The 15 Benefits of MCT Oil (Medium Chain Triglyceride) – Dr.Berg | DrEricBergDC

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let’s talk about some really amazing

benefits using MCT oil first of all what

is MCT oil it’s medium chain

triglycerides it’s a unique oil that

will not just turn into ketones very

rapidly and give you energy but it has

the ability to bypass certain digestive

processes as compared to other fats so

in other words you don’t need bile from

the gallbladder to help you digest MCT

oil it just goes straight in so you can

use it so it has the ability of spiking


now a couple drawbacks to MCT oil when

you first start consuming it it could

give you some digestive troubles or pain

in your abdomen so you always want to

consume small amounts maybe a half of a

teaspoon at first and then slowly go up

to a teaspoon or maybe a tablespoon the

other challenge is that it may have a

laxative effect on you but for most

people it’s a very mild thing despite

all the positive things when you consume

MCT oil your body is going to turn that

into ketones not necessarily your own

body fat so it may slow down your weight

loss but it’s a really good thing to

start out with to allow you to do in a

minute fasting especially in the morning

so when you put in your coffee for

example you’ll be able to go a lot

longer without having to eat so it’s

very satisfying and the last negative

thing about it is that it’s a refined

product it doesn’t have a lot of

nutrients so it basically is used for

fuel so in addition to MCT oil you want

to eat healthy too you don’t want to

just consume MCT oil to get you in

ketosis without you know considering all

the nutrients that you need all right

that being said one of the benefits well

first of all you’re gonna have a better

brain function especially if your brain

is damaged and you’re having Alzheimer’s

or epilepsy or Parkinson’s the ketones

generated from MCT oil will penetrate

the brain and you’ll have better

cognition memory focus concentration

okay number two increase energy so

you’re gonna have more energy especially

in the head

all right so that’s a good benefit

number three better lipid profile

because MCT oil has no carbohydrates

despite it being a fat you’re gonna find

it doesn’t increase insulin and your

cholesterol is going to look better the

LDL is gonna look better the HDL is

going to look better now number four

lowered blood sugar so this is really

good to help stabilize someone if they

have if they’re a pre-diabetic or

diabetes or they have insulin resistance

so it’s gonna help your blood Sugar’s

why because the body is gonna be running

on ketones not blood sugar so it takes

the stress off the pancreas alright

number five reduced hunger this is a

huge benefit your hunger is gonna go

away it’s gonna make doing this program

a lot easier so I always recommend it

especially in the beginning just to

increase the time between meals so you

can fast longer number six decrease

lactate that’s generated after exercise

so if you’re an athlete and you need

endurance what will short-circuit that

is the amount of lactic acid and lactate

that is produced and that’s gonna cause

a problem with cramping in the muscle so

if you can run more on ketones from MCT

oil you’ll be able to decrease this and

have more endurance so your performance

will be much better number seven

decrease epileptic episodes so if you

have epilepsy and you’re getting these

seizures ketones will bypass the part of

the brain that’s damaged and you will

reduce these episodes alright number

eight improve cardiovascular function if

you have congestive heart failure

angina atrial fibrillation any problem

with the heart especially the heart

muscle itself ketones from MCT oil will

bypass the damaged heart cells and feed

the heart ketones directly and your

heart will be very very happy and it’ll

function better alright number nine it

decreases the symptoms of autism because

there’s usually some damaged part of the

brain that is causing this problem and

so by adding ketones

like I said with this point right here

if you have Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s

or autism taking ketones will be very

beneficial to help reduce the symptoms

all right ten MCT oil has antimicrobial

properties so if you have Candida or

some viruses or a fungus this would be

the thing to do now as a side note when

you consume coconut oil it has lauric

acid which is really good for the immune

system so if you had a microbial problem

you might want to do just straight

coconut oil because it has some benefits

from something called lauric acid and it

has additional medium chain

triglycerides that would benefit you

alright number eleven MCT oil has

anti-inflammatory properties so it’s

going to help reduce inflammation

ketones are anti-inflammatory ketones

are they act as an antioxidant so it’s

going to help you and that’s the next

one it gives you antioxidant properties

which is going to counter the free

radical damage thirteen it’s going to

increase the mood so not only are you

going to improve the cognitive function

but your overall mood will go up because

your brain is happier 14 increase the

absorption of fat cyber vitamins fat

type of vitamins get absorbed with other

oils and fats that you consume so if you

were to take your cod liver oil for

example or any type of fat soluble

vitamins whether it’s vitamin E or k2

while you’re taking MCT oil this MCT oil

will help the absorption it will also

help the absorption of the DHA and EPA

those are omega-3 fatty acids and 15

taking MCT oil will make the transition

into a full ketosis much smoother

because it’ll give the brain more

ketones and you’re gonna have less brain

fog and it’ll allow you to transition

smoother because sometimes when you

transition over especially like the

first day or second day you’re not going

to be in a hundred percent ketosis

you’ll be like 30% 40% 50% so take

MCT oil gives you the ketones that will

make you feel like you’re in 100%

ketosis all right there you have it the

15 benefits of MCT oil if you’re liking

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