Dr Berg Q&A Live (Keto and Intermittent Fasting) | DrEricBergDC

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okay guys so I’m here to answer your

questions excuse me mmm little throat

thing and take a little water here

no alcohol okay so as people are logging

on I want to touch on a question that

people someone had related to

cruciferous vegetables they wanted to

know does consuming cruciferous

vegetables increase or decrease your

estrogen okay so because they see it as

a final estrogen like a plant based

estrogen so they’re concerned oh my gosh

if I consume cruciferous I’m gonna

become infertile whatever cruciferous it

doesn’t give you any more estrogen it

actually balances out

estrogen shifts from the bad estrogen to

the good estrogen there’s several

different types of estrogen so it just

lowers the bat and increases the good

the protective because certain estrogens

tend to cause cancer and certain are

protective against cancer so cruciferous

is highly protective so that’s just one

thing that it does so I hope I answered

clarify that but we got quite a few

people we have 700 people on here so I’m

here to answer your question is grilling

really bad for you it’s not too bad as

long as you don’t add any type of sugar

you know if you’re using like if you

don’t get like if you don’t put any like

lighter flame and lighter fluid on there

and you just actually have it over like

a grill without any sugar it’s gonna be

totally fine it’s not gonna be an issue

yeah I’ll do some data about like burnt

meat is that gonna be a problem or burnt

fat it’s mixed reviews on that there’s

nothing wrong with having a crispy you

know piece of fat on the grill I

wouldn’t worry about it too much but I

will say that adding sugar and then

adding to that heat and that protein and

you caramelize it or you heat it

together it creates something

old advanced glycation end-products and

makes sticky blood it creates all sorts

of issues okay so can you speak about

lipomas the Pumas are one of those

things that are benign they don’t do

anything they just sit there they’re

just kind of a nuisance I have not been

successful at getting rid of them

naturally so honestly I probably would

have them removed surgically there’s

some links to a liver problem but you

bought is probably trying to protect

something in that kind of fat cyst all

right so let’s see here I have been

bleeding for months and feel weak what’s

happening how can I stop it

well are you bleeding from your nose

from your mouth where are you bleeding

from I need to know that if it’s a

menstrual problem then you need to buy a

product it’s online it’s through Stan a

process is called eutrophic PMG

eutrophic PMG standard process okay so

with your thoughts on Hebrew beef franks

I’m not sure if it’s organic or

grass-fed but I would highly recommend

good and grass-fed and organic together

okay how long should I expect to have

spiked glucose levels after starting

keto well keto should not spike your

glucose unless you’re doing something

incorrect there’s a couple things I want

to talk about with keto when you’re

starting out if you just go to my site

dr. Berg calm and you download the plan

I actually show you how to do it like

really simply A to B but a lot of times

there’s so called Aikido friendly foods

but they have multi dextran which is has

the glycemic index of a hundred and ten

or dextrose or tapioca starch or syrup

or maybe even what’s the other one

malted tall all these are gonna spike

your blood sugar so I’m not sure what

you’re doing with it your sugar should


okay is it okay to take cruciferous when

you’re when you have a hypothyroid

condition good question it depends if

you have a Hashimoto’s which is really

an immune problem you need cruciferous

more than if you just had a regular

hypothyroid condition but most

hypothyroid cases are secondary to

either gallbladder issues or high

estrogen to be safe I would just take

one seek help tablet in the morning and

eat your cruciferous but the benefit of

cruciferous is HUGE

I mean you’re it’s it’s protective

against cancer it’s going to help

detoxify the liver there’s a product

called dim I have it in my Astra j’en

balanced with added dim and dim is a an

end product of in Dolf 3 carbonyl which

is a final nutrient from the cruciferous

vegetables which is very unique to

cruciferous and this end product called

dim one tablet is but the same as 2

pounds of cruciferous vegetables and so

what it can do for you is it can

actually really bulletproof you against

a lot of problems and so since cancer is

like the number two cause of death you

want to start to protect yourself and

you want to start eating more

cruciferous or do dim one of the other

let’s see I’ve been doing in a minute

fasting for hours to 6 hours

I’m guessing that you’re I’m guessing

that you’re eating window oh yeah

staying under 20 to 25 Oh 25 carbs a day

for six months lately while walking

three miles my knee has been in a lot of

pain very simply for knee pain you need

about 30 I use thirty thousand I use a

vitamin d3 you then you want 300

micrograms of k2 mk7 version okay so

30,000 I use of d3 that will knock your

pain out

like that but if you’d let’s say for

example you have new pain on the right

side and it’s on the outside of that

knee okay then what you could do is you

can massage on the opposite knee on the

left side so you work on the opposite

side and work on the outside of the the

leg it’s it’s got the fascial area it’s

called a tension fasciae latae

iliotibial band and you just work on the

outside of your thigh muscle on the

opposite side and gone if the pain is on

the top of the knee right where the quad

connects to the patella then you work on

not the outside of the opposite leg but

just the top part of the leg the middle

part so you just kind of you mirror

image but you then you work on the major

muscle that attaches to that area

how can I lose weight and be a healthy

vegan well you it’s more difficult

you’re gonna have to do more

calculations with you making sure you

have enough protein keeping your carbs

down keeping your fats up I do have like

one or two videos on that but it’s a bit

more difficult and plus you’re gonna

have to take supplements like DHA b12

things like that maybe some iron vitamin

A um okay I just gained so much weight

since the removal of my thyroid and plus

some heavier periods now I never before

working but I okay so you just gain a

lot of weight you just had your thyroid

out yeah that’s a situation because but

the good thing is that you can take

you’re gonna have to make adjustments

with your thyroid medications the

thyroid doesn’t just produce t4 it

actually makes several hormones so I

would get armorer thyroid which is a

little bit better doctors don’t like to

use it because it’s hard to adjust but

that’s what you need to do and I would

probably also take some bile salts I

have a product called gall bladder


that can help but the bile salts help

convert thyroid hormone and actually

enhance the medication that you’re

taking a little bit better

okay so then is fruit sugar bad for you

yes it is bad for you you know if you’re

a small child fruits okay if it’s

organic but as you get older our

metabolisms you know gets slower and I

would recommend avoiding fructose

fructose creates a lot of problems

especially if you want to get into

ketosis and get the benefits of that you

can do some berries but definitely not

apples or peaches

okay twenty-nine-year-old body fully

crashed but extreme heartbeat from one

to eight night while I’m relaxed sleep

is shallow waking up a lot okay so if

the heartbeat is going higher okay so

let’s see your pulse rates are going


you need more potassium you need more

greens you need more magnesium you might

need beat one okay so that’s gonna be

really important if your sleep is a

problem the B vitamins will probably

handle it but I also would try vitamin D

as well minimally to get the benefits of

to get these benefits vitamin D you need

to take it with a meal and also you need

to take a listen fat so it gets absorbed

now someone asked a question about one

of my products gonna go into the UK well

you know it’s so funny I’m I’m working

on that as we speak right now we’re

gonna start with like four main of our

main products and then we’ll get more in

there but just transition okay what do

you recommend for Dietetic studying

students so what is the best way to

improve knowledge can you source or tell

us well are you going to school to be a

dietitian honestly I think you’d be

better off being a clinical nutritionist

the dietician you know data that they

teach you honestly is pretty pretty

pathetic but if you just want to learn

for yourself you know there’s various

courses that you can take on nutrition

online but I would go I go in the area

of nutritional clinical nutritionist I

am coming out with a basic nutrition

course in August so that’s the kind of a

you know it’s gonna be pretty pretty

awesome but it’s not gonna be compared

to some you know course that you’re

gonna learn that if you actually get


certification being a nutritionist okay

my urine test shows positive ketones why

am I not losing weight this is you just

gave me another good idea for a video

positive ketones thank you and I’m not

losing weight good so let me answer that

let’s say for example you you know

people this idea like okay ketones in

the urine I’m losing weight

well ketones in the urine mean means

that you’re burning fat but it could

mean that you’re burning your dietary

fat okay the food that you’re eating the

fat that you’re eating and not your own

fat so you may need to adjust your fats

down a little bit and if you really want

to see a bigger change you want to get

it down to about 75 grams of fat per day

and then cut your carbs down a little

bit more because the weight loss is more

about the whole package and

understanding that you have to get

healthy first and things will kind of

stop you hidden carbs hidden ingredients

and the biggest thing for most people

especially if you over the age of 40 you

may need to go one meal a day so many

people have not experienced the mean the

big results until they start doing the

one one meal a day and then they start

really seeing the change happening so

try that can mercury toxicity cause

panic attacks absolutely dr. Berger

waiting for my wheatgrass juice shipment

currently drinking apple cider vinegar

how long should I take this okay so you

just take your you want to be taking

your outside vinegar for a long period

of time because it’s really good put it

into your you know water when you drink

you know if you’re drinking in a meal it

can be done an empty stomach as well the

wheatgrass juice powder what I do is

I’ll take one scoop in some water

probably I don’t have the size of it

it’s probably 16 ounce

in the morning with I will do our dogs

gonna bark someone’s actually coming in

a house and I would take one scoop of

electrolyte powder and I’ll mix that up

drink that down on morning boom I just

had the wheatgrass juice powder tested

for some antioxidants some additional

ones and I found that it has superoxide

dismutase which is an enzyme that is a

very powerful antioxidant and so it had

it’s loaded with that stuff so I was

like this explains why it’s so good for

healing the internal skin or ulcers or

any type of inflammation your gut so

interesting okay so then the question is

can you update your purchasing website

online to allow for different billing

and mailing addresses we’re working on

that right now because what we flagged

it like if you actually enter in the

order product and you ship it to another

address it gets flagged because we had

some scammers you know I’m you wouldn’t

believe this we’ve had people like order

five thousand dollars of product and

ship it to another address and and

basically you know just selling and then

selling it and two different you know

they’re not authorized to sell it so

there’s all sorts of scams going on so

we actually have a red flag with that

right now but we I haven’t we have a

solution okay so it’s crystal meth and

hard liquor bad for a nine-year-old

man’s health

well no it’s totally fine I don’t see a

problem with that especially you have to

mix it together and then add a little

cyanide in there in the OB you’ll be

good to go

okay I’m a vegan for three months I’m my

period is two weeks late please tell me

what to do get checked to see if you’re


okay next question my wife’s okay that

was the sarcasm so what I would do is I

would take seek help seek help helps to

regulate the period and help your

ovaries okay my wife has water retention

how should I deal with that very simply

it’s so easy it’s like you just get on

keto get an if’ your fluid will go right

down your water follows wherever the

sugar goes so if you’re retaining sugar

carbs you’re gonna retain water okay

very simple but you can add some more

potassium and that should push the water

out but you really need to cut the carbs

down all right so let’s do it here

all right let’s see here how much

sauerkraut per day one cup sauerkraut’s

awesome I’m really into from fermenting

things I just have my the easy fermenter

I’m just really into it now I’m just

gonna start experimenting and doing work

for sauerkraut and fermented vegetables

really good stuff with that let’s see is

it possible to retain fluids and love

handles it’s probably actual fat more

than water okay that was my digestion is

gone to every two days since keto okay

so you’re you’re kind of backed up you

either need to increase or decrease your

fiber I don’t know what you I don’t know

what you’re doing but you needed to do

that sometimes people when they do keto

they do too much protein and that can

constipate them sometimes they’ll have

too many nuts that will constipate them

or dairy that can constipate them as

well is there anything I could do to put

weight back on without gaining without

messing with my pleasure blood sugars

and bread yeah well you what you can do

is you can you’re gonna have to get your

calories up you’re gonna have to do like

three maybe thirty four hundred hundred

calories per day so do two meals a day

you’re gonna have to maybe push your

carbs to about 50 grams per day because

a lot of times people that are really

thin they’re doing as their carbs when

you evaluate them it’s like down to like

10 and so they’re like they’re losing a

lot of weight so and they want to work

out so you want to just do those two

things can a gall bladder heal from

stones with keto well it will it help

liver stop making sense well there’s one

thing that cause the stones and that’s

excessive amounts of insulin core so

we’ll do it lack of friendly bacteria

will do it lack of bile it will do it so

if you do in a minute fasting and your

adding more fat you’re gonna increase

more bile and that’s gonna help you well

it does auger stone I don’t know but

it’s worth a shot and I would definitely

get some gallbladder formula just to

kind of support that as well

advice for food after an alcohol

addiction after 10 years only big belly

and liver fatty liver yeah you need to

be doing foods high in choline and

choline as a supplement egg yolks would

be good

a lot of greens with your with that are

loaded with potassium and sodium are

important to support the liver a

moderate amount of protein not high you

just got to do the healthy keto in if'

over a period of time but it’s gonna

take you a good three years to restore

your liver the other thing is you need

nutritional yeast because the B vitamins

are gonna be very important in restoring

the liver alcohol depletes B vitamins

what do you think about Institute of

Integrative Nutrition I think they have

way too many theories I think there’s

like there’s like there’s 100 presenters

or something so you’re like left with

all this data but they don’t emphasize

the vital data versus the trivial data

so it’s all just like hey try this and

try this and try this this like a

massive confusion so I actually do not

recommend that program okay on my egg

carton it says one egg equals 70 percent

of my DV of cholesterol well that might

be true but think about this your body

makes cholesterol and when you eat more

it makes less so our bodies make 3,000

milligrams of cholesterol a day that’s

like that’s 14 eggs every single day if

you make more your body just will get

rid of it okay I have a hiatal hernia

and I’ve been taking meds twice a day

for acid reflux what can I do I just

released a video