Intermittent Fasting Turbo: Dr. Berg's Proven Tricks for Faster Weight Loss | DrEricBergDC

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hey guys I’m gonna give you five tricks to make intermittent fasting work faster

okay okay number one potassium potassium is the most important mineral to fix a

problem with insulin which is behind weight in memory issues and

cardiovascular and so many other issues so the reason why people do intermittent

fasting is to fix those things but if you fix insulin you will speed things up

and you can’t do it unless you have a sufficient amount of potassium our

normal amounts that we need per day is forty seven hundred milligrams that’s a

lot so unless you’re doing large salads or enhance your diet with potassium you

may not hit even your minimum requirements so potassium is a real

secret mineral to actually speed up things okay now number two over eating

so a lot of people when they’re doing intermittent fasting they’re doing like

two meals a day right and then what happens is they gorge themselves so much

they stuff themselves because they they have this idea that oh my gosh I’m not

going to be able to eat I’m only gonna eat one more it’s kind of like a

survival mode when in fact you have a window if you want to get to like an

eight hour window or even a four hour window what you can do that’s your

eating window it’d be much more important to let’s say you ate in a four

hour window let’s say you ate at twelve and then at four okay so you and you

just can’t seem to get enough of those that food in there to keep your calories

high enough right so what you do is this is what I do

sometimes I’ll have right in the middle of between twelve and four like at 2:00

I’ll consume most of my salad and greens so that way I have time to digest it

until I eat another meal you’re not going to spike insulin too

much with the with a salad compared to other things by the way but I’ll have my

huge salad right in the middle of two meals that way I kind of spread it out

but it’s still within the four hour window alright but just don’t over eat

especially too many fats because it’s gonna you’re gonna feel too stuffed but

in the beginning as you’re transitioning over you do need to add a little bit

more fat until you fully adapted to the point where you can switch to your own

body fat and be more sustained than consume fat to be sustained between

the meals okay number three do it gradually do not go into intermittent

fasting too fast if you have a blood sugar issue hypoglycemia you’re gonna

crash and burn you’re gonna it’s going to be really difficult on your body

so I recommend start with three meals a day no snacks okay do that until you’re

fully comfortable then two meals a day until you’re fully comfortable and then

what will happen you can squish those two meals in within a four hour period

of time so let’s say you get up and you eat at ten o’clock in the morning and

then you eat at like say six and then what you’ll do over time when you get

comfortable then you eat at five and then you’ll start at night and then in

the morning you’ll school you’ll switch it to eleven o’clock in the morning and

then eventually twelve and then push it down to four so you can start to

decrease the time the window of eating and increase enhance the fasting time

but you have to do it at your own pace do it to your comfortable until your

body says okay I can push a little bit longer versus trying to force it on your

body because as soon as it doesn’t work you’re going to give up and you’re going

to have blood sugar issues when you’re having blood sugar issues you’re you’re

adding more stress more cortisol more insulin number for extra sleep you ever

notice when you’re stressed and tired you tend to be more hungry cortisol

increases by 50% if you’re not sleeping and that’s gonna raise insulin and knock

you out of fat burning so you want to get extra sleep if you have to take a

nap that’s fine but you want to make sure you get at least seven to eight

hours of sleep okay also keep your stress as low as

possible go for long walks very very important to help you sleep last one is

high intensity interval training this is one of those workouts where you’re

working out like a full body high-intensity high pulse rate short

duration lots of rest I’ll put a video down there to explain that more but this

type of exercise if you add this to in a minute fasting you can really increase

growth hormone anti-aging fat burning everything but the key

make it high intensity short duration lots of rest so make it twice a week or

three times a week or even once a week making sure you have a lot of recovery

in between because this can make everything work even better just make

sure you do your workout just after your last meal or just before your last meal

or during your window of eating so that way you don’t drop your blood Sugar’s

too low if you do it on like completely no food in early mornings okay so those

are the five tweaks that to enhance the progress to make this go faster thanks

for watching hey guys a quick survey question I want to know what topic you

would like me to do a video on so each week I’m coming up with different types

of videos but I would rather have you tell me what you’re interested in so I

put a link down below please fill it out