WARNING: Watch This Video Before Eating Another Egg | DrEricBergDC

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I highly suggest that you watch this

video before you eat another egg there

is a huge difference between the

conventional eggs that you get at the

grocery store versus something that is

called pastard raised organic eggs

there’s a huge difference and that’s

what I’m going to get in today

unfortunately even the expiration date

is not regulated so in other words

companies can just omit that that little

date on the box and it’s not unlikely

that these eggs could sit on the shelf

for 60 days that’s two months before you

end up buying them but one of the things

that really shocked me when I did a deep

dive in this topic

is the feeds that they feed the chickens

the animal feeds okay what are in these

animal feeds yes they have GMO corn and

soy and that’s very unnatural because

these chickens Were Meant to consume

bugs insects worms flowers seeds things

like that but I found out that there’s

another ingredient called animal

by-products or another name for that

would be animal protein products that

would include

the carcass of another animal

feathers organs blood skin even of the

same species and manure and at first I’m

like wait a second that can’t be true

but as I dug further into this topic

it’s true these animals are fed now

of course you also get an option on the

label sometimes they’re fed vegetarian

feeds right well I want to bring up a

point about vegetarian feeds and that

would be corn and soy no animal products

okay but I also want to point out that

it’s very unnatural for a chicken just

to consume grains without bugs worms

things like that which by the way are

not vegan and chickens are actually

omnivores so that leads me to the next

topic about eggs relating to the color

of the egg yolk some people had this

idea that if you look at the color of

the egg it’ll tell you the health of

that egg right makes total sense until

you find out that they actually sell and

use on a regular basis

colored pigments synthetic dyes to make

the yolk look a certain color because if

you don’t do that the consumer is not

going to buy it so honestly this is just

a way of tricking the consumer the name

of one of the dyes is called can’t the

xanthins and at least in Europe they

restricted this to a certain amount

because they found it causes crystals

that develop on the retina now as far as

in America I have no idea but in nature

when you have a natural chicken that

consumes what it’s supposed to eat

you get a really nice gold yellow color

of that yolk that is all the natural

antioxidants especially the two

nutrients called lutein as well as Zia

xanthin which are all necessary for your

eye for the retina and so an egg that

has less of this Rich pigment the less

of those antioxidants you’re going to

have and there’s not just those two I

mean there’s probably over 600 different

carotenoids they use dyes also to color

the meat of the chicken to make sure it

looks like a healthy chicken skin I mean

it’s just crazy what’s happening even if

you go to the grocery store and you buy

a chicken breast right just look on the

back of a label you’ll see that in some

cases they add flavoring I’m not kidding

to make it taste like chicken

so basically we’re tricking people into

making it taste good look good without

really focusing on the quality now I’ve

talked about the chicken feed a little

bit but what about the environment the

space right you have different terms

they throw around like free range and

cage-free and pasture-raised the first

thing you need to know is that

conventional chickens are in cages and

they never see the light of day and

you’re talking about probably roughly

having up to 80 to 100

000 of these chickens in one Barn in one

space and it’s also been studied that

the cortisol greatly spikes in that

situation that can’t be healthy for the

chicken and then we have something

called cage free it sounds a lot better

but all they do is they remove the cage

but they don’t change the spacing so in

order to be cage free you actually have

to have a foot of space for that chicken

so you’re still shoulder to shoulder

you’re still in a closed space then you

have free range right what does free

range mean well for free range you get

about two uh square feet of space you

have some limited outdoor access there

might be a hole in the barn where uh it

can stick its head out to maybe see

outside and if I’m not mistaken free

range is um antibiotic free whereas cage

free they can use antibiotics like

conventional and then we get to pasture

Rays this is the best because they get

108 square feet of space per chicken

much better and they are allowed to go

out in forage for bugs and worms and

insects and flowers and things like that

and if you if you compare pasture raised

to Conventional there is at least three

times as much vitamin A retinol there’s

more choline there’s more B2 there’s

more folate there’s three times as much

vitamin E and overall you’re going to

get more fat soluble vitamins now I do

want to mention antibiotics for a second

because you might say well they don’t

really use antibiotics anymore well

worldwide out of all the cell of

antibiotics 66 of all of those

antibiotic cells are sold to farm

animals and in America eighty percent of

all antibiotics are used for farm

animals so of course when you get eggs

when you buy eggs make sure it says

antibiotic free or even better yet just

do organic

pastored raised eggs that way you

include a better environment for that

chicken as well as a better source of

feed because organic has to come without

those pesticides insecticides herbicides

non-GMO which is good but they also have

no hormones no antibiotics no Arsenic

and no poultry Slaughter

byproducts so in other words those

animal byproducts that include the waste

are not in organic now you might say

well they’re more expensive yeah they’re

a few more dollars well guess what it’s

worth it and even the reason why they

use antibiotics they use it as a growth

hormone that’s what they’re using to

grow them in a very fast rate now I was

driving down the freeway a while ago

maybe three weeks ago and I got behind

a huge tractor trailer filled with

chickens and cages

and I had to really make sure that I

kept my eyes on the road because I was

looking at these chickens just terrible

terrible terrible situation because

these chickens did not look healthy at

all and they were in complete Terror one

last thing about these chicken eggs

sometimes you’ll see omega-3 enriched

okay and that is a marketing gimmick you

don’t really know the source of Omega-3

that they’re enriching these chickens

with personally I think you’d be better

off just focusing on the pastured raised

organic chicken eggs or better yet if

you have the space for them and you can

put chickens in your backyard I would

highly recommend to do that when people

come over to my house and they stay over

and I feed them the eggs wow it’s

incredible they just they’re like wow

these are so satisfying they’re so

delicious they’re amazing uh so I highly

recommend you think about maybe getting

your own chickens so now that you know a

bit more on differentiating the type of

egg that you really need let’s talk

about some other benefits of the egg

from this video right here