speed is three point

seven miles per hour and I’m trying to

lose belly fat and build muscle okay


it’s a great question Larry so exercise

is responsible for about 15% of your

weight loss exercise okay the type of

exercise that’s going to really produce

that 15% would not be thirty minutes at

the gym because at that intensity you

might tap out your your sugar reserve

but you won’t really do burn much fat

from that you would

to do high intense short duration lots

of rests full-body workouts the

treadmill thing really is insignificant

in fact you could even pick it up and

workout for three hours and burn like

seven or 800 calories and no weight loss

nothing so the benefit of exercise

occurs later after when you’re sleeping

because you trigger certain hormones but

I’m just gonna explain something the

diet is responsible for about 85% that’s

like this significant part of weight

loss so you’re not going to lose a lot

of weight an exercise if at all

especially if you’re doing a little too

many carbs if any carbs a glass of wine

will pretty much ruin your workout half

of a donut will do the same so I would

take my keto and immanent fasting course

I have a new course in a minute fast and

it just came out that you can find where

can you find that Karen well if you’re

on Facebook live you just type in the

word basics basics and you will

automatically get it for you YouTube

users I’m not sure if there’s a link

down there I haven’t tested yes there is

a link down there

good there’s a link down there okay good

and you can click that but that’s what I

think you need is the basics and I think

if you do a search on exercise that

would help you I did some videos on that

it might be hard to find but that’s a

really good point though with the

exercise you’re not gonna see a lot of

results with your belly fat loss but you

will if you do keto in a minute fasting

like massive so thanks for your question

Larry I appreciate that let’s go to

Derek New York you’re from New York

right you had a question yes good

morning dr. Berg how are you a morning

great on behalf of so many people that I

know who watch your videos and follow

you we just want to say thank you for

all your videos and all your help dr.

Berg I have a it’s something a little

bit off topic although I have lost about

40 pounds within the past two months

I got misdiagnosed with a hiatal hernia

and due to being diagnosed with that I

stopped I steered away from many

foods and I was working out in the gym

as well this caused me to lose a

significant amount of weight so two

months ago I took a ultrasound and my

gallbladder this is a gallbladder

question by the way my gallbladder was

fine and then I took I took another

ultrasound along with a hiatus again

just this week and there was some they

found some sludge and my gallbladder is

now working at only 49% and I have all

the symptoms that you mentioned with I

have bloating I’ve had chronic


I have excess gas excess trapped gas and

I go to these doctors and they really

you know they really don’t help me in

any sense I’ve been seen many doctors

and I’m just trying to alleviate this

problem before before it gets any worse

yeah okay well good good question let me

just cover that I think you’re on the

right track if you’re doing Aikido and

in a minute fasting especially because

when you don’t eat it gives the

gallbladder a chance to rest and recover

and build up the concentration of bile

that you need to be normal again so when

you have sludge in the gallbladder

that’s really a deficiency of bile and

it creates some you can create

gallstones you can create just a buildup

of some some crud in there and so what

you want to do is you want to build up

your bile reserve you could even take

bile salts as a supplement after the

meal which I think might help you

initially with the bloating but

ultimately you need to go exactly on the

program that I talked about in the and

the book here which is a lot of

vegetables because that’s going to be

important in the liver and getting the

liver cleaned out and then also not

eating as frequent moderate amount of

protein and you’re not going to be have

a problem with eating saturated fats

because that’s going to stimulate the

gallbladder to release now there’s one

last thing I think it’ll be good I just

don’t know how you’re going to find this

other than doing this do a search with

dr. Berg and then gallbladder flush

I think it’s gallbladder flush

and there’s some techniques in there

that I think you will really love

because in this situation you got sludge

it’s not performing it’s all probably

backed up it’s creating bloating

there’s submit like manual work that you

can do by massaging the gallbladder the

pancreas to kind of keep the flows

opening up as you start improving such

the situation so search the videos and

you would use the massage tool to kind

of work that out but also you want to do

the opposite side but that’s what I

would do Derek thanks for the question

we’re gonna go to Karen for another

question good I think this is on the

same path Jay Taylor is asking about

right shoulder pain and right hand hand

numbness and I know you know the answer

to this because I had the same thing

well the gallbladder is connected to the

diaphragm sort of it’s redder Neath hair

and there’s a little nerve that goes

bones connect yeah exactly goes up to

the right side goes up to the third

cervical vertebra in your neck but you

have at that if this thing gets flared

up it can aggravate the nerve and it’s

flared up the gall bladder oh and it can

actually cause anything on the right

side in fact if you look at referred

pain on the right scapula this little

muscle up here on the right trap even up

in the headaches and the shoulder that’s

all gall bladder referred so here you

are massaging this it’s kind of like

when you step on the dog’s tail Karen

where does he bark not out of the tail

exactly so you want to work on the gall

bladder and all of a sudden all this

clears up I had a problem with my right

shoulder pain for about 12 years didn’t

know is the gall bladder until I started

to focus on it so I do have some videos

on that but the keto intermittent

fasting is really important you probably

don’t want to do massive amounts of fat

and the keto bums which are the little

fat cookies on this but intermittent

fasting is gonna be important huge

amount of vegetables if you do the keto

with low months of vegetables I think

you’re gonna have a problem with the

gallbladder so you’ve got to keep your

vegetables high and I also recommend

gallbladder formula if anyone has gone

better symptoms especially if they don’t

have a gallbladder because that will

actually assist in the bloating increase

more bile okay

so so now we’re going to go to Nicole

you had a question you’re from Michigan

go ahead yes more so about the white

side of my face and my hair it seems

that I have more hair coming out of the

right side I have these weird freckle

spots coming onto my cheek some rosacea

I just don’t know why the right side of

my face is doing worse than my last day

yeah so how old are you Nicole I’m 31 31

tell me about your menstrual cycle is it

heavy is it irregular do you have any

issues with your cycle no it’s

consistent it’s not too much on the

heavy side I would say normal okay

yeah okay so if you’re having acne on

one side of your face and here growth

and this is just my opinion just from

working with a lot of people I’ve

noticed that I would check the ovary

function and I have some videos and some

natural things you can do for

menstruation and things like that but

it’s interesting you have the left and

right side of the ovary and they

reciprocate one month one ovary works

the next month the other ovary works so

if there is more acne on one side of

your face every other month do we know

that’s the situation and don’t ask me

why this occurs I just notice it so

that’s my my thing that I would do is

see if you can improve the ovary

function I have some videos on it

there’s an eating plan for the ovarian

body type and I don’t know if that’s

your body type you can research research

that in my book I have a lot of data on

that one tip on that is make sure that

you do organic foods do not do

commercial anything because you want to

do do without the hormones and the food

supply without the pesticides

insecticides and all those things

because that that’s the worst thing for

the ovary that you can do and even if

you have facial hair in general

regardless where it is that could be

something called PCOS which is high

insulin it’s the same thing so get on

the keto and in a minute fasting and I

think you’ll be happy

all right pick me pick me you have we

have so many good questions here I just

see this one right here I have to ask

okay it just flipped up I’m gonna ask

this one from Tiffany first she is

feeling great she’s been on keto for

about six weeks she asks how long will

she be doing keto before she can see a

difference in the fatty liver okay so

there’s a couple things you should see

some results within a few months with

the fatty liver and you can go back and

get an ultrasound to see that but you

have to make sure that your vegetables

are about about eight to ten cups a day

because all this fat that’s coming out

has to go through the liver so you want

to keep that thing flushed but I would

recommend adding to this whole program

choline you can get it in a supplement

it’s in a powder form and take that

every single day

whatever’s recommended on the and the

powder form because that’ll speed up the

fat coming out of your liver

tremendously okay one more question can

I get two more questions because I found

this one you know sometimes it flips up

and then I lose it and how can I find it

okay so we have I think it’s ro Heath

Rajah here he says tell me the truth he

only wants the truth dr. burgher about

cartilage regeneration by eating right

well I don’t honestly I don’t think

you’re gonna regenerate Carlos by eating

cartilage and that’s just one point and

then the second point I’m gonna make is

that the cartilage is a type of protein

that usually wears out when you’re when

there’s more inflammation in the body

and that’s why in a diabetic situation

you lose a lot of protein protein tends

to in the muscle and the joint and you

have inflammation so as far as the diet

goes you want to do the Kino because

that cuts the carve-out which instantly

improves insulin resistance which will

then allow you to absorb more proteins

to build back up the joint the other

thing that’s even more powerful is in a

minute fasting because that will

stimulate growth hormone which helps

build up cartilage by 2,000 percent

I mean exercise will only increase

growth home and by 450 percent so if you

were debt added them and fasting to this

you would end up with a lot better

joints all right good point one more

question I have I’m stealing it I’m

hogging it

Facebook Joyce asks what to do to tone

muscle and to handle loose skin are they

the same thing

well the the toning of the skin you you

can’t do it without exercise you need to

do it exercise you have to be working

that but the tone the toning of the skin

happens when you increase growth hormone

and you lower cortisol so we have to

reduce stress gotta sleep better and

increase growth form on the two things

that well there’s more things that sugar

growth hormone but in a minute fasting

is the most powerful second is exercise

high intensity lots of rest don’t

overtrain and also sleep is going to be

important avoiding carbohydrates a lot

of Sun especially in the winter take

vitamin D and those are just some tips

that you can do alright so let’s go to

Diana from Texas you to question Diana

hello hi I’m here for your question I

started keto and I beat those machine

scans that tells you like your muscle

mass and your way and all this stuff so

I did them and I took the numbers down

and I compared to yesterday and

apparently everything was like almost

like a million pounds I gained muscle

mass I lost fat on my business I went

from a seven to a club yes I want to

know what happened so who did the test

what test was it do you remember what it

was it like an impedance test or a body


well it just um a machine that you hold

with your hands like yeah it’s like yeah

it’s nothing big but I don’t know people

saying that shows the numbers and he’s

like yeah I’ve had one of those machines

once it’s still at my garage those are

not accurate

I would not use that as indication they

don’t work okay I’m sorry

yeah I think you’re doing great go by

your size there are I mean if you really

want to know do an ultrasound

but those impedance tests when you’re

doing the hand held things I don’t like

them okay let’s go to Leanne say hello

say what you mean exactly I won’t beat

around the bush Liam you had a question

about adding chlorella go ahead dr. Berg

hi how are you hello hi very good thank

you I wanted to ask you a question about

chlorella but if you don’t mind I wanted

to share a little bit about my journey

and June of this year I decided I was

going to change my life and 32 years old

and since then I’ve lost about 70 pounds

a few inches from my waist I religiously

follow your advice I huge salads every

day I was sugar addicted I wake up in

the morning to three o’clock in the

morning and I go and grab a spoonful of

Nutella you know I would wake up with

agonizing heel pain wasn’t until a

couple days ago I was chatting with a

friend talking about my progress and he

was talking about how he’d wake up and

had these terrible pains in his feet and

I was like oh my god I haven’t felt that

pain in days and for the last couple

days I’ve woken up and paid attention

and I just don’t even feel it anymore

every day I’m taking milk thistle

tumeric apple cider vinegar ginger of

lemon take apple cider vinegar and water

before every meal I’m taking nutritional

yeast and making kale shakes multiple

times a week so kale spinach ginger

tumeric blueberry water I feel amazing

I’ve got three small hernias that I’ve

got to get fixed some ultrasounds

essentially I just let my life slip away

I’m an entrepreneur I own a business

here in canada ottawa and when i just

sort of focused on everything except for

myself and you know really focused on

creating employment for people and

anyway it’s been amazing to listen to

you and learn from you at the same time

I learned about my hernias I learned

about a fatty liver and I didn’t really

know how to manage that so I simply

YouTubed fatty liver and

you came up and essentially since then

that’s early October I have been I

watched several of your videos every

single day both you and Karen last night

I had a really good time watching the

video when you’re with the leaf blower

trying to get that shot the the recipe

is up that was pretty funny anyway I

just I loved everything you guys do I

think your mission in life is really

inspiring and it’s extremely powerful

and the way you empower people by giving

them information that they can then use

I mean essentially just learning that I

have to control insulin as like one of

the single most important factors for me

has given me extreme clarity and focus

with what I need to do with every

decision I make when it comes to eating

you should come here and do the show

basically that’s great great everybody

else who’s watching everybody else who’s

listening should just listen to him

because he’s applying it and he’s he’s

not doing anything else but applying it

and how amazing is that

I mean accolades are to you for for

doing your homework in flying and that’s

really it’s really like the the single

most thing to focus on is that insulin

that’s like behind almost so many

conditions so that’s awesome thank you

and then you had a question about it

chlorella right yeah so basically you

know I sort of gone through the rabbit

hole of some of these videos and some

really sketchy guy started talking about

you know wheatgrass only has this much

chlorophyll and you need the superfood

chlorella and you know look it up I

bought some from the grocery store I put

it in some water a couple times and then

I’ve tried looking for more information

obviously it’s got a lot of chlorophyll

but then there’s people out that are

saying like well it’s going to give you

like iodine problems if you got thyroid

issues I don’t think I have one but then

heavy-metal issues I don’t know so I’m

just sort of like yeah wondering if it’s

something that could be beneficial and I

know it’s like something that it seems

like like you haven’t I know you’ve

touched on it a little bit in some

videos but just wondering what your

general stops are let me give you a

sense on that I used to take chlorella

the problem is after about a couple of

months and I’m not

this is gonna happen everyone it it

tends to be a powerful key leader so it

pulls it detoxifies and I started

noticing dark circles on these my eyes I

didn’t like that so I think it’s good

short term happened with me maybe it

doesn’t happen with other people as far

as chlorophyll in the wheat grass

there’s different levels of chlorophyll

and different types of wheatgrass I

actually took my wheatgrass and I

measured independently with a certain

lab how much chlorophyll is in the

wheatgrass because it’s grown on I flew

to the farm when they grow it and it’s

just off the charts compared to the

three other companies that are the top

around I’m not going to mention names

their chlorophyll levels and ours were

like way higher and I posted this on the

website under the wheatgrass so it has

massive quantities of chlorophyll and a

lot of other phytonutrients that are

very powerful so I think it’s awesome I

think I’m gonna stick with wheatgrass

juice powder chlorella it’s a bit of a

detox thing I do not believe the

chlorella has more chlorophyll but I

can’t tell you you know exactly but

thanks Leigh appreciate it we’re gonna

go to Connie from California go ahead

Connie hi dr. Berg thank you for all

your videos they’ve been really

wonderful for my husband he’s lost 80

pounds he’s been on the keto since May

Wow that’s it I know it’s wonderful

he’s gotten what kind of a little stall

but he’s having an issue with the right

side of his back between the waist and

under the shoulder blade with a pain and

night yeah is that cause from something

he’s eating no that’s a that’s well it

could be but it’s the gallbladder okay

so okay watch some of my videos in the

gallbladder but here’s what you need to

do do in a minute fasting for sure it

could be all this fat coming through

these might have to cut down the fat a

little bit increase the vegetables and

you can do the acupressure on the

gallbladder as well and that pain should

go away really fast but right where you

said in the back part on the inside of

the scapula that’s where the gallbladder

rule for a pain to so that’s all it is

so yeah make those changes and should go

away pretty quick all right Karen you

have another question yes I do

Anthony is asking this is a good point

it seems to come up he’s doing keto he’s

lost all the weight he wants to lose he

realizes that the keto lifestyle is a

good one but how does he maintain that

without losing more weight what do you

do so this is always a trick because

here you are doing keto and fasting

which is going to it’s running your body

on fat so you’re going to lose fat and

get pretty lean and that is the problem

with this program you get too lean so

the only thing you can do at this point

is add in exercise more weights more

full-body less reps at the same time you

don’t want to add the carbs in you want

to add more fat but the problem is how

you going to digest that fat so you’re

gonna have to have maybe add some

violets aport gallbladder formula more

apple cider vinegar and then what you

can do is start to make sure that your

fat in the meal is higher and higher and

higher do it slowly

to the point where now your body is

burning a lot of the dietary fat as

compared to only okay that’s the secret

all right so now we’re oh ma

to no avail like my body is just

resisting it I was getting more toned

but now I start to see some sagging even

working out is not doing it for me and

I’m just wondering what I’m doing wrong

because I must be some kind of

correlation there I even tried to take

the supplement for adrenal support that

I got well the first thing I want to say

is that yeah when I think about Oklahoma

Oklahoma came through in in high school

that came through as a wrestling team

and wrestled our team and beat every

single one of us in the first match

pinned everyone so you guys have a

incredible wrestling team but on your

question there’s a couple things that

you want to do

it’s that after you have losses and you

know your your children that can create

a lot of stress in the body and higher

cortisol levels and I think what I would

do is support the adrenals with the

electrolyte and the nutritional yeast

tablets those too because that’s going

to give you the unfair advantage of

started putting your body back in

ketosis but I think your issue is the

adrenal and also if you look up adrenal

stress and acupressure with this tool I

show you step-by-step of how to walk

through to pull the stress out of your

body to enhance sleep and pull stress

out that’s the thing I think that’s kind

of kicking your butt you said that

you’re trying one meal a day which is

which is good but you might have a hard

time because cortisol releases sugar

okay it turns your muscles into sugar so

you’re hitting your your problem really

is coming from the cortisol so you got

to handle the adrenal and that’s that’s

another thing that can stop you from

getting into ketosis so that’s what I

would do you go on long walks lots of


low stress and try to get more sleep

thanks tomorrow that’s the demand I’m

sorry Karen you had a question I do


here on YouTube says that I’m she’s

having an issue with alopecia and some

constipation are those related and kinky

toe help

well alopecia usually can be it can be a

thyroid issue but it’s an autoimmune of

the hair and so one of the best remedies

for that is selenium and then add some

seek help but I think there’s usually an

underlying adrenal issue

I’m sorry underlying thyroid issue that

usually even happens when you have

Hashimoto’s as well I don’t know if

that’s what you have but the other thing

that I would really watch out for is

anything with glyphosate which is a

herbicide it’s in the GMO foods so make

sure you do all organic to eliminate

that because that can trigger issues

with autoimmune and also thyroid issues

and then lastly if you do the keto in a

minute fasting that takes a big stress

off the immune system and that will also

help your hair as well but it’s not just

a matter of taking vitamins just really

got a hint and support the immune system


hey juror you’re from Dallas you had a

question about supplements for extended

fasting yes hey I’ve been doing the 16-8

intermittent fasting working towards the

24 and have tried a couple of the you

know 24-hour fast recently tried a

36-hour fast and but from reading on

some other websites and so forth and had

a little bit of I guess dehydration

maybe from doing that so I kind of had

two part question was is 23 hours for

the the optimum spot for fasting or is

there a point of diminishing returns

after that yeah and if you’re on if you

are fasting whether it’s 23 hours or

longer are there some non-food

supplements that you could do you know

stayed off dehydration yeah

good question so

first of all there’s a sweet spot for

results and and then it tends to plateau

a little bit okay but you still will

improve it’s between 18 to 24 hours

that’s the sweet spot so if you can get

anywhere between there and closer you

know I think if you were to do I don’t

know a three or four hour window and

that would be really good or maybe even

a two hour window that would be a little

bit better but then after that you’re

gonna kind of level off a little bit so

and I’m talking about the amount of

hours that you’re going to be fasting

without eating now as far as supplements

go the two supplements that I always

recommend to do this would be the

electrolyte mix that has enough

potassium magnesium calcium trace

minerals without the sugar won’t no

multi dextran because you need that to

actually support this machine there’s

these new machines that are burning fat

and also B vitamins in the form of

nutritional yeast and I have something

called nutritional yeast tablets that

are really effective because it’s it’s

unfortified it doesn’t have the

synthetics plus I added two b12 so those

two together are like essential okay but

here’s the other point when you go into

a tappa gene which your body is

recycling and it’s adapting to this not

eating you actually preserve nutrients

your body starts holding on to nutrients

a little bit more so you don’t have to

worry as much as you think about dumping

a ton of nutrients in the body because

your body is adapting you would think

that because you’re not eating you’re

starving and you’re gonna lose a lot of

nutrients but that’s not what really

what happens as long as the meals that

you eat our nutrient dense and you’re

getting roughly what you need you’re

gonna be totally fine okay because

there’s this adaptation mechanism all

right all right now let’s see let’s go

over to Karen I have some cool questions

here and I hope I pronounced this right

yamagishi says what does your body do

with fats when you’re on a high carb


yeah so when you’re in a high carb diet

the body will always as the priority

burn those carbs it will not burn fat

and that’s a little switch it’s like a

little mechanism in order to burn fat

you have to lower carb so if you add

both fat and sugar to the diet first of

all you’re gonna exaggerate insulin even

more than if you ate them separately

secondly you’re not going to burn the

fat you can only burn the carbon that’s

the way that’s the body has this

priority system so what does it do with

the fat then it probably puts a distort

just as additional fat I’m sorry that’s


yeah okay I have another question okay

what okay well Flora’s asking can she

take more than one scoop of the

wheatgrass juice powder every day even

though she’s on intermittent fasting and

would that break the fast yeah and this

is a this is a question I just did a

video on it know you could

you’re not gonna stimulate insulin when

you’re on the wheatgrass juice powder

you can take more than it’s really only

one calorie one calorie per scoop so

you’re not going to less than one

calorie of carb you’re not going to

stimulate you’re not going to bump

yourself out of ketosis at all you can

do the electrolyte mix you can do the

wheatgrass and it’s not a problem at all

but that question keeps coming up now

just because that there’s probably gonna

be another question I’m already

predicting what you’re gonna ask can you

chew gum on a ketogenic diet right

without it yeah it’s like you’re psychic

so first of all there’s sugar there’s

aspartame and gum well yeah that’s gonna

worse and things but let’s say you’re

doing you’re chewing gum with xylitol no

it’s not gonna bump you out of ketosis

it’s such a small amount and then that

sweetness is gone within a second then

you’re chewing this actual just like

rubber so you’re not gonna bump yourself

out of ketosis okay so anything that you

drink tea even coffee in small amounts

is not gonna bump you out of ketosis

water will not bump you out of ketosis

okay so now let’s go to Richard from

Houston you two question based on shift

work I work a 12-hour shift basis for

30s and more into 4:30 at

for four days about in four days almost

amigo 4:30 at night at 4:30 in the

morning and I’m having trouble figuring

out how to switch it around yeah all

right Richard a good question I did a

video I don’t even know if I release

that video I’ll have to check I don’t

think I released that video I’m glad you

reminded me

yeah the shift work is is is it is a

pain in the butt because you’re throwing

your body into a whole different pattern

especially if it’s non consistent if you

were to I think what you told me is you

have a rotational ship where it’s a

little different I think maybe I’m heard

you incorrectly on that but the point is

you if you’re doing shift work you want

to keep it consistent and even on the

days off if possible because your

circadian waves are gonna be all messed

up now you could probably get away with

this if you have really good adrenals

and you’re pretty young but it’s going

to mess up your circadian rhythm with

with with your with your fat burning and

your end ketosis as well so in the

meantime what do you do right until you

can kind of work out a schedule I would

just adapt your what you eat and your in

a minute fasting based on when you go to

work so in other words what I would do

is I would if let’s say you’re working

night shifts and then day ship and

you’re sleeping during the day and

you’re working at night go ahead and

just do the same thing fast for hour

ok you get up go ahead and eat and then

you’re sleeping for a while and then go

ahead and try to try to just make sure

the most important thing is go from fast

push you’re fasting as long as possible

and I don’t again I would have to

clarify exactly what you said on that so

I might not be explaining this but you

want to keep the keeping a minute

fasting is the same as possible going

through this all right hey John you’re

from Tennessee you two question about

keto and tendonitis yes I’ve been doing

keto for about six weeks now lost 25

pounds I’m eating two meals a day

sometimes one feeling really good


but I’ve got tendinitis above both of my

kneecaps it’s just giving me fits and I

don’t know what to do with that any

suggestions yeah good question

now John on a rare occasion if you ever

get an ultrasound and they there might

be a tear there if there’s a tear like

it’s never gonna get better so you’re

gonna have to get that handled and maybe

even stem-cell might be an option but

let’s just say there’s no tear and you

just have tendonitis doing in a minute

fasting over a period of time will

improve that but on some cases you it

might be an old injury on the knees

camps I did a video on knee pain you

should research that and do that

technique because it’s nothing short of

miraculous and what you’re working on is

muscles up into the thigh and the

outside of the leg so if you have if

it’s symmetrical on both knees on the

top of the knees then you’d work on the

back of the knees and someone would do

some stimulation or massage or you can

even use a massage tool on that but that

will knock out pain that you can’t get

rid of when you’re doing in a minute

fasting because you have two things you

have inflammation that you’re pulling

out of the body from intermittent

fasting in ketosis and and then you also

have another situation where the the

pain is in there from an old injury that

might be coming from like a different

source maybe the mechanics are off

whatever now in these videos I show you

how to get rid of it but you’re going to

be working on other places in the body

that are on the opposite side and I

think you’ll be impressed so that’s what

I would do and if you would here I’d do

a demonstration on you so thanks for

that call someone also wanted to know

about how long do you have to do fasting

before you trigger a tapa gee okay and

that is the the body’s ability to

recycle garbage from your body and

damaged parts and turning them into good

healthy tissue again it’s kind of like

an anti-aging process when you do in a

minute fasting the sweet spot is between

18 and 24 hours so if you can do it that

period of time and I would recommend

doing it like 20 hours if you can go to

20 hours I think you’re being really

good shape and push it a little bit more

maybe 21 to

two hours but that’s the sweet spot for

a tapa G and the more you the longer you

go the more you’re gonna get but it

seems to have the plateauing effect at

around 24 hours after that so so that’s

what you need to do in that all right

Kari yeah have any questions coming up

well I just want to say first for this

intermittent fasting email just type

basics in the facebook live comments and

then there’s a link in YouTube it’s a

course that you can source okay yeah of

course basics on Facebook live and

there’s a link to click if you’re on


okay so Christina is asking about

estrogen dominance and what can help

with that and specifically would the

nutritional yeast do anything for that

good question

no the nutritional yeast is gonna handle

a different thing I’m gonna handle a B

vitamin deficiencies and adaptation but

estrogen dominance is usually an over

productive ovary that you need to

support just by consuming organic foods

and get off anything that’s GMO so like

the soy and the corn the canola oil

that’s in the foods and also even

animals I have that as grain tell GML

that’s gonna aggravate your problem and

keep us Trojan dominance more than

anything else so if you were to go

organic for everything I think that

would be the best solution to kind of

reduce the estrogen but there are things

you can take one would be seek help I

would do the Icelandic sea kale because

that is really good at regulating

estrogen there’s another that product I

have called cruciferous food which has

all the cruciferous in an organic form

and that has also the ability to help

regulate estrogen it doesn’t give you

more or take away more what it does is

balances the ratio so it brings down the

bad estrogen and it raises the good

estrogen and that would be a

concentrated cruciferous type thing and

the CCAP those are the two things I

would recommend

so let’s go to Alex you’re from New

Jersey your weight lifter and you had a

question about MCT oil

hey dr. Burke how you doing good thanks

for taking a call a much much much

appreciated sure so so listen I got a

question I’ll be doing the intermittent

fasting ketogenic diet all summer a

landscaper so you know I’m outside

constantly you know I’m working a moving

so it fit perfectly with my lifestyle I

have a question though with lifting and

you know my strength goals sometimes you

know I integrate you know some low GI

carbs into the mix you know whether at

night if it’s my second meal of the day

you know at the end of the week stuff

like that

things like lentils you know rarely

sweet potatoes mostly just lentils but

nonetheless I love MCT oil and my coffee

and you know in my shakes things of that

nature my question to you is if I do a

bit of a refeed say you know I’m 25

years old I’m about 230 pounds say I you

know have about maybe a hundred 150

grams of carbohydrates low GI carbs and

then I you know within the same few

hours have MCT oil is my body going to

use the MCT oil or is it gonna try to

use those carbs immediately and this is

during while I’m in Kentucky ptosis I

guess up until I integrate those cards

yeah this is a really good question and

like I want to bring up because there’s

conflicting information out on the

internet about this that you have to

refeed carbs like you have a carb

loading and even if it’s low GI carbs or

resistance starch okay

this philosophy is that you need to do

this because the body you know needs

carbs and it’s going to help your

muscles it’s going to help burn fat it’s

false information it’s absolutely false

information there’s if you look at

ketosis and how to get in ketosis you

have to keep the carbs between 20 and 50

grams you’re doing 150 grams you’re not

going to be in ketosis and it’s going to

actually distract from building the

muscle that you want and losing

the weight if you were to add MCT oil

with these carbs what’s gonna happen

you’re gonna you’re gonna exaggerate

insulin even more because when you

combine any fat with a carb it’s even

worse than having them separately so as

far as food combining goes you want to

avoid carbs with protein and carbs as

fat what you want to combine is protein

and fat those are the two things you

want to do now you can do vegetables

that would be your low low glycemic carb

all those but I wouldn’t start getting

into the lentils I wouldn’t get into the

fruit that’s gonna slow you down

especially if you’re over 200 pounds and

you want to lose weight it’s false data

that you need these carbs now I think

what happens is people that are in the

transition phase and they’re haven’t

adapted yet 100% and they and they have

low blood sugar and they take a carb and

they feel so much more energy especially

in the workout that’s simply because

you’re raising the sugar up but you’re

never going to get out of this

this blood sugar thing what you want to

do is fully adapt to the ketogenic

program to the point where when you

workout by them you you tap into that

fat you can run your body in fat you

have efficient fuel but that takes a

while to get to that state and that’s

why I never recommend intermittent

fasting with a higher carbohydrate diet

because you’re going to be susceptible

to the blood sugars and you’re going to

get tired if you don’t eat and you’re

going to get tired if you workout why

because you haven’t adapted to keep

tones yet so that’s a long answer but

hope that helped all right Karen do you

have any quick questions there you

caught me off guard I was typing an

answer here yeah a lot of people asking

Karen Karen take my question there’s so

many questions here so Diane says I was

heard that you need potassium to stop

cramping but is it really magnesium well

as far as the muscle goes the muscle

uses four main minerals for the

contraction and relaxation of the

muscles okay you have you need calcium

for the contraction you need

potassium magnesium for the relaxation

you also even need sodium so it’s really

hard to determine exactly which mineral

that you need that you’re deficient and

that’s causing the cramp but if you even

add any mineral in there you especially

if it’s calcium magnesium calcium I’m


calcium magnesium sodium or potassium

the cramps should lessen but you know

when you eat food or consume anything it

never comes as one mineral so that’s why

I like a blend I would do electrolyte

mix or do foods high in minerals and

that’s the best way to correct the

deeper problem but you know again you

can usually calcium will help potassium

will help magnesium will help it’s hard

to tell which one you’re deficient

especially protecting the blood because

these allow these minerals are inside

the cell they’re not outside the cell so

you would have to do like a special test

to measure intracellular minerals which

people never do so you could have normal

minerals with minerals in the blood or

outside the cell but a very huge

deficiency inside the cell so again I

would just do a blend of all the

minerals electrolyte powder usually

works good I’m gonna go to Katherine now

she has a she’s in Baltimore you have a

question for Alzheimer’s go ahead

Katherine yes hi um my father is is old

and frail and has Alzheimer’s is the

ketogenic diet I I know I I went through

a lot to get into ketosis so I mean as

far as you know energy wise uh it was

difficult for me but that was because I

didn’t do the avocados and to support my

body with all of the nutrients I just I

lowered my carbs and and ate bacon and

and cream cheese and and things like

that but I don’t know if my father’s

gonna have a hard time getting into

ketosis and is it safe for him to do

like you old and then is it safe for

children to do because their metabolism

is so high that they I feel like my

seven-year-old would be you know it

would be difficult for him to be healthy

and a ketogenic diet

because he’s just he’s it a good healthy

weight but I don’t want him to disappear

right okay okay go ahead so let me just

answer the two questions okay for kids I

think it’s great but I wouldn’t do a lot

of intermittent fasting with kids and

less than you lose weight so maybe you

do three good meals at a real good

amount of quality food all you’re trying

to do with this is you’re trying to cut

out the refined sugars and carbs and and

not raise the insulin so much so for a I

mean the amount of sugar that I consumed

the amount of sugar that a child

consumes normally is just off the charts

so I would wouldn’t be afraid to put him

on a version of it at 7 year-olds and

then you know I mean go ahead and do the

sweet potato if you want to do that or

but I wouldn’t do any refined sugars

okay now for your your dad I don’t know

if it was my dad and he had Alzheimer’s

what I would do I would it’s an absolute

mandatory thing to do ketosis and more

importantly in a minute fasting because

you’re gonna put him in a state of

what’s called a toffee ghee which is

very good for the brain

to help protect the brain against

something called amyloid plaque II which

is kind of this thing that you always

see in Alzheimer’s patients in

Parkinson’s it’s kind of a it disrupts

the electricity and the flow of neurons

and and all these things in the brain

and that comes from high levels of

insulin so the question is it safe well

it’s safe it’s it’s not safe not to do

it it’s very dangerous not to do this

because he has high insulin most

definitely and that’s creating the

problem so the absolute best thing to do

is to put them on in a minute fasting

just like I explained in the book and in

my videos and start doing over a period

of time to the point where you can start

restoring memory and improve the

cognitive function and a nice gradient

okay all right thank you guys so much

have a great holiday and we’re done

we’re gonna talk to you next product

right before the New Year’s all right

happy holiday
