The Dr. Berg Show LIVE - September 16, 2022 | DrEricBergDC

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thank you

all right welcome back everyone for our

q a uh we have quite a few questions in

the lineup and then also I have to just

give you a disclaimer uh what I’m about

to tell you as far as advice just check

with your doctor before implementing any

of the stuff that I talk about and so

we’re going to just Dive Right In we’re

going to take a call I guess from

Australia right uh Steve we are sherang

from Sydney Australia and he has

toothpicks holding his eyeballs open

because it’s like one o’clock in the

morning there so we decided to let him

go in first sherang you’re wrong with Dr


yeah doctor uh thank you very much for

having me in this forum so in the

interest of time I will quickly jump

into the question so uh my main concern

is uh Vitiligo uh which I am having for

past almost six years now

and uh regarding my medical conditions

so I have I I am on levoxy thyroxine 150

mg and that I take every day

and then I was on filofibrate 160 to

control my high triglyceride labels

uh which my doctor has recently changed

to fish oil for capsules a day and uh

we’re also boosting 10 mg and just to

try whether we can get rid of phenolph

hybrid drug and I’ll get triglycerides

under control now using this uh

fish oil

and I I have done kind of polite therapy

for one and a half year uh three times a

week but that didn’t help me much with

improving this condition and I tried

intermittent fasting as well and I lost

almost 13 kg of my weight

uh but again the spread didn’t stop and

in fact I observed that during those

four months when when I was on strict

diet it was more Progressive in those

fourth months so not not sure whether a

coincident or whether the whether I and

I was having some improper diet


uh yeah so I just want your guidance on

uh what diet to follow and what

supplements I should be taking

uh just to see sure conditioning tools

so um did the light therapy the light

therapy did nothing but what about the

medication did that do anything for you

uh no I wasn’t on any with illegal

Internal Medicine I was not taking any

of those

so but you’re taking him right now

I thought you were taking in two

medications right now right

uh yeah for my thyroid and for

hyperiglycerides so yeah those are two

medications that I take like every day

okay so um 90 of

low thyroid conditions hypothyroidism is

Hashimoto’s which is an autoimmune

disease now that just and also Vitiligo

can also be an autoimmune disease but

um I think the uh

I’m curious when you first got it

do you remember when you first got it

was it all of a sudden

I know it was a tiny little spot on my


and then I remember it was summer and it

was still under control but as winter

approached and it suddenly started


and was there anything that occurred

now does anything anything happened just

before this like a stress situation

uh not really not that bad strips or

something I remember

okay so so here’s the thing um

vitamin D

um I I in these situations

you know there’s something new

um that is kind of uh recently been

kind of promoted and it’s it’s more

people are knowing about it but when you

get DNA testing you could find out a lot

about what’s going on inside the body

especially uh with the vitamin D

receptor being maybe like a mutation

with the vitamin D receptor so so


hear you doing the typical things they

should work but they don’t work

um even like people that uh uh are on

doing light therapy or getting the sun

um one little component part of that is

related to vitamin D

um just the interaction because the

vitamin D is like a steroid and that

also is involved in um

helping people with any type of


conditions so I would get a

a DNA test just to see if there’s any uh


weaknesses that you need to know about

in relationship to Vitiligo and by the

and I think vitamin D is a remedy

and let’s say for example they find you

have um

some it’s called a polymorphism for

vitamin D receptor

what that means is you can’t absorb

vitamin D like other people so it

doesn’t really you don’t get the

benefits of

immune protection and even like the

prevention of autoimmune problems which

could also tell you a little bit about

the thyroid so um I would um

do that and in the meantime I would

start taking large amounts of vitamin D3

like maybe 40 000 I use to per day to

see if that doesn’t help you

and start turning this around I would do

that and then check the jeans and then

see if there’s any problem there and

because we need to we need more clues on

I mean going into winter also is another

indication if it got worse during winter

as another indication yeah vitamin D is

connected to this as well

um and also stress could be even though

you didn’t have anything uh stressing

you out but those are the couple things

I would recommend and of course I would

get on keto and fasting and then do

periodic prolonged fasting for a lot


because especially if you have a

hypothyroidism you want to do the uh the

fasting for that end of the course avoid

gluten too that’s the most important

thing but you I know you wouldn’t do

that if you were doing keto so we don’t

have to worry about that

all right well thanks and I guess now

you can go back to bed right

yeah absolutely you’ve been a good sport

sherang and I hope you’ll uh Sarang

excuse me and I hope that you will uh

get back with us after you’ve uh you

know move through some other

approaches to what’s bugging you and

we’d love to hear back from you sorry

we’re not on at midnight so it could be

noon for you but that’s the uh the roll

of the dice for goodness sakes anyway

thanks again all right so uh listen we

are have a great audience of six here in

our green room but it’s just

unbelievable how many folks we also have

from around the world and let me get to

our list and Eddie Terry already amended

it because there’s so many to keep

pouring in so let’s say we can get to

everybody we’d like to say a good

morning to all of our viewers joining us

from the UK by the way we have uh uh we

have one coming up with us uh

surely Rina I believe and Canada Jordan

the Philippines Poland Mexico chile a

Belgium Australia Pakistan Nepal Sweden

Bermuda Germany Jamaica Algeria Cameroon

France Egypt the Netherlands Iran New

Zealand Dubai Trinidad and Tobago Japan

India Nigeria Argentina Ghana

Switzerland South Africa Colombia Spain

Morocco Kuwait Iraq Bolivia good grief

Norway Mumbai the Czech Republic Malta

turkey Saint Lucia Croatia Ireland the

United Arab Emirates Greece I don’t

think we’ve heard from them for a while

Saudi Arabia Kenya Peru Scotland Costa

Rica Tunisia Russian Romania Barbados

good grief Ethiopia Iceland I think

we’ve made a record Malaysia Luxembourg

uh and then boy it just let’s see oh

finally Lebanon Finland Estonia and all

across these United States and thanks

many thanks to Terry again for his

swollen fingertips from typing out know

how he does it so quickly but that’s

great and let’s go right over to our

friends speaking of people around the

world zipporah from Facebook is it

possible for a vegetarian to do healthy


yeah it’s definitely possible it’s not

easy but it’s possible with the being a

vegan you have to get enough protein you

have to keep the carbs lower which is

harder and get more fat

so then you’re going to have to

supplement like with the DHA that’s

omega-3 fatty acids you can get that

from algae

and even mushrooms you can actually uh

you can um well no not mushrooms but you

can get them from algae and different

like even spirulina but with vitamin D

you can actually get them through

mushrooms if you actually soak them in

the sun uh let them be sun-dried you can

get a tremendous amount of vitamin E for

that you can make your own vitamin D

um also you’re going to have to

substitute you know


other things like it’s difficult to get

B12 for example and unfortunately the

type of

um like iron that you’re going to get

from plants is is not heme based so it’s

not as biovaluable the type of vitamin A

you get from plants

um are is going to be the precursor of

the beta-carotene that has to convert

into retinol which is like that’s going

to be hard to get uh the vitamin A to

the active form

so if possible

if you could go from being a vegan to a

vegetarian that might be better because

then you can have eggs

um that would be the uh that would give

you a lot of nutrition right there but

um yes I guess that’s the long answer to

that question the answer is yes

very good okay over to Mystic Melody uh

from YouTube my mom is in her 70s and

was in very poor health I started her on

keto with plenty of nutritious food in

your supplements she had her gallbladder

removed and I tried giving her the bile

salts but it just gave her diarrhea so

we stopped those any suggestions to help

my mom out

okay so what’s happening now is she’s


um she doesn’t have a gallbladder so she

has this the bile ducts is going right

into the small intestine so she is

getting bile apparently she’s it’s

draining out at a certain rate and the

fact that you took bile and she has

diarrhea just tells me that you don’t

need any right now so there’s enough

because anytime you have too much bile

you’ll get diarrhea so that’s a good

clue to know that you know what you have

enough right now so not everyone that

has the gallbladder removed becomes

efficient in bile it really depends on

you know how your tubes are draining

into the small intestine

um that type of thing so I think she’s

fine right now but just kind of monitor

over time maybe test it in maybe six

months and see if you can give her some

if she needs some

um but also look for the stool the stool

starts floating or it’s like color or

there’s skid marks on the toilet bowl

then we know that she needs some bile

because she’s not digesting the fat or

or driving at night and hard to see in

the dark is a is another situation there

are some people who apparently grow back

their gallbladders so they’re like a

Remnant gallbladder so who knows your

your mother might grow her gallbladder

back to some degree and that would be a

great thing right so

absolutely okay now drum roll please

here’s our first question of the day we

got a bunch of true falsers and here it

is Doc

okay true or false the majority of total

cholesterol is merely


all right smartypants audios climb on

that true or false so you’ve got a 50 50

chance of being smart on today’s show we

got a lot of true ulcers

I said I think I want to add one tweak

in one word um is it mostly HDL and LDL

not merely oh got it okay very good

mostly Jump On It folks still 50 50

chance of being smart

Karen from Facebook I feel giddy when I

go 20 hours or more on my fast but

afterwards I feel uh

after I refeed excuse me I lost that for

a second but after I refeed I feel very

very tired how come yeah

it’s so funny how you you all this

fasting and all of a sudden you start

eating and you feel terrible you don’t

feel very good feel tired so just goes

to show you maybe we don’t need as much

food as we think

um but yeah so

I’ve noticed that especially when you’re

in the transition phase when you do this

maybe the first three four five six

months you know your body does have a

hard time going back and forth switching

um so I think you just need to give it

more time so you’re fully keto adapted

because um I know with myself I feel

great when I don’t eat and then I don’t

feel as great when I eat so

so how do you handle that you have to

eat eventually

so unfortunately fasting is something

you can’t do forever


but uh you can definitely

go for longer periods of time so maybe

you’re about to say you’re telling you

you know go longer

all right very good uh Trey from YouTube

I’m getting black and blue spots

appearing suddenly all over my hands and

legs they look a lot like bruising but I

haven’t bumped into anything lately what

could be the cause

that sounds like it uh could be a

vitamin A deficiency I’m sorry K1


so are you eating any leafy dark leafy

greens or not

um that’s one thing also it could be a

problem with uh calcium Calcium

deficiency could also create

um those spots

um there’s other reasons too but they’re

more rare like diabetes


other chronic type problems internally

but those are the two ones that come to

mind right off the bat so

if you just start adding more vitamin K1

let’s see if the those spots go away

okay we’re all hoping uh that they do

indeed go away okay let’s see uh

see um all right Hendrick from Facebook

finally we got a facebooker in here how

can I get my glucose levels down after

losing 19 pounds on intermittent fasting

you said how do I get my blood sugars

down after moving 19 pounds after losing

sorry oh

okay so now the now the the blood sugars

are are too high apparently saying yeah

trying to get his glucose down

yeah well you know if you’re in keto I’m

guessing you are I’m assuming you are

and your blood glucose is too high

um that just means that you know it’s

not coming from the sugar you’re eating

it could come from

um eating too much protein possibly

but another reason is that you still

have insulin resistance which takes some

time to correct and uh so your liver

basically is uh you know the signaling

mechanism is still not quite

um good the um kind of the thermostat so

now you have this um this overproduction

of sugar it’s called gluconeogenesis in

the liver and so that’s where it’s

coming from so what you could do is you

can add more exercise to burn off that

Sugar give it more time apple cider

vinegar is a necessity that will bring

it down and then you can do other things

too berberine chromium cinnamon B1

magnesium vitamin D these are all key

things to help insulin resistance that’s

what’s really going on give it more time

and it will it will come down

all right terrific let’s see here I had

an interesting one


let’s see I forget her name it just

popped up and away from me but anyway

this lady wanted to know whether uh

intermittent fasting would help her

prostate now I hope she’s not talking

about herself that would be medical

history but I assume it’s her partner or

male so is there anything you can do to

get the enlarged prostate down

yeah yeah

um that would greatly help the prostate

because it’s like you’re you’re gonna do

you’re gonna induce something called

autophagy which is a uh your body is

going to start to uh

um recycle old damaged tissue your

inflammation is going to go down your

immune system is going to go up so for

any type of enlargement of any gland

that would be the thing I would

recommend the other thing to avoid would

be Dairy

um I’ve done a lot of videos on prostate

so you should watch all of them there’s

some more things to do

all right very good sorry that was

Rochelle from Facebook and keto helped

treating large prostate so Rochelle we

hope that your friend with a prostate

has get some relief from that

let’s see why don’t we go to our quiz

question the first one that we had and

the audience was asked the majority of

total cholesterol is mainly I’ll change

that HDA excuse me HDL and LDL and the

audience 90 say that it’s false 10 say

it’s true how’d they do this this is uh

this is really uh important because um

you know compute there’s so much

confusion with cholesterol

um so when you look at your total

cholesterol okay realize that you’re not

really measuring just this cholesterol

floating in your arteries like

cholesterol what you look


the little shuttles or the little

minivans that are transporting the

cholesterol and those are made out of

protein and so they’re called lipo

proteins lipo being fat protein so

um and so they’re shuttled around so we


total cholesterol you’re really

evaluating the all the cholesterol

inside of the HDL and LDL

and the H Dell

is supposedly the good cholesterol

that’s the cholesterol that comes from

the arteries back to the liver and then

the LDL

goes from the liver to the arteries or

the cells so it’s kind of like just

depending on what direction it’s going

determines um the type of shuttle bus

so I’m going to be releasing a very

important video on

the two different types of measurements

of LDL which I think is going to be

beneficial for a lot of people because

when you do Keto

you may find your LDL

the so-called bad cholesterol goes up

and you might be alarmed right because I

know someone’s going to ask this

question today so you look on your blood

test it says oh my gosh my LDL slash C

that’s for cholesterol is higher on keto

uh oh

um I have a problem well what


basically beg your doctor to do it’s an

advanced profile to measure the ldlp

what is lblp that’s the particle size

so that’s a different measurement which

is way more important and that is like

you have two you have the um the small

dents once and you have the large

buoyant once so those are the two sizes

so just Envision that

um the small dents can easily invade

your arteries and create problems that’s

the real bad one but the large buoyant

one the large buoyant um LDL is not

the one that is going to create a

problem for you and so here you are

eating more fat losing more fat having

more fat through the body

think about it that has to be carried

all around the body has to be carried

through the body right

um how do you do it it has to be through

my shuttle so that’s why you’re going to

see a higher LDL but

the um the type of LDL is going to be at

the large point it’s not going to be the

small dense one


um I hope I didn’t confuse you more but

that’s stay tuned for that video because

this way you won’t be alarmed it’s not

to be concerned with anything that’s

going to create a problem but that

cholesterol has to be mobilized it has

to come out and um

I am going to be

talking about one of the best things you

can do

to help yourself with that as well if


if let’s say you have a I don’t know a

genetic problem with cholesterol or

you’re concerned there’s quite a few

things you can do to um even lower it if

you want to okay I got a plan here doc

I’m going to get some good news from

Facebook put up our next Quiz question

then go to Rena in the UK so that’s our

order Chris from Facebook your YouTube

videos Rock So informative I’ve learned

so much from you thank you for doing

these live shows for us so we’re glad

that you’re happy with that Chris and by

that uh you know viewer shipped at Terry

types out each uh each week it’s evident

that people all over the world feel the

same way that Chris does and here’s our

next true falser

okay true or false niacin that’s B3

raises your bad cholesterol the LDL

all right climb on that folks and then

next up uh we’re putting Arena on the

air we know you’re on with Dr Berg

thank you hello

um okay so in 2010 I gave up sugar

completely in my diet I was 172 dollars

and I followed a very low carb diet and

then in 2018 I started keto and I’ve

been on keto since 2018.


last year I needed an Iron Infusion

um and then all of a sudden my pancreas

went crazy and I was in hospital for a

while and ever since then I started to

have episodes where I’d actually start

to shave the really fast and pass out

I don’t know what was going on but

anyway I then saw an endocrologist which

was kind of like was going on for a

while I saw an endocratologist this year

and she did a mixed meal test mmt or

something mixed meal tolerance

and she’s done blood tests to clear me

for pre-diabetes and diabetes and the

mixed meal tolerance test actually

indicated that I have got reactive



really interesting now for the last two

months I’ve been following alternative

fasting and I love it this way of life

for me

and I’ve now been told that because it’s

now not just reactive hypoglycemia it’s

also hypoglycemia because it’s happened

at any given time of the day

um when I wake up in the morning it’s

around 3.8 my level

and my last meal is normally 6 p.m the

previous day

so I’ve now been put on acrobot

yeah three times a day and I’ve been

told to now introduce low GI index foods

and start eating small regular meals I

don’t want to do that I want to keep

fasting I need your help

so question did

um do you feel bad when your blood

sugars go low very bad like really bad I

like it yeah lose Consciousness I and

then when I come around I’m so

disorientated it’s horrible really


yeah I think what’s happening is that

when you have that Iron Infusion the way

they gave the type of iron they gave you

is probably some Elemental

ferrous sulfate or some type of bad Iron

that created damage onto the pancreas

yeah that’s what it sounds like so um



heard from like a heme source like um

liver for example or animal red meat or

even spleen extract pills that you can

get as well so these are all things that

I would um

of course now you just have this this

issue I would there’s a great supplement

from standard process it’s called

pancreatrophin PMG pancreat trophin PNG

you can order some of that start taking

one before bed just to see if you can

actually improve uh the pancreatic

function uh because that’s what you

really need to do as far as um you know

what’s happening is why would you have


hypoglycemia so what keeps your blood

sugars low well it’s it’s insulin

insulin is too high insulin is pushing

your blood sugar is too low

um so I would love to see a test done to


um your insulin levels and also your

it’s um there’s another test called Homa

IR which measures for insulin resistance

I think you have

hyperinsulinemia because there’s damage

somehow to the pancreas and now your

beta cell is just pumping out too much

insulin that’s really what’s creating

the problem so if you go on a regular

diet what will happen is some

it just will just raise that insulin

even more and push your blood sugars

down even more so you know their

solution is to kind of keep keep your

blood sugars up with with more sugar

which then just fuels more problem until

eventually the pancreas cell gets burnt

out but here’s the big concept here you

want to start healing the cells that are

producing insulin and that would be um

the beta cells so you know those

you might want to tweak what you do

until you get it just perfect but you’re

gonna you know like vitamin D is

important vitamin C

um chromium

um things like that that those are all

things that will um

support the beta cell but also the

pankotrophin PMG would be I think

greatly uh it’ll help you a lot so

um in the meantime you have to check

check your blood sugars and if maybe

they come down too low maybe in the


you know you fortify them with some some

protein now the problem with protein

is if you have really low blood sugars

and you eat protein to raise it it’s

going to take time to raise it

so maybe if you start seeing down eat

some protein because it’s not like blood

glucose is going to spike your blood

sugar it’s going to take some time to

bring it back and you kind of want

something to work a little bit faster so

I would maybe


consume it as it starts to come down a

little bit so then that way it won’t get

really low

um so I think that’s unfortunately you

that darn um Iron treatment did

something with I think the liver or the

pancreas so you might need another test

to see if if there’s a full functioning

liver or full functioning pancreas to

kind of isolate what you need to focus

on that’s another thing I would do

okay so can I continue intermittent


well um of course

I can’t tell you to do something for

your medical condition but you might

want to test it out and play around and

see how you do

um you might have to you know

um keep tweaking until it works for you

but um obviously we don’t want you to be

in a dangerous situation with your with

severe low blood glucose and feeling

like crap so um

that’s my answer okay all right thank

you very much you’re welcome thanks so

much Arena we appreciate you coming on

with us and let’s see we’re going to go

to the answers of our next true falser

which asks niacin B3 raises your bad

cholesterol LDL and uh let’s see let me

get the right shot here

all right drum roll 95 say that it’s

absolutely false five percent and say

yep it’s true


it’s uh it’s false it doesn’t raise your

bad cholesterol it basically lowers

your cholesterol moderately but

specifically it lowers the

the real bad

particle size that’s the one that

out of all the nutrients to take for um

you know plaquing and preventing

problems boy niacin is right at the top

of the list

potently it it works I mean like even

let’s just take statins for example

Statin turns I mean it will raise it

might lower your cholesterol but it

raises the the real bad cholesterol the

small dense LDL

Stanton does that niacin will lower that

so uh of course

Statin is cheap you can’t patent it

right now so it’s not going to be

promoted but do your research and you’ll

see that it’s uh it’s a Powerhouse you

should be

chewing on those niacin throughout the

day if you’re concerned about

cholesterol that’s wonderful all right

there’s just too many of these comp

comments for me to ignore so Tuan Twan

excuse me love uh from Facebook you

changed my life forever I appreciate

your work so much thank you and then

immediately thereafter Carol from

Facebook your work is invaluable I have

shared with so many videos with so many

friends and colleagues and use some of

them in my mental health training

sessions thank you and believe me folks

well people online they can see all this

happening as well but we don’t ignore

those we want to get to your questions

but it’s also great to hear all the

positive feedback uh from uh you know

from our audience around the world

Bovada from Facebook how can someone

with an accelerated metabolism

effectively do intermittent fasting must

be one of those weight losers

you’re going to have to eat more


and maybe just do two meals

um but definitely do it because uh if

you’re concerned about losing too much


um versus

um the getting the benefits of

intermittent fasting I would go for

losing more way because you can always

just eat more calories and add more fat

to the diet to prevent

um extra weight loss but also adding um

exercise in a way that will stimulate

muscle growth and I’ve done a recent

video on that as well will help raise

your muscle

uh strength and the size of the muscles

uh as well as um prevent the loss of



all right

so Holly from YouTube I’ve been on keto

for about three months and have lost 45

pounds ding ding but my toenails and

fingernails have become very brittle and

basically just fall off what in the heck

is going on with Holly

this is why I always recommend when

you’re on keto and you’re on doing

fasting you need the electrolytes the

minerals the trace minerals you need B

vitamins because there’s a lot of

reasons why your nails your hair

might not do well

um it could be anything from low iron to

low calcium to low zinc to low B

vitamins and so you want to take those


um and take a don’t don’t fall for the

synthetic versions

because they’re made from petroleum and

there’s many reasons why the natural and

the food-based ones are

um that’s really what you need is you

just need to supplement because

especially if you’re doing fasting

because so many people are going into

fasting with a kind of a subclinical

deficiency of something and then

everything is exaggerated


it happens to a lot of people I mean

even the number one

um like complication from fasting is

kind of fainting

um because you don’t have enough

electrolytes you don’t store a lot of

these electrolytes

so um

here you are and you’re drinking water

right during fasting and you dilute your

electrolytes and then you get dizzy and

you might faint so we want to keep those

electrolytes including sea salt as well

all right very good let’s go to another

quiz question another true false sir

okay true or false low iron can cause

cold feet

all right any of you folks with chilly

feet what do you think true falser and

let’s go move on to our green room and

we’re going to get a fagi if I think I

said her name right uh from Cleveland so

fagi unmute yourself and you are if I

push the right button on with Dr Byrd

with your one question hi Dr Berg hello



hi so I have gallbladder problems I I

still have a gallbladder

um but when I try to do keto I end up

having a lot of pain

and I was wondering what you think about

that I um

I I don’t really want to get rid of my

gallbladder I’ve heard about a lot of

problems after

you know surgery so

um how do I handle that

yeah so many people just don’t have the

enough bile bile salts to help digest

that fat so here you go on keto and you

all of a sudden you end up with like oh

my gosh it’s I’m feel bloated or I feel

right uh fullness underneath my right

rib cage it spreads to the right side of

the shoulder which I had for 12 years I

didn’t know what that was but you just

need more bile salts so you might want

to try


gallbladder formula maybe two with right

after a meal and and then let’s see how

that goes let’s say for example it feels

better but it’s you still have a problem

you might want to try to search out and

find another uh additional

type of bile salt that’s mainly used on

an empty stomach and that’s called tadka

and you take this Tut Cup in between

meals like maybe try one in the morning

one in the afternoon because what that

will do that will thin the bile sludge

that might be backing up and start

really creating a nice flow and boy

you’ll feel a difference within a couple

days you’ll just go wow that that really

handled it the other couple things that

you might want to do to help your fat

digestion is not take a lot of extra fat

like don’t don’t do the the Bulletproof

Coffee right now with the butter don’t

do MCT oil don’t do the keto desserts

right now until you can

you know get a control over it you know

increase more vegetables uh big salads

and then the other thing is um choline

is a makes up bile salts so if you took

a choline supplement that’s really good

for people that are uh have a problem

digesting fat and in fact choline can

help a fatty liver it can greatly help

your ability just to to break down some

of these fats so

um that’s what I would do if I were you

okay thank you very much that’s great

good luck uh Peggy thanks for

representing Cleveland so well and let’s

see Andrea from YouTube and I we we love

our um pregnant ladies uh with questions

and Andrea has one I’m seven months

pregnant and wondering what tips you

could share about which supplements I

should be taking and how much of each

it’s a very important topic um right now

I’m I’m kind of coming up with a

prenatal because

I mean I don’t understand this the most

important time to uh

for nutrition is when someone’s pregnant

right the most important thing you’re

growing this baby and they they put

these prenatal synthetic

pieces of garbage in a bottle and they

sell these to women the cheapest

ingredient all synthetic High potency I

don’t understand that so right now I

would find a prenatal that’s a

food-based one

um and I would also focus on these

additional nutrients

given the fact that you’re hopefully

you’re on keto right now because it’s

very important but here are the key

nutrients if you’re pregnant number one

having enough vitamin D vital vital

vital number two having enough DHA or

the omega-3 and I would recommend

if you can cod liver oil you can give

them little pearls and capsules take

enough of that because that will give


um the the EPA DHA and also give you

vitamin A and vitamin D at the same time

so it gives you more things than just

fish oil you also need a good trace

mineral so that way you have enough

iodine maybe you take C kelp for that

iodine you have selenium really really

important make sure you have uh the B

vitamins especially when you’re

breastfeeding because that way you’ll

have enough breast milk

nutritional yeast can help increase the

production of breast milk so the trace




the omega-3 the vitamin D


all these are really really key and

maybe what you do is you

on a regular basis consume really super

nutrient dense foods and that would be


shellfish okay not every day but maybe

once or twice a week and then also a


and a little bit of liver a little bit

of liver with onions because that way

you have

super uh key nutrients to fortify that

Growing Child and your child will come

out without the scoliosis without

needing braces without needing


supports for flat feet they’ll come out

a lot better and the risks for all sorts

of uh immune problems will go away

especially if you breastfeed that

breast milk doesn’t just have colostrum

which is immune Builder but there’s all

these antibodies antigens that your

mother gives you from breast milk and uh

like she’s giving you your immune system

when you start out so if you’re not

breastfed you’re unfortunately going to

be kind of lacking in that immune area

because the formulas they give you are


even worse than the prenatals so

anyway I can go on and on but I think

I’ll stop right there all right well

that was a well sent doctor okay so

there’s millions of Americans that uh

you know are suffering from anxiety and

depression and there’s all sorts of

quote remedies for him and Rosa from

Facebook wants to know the best way to

get off Xanax are there some

Alternatives I guess you must be anxious

I think the best the best thing I would

start taking immediately as a good

vitamin B1

natural B1 nutritional yeast or those

other ones you can get so that they um

the B1 is going to be essential you’ll

feel better you’ll feel less anxious and

there’s a lot of other things you can do


um that go beyond just doing keto

intermittent fasting which I recommend

because even those two right there will

probably decrease the need for those


um but vitamin D important

um ashwagandha as a supplement or a tea

would be good lemon balm tea is another

good one these are all really kind of

key uh no-brainers that I would


um but realize that all these probably

won’t work as well if if your basic

eating is not right so you want to get

on this basic keto and intermittent

fasting plan

um in fact

Steve remember the interview I did with

that that guy who was going to commit

suicide because he had so much

uh anxiety and depression starving to


so yeah so he decided I’m gonna do

myself in and I’m gonna I am going to

starve myself to death so he goes in his

room locks his door

three days three days later he comes out

feeling really good

feeling wonderful because he was fasting

and uh no longer was depressed no longer

was angry no longer had uh anxiety and

he said what just happened he looked up

in him in the fasting and

got a job now doing great

um so

you’d be surprised how your mood would

be influenced by working on these key

things that are so simple

you know that’s such a great story and I

am super affected by carbohydrates and

sugar Lori my wife uh back before I sort

of figured out what was going on she

goes if you eat one of those brownies

I’m leaving for the evening because I

guess the combination of caffeine and

all that Sugar whatever’s in there just

drove me mad I was Mr Hyde yeah uh or

jack-o whichever one’s the bad one and

so it really makes a huge difference

what a great story that is that that guy

you know from being on the edge of the

cliff said hey wait a minute you know

feeling better that’s just tremendous

okay and the audience must feel

tremendously confident because our quiz

question number three as true false line

excuse me low iron can cause cold feet

and 100 have said that that’s not true

oh no sorry that it’s true forgiving

it’s true yeah they’re all correct you

know it’s not just a slow thyroid that

can cause cold feet it’s low iron but

some of you watching have cold feet you

don’t have a thyroid problem and you

might have enough iron and you’re going

why do I have cold feet

well there’s another thing and I’m going

to do a video on this it’s a genetic


involving this concept of what’s called

methylation which I’m not going to get

into but all you need to know is that

if if you have that problem which is

common you have a problem detoxifying

um heavy metals

and you have a problem with iron like

you’ll have a buildup of iron yet you

won’t be able to absorb it so you’ll

have the symptoms of low iron

and high iron at the same time which is

terrible so one of the big symptoms of

low iron is cold feet so what is the

solution for that well

watch my video and find out but you’d

want to take um

I think the video is on I released it on

Raw Liver no it’s eating more liver

white liver is important

because you need two things you need the

correct form of B12 the natural form and

the natural form of folate not folic

acid folate and larger amounts and you

can get a supplement with that as well

but that’ll start

on the liver I recently released it

might have been two days