Join Dr. Berg and Karen Berg for a lively discussion on KETO and IF this Friday at 11_00 AM EST | DrEricBergDC

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good morning everyone we have Karen here

and spirit and she’ll be asking me

questions but she’ll be here next week

we have a lot of callers we have a lot

of questions in social media so

definitely we’ll rapidly get through

your questions anything that I say is

not meant to diagnose you or even cure

you because that’s illegal in the state

of Virginia of course we’re in Maryland

so if you happen to be cured don’t

mention our name because we can’t do

that here all right so let’s jump right

to the caller’s rows for you from New

York City you had a question go ahead hi

dr. Burdick hi Karen and spirit

I finally got my brother and doing keto

is because of kovat and we have to watch

how much we you know spend and what we

pick for food um he has a sensitive

stomach and he’s lactose intolerant

he says that he can’t even have like

coconut any coconut products and he

takes those pills you know and they

haven’t been working so I think he had

he might have to double up that’s what

my my cousin’s say but they’re experts

supposedly at it

um so my question is like two parts so

the first part is from the shakes that

you offer what they what’s okay for him

to drink you know for a vegetable

replacement and also what sugar can he

you know because I tried monk fruit and

he he kind of had a reaction from that

so what kind of sugars can yield so have

a substitute right well you’re gonna

find that as he does keto and in a

minute fasting especially over time

these sensitivities will get better and

better and better but in the meantime

lactose is in the milk product so

anything with milk you might have to

avoid now realize too that the longer

that cheese is aged the more that

lactose is

eaten up by the bacteria so there’s very

low amounts of lactose in cheese however

if you have sensitivities it could be

allergic to the casein in the cheese the

protein in the cheese so that’s

something you have to watch now as far

as coconut oil and things like that if

you sensitive to that that’s definitely

a lack of bile so yes you want a

double-double up on that take two two or

maybe even three of the gallbladder

support after he eats but the other

thing that will help release his own

bile is his stomach acids so I would

definitely add in there some some

digestive formula before he eats or

maybe some episode of vinegar pertaining

to chloride just to kind of acidify the

stomach now let’s say you do all that

and you still have a problem then he

probably also needs enzymes because

think about this bile breaks down the

fat to a certain level but then the

pancreas releases lipase which is an

enzyme to take into the completely to

the smallest level so it might need he

might need also pancreatic enzymes

specifically lipase to really put this

in good put them in good shape

and then the other question as far as

the shake I think the the part of the

safest thing that I have for people with

sensitive stomach would be the veggie

solution because that has a very high

quality green in there that you can have

it tastes pretty good because it’s a

little touch of stevia and a little bit

of flavoring but that one usually makes

everyone feel really really good so I

think you’ll be safe with that as far as

a shake in a veggie alternative but I

think he’s going to just have to start

consuming foods like one at a time like

the worst the digestive system is or the

more sensitivities you have the more you

want to just do like one food okay wait

a little bit add another food versus

mixing everything together just to

really help this system alright Rose

thanks for your question

all right so let’s go to Jenny from New


are you there Jenny hi I am oh yeah

great thanks

well I’m so I’ve been doing for a couple

months and I’m using into you know keep

those diet going well but I’ve been

breaking out along the jaw lines and I

thought it was the HEA that I was taking

so I stopped that and I thought your EIN

product and I’ve been I’m on my second

bottle of that and I’m taking you know I

have a topic that I’m using like retin-a

and stuff like that but I’m freaking out

I don’t understand I’m young so unbreak

it out I don’t know I need that I’m only

got a packet so yeah yeah so you’re so

basically saying you’re not going

through puberty it’s more of a possibly

a menopausal pre menopausal type thing

right well here’s some things here

you’re yes like cystic acne could come

from astringent dominance for sure if

you’re taking dim which is a

concentrated cruciferous and it didn’t

get rid of your acne then we know it’s

it’s something else there’s a couple of

things about acne that I especially if

you’re not fully on keto there’s a thing

called polycystic ovarian syndrome which

basically is a high level of androgens

that’s the other hormone that can cause

acne definitely in premenopausal acne so

I would definitely get on keto more

strictly to bring your carbs down

because that excess insulin will convert

to androgens and cause acne now let’s

say you do that and you still have acne

then we we know it could be something

else related to either dairy which is

another contributor to inflammation and

acne or fluoride in the water supply if

you just get a um and this is so such a

simple no-brainer you put this little

filter on your shower

and of course drinking water as well to

get the fluoride out I have a whole

house filter for chloride chlorine as

well as fluoride is huge one and oh my

gosh your skin quality little acne stuff

just completely goes bye-bye so those

are some things that I would look at and

I think well that will solve it right

there thanks for your call Jenny all

right and you know Steve since we’re on

the topic of acne Steve what is the the

number one reason why patients go to

doctors to cure acne you know you’re

actually correct oh my I don’t know how

you guessed that but it’s skin disorders

and acne is the top one that’s why so a

lot of people are going for skin issues

I mean I remember I was like driving to

Florida and I was like at every corner

there’s a dermatologist I’m like what is

going on here a lot of skin issues

interesting well my beautiful complexion

is spared from that yeah quite Steen it

was pretty bad

hey join a club I had a lot of skin

problems too little did I know at that

time that sugar was really a big big

problem hey Susan you’re from California

you had a question go ahead yes I did

Bob ensign for pain I take a lot of them

24 a day I’ve been doing it for 25 years

and it works better than my and


what enzyme you take me what type of

enzyme you take again it’s dying yes yes

okay good and I used to take I option it

works better than Vioxx so I just want

to know if that’s gonna mess with me um

I’d like to start taking down but I just

can’t seem to do it okay well that’s a

really simple answer because yeah that

product has absolutely no side effects

it’s totally natural you can do that all

that long without any problem at all

so I wouldn’t worry about that at all

but what I would also look at for if you

have pain or inflammation especially

within the nervous system and the spine

I don’t know where you have it the

vitamin D is probably one of the best

things as well as fasting you’re

probably already trying that but if you

aren’t fasting and vitamin D are my

go-to for inflammatory conditions

especially if it’s inflammation like

stenosis type stuff of the spinal column

so many people have that yeah so yeah

thanks for your call so Steve um so you

know there’s still some things in the

news about how dangerous high-fat diets

are and I want to just mention that

there’s a real interesting video that

I’m going to be doing on on the immune

system and how to strengthen probably

the most important immune cell which I’m

going to do a video on which you’re

going to learn real quick next week and

as I was researching this one of the

things they said that worsens this

immune cell is a high-fat diet so I’m

like wait a second let’s take a look at

that that study that they’re quoting so

there is of course on mice right and

mice live on high-fat diets so we know

that it’s connected so then I find out

the the mice Chow that they were

consuming and it’s from bioserve F three

to six or eight - right so I look at

it’s a high-fat diet for a mouse diet

and then I look at wait a second what is

this little thing it says carbohydrates

36.7% 36.7% carbs in this high-fat diet

now Steve roughly do you know the

percentage of carbs that you’re supposed

to be within when you’re doing keto do

you do you know that day about 20 right

actually that’s protein excuse me okay

carbs should be 5 percent 5 percent yeah

you’re close but okay so the mice were

on donuts

the mice were unknown ‘it’s and so that

you know the ingredients in this mice

food this high-fat diet

lard casein which is probably the worst

protein it’s all it’s from China as well

malted dextran which is the worst sugar

sucrose but then they have some

synthetic vitamins in there so and

that’s what they’re using as their data

to tell people that high-fat diets are

dangerous useless data yeah so I would

say you know if you’re gonna feed your

mice make sure you don’t put them on

that that that program right there okay

by the way I think we should check in

now that Karen is invisible I will speak

for her and we wanted everyone to know

that we have viewers checking in from

Iraq from London from Cairo Albania

Boston Serbia Canada Nigeria Cyprus and

Japan that’s just fantastic

how many people all over the world from

every nationality and background want to

stay healthy that’s great when you have

some questions just I’m ready for you

okay okay we’ve got some so on Facebook

Kelly has leg cramps and she wants to

know what sort of treatment without a

cure that you might yeah okay

what would we put potentially recommend

if we’re not going to try to cure her of

those leg cramps if you’re in Quito the

the biggest thing that pops up for leg

cramps would be potassium or magnesium

deficiency especially if you’re doing

keto that will usually handle it like

that but it could also be a problem with

some calcium issues but usually not but

it could so you may want it to take

something that has all the electrolytes

the other thing you know that’s an a

rare situation to be you’re you’re low

in vitamin E and that can cause leg

cramps as well so those are the those

are the things that I would look at and

the other thing too is if you ever hear

about people have a little twitching and

then with the left eye or this little


yeah that is a calcium buildup because

your pH is off see you too alkaline you

need to acidify your body with apple

cider vinegar okay speaking of balance

we need to go to youtube questions and

andreas is that right andreas wants to

know how she can adjust or macros well

she can adjust it going to a

chiropractor that will actually give you

a good adjustment but the macros you

want to get 5% carbs 20% protein now

that gives us 25 right and then the rest

fat so that’s 75% but I’m but I would

actually do 70% fat okay and then an

extra 5% purely vegetable carbs why

first of all 5% of your whole diet on an

average of 1,800 calories per day 5

percent of that vegetable would give you

about 7 to 10 cups of vegetable because

there’s hardly any carbs and vegetables

so we’re not even counting the carbs in

in the we’re not counting the vegetables

in the carb

we’re actually counting them as an extra

thing that you don’t have to worry about

it we want to include that so that would

be the macros 5% carbs 5% vegetables the

other vegetables in salads and then 20%

protein and 70 percent fat but realize

the fat has more than double the

calories what does that mean it means by

volume you’re not going to be doing like

70 percent by volume it’s going to be

buying calories so if you look at a

plate it’s really 25 percent of that

plate being fat and we’re not talking a

stick of butter we’re talking about the

fat that is within the protein that

you’re eating so like if you have you

ever have hamburger Steve just had

meatloaf yeah well you’re gonna actually

have in that hamburger it maybe it’ll

they’ll sell it like 90 percent 70% you

want to buy the fattiest hamburger you

don’t want to buy ninety percent but at

7 percent that’s a 30 percent fat so now

that’s actually the percentage but then

the calories are double that

so in other words I wouldn’t even worry

about trying to measure anything just

follow my videos and then we show you

what to eat and you’re good make dinner


okay all right Sandra you’re from

let’s see Florida what’s your question

hi hi I had a question regarding I said

right now okay I’m for like five years

I’m looking for dr. just so my problem

obviously blurring and indigestion and

everything and then I’m glad a friend

returned your videos and then I find out

you know everything you talk in the

videos it was Mike’s income and then we

centrally I did HIV a scan

we’ve got gall bladder injection

fraction and then the result was the

midship dimension it gall bladder

injection we see gall bladder dyskinesia

singly my question is it is possible

doing here o fix it because the doctor

said I had to take it out and then I

don’t know what to do it now yeah

there’s a lot of confusions on the gall

bladder I’m going to do a video on I

mean not a video I’m going to do

actually write a book on the gall

bladder simply because there’s some real

important things you need to know

there’s what you’re describing is a

problem with a dysfunctional gall

bladder which relates to part of the

autonomic nervous system okay and if you

try to look up that data you’re not

going to find anything like your there’s

no data like there’s so many unknowns

about that even with the diagnosis that

you found so I’m not telling you not to

take the gall bladder all I’m telling

you is that if you get on strict keto

and you do in a minute fasting you’re

gonna instantly see improvements in the

gall bladder your relief in bloating and

then over time you’re going to see more

and more

so that’s all I’m saying you should try

it out the other thing to take in

consideration is that the autonomic

nervous system affects a lot of

different valves in the body as it

constricts and days and dilates and one

of the best remedies for that is vitamin

b1 so if you’re taking the nutritional

yeast like you should you may find also

additional improvement in that area of

your body stress and high drean or

cortisol stress will also shut down the

gallbladder high levels of estrogen will

interfere with the gallbladder in the

bile production but if you just change

the diet just see what happens there’s

another condition that gastroparesis

which is a real sluggishness of

digestion which is part of the autonomic

nervous system that don’t really know

what causes it well that’s just a

sluggish digestive system if you put

back in these basics nine times out of

ten you’ll see improvements I’ve seen it

over and over and over again that’s what

I would do if I were you

thanks Sandra all right Steve do we have

another question on social media we sure

do and we are gonna be extraordinarily

fair today by going back and forth

between Facebook so Patti’s up next she

has no gallbladder Terry was there any

other news maybe she just wants to know

what they have to do

well they do we do have some that you

can buy we actually sell them on the

website they come in different models

the plastic titanium steel you get that

replaced you’re good to go she said she

was medium/large so okay yeah just a

medium or large would be fine I would

get one with you know durable because

they you don’t you don’t want to have

those give out but if you actually have

the gallbladder removed what that means

is now you have a direct tube from your

liver where it drains into the small

intestine so there’s no longer a storage

facility which means the concentration

that bile is not going to be as

concentrated as it was which means that

you’re going to be have a deficiency to

some degree which means that you’re

going to not be able to have the full

capacity to extract the full benefits

vitamin-a d e k omega-3 fatty acids eh a

and a lot of the other fats that you

need so at some point i would basically

start taking purified bile salts over

time you’re going to need that

especially if you notice like the stool

starts floating your vision starts going

bad at night because you’re starting to

show deficiency but that it might not

show up right away so i would take like

one purify bile salt tablet right after

you eat just to maintain that that bile

because it’s also a lubricant for the

colon so if you don’t have enough file

then you make it constipation just some

advice well that’s interesting and you

know i think that’s encouraging because

i bet a lot of listeners share my

ignorance I thought when you got your

gallbladder out that you no longer had

any bile but it’s just a storage spot is

that right so it’s all just a sack no

idea it’s a little sack that just stores

and concentrates bile to twenty times so

you and that’s for a reason and what’s

interesting is some people do even grow

the gall bladder back or at least

they’re remnants of the gall bladder so

that’s another possibility too yeah all

right so let’s go to Erin from Virginia

Fairfax right down the street

Erin are you there yes dr. Burke thank

you so much for your work

I actually was in Alexandria before ten

minutes from your location I have moved

to Fairfax then I came to know you okay

I have a couple questions yeah um I’m in

ketosis and while eating more protein

I get Kaylee an itchy scalp how to get

rid of it and probably it’s a related

question the next one how to get rid of

fungus or the bad bacteria from body and

only have good bacteria

okay so there’s this constant battle in

your immune system between the good and

bad fungus and bacteria and yeast and

Candida and this whole thing the best

way to do it there’s a couple ways you

want to make sure that your stomach is

very very acidic so I would start taking

the taint how to chloride or

outside of vinegar well both of them

probably and other certifiers too you

can do kombucha tea but we need to start

acidifying the stomach what will that do

that will allow or prevent the pathogens

from entering from the food into the

rest of the digestive tract so you

probably want to take that before the

meal and the other precursor for

hydrochloric acid would be just sea salt

so don’t omit salt the other thing to do

is to take a very good probiotic one

that I would recommend liquid and it

doesn’t get destroyed of the stomach

level because that probiotic will start

flourishing and prospering and not allow

the pathogens to have any space to live

anymore so it outcompetes the bad

bacteria a couple of things to take on a

regular basis would be regular oregano

thyme garlic these are herbs that you

can take to make the unfriendly bacteria

go bye-bye and the fact that you’re

bringing your carbs down way down low

will starve off definitely the fungus is

and the candida that live with sugar so

as long as you’re putting sugar in there

they will keep keep growing as far as

the protein goes that’s just a good

indication that you you need to lower

them out a protein that you eat increase

more vegetables I think your you’ll

start changing things around right off

the bat thanks Erin okay so how about

YouTube yeah

Android and that’s not a misspelling

that might be a nan de plume or

something but anyway Android as having

negative effects from daily coffee

consumption something that I can often

relate to

Wow that’s interesting because coffee is

supposed to be good for you now I I / I

abuse coffee in college and I drink pots

of a Cuban coffee

and at first I can get away with it and

then all of a sudden you know the amount

of coffee that I have now is literally

the smallest little cup and I do great

on that if I do more not good so I think

it’s the over consumption of coffee I

always make sure it’s organic coffee by

putting cream in it it’s organic cream I

do not do anything else but that

but coffee has caffeine and has other

things in it

it also has tannins that can irritate

certain people so you can try tea herb

tea green tea is probably a lot better

but I would definitely cut down the

amount just one a day yeah that’s what

I’m out key and general black tea that

you you know get R is that do you love

it and coffee yes it has less caffeine

it’s better for you and it is still a

stimulant so you can’t just keep

drinking it you know cuz you’re gonna

it’s going to keep you up at night Steve

you know any any friends you know that

have lower urinary tract type symptoms

like with urination prostates frequency

at night incomplete voiding well I’m 66

so without giving you TMI yes I’m I’m in

that camp and you know it is an issue

especially with clearing you know I’ve

up seven times a night that

do you know that 50% of all men that

reach 60 have those symptoms and 90% of

all men who are hit 90 basically wait

how did it go if you’re 90 years old

like 90% of men will have that symptom

so and that is interesting I’m gonna do

a video on that but I’m telling you that

is a problem with too much insulin and

insulin resistance so I want you to do a

scientific experiment Steve okay we

won’t get in the details but here’s what

I want you to do between now and next

week okay you ready for this first of

all you know monitor your urine how many

times you get up at night and bring your

carbohydrates down below 10 grams per

day it’s like almost like nothing no

carbs right all right and then notice

how many times you get up at night

you’re gonna find that it’s less and

less and less if any it completely just

handles that getting up at night thing

and for those of you that are listening

that are new to my channel just start

watching on my dr. burgher calm on the

blog channel it’s the first video how to

do keto how to do min fasting step one

two three watch those videos apply it

I’m telling you for men’s bladder issue

and urination issue it’s such a simple

simple thing to fix if you know how I

can’t hear you

sorry I’m going to start the experiment

right away and get into my lab coat and

begin the petri dish study you mean

after your last supper tonight now it’s

gonna start like right now all right

okay good all right so we’re gonna go to

Surrey from Toronto Kelly not California


are you there yeah what’s your question

I want to know like I’m teaching they

have formula capsules from your one yes

sir I do one meal a day sometime so if I

take that during the fasting time will

that be interrupting my fasting period

does it have Carol

wait good question absolutely not those

supplements you’re taking they have less

than one calorie so there is not going

to be any problem with interfering in

fact I recommend take your supplements

on an empty stomach

most of them and you’ll find that and

let’s relate it to digestion they’ll

probably work a little bit better so

yeah no problem you can take them

whenever you want so I can I have to

take it two times a day like a morning

and an evening would be fine

that would be fine yes fine that’s great

doctor I have been watching your videos

and you are just awesome I I was trying

to convey this in many ways like email

but I could not reach you in any way so

finally I somehow it is the first time

that I have ever gone and alive or I

have tried doing this in my entire life

why would you ask such a great person

and then I made all the effort that I

could do reach and talk to you you are

just awesome your videos are like a

biology like I always have been

interesting learning a lot of things and

then learning science and stuff but your

clouds your videos are like really

awesome I wish you all the factors that

may you live longer like doing all the

good things to everybody you are such an

awesome for something it’s so much I

appreciate all what you’re doing you’ll

be healthy so that you can help a lot of

other people so I got to give you a

longer healthier life so that you can

help so many other people out there you

deserve that doctor thank you so much

thank you well I care what first

first-time caller Siri has done

tremendously well you know the thing

about you know she just she started keto

she’s getting results the benefits what

we’re doing now Steve is we’re actually

putting together these really many

little courses putting a lot of them

together and we’re gonna have him on the

site very soon so we can kind of

organize the information in a way that

you can find it easier and retain it

better so right now my main focus is on

little courses that you can do digital

courses so stay tuned and if anyone is

you know interest in a specific topic

let me know because I’m

always open to creating different

courses and in areas that you know you

might be too interested in so thank you

so much all right Steve you have a

question I certainly do

let’s say wait I’m gonna go to the main

sheet here and that’s Brian and he wants

to know what a good substitute for

yoghurt might be well do you know they

have the the yogurts that are made out

of almonds and things like that cashews

but you still have to they add a bunch

of stuff in there like a lot of the gums

to make them thicker you could try a

kefir that is plain maybe from a

goalkeeper you can try some of that that

would be alternative to yogurt yogurt

doesn’t really give you as many benefits

I mean that you might think it’s a lot

of its digested at the stomach level

kefir is much much better and that’s

what I would go for if I were you if

you’re looking for the the microbes the

friendly bacteria alright let’s go to

Susan from st. Paul Minneapolis are you


or Minnesota hi dr. Berg hi I’m calling

feeling just a little panicky I’ve been

doing keto and intermittent fasting

since last August and I have yet to be

in ketosis recently I was at my doctor’s

office my mom and I know about

cholesterol I know about the different

kinds and the measurements but mine has

gone from in December from 385 to 471 so

that’s what I’m really scared about and

December my triglycerides were actually

good at 122 they have doubled and my

good cholesterol has gone down and

recently I have had been when I first

started keto I was off of my blood sugar

I took myself off my blood sugar

medication my diabetes medication and

was doing very very well but mine now my

blood sugars have gone up and I have

gamed waved back okay I just don’t know

what to do from here okay so I have a

question from you yeah yesterday how

many meals did you eat yesterday I ate

one meal and what did you eat that meal

I had salad and I had some spaghetti

squash and that was all that’s it

is there anything that you’re eating

that borders on like not that great I

think yes I haven’t introduced one thing

and I don’t know that I can mention the

product name but it is a weight-loss

product that is very low in carbs but

it’s high in fact okay what is your

blood Sugar’s running your you check

your blood Sugar’s yes morning of course

I understand about dawn phenomenom they

are now regularly over 200 and any time

after I eat they’re well over 200 ok and

then do you when you have that one meal

a day are you hungry or not um actually

I have not been no but once I start

eating them I feel hungry

right ok so this is this would be my

advice for you ok you’re ready that are

you ready for this I am ok there’s two

things I there’s one principle that I

always always always recommend and that

is don’t eat unless you’re hungry ok so

what’s happening is you’re not hungry

guess what your body is trying to burn

your fat and then you eat and it stops

burning fat because it’ll increase

insulin you obviously your system is

very very sensitive right now and you

probably still in the woods not out of

the woods with related to insulin

resistance so you I would bet anything

if you went to the doctor and get a

fasting insulin test it would be high

and with severe insulin resistance so

but probably because the pancreas is

getting tired too the blood sugar is

going up up up so two things one is I

would fast longer so you’re eating once

every other day and then keep checking

your Sugar’s and see what happens from

that but make sure you take the neutral

while you’re fasting B vitamins vitamin

D trace minerals and also beaver just

two regular minerals - because we don’t

know if you’re deficient so that’s what

I would do number one and number two I

would get coaching from someone like the

group that they have let’s see some of

the key dough doctors out there and I

have a I might have some of my website

but there’s some like this cardiologist

that will coach people I would hire some

one of those guys and maybe dr. Fung has

a group that you can be connected and

have that backup doctor to you know

regulate things and you know help you

with your medication and then also

attend our summit because I have two

cardiologists are going to talk about

this that’s what I would do right now

because I think the blood sugars are the

main issue to try to resolve that but I

think the long-term longer-term fasting

is going to help you but you need more

of a a coach on this to handle some of

the medical questions but I think it’s I

think there’s a way to do this so you

can actually control things but you just

need to tweak it and you need more

supervision thanks Susan for your call

all right Steve ready for your question

when you’re right absolutely so oops we

better go to face book of Marguerite is

Quito good for an underactive thyroid

underactive yes yeah it’s it’s you know

that people are so concerned about the

thyroid with keto and intermittent

fasting that the main thing is that your

your thyroid won’t have to work as hard

when you start doing the keto and I mean

fast and because you’re using a fuel

source that’s more efficient and your

your requirements for calories go down

because your metabolism is is just it’s

not excessively burning glucose anymore

you’re burning fat which has more energy

per volume so your your system is gonna

be more efficient so the the thyroid

need to work is going to come down and

if you the key thing is making sure you

have the right nutrients when you eat so

make sure it’s the healthy version of

keto with all the nutrients and I think

that should benefit a thyroid what’s

usually behind most thyroid conditions

it’s Hashimoto’s it’s autoimmune and

that’s not even a thyroid problem per se

it’s an immune problem and the fasting

is like that one of the best things you

can do for that with some additional

things zinc selenium and vitamin D and

that’s all I’m saying about that Steve

okay well we’ll keep rolling let’s go to

Mohammed on YouTube and he wants to know

the best treatment for a SIBO whatever

that is SIBO is small intestinal

bacterial overgrowth and that’s a

situation where the microbes the

friendly microbes that should be in the

large intestine now have moved up to the

small intestine and they shouldn’t be

there because if they’re there then when

you eat especially like fiber or even

probiotics then what’s gonna happen is

you’re you’re gonna get a lot of

bloating and gas from in the wrong place

and you’re gonna feel oh my gosh this

feels terrible what happens with those

microbes now is they’re they’re

competing for all your food and

nutrients so they kind of create

nutritional deficiencies because most of

the digestion and absorption of

nutrients happens at the small intestine

so not on the large intestine so you

basically have the microbes kind of

robbing this nutrition so you alright to

make a long story short what do you do

about it what you do is you go on

carnivore for about one to two months

you bring cut out the vegetables

increase the acid in the stomach

hydrochloric acid like pertain how the

chloride do a lot of that and then also

take a natural antibiotic like oregano

tablets and that will help to kill off

some of this these microbes but the key

is fasting you need to fast like one one

meal a day that will that will help all

right okay sounds great so let’s uh

move on to Facebook Deann I have low

tolerance for veggies any suggestions

please yeah there’s a lot of things in

vegetables that people may be sensitive

to but not the great majority of the

population just certain people for

example there are lectins in certain

foods I’ve done videos on this there’s

oxalates and other like spinach and

rhubarb Kiwis which you’re not supposed

to be eating and almonds too in

chocolate which is you know not what

you’re probably talking about but

vegetables themselves you’re gonna have

to find something that that agrees with

you especially if there’s a digestive

issue now some people do better without

vegetables in which case you need to

maybe do carnivore for a while until you

can do your system in place but the if

you’re bloating all the time then don’t

keep eating them but you could try

fermented you can try a lesser amount

you can try different types like some

people have no problem with like some

romaine lettuce or leafy greens but they

have a huge problem with kale

I personally can do very well on cabbage

cabbage is probably one of the best

things for someone with ulcers or

gastritis but I cannot do broccoli at

all so I avoid it interesting okay so

this is so interesting maybe only

because I’m interested this is on

YouTube Mimi wants to know how people

who are slim get insulin resistance and

I always thought it was sort of a

blubber issue well if you’re just

because your metabolism is fast doesn’t

mean you can’t get insulin resistance I

mean I was I had insulin resistance and

I was like a beanpole and in high school

in college so it’s how much sugar you

consume what’s gonna happen is you’re

gonna you’re going to burn off some of

that but it’s also you’re gonna get

visceral fat that’s hidden and tucked


it’s called skinny fat deep into the

liver and around the organs that you

can’t really see until later in life so

but so many people have

some resistance and are thin and think

they’re fine because they don’t have a

weight problem it’s not always the

weight a good test to determine this is

can you go from one meal to the next and

feel comfortable or do you feel oh my

gosh I need a snack right there we know

there’s a problem versus looking down

and having a gut it’s not always the

best indicator if it’s the it’s the

hunger and the ability not to be hungry

that is the biggest thing

okay now I’m the social media advocate

today so forgive me if I’m being a

little pushy but I’m just gonna roll

through so we’re gonna go back to

Facebook and go to Nene is that right

Nene wants to know the best treatment

for deep vein thrombosis well you’re

never getting pushy with those questions

today but that’s fine deep through a

vein thrombosis

anytime you deal with something like

that the first thing I’m gonna ask you

is are you on keto are you doing in a

minute fasting if not get those in don’t

even worry about the the vascular issues

one of the best things to support the

veins would be foods high in vitamin C

and I’m talking about leafy greens and

good amounts of them what will block

vitamin C from your tissue Steve is

consuming glucose or sugar if you have

glucose or sugar with vitamin C vitamin

C will not go in your body why because

there are similar chemistry the other

thing is that if you have like deep vein

thrombosis or other issues with

circulation the liver could be involved

especially even when you have a like

this venous issue like a hemorrhoids for

example that’s a liver issue so it all

comes back to the liver doesn’t it

all right you get some more questions

I’m gonna go tuturro from Calgary Canada

are you there yes I am hi hi my question

is actually I’m sitting here with my

wife and she is experiencing extreme

exhaustion and no matter what is that

just terribly she get really really

tired and we watch one of your videos

last night and you talked about what

needs to be done so in the video you

mentioned high dose vitamin

and I just want you to talk about how

we’re gonna go taking that and maybe

chicken as well so I have a question is

she on keto and or in a minute fasting

yet we did we started doing it and then

when we want to test the doctor told we

she actually got a really high

cholesterol and then she instead of

taking the cholesterol medications you

stop doing the keto for now okay so let

me just talk about that for a second

because the first thing and I hope you

can see my video but this is I want to

make sure you’re doing it the healthy

version of keto because if you do it

includes a lot of high quality foods and

a lot of greens that will counter some

of the cholesterol issues and watch my

video on cholesterol because it could be

that the the fat self what the goal of

one of the cute goals Iquitos to lose

weight right Steve so we want to

actually lose weight and when when you

lose weight your fat cells actually

shrink and what’s in the fat cell is

both triglycerides and cholesterol and

guess what’s going to have to come out

of the hot cells eventually cholesterol

so your cholesterol might go up so

that’s a good thing and so you if you

actually are successful in doing that

and you think there’s a problem and it’s

unsuccessful and then you stop because

of that that’s a big mistake

there’s so many programs with the

Advocate is sort of lumpy or something

and it’s really hard to take them

seriously but you guys have full heads

of hair your skin looks great you’re a

healthy weight you’re energetic so

clearly if you’re following the

recommendations of your program which we

can see that you are this really can’t

improve people’s lives and looks and

those that don’t probably are missing

something because you guys are a hundred

percent the how do you measure up models

of is

Hey would you want to go to a dentist

that has miss has really bad teeth okay

would you want to get marriage

counselling from some of us never been

married no okay so here’s the other

question because tyrs had a question

about this fatigue his wife is tired so

yet you want to get back on key don’t

want to lower the carbs okay for sure

because the blood sugar issue will

instantly cause you to be tired but

there’s there’s a couple of the reasons

why you might be tired one would be a

severe vitamin D deficiency so I would

start taking about 20,000 I use about

M&D daily for a while make sure you take

the key to in there and I have videos on

that but that should help you now let’s

see it doesn’t then there’s a there’s a

chronic infection going on probably

epstein-barr virus and that is related

to stress some stressor is in the

background that is keeping the immune

system suppressed that’s like so common

so if there is a stressful situation you

need to isolate it nip it in the butt as

fast as possible there’s other things

you can do too like you could take them

oregano oil garlic to help this chronic

infection usually it’s epstein-barr it

affects the fatigue you’re like always

tired but I’m telling you the stress

thing is at the top of the list so those

are some things I would do and don’t

forget to try also vitamin b1 because b1

will really bring your energy up that’s

a nutritional yeast all right thanks for

your question

all right let’s see we want to go to

crystal from Pennsylvania are there

crystal yes hi dr. Berg thanks taking my

call sure um so my question is actually

about your supplements you’re a

wheatgrass juice the electrolytes and

the nutritional you tonight consume all

three of these while I’m in my fasting

window okay go ahead no I’m sorry I’ll

let you answer that and then I’ll come

back to my second make you that question

so absolutely yeah

the new supplements that you’re taking

have hardly any calories even the

wheatgrass juice powder has so small

calories because it’s so concentrated

like less than one gram per serving so

it’s not going to affect your fasting in

fact it’s going to prevent you having

problems with fasting especially like

symptoms and especially fainting any of

that so it’s gonna fortify it because we

don’t know going into that fast if you

have all the nutrients you need because

you’re not going to eating so you’re a

lot of times if it’s everything’s

magnified when you do fasting so yeah

you can take them for sure okay great

thank you back on question when is the

best time to take all those three I

guess especially the electrolyte because

I I have been experiencing with in my

instrument and fasting window

tachycardia which is common for me so I

just wanted to know should I be drinking

my electrolytes first thing in the

morning yeah yeah what I do is I mix the

electrolytes with the wheatgrass juice

powder in the morning I take those in

the morning and that way okay they kind

of work there’s one more thing about

tachycardia or palpitations or even

arrhythmias that I do want to mention

especially if you’re in Quito and I will

be releasing a video on this yes it

could be definitely could be the lack of

electrolytes for sure potassium

magnesium however there’s a couple other

things when people deal with keto they

sometimes eat more chocolate even though

it’s keto friendly and chocolate has

theobromine in caffeine which tends to

create this arrhythmia issue that people

have it could even increase the pulse

rate also if you’re deficient and be one

that can also increase the pulse rate

FYI so you want to take the nutritional

yeast there’s also if you’re doing a lot

of coffee that can increase the pulse

rate but there’s one more thing and that

is related to gall bladder they’ve done

EKGs CG readings on this whether looking

at the endocardial gram and they found

abnormal patterns with this heart Tracy

that are related to a sluggish gall

bladder gall stones some issue with the

GALT the bile ducts and I already knew

that and being in practice so a lot of

times if you are doing too much fat or

maybe doing like added fat that can put

stress in the gall bladder and create

tachycardia or rhythm problems so just

be aware of that and watch my video on

the gall bladder to do the flushing on

that and don’t forget don’t forget about

the gall bladder okay all right good

question what this is an interesting and

timely question from Facebook saiad

Syed’s gives me should people with kovat

19 stop hito an if’ and of course i can

jump in there real quickly I could not

eat a thing so in terms of intermittent

fasting you know I could have done a

two-week fast because I just second I

put something in my mouth I just didn’t

want another bike so and then of course

I don’t see any reason why I should have

stuffed down donuts during Kobe which I

did not do well when you when you get

the covet then you need to go back to

carbs right listen what what is the

print what is the biggest risk factor

it’s people with metabolic problems what

is that that is a problem with insulin

resistance that’s a problem with sugar

like if you want to worsen the kovat

experience start doing carbs I just did

a video on the relationship between high

blood sugar and your immune system when

you watch that video you’re gonna find

that high blood sugar literally

paralyzes and shuts down your immune

system take a look at a diabetic they’re

getting infections all over the place

they’re susceptible to viruses and

bacterial infections why because of the

high sugar so I will be doing more

videos on that but no you want to stay

on keto now intimate fasting the reason

why your appetite goes away is your body

is naturally trying to fight it off and

so it’s very very important that you if

you’re not hungry don’t eat especially

if you have a virus infection you know

what’s interesting about that I’ve been

looking at some other additional

research on

starvation and even people that have

anorexia not that you should do that at

all but the point is that when someone

is enter X anorexic their immune system

they don’t seem to have immune problems

at first anyway until later which is

interesting you would think if you start

to like not eat that your immune system

would you start having getting sick

apparently what happens when you don’t

eat there’s so many different survival

mechanisms in place it activates this

survival gene that then turns off like

it like makes your immune system not not

necessarily be weak again I’m not

recommending that okay let’s go to Noel

from Virginia are you there yes I have a

always had a strange reaction to

fermented liquids specifically apple

cider vinegar your probiotic kombucha

alcohol and I just get like on like an

instant headache or neck ache sometimes

it can go down my whole body have you

ever heard of that

yes that sounds like you have a

histamine intolerance do you ever hear

that yeah yeah I will release a video on

that it means that there’s an enzyme

you’re missing in your liver and so

you’re not able to break down these

histamines which are basically higher in

fermented foods okay and that’s what’s

kind of going to create the headache so

there is something you can do about it

you can wait till I release the video or

you can just basically there’s a couple

things you can do that enzyme is present

in a couple supplements out there one

would be a it’s a kidney extract an

actual kidney bovine kidney and you

would take that grass-fed of course you

can eat kidney and it has an enzyme to

help lower the histamines there’s

several other things I’m going to

recommend but probiotics are very very


avoiding that right now is what you’re

gonna have to do to prevent the high

histamine this is just something that

you’re you know it’s a liver thing and

it’s just hitting it’s called histamine

and tolerance okay so for now just avoid

those and then that do the grass-fed

kidney bovine it yeah yeah there’s a

mend a couple things so in fact I will

release that video probably tomorrow or

Monday sustained stay tuned and then

you’ll you’ll see exactly what’s going

on okay alright thank you so much you’re

welcome okay doc so Katherine has been

waiting very patiently in YouTube land

and she wants to know what normal blood

sugar levels are please well normal

blood sugar levels if you’re not on keto

should be like eighty eighty would be

perfect okay but once you get in Quito

in a minute fasting they come down

fasting blood sugars come down to like

seventy even sixty and that’s the new


why because you’re not eating sugar so

your body is adjusting it’s not a bad

thing now some people say oh you have

hypoglycemia yeah but you feel fine and

that’s because you’re running on ketones

so it’s between like sixty and eighty

now as it starts to go up I’ve done some

earlier videos that your blood sugar

should be a little higher like ninety or

hundred but I changed my viewpoint that

when you start keto and fasting it’s

going to come down but pre-diabetes gets

like from 100 to like 125 and then over

126 or more then you get into the

diabetes now what’s happening now Steve

well before you get pre-diabetes and

diabetes what happening what happened

what’s happening is you have this high

level of sugar in the diet but it’s

being buffered by this filter it’s

called insulin but glucose is toxic of

course but so is insulin too much of it

so your body starts developing

resistance to the insulin so now your

body has to make more to penetrate this

barrier to regulate the blood sugars so

if per

10 to 15 years your blood sugars are

normal and you got this filter going on

insulin resistance with all these other

issues you’re getting all the symptoms

until eventually your pancreas goes down

oh my gosh I’m just so tired and then it

can’t pump out the insulin anymore and

then the blood sugars go up there’s no

more control

no more filter so that’s really what’s

happening so just because you have

normal blood sugars does not mean

everything’s cool the main thing is get

on keto intermittent fasting right off

the bat and that way you can prevent

this whole pre and pre-diabetes

situation all right so I’m gonna go to


and yeah okay hi how are you hi dr.

Burke sorry thank you for taking my call

sure I have a baby 11 months and I

wanted to know if I can give him

nutritional yeast and fermented food

like kefir

also how to deal with his adenoids and

heart murmur because he sweats a lot

when I feed him and when he plays the

Lord okay you know I did a video on that

if you have excessive sweating that’s

usually he needs more sea salt that

should actually calm that down or

actually handle that as well as

b-vitamins which is nutritionally so yes

you can give him nutritional yeast for

sure are you breastfeeding formula but I

just give him to two bottles a day only

only okay yeah that’d be good yeah the

problem with the formulas are it’s just

so high in carbs it’s so bad honestly

this is just between you and me and the

four walls don’t mention anyone I told

you this but if I were you I would find

out the local LH a leak and get some

actual real breast milk I’m going to

tell you why breast milk for infants and

up to six months minimum

but even two years with the ideal is one

of the top things you can do for that

future of your child’s health because of

the amount of immune factors and the

body’s going through support friendly

bacteria that just prevents so many

other issues unfortunately the the

formulas are just pure garbage so some

of the best foods that you can give your

child right now of course if you can get

some of that breast milk I I would not

personally do anything synthetic like

formulas that have chemicals in them or

a lot of glucose

I would instead do eggs with egg yolk

especially I would do maybe some stews

with some there’s a really good summer

sausage that has no glucose or dextrose

that we give glue see so it has like

different combinations it’s higher in

fat do really really good on that

occasionally we do berries for Lucy but

she does cheese grass-fed cheese she

does some pate sometimes like liver

would try to do that some meats and

she’s just thriving of course she is

doing a still some breast milk but not a

lot but she’s weaning off but she’s

still doing that it’s incredibly strong

immune system so nutritional yeast is

very very important and seeking go to

call that to a little HEA League down

the street alright so anyway I’m

heartbroken social media has trusted me

today and I tried to get as many of

their questions as I could but I’ve

fallen short there’s still some left but

we’ve got good news I’m gonna pop up

right now

the doctor Berg comm site where they can


answers to many of the questions as you

said routinely correct doctor yeah so

all these questions guys are actually in

my YouTube videos the problem is finding

them if you’re gonna find them a much

better if you go to dr. Byrd calm the

blog and do in the search bar because

you know in YouTube unfortunately and

like this started last October it’s

harder to find my videos even if you

search by my name they put a bunch of

other doctors out there so I’m a little

bit like curious what’s going on with

YouTube it’s just finding the right

information even when you type my name I

need to go to Mohamed he’s been waiting

patiently Pennsylvania are you there yes

I’m here doctor thanks for taking the

call sure my quick question is that I

heard a lot of videos and you told us

there’s a deficiencies of different

vitamins you know and but because most

of them have a 7 a deficiency you told

us you know how many minimum

deficiencies can indicate you are

deficient for that vitamin and also my

question is that if we have only one or

two symptoms it’s mean that we are start

deficient for that special supplement

you know how do you how do we know that

we are deficient or this one if you have

one or two symptoms there’s somebody

maximum it’s a very very very difficult

question because you have two types of

deficiency you have what’s called a

franc deficiency or your classical which

you’re like severely you know deficient

in certain things like scurvy for

example Pro leg rub berry berry these

are all major deficiencies vitamin d and

vitamin b2 and b1 those you just have to

understand the symptoms okay but the

ones that are way more common are the

subclinical deficiencies and you mean

unless you understand the symptoms you

may not know that you even have it so

it’s really a matter of understanding

the symptoms and then trying it out

because if you’re fatigued for example

that could come from like 20 or 30 or 40

different things because that could be

come and invited my C deficiency about a

B deficiency so you want to be able to

kind of

get clues and try things out but you

know instead of doing that you just get

your diet right and and then you go from

there because that should solve things

but here’s the problem the RDAs are only

meant to prevent a deficiency not

maintain a healthy body so here you are

trying oh I got my this much nutrition

for this vitamin these RDAs but guess

what if you have other problems blood

sugar issues stress inflammation lack of

sleep the requirement for that nutrient

is much higher so when I do videos when

I talk about nutritional efficiencies or

I keep hammering over and over vitamin D

potassium b1 the reason I’m doing that

is because these are the ones that

people need the most and they’re the

most efficient and you need to emphasize

those versus other ones you don’t have

to worry about too much like iron

deficiency with men because they hope

they retain that sodium deficiency

usually you don’t worry about that so

these are just points to think with I

will be doing more videos on vitamins

because it’s an interesting topic but

thanks for your call guys before we go I

want to say that we’re doing this

amazing summit digitally it’s going to

be remote virtual at the end of November

definitely sign up the speakers now are

are getting ready for this event it’s

going to be really hot so to be Saturday

and half a day Sunday and you can watch

from your own home there’s a video

there’s a there’s links on my website

all over in the YouTube channel I

appreciate your attention so much stay

tuned for some really interesting videos

this week and I’ll see you in the next


