Dr. Berg's Debug Weight Loss Live Webinar | DrEricBergDC

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testing one two testing one two

testing one two

power off testing one two testing one

two testing one two can you hear me yep

and the next training action edit clog

delete view

okay so it did work okay let me just do

this right here

okay good welcome if you can hear me

just let me know because I can’t really

hear myself here just before this went

on my microphone died so I’m just going

to go by your response okay so can you

hear me

give it a couple more minutes

okay good so you can’t hear me but I

think it’s delayed so that’s why it’s

taking a bit okay cool awesome this

works so I’m just kind of waiting for a

couple people that are supposed to log


I’ll give them a couple more minutes

okay so I’m gonna get started not wait

for my guess we’ll play come late

fashionably late and someone who gets

started there’s a lot of people signing

up right now but this is going to be

recorded so I don’t want the beginning

to be just like a big dead spot because

I don’t think I can edit it so I want to

thank you guys for coming I’m gonna have

a lot of interaction with you if you

have any questions feel free to ask me

so let me see here not hearing anything

with computer speakers need to call in

yeah you need some speakers on your

computer or some type of headphone

probably to hear me okay good so yeah

this will be cool so I want to talk

about debugging very stubborn weight

loss so I’ll be asking you questions and

because I want to help you but I want to

give you a little background of some

insights that I’m finding I’m writing a

new book and the title of the book is

it’s healthy lose weight not lose weight

to get healthy and it’s a very unique

book because it’s very different than

any other weight loss book out there

when people come in to see me they

usually are in their mind they’re trying

to change their eating they’re trying to

find out what to eat they’re trying to

find out how to exercise and they’ll try

this and try that and it’s not working

so there’s a couple reasons why I think

that is number one most people have just

too much information on the web it’s

just it’s so conflicting it’s like a

snowstorm of data just coming in and you

don’t really know what is credible

what’s workable and you end up doing

something that’s maybe not important

doesn’t work so you end up not seeing

results and so I usually see people at

the tail end of that so the

you need to know is that we need a

foundation we need some foundation we

need a viewpoint to position everything

because if you think about in a

snowstorm this might be the yeah I’m not

gonna take this call I’m gonna turn this

off right here because I’m talking to

you so sorry about that so the principle

the foundation that we want to build on

is we want to build on a foundation of

and you probably already know this it’s

good healthy to lose weight and not lose

weight to get healthy and I wanted to

find what that means because when you go

to the doctor he’ll do tests and you’ll

say you’re healthy when in fact if you

were healthy you wouldn’t crave so many

sweets or carbohydrates if you’re

healthy you would be able to sleep if

you’re healthy you wouldn’t have a

little stress tolerance you’d be able to

digest so there’s seven factors that I

want to revolve you’re our best health

indicators and I’m going to pull up a

little screen share in here and just

show you so this is my definition of

health when you have energy you’re

sleeping like baby you can digest you’re

not craving anything you have no

inflammation you have no pain in your

menstrual cycle and reproductive organs

are intact and they are working so

that’s you have those then you are

healthy so that’s the point of reference

it’s we’re gonna base everything not in

calories but on how healthy you are I’ve

never met one person who had a stubborn

weight problem who didn’t have at least

one of those seven items so that’s what

we’re gonna be talking about and we’re

gonna help you to debug your own weight

loss but I want to really take it really

really simple in the book I get into

high-level principles we go really

really deep into the details of like the

seven reasons why you’re not going to

sleep and then you can pick out the one

that applies to you so it’s it’s it’s

going to be pretty cool it’s taking a

lot of work though because there’s a lot

of different variables I want to keep


make it simpler and simpler so I think

the next thing I want to really bring up

is this I had a lady come in yesterday

and she’s just really frustrated she’s

getting older she’s getting bigger and

nothing’s working and when I assess her

she had all of the symptoms of hormonal

stuff and she’s so focused on her weight

but I told her her problem is not the

way to go it’s not the weight and she’s

like yes it is I said actually you have

a weight symptom and you’ve been solving

the weight as a problem and it’s not

getting where anywhere it’s kind of like

the dr. Oz effect where you’re taking

supplements to stimulate the metabolism

or burn the fat directly it’s just going

to be expensive urine so you need to

know and look at weight is a symptom and

not as a problem or a cause of something

and of course right now they’re trying

to make obesity a disease because

there’s a lot of profit in that but it’s

really not a disease it’s an effect of

other things those seven items so what I

want to do right now if you can do me a

big favor is I want you to type in let’s

look at let me just open that back here

if I open up these seven items I want

you to type in not all of them but the

one thing that you feel is the worst

problem that you have relating to your

energy level your sleep cycle your

digestion your cravings your

inflammation that includes autoimmune

any pain in your body the inflammation

could also include inflammation in the

colon in the sinus and the lung it could

be any type of fibromyalgia and then we

have pain and then reproduction if

you’re a male body let’s how about your

your performance or a female what about

your libido what about your menstrual

cycle is that a problem and if we want

to include under energy also wanna

include memory and stress tolerance so

go ahead and just type out

any of those items that you have and

just type in the chat box I’m just going

to look at that as you’re typing I’m

gonna try to open up this chat I press

the button and I close it

let me just open this thing back up here

oh there we go okay good okay so I’m

just gonna read down the list as people

that wow this is good good feedback

energy sleep craving sleep sleep energy

cravings digestion inflammation lack of

sleep energy energy inflammation

reproduction sleep inflammation

reproduction joint pain stress tolerance

okay yeah sleep energy I think there’s a

huge problem with energy and cravings

Wow okay cravings sleep this is good

all of them soundly last six years

energy inflammation stress tolerance Wow

memory sleep cravings Wow okay so I

that’s good data alright so now that we

I isolated maybe the key area we need to

look we’re not done with that yet we

want to evaluate what’s causing your

sleep problems or your energy but I have

a shortcut and I’m going to show you

what that shortcut is

there’s another very very important

thing I do when I evaluate people and

it’s a simple simple simple question

that no one asks which they should ask

and it’s the most important thing and

it’s basically this when did you first

notice you started developing a weight

problem specifically a stubborn weight

problem okay there will always be

something a stress event pregnancy

change and diet so now what I want you

to type in is type in what age you were

when you noticed that your weight

started to pick back up and if you if

you’re not if you don’t have a weight

problem that’s fine then what I want you

to do is that one that you type like the

fatigue and energy tell me when that

started if you have digestive problems

when you start having digest problems

when you have start having sleeping

problems so someone said tilt your

camera down

okay good how is that thank you I just

went back up all right so yeah if you

have a few have memory problems when did

it start going down right type down the

age okay 35 47 years old 45 38 42 okay


pregnancy 40 50 18 after birth control

pills child hysterectomy gallbladder

removal this is so typical

lupus marriage divorce stress event

interesting do the blood pressure

medications Wow

3045 40s eight years old okay Wow okay

so now we have we have two things we

have your primary weakling underneath

the weight which could be usually

fatigued sleep and and things like that

and then number two we have when your

weight loss or weight gain started you

can do this with anything you can do

this with a symptom but it gives us a

lot of good data because it then tells

us the location of what we need to work

on and I’m going to explain location in

a second so we have two problems right

here we have what to eat to lose weight

how to exercise and then over here we

have your body’s reaction to the things

that you do I want to put more attention

on the body’s reaction because when you

probably 18 years old you can eat what

you want and you just lose weight pretty

easily but as you age things become more

difficult because the body is no longer

responding to those triggers there are

six fat burning hormones and there are

three fat making hormones and the fat

making hormones are the dominating

hormones in a presence of a little bit

of those hormones all of these fat

burning hormones get squashed nullified

they don’t work and that means that all

it takes is a little bit of sugar a

little bit of stress and a little bit of

estrogen to really just kind of stop all

your work all your progress so what we

want to do is we want to figure out a

way to speed that up and remove the

barriers and if we take and look at a

lot of people the weight starts after a

stress event okay so let’s just talk

about stress for a second because

stressful it’s the number one thing that

affects your sleep your memory your

cognitive function your energy the

function of your glands and especially

belly fat okay so yes we have sugar and

food and junk food but stress is

probably a really big one

especially as you age and you get into

menopause had lady come in I did a video

on her today I’m gonna post it in a few

days but she came from Ohio and she

stayed for three days and she she was

doing fine until she hit 834 and she was

married to a psychotic person for a long

time but because she lived close to a

support structure with her family she

was able to cope but then they moved

away and then in a matter of a year they

had about 19 people died around them and

four suicides it was just crazy so as

soon as that she got her husband out of

the picture she just withered completely

burnt out couldn’t sleep cannot relax

and just gained all this weight so she’s

in the healthcare field and she’s done

everything but nothing’s worked

so she came in and I it was a lot of

emotional stress so emotional stress is

probably a thousand times more damaging

the physical stress because it really

shuts down the adrenal gland so we did

acupressure on her her adrenal glands

for every every hour and a half for

three days in a row and I did a video

and you could you’ll see how she feels

now she’s basically feels like she’s

completely renewed she can sleep she has

tons of energy she has a sense of

relaxation that she’s never experienced

in her life she’s going to start losing

weight now because we’re pulling the

stress out so what I like to do is I

like to isolate what was the trigger and

the trigger being was at pregnancy was

it a surgery was it a gallbladder

surgery was it a menopausal thing and

then what we want to do is we want to

take the location of where that trauma

is now affecting your body if you had a

lot of menstrual periods every month for

your whole life that was very very

cramping and bleeding him and then you

had DNC’s and you know pregnancies and

tubal ligations and then a fibroid and

hysterectomy you have a lot of trauma in

that area of the body and your private

and that that area that trauma can

affect severely the adrenal because the

Drina was the backup so you would want

to remove that trauma from the body

because it impinges and it gets stuck in

the body so there’s a couple ways that

we do it we do it with acupressure we do

with food we do a nutrition do with

exercise if the person had a gallbladder

removal that in Anna started gaining

weight how do you remove that injury we

do acupressure on that I’ll touch on

that in a little bit but I want to kind

of give you an overview of that we have

we have the underlying seven factors and

then we have the triggers that are found

out by date coincidence when did it

start what happened just before and then

we have the location of the body that

you’re holding most stress so those are

some of the things that that we work on

had another lady she was she started

gaining weight when she was nine years

old that was her first period it was a

bit early and she started noticing she

started getting pretty large breasts at

9:00 when she hit 13 she got a double D

she had a breast surgery at 13 and

estrogen started going more and more and

more and more and she had a lot of

weight in the lower part of her body and

breast and upper body so estrogen makes

the fat in the hips and eventually in

the arms back here and that’s what she

looks like

exactly another patient came in she came

in Monday here’s another example and

this is a case that a person has gained

weight her whole life and she’s when she

was four years old she was somewhat okay

her sister about the same size and she’s

Asian so she normally her family is very

petite and small and she she’s kind of

the big one in the family but what’s

interesting about her she had earlier

infections of the throat the lung the

sinus really really bad but her sister

didn’t have it so what happened is that

she started gaining more weight more

weight stomach and then now she’s

probably in her 30s right now and

has a pretty big stomach so she’s been

trying to lose weight nothing’s working

and the earlier trigger was the earlier

infections back when she was four years

old that is still affecting the body you

have to look way way back the thing that

really gets her is her sister is not

only America she’s actually mrs.

universe she does bodybuilding and it

just eats her up because to have your

own sister so beautiful and she’s the

big one and she’s trying this as hard

and she’s eating even better than her

sister is very crushing to her morale so

what we’re going to do with that case is

we are going to basically work with the

earlier infections and work on the

location of where she had all the

respiratory and sinus because she’s not

sleeping it’s just equivalent to a lot

of the applications in the desktop that

we need to close down to speed things up

so what I want to do right now because I

kind of gave you some principles I want

to answer some questions specifically in

your cases I know there’s been a lot of

questions the thing it’s coming in

really really fast because there’s a lot

of people on the webinar so I have to

kind of pick and choose so I want to

find out if you have some quick

questions relating to your body in

situations you’re running into so I can

give you some advice on what to do but

maybe you want to talk about questions

on like your energy problem or your your

fatigue I mean I’m sorry your sleep

problems or your digestive problems and

I’ll help give us some advice so sorry

for the loss of your son Jen must have

been awful oh I didn’t I didn’t lose any

family members my son’s still alive I

don’t know I know what someone’s staying

there okay

unless I don’t know what’s happening

there okay so Jan says I’ve gained

weight four decades ago I’m 70 energy is

an issue my lab tests are currently good

no indicator shows inflammation or

hypothyroid or diabetes I cope with the

family losses and live alone the trigger

was the death of my son oh that’s what

you’re talking about

I remained off medications okay now here

here’s here’s the thing that those

losses the stress gets stuck in your

body as well I’m going to talk about the

body stress it’s usually in the adrenal

glands itself and you need to probably

learn how to do some acupressure on your

dreams there’s a device that I have I’ll

show you it so it looks like this it’s

an acupressure device I have them in all

my rooms that you can do your neck you

know as you’re sitting in a tall back

chair or you can do it on your Drina

glands and I teach people how to do it

at home if you’re not in the area so you

can do that and it’ll actually help to

kind of deflate some of the distress

that’s in the gland the glands are

little muscles that secrete hormones and

so if the hormone is too high high

cortisol the gland needs to be worked on

to get it to pump again you can do it on

diabetics you can do it Andriy know you

can do it on thyroid you can you’re not

ovary to help regulate the hormone

output versus working on the actual

hormone itself which rarely really works

you have to work on the gland okay so

that’s something that I would recommend

to do Jan because that would give you a

lot of relief for sleeping and just high

tolerance so you can you can move on

it’s a physical body you know correction

the other thing that I want to mention

on the side know if you’re stressed out

and you’re not sleeping or if your

adrenal cases and you have belly fat

hands down the absolute best exercise

that you can possibly do would be

walking not even is much yoga but

walking long walks getting space looking

at a tree a bird and a cloud because

what happens we need to extract you

that computer is you’re on the computer

all day are watching you know like

you’re going to work and you’re in the

computer you’re thinking thinking

thinking because I don’t know if I can

pull this up I’m gonna try something I’m

gonna draw a little picture here I have

no idea if this is gonna work I’m gonna

try this here let me just try something

here this may work okay all right so

here’s what happens a little diagram

this person is totally thinking all day

long can’t can’t can’t turn it off

excessive analyzing okay so they need to

go and not in a gym on a treadmill they

need to go out there and basically get

space get their attention going out

looking at birds clouds and trees but

without analyzing in them gives them a

lot of space and then the adrenals which

see when you’re thinking you’re turning

on all these pictures that are memories

and they have stress in them and that

keeps the adrenals just really just kind

of wired so that’s just one point that I

think is very very important okay so now

I’ve another person that says

hypothyroid but I feel my body’s

fatigued and I have adrenal issues I

have a lot of stress in my life now

forty eight coming through menopause

struggling with biggie tummy can’t fall

asleep at night and have low energy

during the day ok so this is this is a

perfect person to analyze they have

hypothyroidism that’s gonna cause

fatigue absolutely but let me show you

something because there’s there is three

types of so we’re gonna pull the string

she’s fatigued so we have energy

problems okay and now we know that the

thyroid hypothyroidism this is a really

good picture now the thyroid is always

secondary to something else unless there

is a primary injury or radiation therapy

typically what happens is the thyroid

will not be able to convert its hormones

t4 to the liver okay because there’s a

digestive problem it’s usually low bile

b IL e in that case if you took some

aisle salts

you’ll notice your thyroid kick in and

how do you know you have low bile

you’re bloated you’re constipated you’re

you have you can’t get satisfied when

you eat you get right shoulder pain

those are all symptoms of low bile okay

the other symptom could be high estrogen

from the ovaries so you have this high

estrogen that can come and block the

thyroid so do you have a history of

heavy periods but did you have in

history of a lot of menstrual issues so

that’s one that’s two and then the third

one would be autoimmune that’s adrenal

yeah so let’s talk about Ottoman just

for a second I’m just using her as an

example this book right here it might be

backwards I don’t know it’s called CIPA

it’s volume four and this is interesting

if we look at the adrenal hormones

called cortisol it says right here that

it for cells to high your antibodies

will start to be released and you become

very susceptible to all sorts of

autoimmune conditions and that’s why

most autoimmune cases we are treated

with steroids what’s a steroid in

adrenal hormone so all the immune

problems are adrenal triggered so again

you don’t want to necessarily treat the

disease we want to get the adrenal

glands up and get it working better so

oh okay so some people can’t see the

drawing okay

well darn it let me just try it now yeah

you’re not probably not going to be able

to see it because the my writing is very

small so sorry about that I’ll have to

well you know what here’s what here’s

what I did

I I created about seven thyroid videos

I’ll be releasing them on YouTube every

day for the next seven days so you can

go on there and watch as much as you

want to cover all this data but if you

don’t know the YouTube channel just go

to my blog dr. Berg comm and then click

the blog and then to all YouTube videos

you just click right into the YouTube

and then you can see my my page dr. Eric

Berg 1 2 3 okay that’s the channel name

alright says my husband is a thyroid

with a health condition on meds years

trying to lose weight and nothing well

if it’s not autoimmune it’s either a

gall bladder problem or it’s an estrogen

problem chances are it’s not going to be

estrogen for him and so he needs if you

just had him take some bile salts you

can either get gall bladder formula or

just go to the store and get bile salts

purify bile salts you can find that t4

will start converting the t3 a lot

better when you go from t4 to t3 it’s a

what happens is t4 is the number of

iodine molecules and that’s an inactive

form and then once taken off becomes t3

and then it becomes the active form bio

helps that conversion without bile you

will have a big problem with converting

the thyroid hormones in fact if you take

a little bile you just might find that

you don’t need as much medication in

your thyroid it’s one of the most the

simplest thing that you can do where do

you get bio sauce you can get them from

the health food store I have them in a

product called gall bladder formula on

my website you can do that if you want

okay so okay so if you’re on synthroid

yeah okay this is good

if you’re taking centroid you’re taking

thyroid medication and you’re not having

you’re not losing weight and you’re

still tired we know for a fact that you

are secondary it’s not primary

so in other words it’s not gonna work

because you’re not feeling any better

you’re just treating a secondary problem

it’s just not gonna work how does the

how does it help conversions well

there’s two there’s two main thyroid

there’s actually three or four different

thyroid hormones but you have the

inactive version and then you have the

active version synthroid is an inactive

it’s a t4 and so the question is how do

we turn it into t3 to make it work

well that’s done through your liver and

that’s in you need bile B il e to be

able to strip off the iodine to make it


okay so yes it traces back to digestion

so here we have the situation you’re

trying to lose weight you got a you’re


you got a thyroid problem but even

deeper we got a digestive problem this

is all going to be in the book that I’m

writing now because you have to pull a

string and that’s why you’d have to ask

questions and you can’t just start

treating things higher on the list

because they’re not going to work but

you have to know the right questions to

ask and the doctors just do not ask

these questions deep enough they pretty

much treat the tip of the iceberg so you

have to go deeper okay good dr. burr got

a hysterectomy ten months ago kept one

over I’m taking kelp

chase treat for the past two months I

don’t know what to do anymore okay so

she had a hysterectomy all right

this is good because the hysterectomy

all that did is he removed a lot of your

parts and it forced your body to force

your adrenals to work twice as hard the

adrenal gland is the back up to the

ovary and the uterus when you have those

organs dismantled and taken out the

adrenal gland has to work harder and

harder and harder and harder and harder

so what you need to do is support the

adrenal gland you can do it with the

duty of acupressure or you can also do

with a product I have it’s called

adrenal support it’s a recovery nutrient

but whatever you do

your goal is to improve the adrenal of

the back up to the ovary because those

organ parts are gone so you I think you

have one ovary that’s gonna probably

help you lose weight

way more than treating the ovary itself

so because you have the backup organ

okay so yeah I know here’s another

person who no change with taking thyroid

medication well you know it’s just not

the right thing if you get the right

problem and the right solution you will

feel better and it shouldn’t take twenty

years and I have people that are on

sense right for 20 years and the doctors

will just keep taking it okay okay so I

have have my little notes right here

it’s my notes from my book you can read

that it’s backwards this is a very rough

draft by the way it’s just so I can wrap

my head around what I’m doing but yeah

there’s them I’m gonna be doing some

more webinars so I just want to touch on

this but like for sleep for example

here’s some common reasons why people

can’t sleep the adrenals burnt out okay

that’s a given they have sleep apnea

that’s a different problem that’s the

sinuses they can’t breathe they can’t

breathe through the Sunnis is because

they have sleep apnea in the mucous

membranes are swollen on the nose so the

air doesn’t get in so they basically

can’t they’re there actually can’t sleep

because they can’t breathe high flashes

is another a common cause to sleep but

you know even a bigger more common cause

of sleep problems is digestion problems

it’s bloating it’s basically trying to

go to sleep with your stomach all

bloated because you ate the wrong foods

or or other reasons if you eat the wrong

foods or you’re eating too much fiber

and healthy if you even like cruciferous

vegetables even even some people do the

kale shake they get bloated and then

what happens is they’re not going to be

able to sleep why because the brain

there’s a second brain in your gut and a

lot of the nerve

go up from the gut up into the head and

only 10% goes down at 90% goes up so

whatever’s going on in your gut is going

on in your head so if you have brain fog

you can’t rest at night chances are it

could be your digestive system and then

we have high blood pressure or high

pulse right that can keep you up and

then your bladder I just did a bit video

on bladder problems I will release that

this week as well so there’s some

urinary bladder problems it’s going to

keep you up and then we have muscle

cramps so we got adrenal sleep apnea hot

flashes bladder high blood pressure and

crimps in digestion so that’s pretty

much kind of what we’re gonna go is

gonna go deeper and deeper and deeper

and deeper and deeper okay so let’s see

here what do you think of a high fat low

carb diet to lose weight okay Jennifer I

think that’s a great great idea because

you’re gonna stimulate fat burning and

yes the fat is going to force you to

lose weight and so is the low carb the

only thing you got to make sure with

that Jennifer’s you have to make sure

that your liver and gallbladder can

digest that that so if you start to feel

bloated or stuffed or even right

shoulder pain then we know that your

gallbladder needs some support so just

take into consideration that you might

want to add more bile salts as you

increase more on that fat other than I

think it’s it’s something good to lose

weight I think it’ll help you does the

gallbladder formula I have the bile

salts yes it does it’s called by the

formula where the bile salts help with

dissolving stones yes it does in my gall

bladder formula I have something called

stone root and a lot of other nutrients

to help break down stones

why do you adrenal types lose their

buttocks mine’s almost flat I don’t

think it’s just age well good question

let’s open CIPA and I’ll show you what


so you can see this body right here it

says right here the overall catabolic

that’s a breakdown effect of the

adrenals brings about marked muscle

wasting of the quadricep and the

gluttonous Maximus so what happens

that’s your butt muscle in your leg

muscles the way to know that you have a

problem with that is that you can’t do

deep squats and climb properly because

your legs and your butt are becoming

atrophied your body is taking a stealing

protein in converting it into sugar in

the gut as a survival mechanism okay dr.

Berg has a video on cramps check it on

YouTube calcium yeah there’s there’s

really three causes of cramps one is too

much calcium with too low magnesium so

we got low magnesium high calcium okay

that’s one the way to fix that is take

some magnesium number two is low

potassium that’s C that’s a no-brainer

just consume the amount of vegetables

that you need and then you’ll actually

be fine and number three it’s a side

effect for medications that’s a very

common one as well so those are the

three causes of cramps there’s other

ones they’re not as common okay lyndie

asked what about probiotics okay yeah

now that that’s a whole different video

the probiotics is probably the number

one thing people really need because of

the fact that you have a hundred

trillion microbes living around and in

your body right now and you only have a

hundred say no it’s a hundred no it’s a

thousand trillion microbes living in

your cells which are only a hundred


so you’re basically only one-tenth of

what’s on your body and you have a lot

of other things in there and these

microbes really really help you they can

hurt you but they can help you they

break down waste they make vitamins they

help protect your immune system and they

actually do a lot of the digest

of your fibers in your colon I do want

to make mention this when people do a

chapter 10 on my diet a lot of times

they I tell them to do about 7 cups of

vegetables but then they figure if I do

that much more is going to be better so

they do more and more and more and more

and more until they come in and their

gut is just completely distended because

all that they don’t have enough microbes

to digest all that fiber so you might

want to lower the fiber and see how much

even vegetable fiber to see what you can

tolerate I have a sleep problem take two

to three hours fall asleep again happens

twice each night stay in bed for as long

as it takes

as far as sleeping goes let’s pull up to

the chat sheet on that so if you don’t

have sleep apnea then you have hot

flashes do you have a bladder problem

you have high blood pressure cramps you

don’t have those then we know it’s the

adrenal so you want to support the

adrenal there’s a couple things that I

do before bed and I just want to show

you this actually acupressure device I

built this from China that mimics my

hand and then I do this on patients all

the time I put this right at the top of

the back of my head right here and

that’s at a location of the major the

recovery points in your body so you

could just tack this up you can put this

on your your couch and you can just sit

back and let gravity just do all the

work and about a couple of minutes like

two or three minutes I’ll be like ready

to go to bed so I do this every night

for a little bit it’s a great torture I

mean treatment device you can do it on

your adrenals as well why the adrenal

body types can’t do intense exercise if

you’re recommending to activate fat

burning it has to do with this and I

think I’m going to try this one more

time I’m gonna try to pop this open

right here and show you maybe you might

be able to see this maybe not

but let me just show you something

when you exercise you stress your body

out and then you stop

so you exercise and then you stop and

then you’re supposed to recover after

that well adrenal cases don’t recover so

the more exercise they do without

recovery they actually slow down their

ability to lose weight so you the

benefits of exercise only occurs after

the workout when you’re recovering if

you’re recovering the best exercise of

the low-intensity until you can actually

recover so if you’re not if you’re not

sleeping if you’re tired you should go

over there light especially if you have

an adrenal problem is it possible to get

back the lost buttocks just when you

begin to heal yeah absolutely

yeah I’ve had people with complete

atrophy on their body and after

menopause when their body is so far down

and you start working with him you get

him sleeping you get these the energy

back the in the adrenals back get the

health back get the food back in and

then over time they actually get younger

and then some I have a test that

measures the biological age and then I

had a gal I haven’t seen her for a

couple years and she came in she was

when I first saw her she was 211 she a

lot of health problems atrophy shrinkage

of muscles no but and she took off her

coat this was in the in the wintertime

and I my jaw dropped I was like what let

me get my camera gorgeous body she

gained all this muscle mass and she

looked very very very great I mean I

just couldn’t even believe that was her

so yeah it can happen but you have to

you have to not focus on the weight as a

problem of a bit of symptom you have to

work on the inner health and get your

health back it’s hard because you’re so

focused on the weight but the way it

always comes off as a side effect yeah

Lori says I can’t eat all the vegetables

required I know I know because the

digestive system so you you might want

to have additional vegetables so

let’s say that you have a lot of

bloating I’ll just mention some of the

vegetables that were be good for you so

you probably can’t do cruciferous

cabbage broccoli cauliflower but what

you can do is sue Keaney you can do

tomato spinach you can do squash you can

do celery carrot asparagus pickles

fermented foods sauerkraut so yeah you

can do those vegetables and I think

you’d be fine I know there’s a lot of

questions and I know I would love to

answer all of them but there’s a lot

here is it possible to stop taking

thyroid meds oh yeah even after 20 years

I’ve had people come off I had a

four-star general she came off after

being 20 years on synthroid it wasn’t

working so she got better and she came

off with help of her doc of course I’m

not telling you to come off this juicing

give me enough fiber I’m not opposed to

vegetable juice as long as you don’t add

carrot or anything sweet in there but if

you can’t if you want to get the

nutrition from the vegetables juice them

and because sometimes the fiber might

irritate you so that is a situation yes

so your weight is a symptom okay what do

I do when I have a thyroid problem big

all over and just found out tonight it’s

probably not my primary issue well

here’s what you do if it’s not

autoimmune okay then it has to be a bio

problem or estrogen so if you want to

find out if it’s an estrogen problem do

you have any thyroid highest return

symptoms do you have heavy periods do

you have history of fibroids do you have

any meetry osis do you have heavy cramps

do you bleed you have irregular periods

you have infertility do you have if you

don’t have those maybe you have a lot of

bloating with your gallbladder so find

out which blends that you have a problem

I can go ahead and address that and see

if you get better and you proud

well okay

you mentioned trauma how do you heal

from trauma I’m gonna give you a little

tip on that I should probably whole

seminar but there’s there’s physical

trauma and emotional trauma I work on

the physical but I also work on the

physical the the imprint that that

emotional cause on the physical which is

the adrenals so we actually do a lot of

adrenal work we help rejuvenate the

adrenal but if you have surgery trauma

head injuries infections I’m gonna give

you a little principle of what I do to

release it because if you had a

gallbladder surgery and you gained all

this weight and if I were to do active

pressure on your gallbladder and press

into your gallbladder that you don’t

have that would make things worse okay

because you’re gonna traumatize the

person or if you had a problem with the

uterus and you had that out I’m not

gonna press in uterus or if you had a

problem with your thyroid I’m not gonna

press in your thyroid so how do you

release stress in the body you would use

the principle of opposites and you can

even apply this to make it more real to

yourself if you want to try a really

cool experiment with a friend or family

member go ahead and find a friend or

that has pain anywhere in the body I

don’t care if it’s in the foot if it’s

in a bunion if it’s in the shoulder or

the back and let’s say they have

shoulder pain right here if you were to

do acupressure

on the opposite side you can get rid of

this pain you’re not gonna believe me

unless you try it but it will work so

anywhere where the person hurts work on

the opposite side it’s very very simple

very powerful I mean the same thing goes

with injuries if you had your

gallbladder out on the right side where

it is you would want to do acupressure

on the left side I’m not going to get

into why that works but it will release

so much stress on your gallbladder you

just have to try it believe me because

it works so it’ll release it’s kind of

like closing down the application on

your desk

and by the way if you had your

gallbladder out your other organs have

to work twice as hard especially the

pancreas so yeah so that’s one thing all

right so let’s see 5-htp something

necessary 5-htp is not a bad thing to

take before bed if you want to calm the

adrenals and you want to help yourself

sleep so 5htp or l-tryptophan those are

precursors that turn into serotonin the

sleep hormone so it’s not a bad idea I

have no problem with it I like it better

than melatonin actually okay Julie

pregnancy 31 Parkinson’s fatigue head

injury severe so you would want to find

out what was it on the left was on the

top and you want to do the opposite and

you know what’s interesting when you

work on the opposite it’ll hurt twice as

much on the opposite side

I know it’s don’t ask me why okay rare

genetic disease at 73 decreasing vision

over 10 to 20 years now and have a huge

craving for sweets and now I’m 268

pounds okay so we have that we have okay

fatty liver gall stones obstructive

sleep apnea all right okay so let me

just there’s a lot there to chew on but

I’m gonna tell you something if no colon

or probiotic probiotics still help

helpful yes but if you have a fatty

liver if you have gall stones if you

have obstructive sleep apnea there is

something that I think I’d probably

recommend for you Julie that would be

create more of an effect on your body

because we need to get you to sleep we

need to or help you shrink this the

sinuses only help to help really have to

help you with your gall bladder to help

it convert your thyroid so that can work

I think the most important thing to do

would be to take the bile salts that I

talked about gall bladder formula and

take that for one week then add in some

of the fat soluble vitamins because

one of the things that it’s very very

very very therapeutic to the mucous

membranes and the sinus is the fish oils

but the one that I really like is the

fish oil called DHA you can get it the

hell fast or it’s in 500 milligrams 500

milligrams DHA DHA and it’s a type of

fish oil that’s amazing you I mean

they’re doing they’re regenerating brain

cells it’s good for memory cognitive

brain injury but it’s also good for the

mucous membranes it’s good for the

retina of the eye good for sex hormones

that’s good for the mucous membranes

internally in your respiratory and it’s

really good if you’re trying to sleep

and your head won’t go to sleep

so if you are tired at night but your

head doesn’t go to sleep take DHA and a

little calcium you can take calcium

citrate wherever be right before a bed


watch what happens you’ll go right to

sleep okay cuz that’s nice for like an

overactive head

I have tendinitis in my wrists there’s

magnetic bracelets work I mean they’re

gonna affect the electrical conductivity

but try this experiment okay let’s say

it’s in the right wrist press on the

opposite one wherever it is in the

opposite side work that out and it’ll

get rid of the pain but you may want to

try one more thing

if if you hurt on the wrist and the

right you want to work on the opposite

forearm muscles okay that will get rid

of the wrist if you have right knee pain

work on the opposite thigh muscle okay

it’s a little tip and just kind of

teaching you guys how to do acupressure

alright so let’s see Shaun changes his

eating plan I could also have a

condition okay looks like my assistant

and dr. Monica

dr. J she’s on the chat but she’s not on

the actual wife to debug that I’m sure

that the link didn’t quite work this is

like kind of my first time doing this so

it’s kind of a good experiment working

out the bugs next time we’ll be

I want to do a lot of live webinars I

have some questions that I want to ask

you I know we ran at a time by a half

hour but I want to do more seminars but

I also want to find out what you want to

talk about specifically so I’m not all

over the place

this kind of was just like kind of a

test to see how this works if you want

to me to do more stuff Rose will be

happy to do it you just have to tell me

the different subjects and I will send

you a kind of a survey and ask you for

some ideas and what you want me to talk

about and I will gladly do that for you

so I’ll send you that an email and you

can kind of fill out something I don’t

know if the chat is going to be saved so

don’t bother typing in the chat the next

question that I was going to ask you is

that I do on the survey one question in

the chat room right now I currently do

weekly videos and some people were

asking me can you do more frequent

videos I want to know if I did a short

like a one-minute video

daily would that be something

interesting or it’s too much so if you

could please answer my question do you

want weekly videos or would you want

daily short little video a tip because I

mean for the time I take doing videos I

can easily do I like a short little

video because there’s a lot to know so

if you can tell me what frequent sees

you want once week or would you like

daily little tiny webinars let me know

in the chat box I would really

appreciate that and then some people are

asking me about the acupressure device

you can go to dr. Byrd calm and order

them there they’re definitely come in

handy to do it yourself and then I show

you what to do with it I have a lot of

videos on that daily is too much Bruce

says yeah so just tell me like once a

week or daily

a lot of people like weekly some daily

okay good this is helpful okay good

that’s cool um good good okay weakly

okay the majority is weekly so it’s

gonna be weekly yeah I agree one minute

is a little bit too short okay good good

that’s helpful thank you very much so

listen I want to thank you for helping

me test this webinar and being on here

and being interested I really appreciate


and I thank you for all the wonderful

feedback as well that you’re giving me I

really really appreciate that and I’m

going to send you a survey just type in

any ideas that you have that I want it I

should do some videos on I will gladly

do them and we’ll post them and we’ll do

some more live webinars so I want to

thank you all for being on but I’m gonna

end off right now and I want to wish you

a good night and I will see you on the

next webinar and we’ll talk to you later

all right

well awesome thanks we’ll see you later

actually I’m just gonna do the question

right now what my ideas you have for the

good boom

all right oh wait a second poll question

oh it’s options no that’s not going to

be a I’ll send you something I don’t

want to do a poll I want to do a chat so

I’ll send that to you when I figure this

thing out awesome

all right have a great night