Secondhand Smoke Kills 600,000 People Per Year | DrEricBergDC

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did you realize that 600,000 people die every  single year of passive smoke or secondhand smoke  

i mean they’re not even smokers they’re just  around smokers 41,000 people die in the u.s  

alone and so there’s a little more than seven  thousand people that die of actual lung cancer  

and the rest almost 34,000 die of heart disease  so the smoke doesn’t just destroy the lung  

it destroys the inside of your arteries around  the heart and this cigarette exposure comes from  

the smoke that comes off the cigarette and so the  secondhand smoke comes from the cigarette itself  

and from the smoke coming from the mouth of  the person smoking the cigarette and so if we  

compare this to people who actually smoke there’s  7 million people worldwide that die from smoking  

and there’s about 480,000 of those deaths from  the u.s alone about 10 times the amount of people  

who die from second-hand smoke you see in  my mind i thought that secondhand smoke was  

not that dangerous and as long as you didn’t  smoke you’re good but apparently i was wrong  

and the reason why i’m doing this video is because  i recently learned that the highest type of cancer  

worldwide is lung cancer and the highest rate  of cancer deaths actually involve the lung  

and so the lung is at the top of the list  and smoking is a major contributing factor  

there are over 7,000 chemicals in cigarette smoke  hundreds that are toxic and seventy that are  

carcinogens chemicals that can cause cancer some  of the most deadly carcinogens are number one pah  

number two n nitrosamines then we have aromatic  amines benzene aldehydes and ethylene oxide so  

if you’re around smokers if you live with  a smoker just do whatever you can to make  

sure they smoke outside or not around you and if  you’re a smoker this might be a good reason to  

do whatever you can to quit all right guys talk  to you later before you go if you have a question  

about a product or you’re new to keto and you want  to know how to begin keto or you’re on keto and  

you need a debug because it’s not going as smooth  i have a keto consultant standing by to help you  

this is just for the people in the u.s  hopefully in the future we’ll be able to  

answer everyone’s call but i put the number  down below so you can call and get some help