How To Fix Enlarged Prostate Explained By Dr. Berg | DrEricBergDC

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all right guys we’re gonna talk about the prostate  there’s a lot of false information about prostate  

number one this this theory out there that they  say that too much testosterone especially the  

most powerful type of testosterone which is DHT  causes in a large prostate well if that was true  

then why is it that the certain doctors use DHT  as a therapy to shrink the prostate it’s not true  

that too much prostate have too much testosterone  causes enlargement of the prostate simply because  

as you age testosterone goes down so why would  you have an enlarged prostate if you get older  

it’s basically the estrogen testosterone and  estrogen work together when you lower testosterone  

you raise estrogen estrogen is an anabolic hormone  it makes things enlarged in a female it will make  

a fibroid tumor okay and a male body enlarge the  prostate so if you have prostate enlargement it’s  

because you have too much estrogen now where does  estrogen come from well first of all your body can  

make it or it can come from the foods that you  eat the glands that make estrogen in a male body  

are the adrenal glands so there’s also your own  fat can make estrogen so the fatter you are the  

more estrogen you can have and so we must reduce  estrogen okay a couple ways to do it is avoid  

food that has estrogen in it you have hormone free  meets all the GMO foods genetically modified soy  

corn beet sugar that are in the grocery store that  are not labeled they are very estrogenic because  

they’re loaded with a pesticide that mimics  estrogen so unless you’re doing organic food  

you’re getting a lot of GMO food which is then  going to increase estrogen amounts now estrogen  

it causes cancer it causes prostate cancer that  causes cancer of the cervix and females and breast  

tissue and thyroid cancer it’s pretty nasty so  luckily there are foods that naturally detoxify  

things that turn into cancer and estrogen itself  and it’s called cruciferous foods that would be  

like the kale that broccoli or the brussel sprouts  the cabbage the radish arugula you need to start  

eating those okay if you have a hard time eating  those do regular vegetables and you can enhance  

it with like a cruciferous concentrate okay  you can use that as well and this has all the  

cruciferous with some other ones but if you have  a prostate problem I’ll go take probably six of  

these a day okay so that’s one thing you can do  the other thing you can do is take seek help in  

the morning take one one tablet seek help will  also reduce estrogen it’s really good for the  

thyroid too and it’s good for if you have cold  feet okay so number two or reduce aroma taste  

what is a Roma taste that is an enzyme that’s made  by your body that converts the testosterone that  

you have left in estrogen great so that’s that’s  nothing that’s happening to is that we’re actually  

converting testosterone and making your body’s are  making more estrogen that’s crazy so having a lot  

of estrogen is very carcinogenic it’s it’s going  to increase your risk factors for cancer so there  

are even medications that are aromatase inhibitors  okay to fix cancer or to kill cancer but you want  

to use the natural things that are aroma taste  inhibitors and the best one that I know of is  

stinging nettle root stinging nettle root is an  a great plant or a root that you can get as a  

tablet form and you want to actually double the  dosage it’s great also as an anti-inflammatory  

it’s great to prevent hair loss so this is like an  awesome thing for the prostate consider it better  

than some of the saw palmetto stuff that you would  get in some supplements but if you have prostate  

this is the one you need to get and you’ll start  noticing something like it changes okay if you  

get up to pee at night that should improve with  the insulin correction as well because that’s  

really a one of the side effects from insulin  is excessive urination at night so as you fix  

the blood sugars you also pee less so it may come  from prostate enlargement or it could come from  

the blood sugar issues okay hope this helped  apply it and I will see you in the next video