Correcting High Cholesterol and LDL Cholesterol on Keto Diet – Dr.Berg | DrEricBergDC

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so today’s topic is going to be on high cholesterol

on keto so many people sometimes freak out because their cholesterol is too

high i’ve done quite a few videos on this but

i wanted to create a video on something very specific that you need

to know about so here’s the big point

a good amount of your cholesterol and by the way

there’s two organs in your body that make cholesterol

one is the liver but also the intestines so a good majority of your cholesterol

is controlled by bile salts

okay so bile salts are made by the liver

and the intestine

all right so we’ve got the liver and the intestine

and excess cholesterol

is eliminated through various pathways involving bile so you need bile

to eliminate excess cholesterol and the regulation of excess cholesterol

is dependent on bile now as far as the small

intestine goes there’s these little receptors

and they’re called bile acid receptors another name for

a bile acid receptor would be an fxr receptor not that you need to know that

now what these receptors do is they regulate

cholesterol by suppressing cholesterol

now the liver also influences cholesterol

as well but not as much as a small intestine

the small intestine really regulates hdl the so-called good cholesterol well

it’s not good or bad it’s the cholesterol from the cell back

to the liver so look at this right here we’ve got hdl

goes from the cell back to the liver and then ldl goes from

the liver to the cell so they’re just

transportation proteins as in high density lipoprotein

or low density lipo protein all right so far so good let’s go on to

the next slide there’s another condition called


anemia okay now essential means they don’t know what causes it

very similar to essential high blood pressure they don’t they don’t really

know what causes it we know it’s usually vitamin d and low

potassium but essential hyper cholesterol anemia includes

familial hyper cholesterol anemia and this is that condition which is

genetic okay which people are concerned about because

they don’t really think they can do anything about it but you can do things

about it and i will put a link down below

so that’s just one part there’s other causes of this

unknown high cholesterol a high fat diet okay but if you have high cholesterol

it’d be a very good idea to get some advanced lipid testing to

really find out more what’s going on you’re going to find out

the type of high ldl that you have is actually a good ldl but i don’t want

to get into that right now i want to kind of stay on track

so we have genetics high fat diet because you’re doing keto

but also hypothyroidism that can cause high cholesterol in the

blood also kidney damage

and a deficiency in bile okay now that can be from some

obstruction from a kidney stone or and that’s what i really want to talk

about right now

so what causes a deficiency in bile because

bile is very very important in breaking down fats to absorb fat cyber vitamins

it helps lubricate the colon it helps prevent

sibo in the small intestine but it also has a very important function

in regulating cholesterol okay so what would cause a deficiency in bile

main thing is liver damage

okay as in a fatty liver an inflamed liver as in hepatitis

or a liver that’s filled with fibrotic tissue

or a liver that has scar tissue which is called cirrhosis

okay so all three of those conditions will cause a deficiency in bile because

anything that decreases the liver function decreases the amount of bile

production but you also have the small intestine

and that would be the next thing i will mention if you have intestinal damage

okay so let’s say you had a series of antibiotics that just destroyed your

intestine or let’s say you have celiac or crohn’s or diverticulitis

any inflammation or damage in your small intestine

will decrease the production of bile and that

can spike the cholesterol now because your friendly bacteria the

microbiome also help to recycle bile

if there’s a problem in the microbiome you’re not going to make enough bile so

the good bacteria could be another thing to look at or

it could be that you had the gallbladder removed you have no

gallbladder in which case you’re going to have

less bile so all of these are factors that can contribute to high cholesterol

i just wanted to bring up your awareness and another

link to high cholesterol that you need to be aware of

because a solution a very simple solution

would be if you had liver damage is just to take some purified bile salts

okay and that is going to help regulate cholesterol now

it also could be that you need to take more good bacteria

okay so that’s another solution right there or it could be that you have a

slow thyroid so the point is that in order to fix something you have to know

all the potential causes and then what’s the most likely cause

all right thanks for watching and tell me what you think of this new format i’m

just trying it out

hey we’re back with another amazing recipe no grains

no sugar totally keto there’s no suffering in keto absolutely not karen

and it’s an immune system builder absolutely you have to check this out i

think you should hurry up watch the recipe and make it

yourself it’s just so easy to be keto but is it

simple it’s super simple we hope you enjoy making it

as much as we are enjoying eating it