The MOST POWERFUL Antioxidant Is Melatonin, NOT Glutathione | DrEricBergDC

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all right so this topic

is probably one of the most important

videos that i will ever do regarding

your health i didn’t know what to call

it so i titled it the most important

antioxidant is melatonin not glutathione

but this information is completely brand

new you’ve never heard this before and

it’s very important information now a

few weeks ago i interviewed

dr roger schwelt it was a fascinating

interview related to vitamin d

and there’s one point at the end where

he talked about

some of the studies not really coming

out that dramatic with your immune

system using vitamin d

and then he said something that really

got my attention he said that it was

probably not just vitamin d he said that

if they did the studies with actual sun

not just vitamin d you’d probably see a

much better outcome and then he sent me

this this paper that literally blew me

away and i put the link down below and

this video is a summary of that paper

and so people

they want to live as long as possible

why do people die

well the great majority of people die

because of heart disease that’s the

first cause of why people die the second


is cancer and the third reason why

people die is related to

some metabolic illness it could be

diabetes it could be alzheimer’s it

really depends on what country you live

in but typically it’s related to

some metabolic underlying cause and

what’s common about all these reasons

why people die is that they’re all

mitochondrial diseases

in other words there’s some type of

dysfunction that

destroys the mitochondria with cancer it

originates in the mitochondria the

mitochondria become damaged and then

that cell then converts over into a

cancer cell now with heart disease we

have a lot of free radical damage

whether the person’s on a high carb diet

or they’re a smoker or they have a lot

of oxidative stress then we create this

irritation or inflammation

in the inner arteries but that damage is

being created in the mitochondria and so

if we really look at the

essence of where the problem is we’re

getting this

excess of

oxidative stress

and free radical damage

normally our body

is supposed to protect against that okay

and the way that it protects against

that is through the antioxidant networks

there’s certain enzymes that act as

antioxidants one being glutathione it’s

considered the most important

antioxidant but guess what melatonin is

even more powerful and more effective

because melatonin is not only an

antioxidant it triggers other

antioxidant networks including

glutathione i mean melatonin is twice as

powerful as vitamin e and we know the

importance of vitamin e to prevent heart

disease inside the arteries so melatonin

is a very powerful antioxidant and it


other antioxidants now you’re probably

saying right now wait a second i thought

melatonin was really about helping you

sleep it’s involved in the circadian

rhythm it helps

people take it if they get jet leg and

maybe you’ve heard something about how

melatonin is now used to help your

immune system since it’s now considered

an immune modulator to help you regulate

your immune system and of course i won’t

mention specifics but it’s very very

powerful against certain viruses

and on top of that there’s a lot of

research on how it’s an extremely potent


compound or a hormone all right so maybe

you already knew that but what you don’t

know is this there are two forms


melatonin there’s a type of melatonin

that is in your blood circulatory system

as well as inside your pineal gland and

your pineal gland makes melatonin

stimulated from darkness okay

but there’s also another type of

melatonin that is subcellular that means

it’s inside your cells

and it’s inside the mitochondria

and the reason why it’s there is to help

protect against the massive

oxidation and free radical damage that

usually occurs in the mitochondria so

there’s two forms of melatonin

circulatory and subcellular

this part right here

the mitochondria that’s inside the cells

is the great majority of the melatonin

in your body in fact there’s some new


that indicates that the melatonin in

your pineal gland is really only a

backup or supplemental to this other

system so if you don’t have enough in

your cells then it’ll actually take from

the pineal now guess what’s going to

happen if you don’t have enough in the


it’s going to affect your sleep

your quality of sleep is going to be


you’re going to get inflammation and

you’re not going to have the antioxidant

protection and there’s a whole list of

problems that can occur from that not

just poor sleep but chronic inflammation

chronic degenerative diseases especially

of your brain

do you realize that there’s a condition

called sundown syndrome which involves

people that have alzheimer’s disease and


so apparently when the sun goes down

45 percent of people with alzheimer’s

and dementia they start getting very

agitated they get extremely fatigued

why do you think that is because they’re

running out of

melatonin they don’t have enough

melatonin now at this point you’re

probably completely confused because

typically melatonin is the hormone of

darkness okay because everyone knows

that the absence of light stimulates

melatonin however there’s some new

information so if you’ve checked out

check back in because this next part is

very very very important

the largest stimulus

of this intracellular



near infrared aka

the sun certain wavelengths of the sun

will stimulate the melatonin inside the


and darkness will stimulate the

melatonin within the circulatory system

in the pineal gland in fact over 50

percent of the sun’s

energy is infrared and this goes way

beyond the benefit of getting vitamin d

from the sun you ever notice why when

you sit in front of a campfire you feel


relaxed and you probably sleep a lot

better because natural fire

gives off infrared

campfires are very therapeutic or why

you might feel very relaxed if there’s

candles around the house infrared when

you use incandescent lights okay those

are the lights that have been around

since the 1800s the type of light that’s

generated from a heating filament


led which uses a completely different


incandescent lights give off

infrared and unfortunately the entire

industry is moving away from

incandescent lights we have moved into

the area of artificial lights led blue

lights aka your computer

cell phone in fact there is a very

interesting study which i’ll put a link

down below

that demonstrates children in

predominantly artificial light end up

having a deficiency of gray matter and

having a much more difficult time in

learning this is also why

there’s so many therapeutic benefits to

an infrared sauna and there’s a huge

trend in people buying infrared lasers

infrared therapies

for pain inflammation and

sleep so

melatonin is not just a hormone of

darkness but it’s also a hormone of

sunshine the other cool thing about the

sun is that even if you have a hat on


the grass the clouds the dirt strongly



waves so you don’t have to be looking

into the sun if you’re outside you’re

going to get infrared indirectly now i

just want to tell you a little side note

on that topic

presently i’m living on a farm

and the two neighbors that helped me a

lot on my farm are both in their 60s

their diet is

is not just


their diets are absolutely terrible okay

they live on sugar

one choose tobacco the other one smokes

now both of these guys

are outside

all day long okay i don’t even think

they have computers i don’t even think

they have a cell phone they’re just

outside working the land all day long

and they rarely seem to get sick they

don’t really have any health problems

they’re both super strong

but they eat like crap


they’re getting a tremendous amount of

antioxidants that is repairing the

oxidative stress that’s repairing the

free radical damage and it’s just

interesting to know

what’s important and maybe what’s less

important and i really didn’t emphasize

the importance of the sun for your

health and simply because i didn’t have

this data right here this infrared

information as well as its connection to

increasing melatonin but apparently as a

therapy being outside in the environment

in nature and being exposed to sun is

extremely important probably just as

important as eating healthily now the

other cool thing about infrared is it

has the ability to penetrate your skull

now that’s mind-blowing in this research

paper they talk about how it penetrates

the cerebral spinal fluid and how that

can just bathe the entire brain and

spread to the entire spinal cord it’s

just it’s wild so this is just another

reason why if someone’s getting dementia

or as alzheimer’s they should be exposed

to sun and the cool thing is this

infrared protects against


radiation so if you’re concerned about

the sun causing cancer i understand that

we’re not talking about being out there

and getting burned we’re talking about

being out there and maybe even getting

the sun’s indirect energy from the grass

but the point is that this ir

helps you generate a tremendous amount

of antioxidants that can potentially

protect the mitochondria from having its

complications from all that free radical

damage that occurs now if we flip that

and talk about what creates a deficiency

of infrared well being exposed to

artificial lights led lighting

blue light

cell phones computers so here people are

they’re sitting in their home all day in

front of the computer or they’re at work

sitting at their desk in front of the

computer and by the time they get home

it’s already dark out well understanding

the importance of melatonin and having

enough melatonin to protect against all

this other damage so it’s not just about

that vitamin d from the sun it’s about

melatonin now a couple things you can do

in addition to getting outside more and


you can get one of these therapeutic

lights and expose yourself to near

infrared 20 minutes a night before you

go to bed that could be something you

can do you can switch out your lighting

system to more incandescent lights you

can have more fires in your fireplace or

more candles or campfires but anyway i

think this is a fascinating topic and if

you haven’t seen my video on the

therapeutic benefit of the sun i put it

right here check it out
