Absent-Minded? How to Stop It! Absent Mindedness & Forgetfulness Cure – Dr.Berg | DrEricBergDC

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Do you ever feel absent-minded let me show you how to stop it what is being

absent-minded it’s basically a lapse of awareness you’re forgetful easily

distracted and all of this occurs because your neurons your brain cells

are tired and they’re basically starving for energy you see the neurons are

usually dependent on glucose or lactate okay these are fuel sources but what

happens is when you consume those fuels they have a bit of a side effect because

cognitive dysfunction as well as absent-minded good thing that your body

can use another type of fuel and that fuel is called what was that umm let me

think oh that’s right ketones that’s right

ketones suppress glucose consumption or utilization let me explain if there is

ketones and glucose in your blood okay so here’s your blood vessel you have

ketones and glucose glucose will not be utilized by your brain because ketones

prevent glucose from being utilized if there’s ketones in your blood now in the

rest of the body it’s the exact opposite if you’re trying to get into ketosis or

you’re taking ketones then you eat some carbohydrate and you have glucose in

your blood ketones will be suppressed and your body will be utilizing the

glucose but if there’s ketones and glucose in their blood the body will

prefer ketones but what happens when you have cognitive impairments and you

become absent-minded the actual nerve cells whether it’s from any gene or

chronic consumption of glucose you start damaging neurons in certain parts of the

brain the prefrontal cortex hippocampus then you start to what was I just

thinking become absent-minded the simple solution to even bypass a damaged nerve

cell is to start to increase your ketones

the ketones will do a lot of things first of all they’re going to feed the

neuron what needs to function ketones also affect

the potassium channels and those channels are intimately involved in the

communication process between neurons now we have way more communication and

by the way don’t forget to consume a lot of potassium from your foods or

supplements to make sure you have enough raw material also the mitochondria which

is the energy factory of the cell when it burns ketones there’ll be less waste

product when the body burns glucose there’s a lot of garbage as residue but

not with ketones it’s more efficient you’ll be able to extract more energy

from the calories that you’re consuming how do you generate ketones well it’s

very simple you just lower your carbohydrates below

50 for a lot of people you need to go down to 20 or even less if you’re older

and you have a slow metabolism the other thing that’s really really important you

want to increase the time of fasting okay so in a minute fasting is very very

important to repair a damaged brain not only will you generate way more ketones

you will also kick in certain genes that stimulate the growth of neurons we get

what’s called autophagy autophagy is a state where you’re you’re cleaning up

all the damaged proteins in the brain and the rest of the body so you’re

you’re making the body really clean so it can function very very well so

fasting is very very important and you wouldn’t want to go at least eighteen

hours of fasting with a six hour eating window combined with lower carbs to

start to turn this thing around but because ketones do suppress glucose

consumption you may want to also take ketones now exogenous ketones are a

bit expensive and less expensive a very efficient way to do it is just by adding

MCT oil now some people actually use MCT oil to supply like half of the dietary

fats you can do that but if you’re gonna start MCT oil always go into it slowly

because too much too fast can cause diarrhea or cramping so you start

with one teaspoon and then one tablespoon and then more and more more

gradually over that weeks but if you’re absent-minded or you have cognitive

issues you definitely need to do both of these together and if you want to you

know speed things up you can actually add that and even spread it through the

day so you’re constantly having ketones in your blood and so your brain will

just pull it right in despite how much glucose you have in your blood now

there’s definitely some other things that you need to do to get rid of this

symptom and that’s what it is it’s a symptom it’s not a disease it’s a

symptom of a damaged nerve self and the one is sleep okay if you are sleep

deprived I guarantee you will be absent-minded because the effects that

this has on cortisol and stress and blood sugars it literally will destroy

your brain also number two stop thinking so much

it’s very common nowadays with the amount of stress that people go through

to be in a state of constant analysis okay or thinking or solving problems

24/7 even when they’re sleeping even when they’re exercising even when

they’re going for a walk in nature they’re not even kind of looking out in

nature they’re so stuck in their head analyzing everything to death it’s very

vital to take at least a small portion of the day one hour a day okay and just

stop thinking go out there in nature and just start getting your attention going

out and it’s hard though because your attention is so stuck in this problem

and that problem this problem it’s hard to undo it but you need to do it to kind

of reset and get your focus back and then the microbiome and you’ve got

there’s a huge connection between the state of microbes in your gut and your

cognitive function because these microbes actually make amino acids that

then turn into neurotransmitters and so there’s this whole freeway channel

between your gut and your brain back and forth definitely make mental now that if

your gut is not work on that take a probiotic get your

diet straightened out and you’ll find that your cognitive function will be a

much much better there’s quite a few connections between even Alzheimer’s and

gut health so I’ll put some links down below alright guys so that’s a wrap on

this video there’s another one on brain physiology that’s actually quite

interesting I think you’ll like that one I put it right here