How to STOP Acid Reflux Instantly | DrEricBergDC

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i want to show you how to completely

stop acid reflux once and for all

i had acid reflux really bad in college

i was downing massive amounts of tums

not having a clue of what caused it i

really wish i knew back then what i know

now because it would have been so easy

to correct i mean just months and months

of suffering this terrible heartburn i’d

have to kind of sit up like propped up

in my bed to try to have it drain

because at night it would be terrible so

what is acid reflux it’s a situation

where you’re having acid that’s

regurgitating coming up

through a valve

into the esophagus and that valve is

called the lower esophageal sphincter

now the most important thing to know

about acid reflux

is that it’s caused by

not enough acid okay there’s a

deficiency of acid in your stomach

and that acid is not

triggering a certain mechanism to close

the valve

at the top of the stomach at the bottom

of the esophagus and then the valve

doesn’t close and so the acid

regurgitates so the term for this low

acid situation is called

hypochlorhydria that is the root cause

of your heartburn so that means low

stomach acid there’s another condition

called a chlorhydria which there’s no

acid in your stomach okay and that

happens with people

as they get older and older in fact as

we age we lose

the acid in our stomach and we have all

sorts of digestive problems 30 of the

population over the age of 60 has a

deficiency of stomach acid so it’s a big

deal so what happens is we get on


we take

medication to

deal with this and then of course the

side effects from that are horrendous

because we’re doing the exact opposite

of what we should be doing so it makes

us feel better temporarily but the next

time we eat

it gets worse and worse and worse and we

never come off this medication

it is so important

to ensure

that our stomach has the right ph and

the normal ph of the stomach

should be between one and three that is

extremely acid okay so on the ph scale

you have seven being neutral and so if

it goes up like eight nine ten that’s

more alkaline as it goes below seven

that is more acid in each whole number

that you go down it’s by a factor of 10x

so in other words a ph of 5 is 10 times

more acid than a ph of six okay so if

we’re talking about

a ph of one to three that is extremely

acidic and that’s what you really need

to break down proteins to absorb

minerals and vitamins like b12 and folic

acid and vitamin c

and also

another reason why we need it is to kill


microbes fungus bacteria to prevent

those microbes from growing in our small

intestine the key thing about the


as far as the release of that acid

and the closing of that valve is that

there’s a link between the two in other


that valve normally should close

if there’s enough of a certain chemical

called gastrin that

causes the release of hydrochloric acid

so this is communication from the level

of acid

to the valve

and that the closing and opening of the

valve and this whole thing is under

parasympathetic control now what does

that mean it’s under um

the part of the nervous system

that controls

digestion and



so that opposes the other system that’s

called the sympathetic which is the

flight of fight so what does that mean

the more stress that you have the more

acid reflex you’re going to have to

because as you increase the sympathetics

you decrease the parasympathetic so

stress is another reason why we have a

lot of problems with the stomach and the

reason why we might have acid reflux or

another term for that would be gerd now

there’s some other importances

of having the right amount of acid and

i’m talking about hydrochloric acid

hydrochloric acid also helps you release

bile from your gallbladder it helps to

cause the gallbladder to contract and

release the bile to help you

extract fat soluble vitamins from your


as well as omega-3 fatty acids and help

you break down fats

also this hydrochloric acid helps

stimulate the pancreas to produce

enzymes to help you digest food so

without that acid being

at the right ph you’re not going to have

sufficient bile release and you’re not

going to have sufficient enzymes

released and that’s going to cause

a lot of other problems a little bit

lower down in this chain reaction

and then what happens is you might have


and fungus that then grows in the small


and that’s called


small intestinal bacterial overgrowth

and then every time you you just feel

bloated you feel distended and this will

definitely occur if you’re eating fiber

and probiotics so

yeah that’s a that’s a situation also

one last thing about hydrochloric acid

you need the correct ph of the stomach

to keep h pylori in check

normally our bodies have h pylori and

it’s not creating any problem for us but

when we lose the stomach acid

then it comes out and it creates

problems so this is just another

important reason why we need

this hcl hydrochloric acid in our

stomach the other thing that can mess us

up in relationship to not having enough

hydrochloric acid is

low zinc which is very common for so

many people if you’re low in zinc you’ll

have a tendency to have problems with

gerd as well as acid reflux as well as



it takes a sufficient amount of zinc to

make hydrochloric acid it also takes

other things like chlorides

as in sodium chloride like salt to make

hydrochloric acid it also takes a good

amount of potassium to make hydrochloric

acid so it might be your problem is

really coming from a

zinc deficiency maybe a chloride

deficiency or even a potassium

deficiency so it’s not just about taking

hydrochloric acid it’s about taking the

raw materials that can actually build up

your your acid now another thing that a

lot of doctors do not

have any information about is the

connection between

taking calcium and having too much

calcium and having acid reflux or gerd

so one of the big side effects of taking

a calcium antacid is


reflux it’s completely

insane and the problem is if you don’t

understand a connection you could be

giving someone the absolute worst thing

to give them for that condition so if

you’re going to your


for this condition definitely tell them

to research the link between

hypercalcemia and gerd or acid reflux

now people don’t just take calcium

antacids they take other

types of medication for acid reflux like

ppis for example and the problem with

those medications is that there’s some

massive side effects like inflammation

your kidney nephritis like getting

fractures from osteoporosis

getting other

pathogens like c diff so there are a lot

of side effects from these antacids all

right so here’s the plan this is what i


the best remedy for this is to take

something to build up your hydrochloric

acid and that’s called betaine

hydrochloride and this is how you take


you start off taking like three right

before a meal see how you feel okay

let’s say you still have a problem but

it’s better

next meal

take four

next meal

take five before a meal and you keep

increasing it

until your symptoms go away and it could


seven eight or more of these

little petaine hydrochloride tablets

before you have no more

acid reflux now all this means is that

you’re very deficient in this acid and

you have to build it back up and it does

take time i would also recommend this so

let’s say for example you’re up to eight

betaine hydrochloride okay and your acid

reflux goes away and you feel great

i would continue to take a little bit



you start getting

kind of like a maybe a heartburn or a

warmness in your stomach which means

you’ve taken too much so then you can

back off

that way you can know exactly how much

you really need

to fix this problem number two make sure

you’re getting enough potassium and sea

salt in the diet because

those are the the precursors to building

hydrochloric acid number three i would

make sure you’re getting sufficient zinc

which is also very important in this

process and number four chew your food

longer okay that’s going to

assist this whole process especially

right now if you don’t have enough

hydrochloric acid in your stomach um you

just need to chew more and that’s going

to help this process and make everything

go a little bit faster and number five

make sure you keep your stress down


uh stress could be aggravating the

situation um we don’t want you to be in

a sympathetic dominant mode we want you

to be in the parasympathetic where

you’re relaxed

so you really want to put your body in a

relaxed state when you eat because it’s

going to help your digestion now on that

note i have another really

good video that explains

the entire digestive process okay

starting from the stomach going all the

way down to the large intestine that’s a

really good video you should watch that

next and i put that video up right here

check it out
