The BEST Motivation to Lose Weight | DrEricBergDC

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so let’s talk about motivation and weight loss  there’s a lot of people that just don’t have the  

motivation to get started to lose weight now i’ve  done a survey on this i found some interesting  

information so i want to share with you the  number one reason why people want to lose weight  

is they want to look better in their clothes  shocking right number two they want to be around  

for their grandkids so they want to extend their  lives number three they want to feel healthier  

number four they want to reduce their risk for  getting a health problem so it could be they  

want to avoid getting diabetes or cancer  or some other health problem number five  

they want to be able to get it from a seated  position or when they’re kneeling on the ground  

because when they get up they’re so heavy that the  knees are bothering them okay number six they want  

to reduce their medications so all these answers  are the survey results of about 2 000 people  

and i did this a few years ago but these  are the main reasons why people want to  

lose weight now there’s many things that stop a  person they have bad habits they like snacking  

they like sweets they like carbohydrates i’ve  done a million videos on these topics but i want  

to tell you um two stories real quick on two  patients which is actually quite fascinating  

because when i was in clinic i had the opportunity  to talk to a lot of people and i was specializing  

weight loss so i had a lot of people come in that  were grossly overweight and i’ll never forget  

this one lady came in and she was literally  over 350 pounds and i was always curious why  

she didn’t start a lot earlier why is she  starting right now at what point did she decide  

that’s it i’m ready to start what motivated her  she was walking down the street and she looked  

down and she saw a shadow of someone that was very  very large and then she realized that was herself  

so i said wow that’s incredible so didn’t you  at the time look at yourself couldn’t you see  

yourself in the mirror she goes no i never  looked at myself i had no idea i was this big  

and that was interesting because after that  i would ask people that question and there’s  

quite a few people who had this were in the same  situation they weren’t really aware of their own  

body and how much weight they have gained until  one day they they see a shadow of themselves or  

a reflection in the mirror and they’re like what  the heck happened so that’s what motivated her  

so before i get to the next story i want to tell  you the absolute best motivator to help you lose  

weight okay it’s pretty expensive go to the store  and buy a full length mirror and hang it up in  

your bathroom and every single day while you’re  naked look at yourself front and center to the  

side and to the back if you do that every day i  promise you you will have the motivation to start  

a weight loss program all right second story this  lady came in very much overweight and she started  

talking about her history of being overweight and  at one time she had a very nice body and she was  

very attractive but here’s the thing she didn’t  like all the attention she got you know she had  

walked on the street and people would whistle at  her and she hated that and that’s when she decided  

to gain weight why to avoid getting attention  become grossly overweight problem solved right  

well that solution became a problem as she  got older because she started getting high  

blood pressure she’s a diabetic right now and so  that was her motivation to come see me but it was  

interesting to find out the original reason  is just avoiding attention so i said to her  

what’s going to happen now that you lose weight  and you start looking better and you start getting  

attention is that going to be a problem she goes  no i’m actively and aggressively looking for  

someone i want a relationship i’ve been lonely  my entire life and i’m ready for a relationship  

i said great okay so let’s let’s get started  all right the next point i want to bring up is  

when someone starts a weight loss program a lot  of times they’ll start with the exercise before  

the diet so what’s more important the exercise  or the diet well exercise only gives you 15 of  

the results with weight loss diet is 85 percent  i would highly recommend starting with the diet  

first then start the exercise if you can do both  that would be great but if you just start with the  

exercise without the diet you’re going to be  frustrated you’re not going to see the results  

and it’s going to be hard to continue because the  diet is so important with weight loss but let’s  

say for example you have a hard time with the diet  you just can’t change your diet at this time but  

you want to lose weight what do you do you do  intermittent fasting one meal a day even though  

you’re not doing keto doing intermittent fasting  will be better than nothing and it will help you  

and a lot of people will lose weight then over  time you can gradually phase into healthy keto  

and intermittent fasting all right there’s your  tips thanks for watching hey before you go real  

quick i have a course entitled how to bulletproof  your immune system it’s a free course i want you  

to take it and here’s why here’s you here is  your environment everyone is focused on this  

over here avoiding your environment but what about  here what about strengthening your immune system  

that’s what’s missing this course will show  you how to bulletproof yourself and so you  

can tolerate and resist your environment much  better by strengthening your own immune system  

i put a link down in the description right  down below check it out and get signed up today