What Happens If You Use a SAUNA for 14 Days | DrEricBergDC

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you know I’ve talked about cryotherapy

which is cold therapy taking a cold


but sauna bathing I think can give you

almost as many benefits and today we’re

going to talk about what would happen if

you were to do

sauna on a regular basis for 14 days I

think you can create a huge change in

your overall health now what happens

when you go into the sauna is you have

this interesting

thermal therapy benefit of your body

adapting to this mild stress and the

term for that is called a harmonic

effect where you’re adding a stress to

cause your body to then adapt and become

stronger now there are other things that

can give you this hermetic effect like

cold showers or the ice tubs fasting

exercise but let’s dive into the

benefits of what this sauna can give you

now you have the regular sauna where

you’re adding heat but then you also

have another type of sauna which is not

as hot where they’re using infrared

which is a little bit different that can

go a little bit deeper into the body

because of this infrared can penetrate

inside the body and it can also increase

more melatonin but in this video I want

to primarily focus in on the benefits of

a regular heated sauna situation so

let’s first talk about what it can do to

your hormones it can definitely increase

growth hormone by 140 percent it can

increase nor adrenaline which is a

hormone from your adrenal glands it can

significantly increase dopamine which

can actually make you calmer and affect

your mood it can increase serotonin

which can also affect your mood and even

increase your prolactin which is another

hormone but let’s go through some of the

other benefits number one it can help

lower your resting heart rate okay now

the more the person exercises the more

athletic they become the lower the

resting heart rate and that can

definitely decrease your risk for all

sorts of cardiovascular problems and

extend your life so having a lower

resting pulse rate is a good thing

number two it can help your lymphatic

system and it’s kind of like a backup

reserve for your vascular system and

it’s a place where your immune system

hangs out with all the lymph nodes and

so a sauna can actually help stimulate

the lymphatic system so even though the

pulse rate will increase during the

summer like you’re working out over a

period of time your body will adapt to

this and give you a lower resting pulse

rate to roughly about 120 beats per

minute so you’re actually getting your

heart to pump you’re getting better

circulation more lymph flow and the

therapeutic effect from a sauna can

actually mimic what you would get from

doing moderate aerobic exercise which is

pretty pretty interesting because you’re

not actually running you’re just sitting

there it has some pretty cool effects on

lowering your blood pressure it can

decrease the intensity and the risk of

getting an asthmatic event it can

actually strengthen your immune system

so you don’t get sick as often and this

next one is quite remarkable they have

found that it decreases all cause

mortality in one study by 40

if you’re doing a sauna four to seven

days a week so just that one little

benefit alone kind of makes you want to

go into the sauna sauna therapy can

actually help reduce pain

inflammation it can actually help

certain skin problems like psoriasis it

can give you something that can help you

recover over stress and even exercise

sonotherapy can give you significant

cognitive benefits which is really cool

it can actually decrease the severity of

dementia too another cool benefit that

relates to a lot of other side benefits

is it can increase insulin sensitivity

so it actually is helping you with your

blood sugars it decreases something

called roths which has to do with

oxidative stress so it kind of has an

antioxidant effect it makes your skin

look youthful and it’s probably a

combination of both the Hermetic effect

from the Heat and as well as the

circulation as well as autophagy okay so

the sonotherapy can stimulate autophagy

which is this recycling of old damaged

proteins which is pretty cool now you’re

going to be sweating in the sauna so let

me just kind of cover what happens when

you sweat

you’re going to be losing mostly uh

sodium with a smaller amount of

potassium an average person consumes

about 3 300 milligrams of sodium every

single day and that’s about a thousand

milligrams over what they should be

consuming okay which is about 2300 now

this doesn’t take into consideration

sweating and exercise okay but on

average they consume a certain amount of

potassium which is usually more than

they should but a lot of that is

dependent on your potassium levels

because an average person consumes only

about 2600 milligrams of potassium and

they need 4 700 a lot more

so sodium does not become a problem if

you have enough potassium but here’s the

thing when you go into the sauna you’re

going to be sweating out mostly your

sodium and so the sodium is going to go

down and down and down and so depending

on if you have too much sodium you might

feel better let’s say for example you’re

doing this long fast right where you

need more sodium or you’re doing the

ketogenic diet where you need more

sodium and you then do this sauna

treatment and you sweat it out yet

you’re also not getting enough potassium

now you can end up with a electrolyte

imbalance so anytime you’re doing the

sauna take in consideration the sweating

and so make sure you’re getting enough

electrolytes you might need a little bit

more potassium you might need more

sodium with that but you want to balance

those things out so those are some

pretty cool benefits of the sauna

treatment you might want to try it and

since we’re on the topic of sodium and

potassium I put this video up right here

check it out