Before & After Keto – Intermittent Fasting & Weight Loss session with Dr.Berg and Dan McGinley | DrEricBergDC

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so welcome everyone we have another

amazing before and after this is Dan and

I wanted to say thanks for doing this

interview and I want to just first find

out a little bit about your past

I saw the before picture did you have a

lot of weight problems early on or

knowledge did you just start gaining

weight at a certain point what what


so for most of my life I was pretty

athletic and played a lot of sports and

activities and I was probably but I was

always maybe at least 10 or 15 pounds

overweight I didn’t really know that at

the time so like right now my weight is

about 155 pounds I’m five foot six and a

half I put seven so but you know during

you my college soccer playing career I

was 170 pounds but to say so I never

really was much lower than that but what

happened is after college and I stopped

playing soccer as much and I wasn’t

really exercising as much so I would end

up being like 20 pounds higher than that

so I 190 pounds I would fluctuate

actually from my let’s say 20s until on

my 37 now so in between that area I

would fluctuate 20 pounds every year and

I would gain 20 pounds and lose 20

pounds in gained 20 pounds in lose 20

pounds until this year when I decided to

I’m not going to do that anymore I’m

going to try to keep it off and I’m

going to figure out how to do that Wow

so when you were in college playing

soccer what type of diet did you have

back then so I didn’t have I would say

no guys okay ate whatever I wanted to

eat I didn’t really think about it at


even growing up I didn’t think about

that much I didn’t think anything about

different types of calories or anything

like that it was just I ate what I

wanted to eat and that was really it Wow

amazing so what made you want to decide

to say you know what that’s it I got to

lose this weight what what was it well I

guess this time I just said to my wife

would always say this isn’t healthy for

you you know it’s not healthy for you to

gain weight and lose weight and gain

weight and lose weight and my argument

at the time was well it’s better to lose

it and just keep it on I guess but she

point was I just needed to figure out

something where I could keep it all and

figure out a lifestyle change that was

the whole big thing instead of just

dieting for a certain amount of time

let’s say a few months and then going

off of that which is what I would have

what would happen is January would come

around after the holidays I would feel

disgusting and I would see myself in the

mirror I was 20 pounds to have year

whatever and I do play an adult soccer

league and it was like the season would

start to come up and I want to kind of

be able to run a little bit let’s say so

I would watch what I was eating but I

would just watch my calories they never

really know what I was doing I just know

I knew at the time lower my calories and

I had success doing that so I would do

that and then I would lose it but then

it will come back so this time I said to

myself I’m going to figure out how the

body works I want to like research and

not just know it’s calories so that’s

when I kind of stumbled upon your site

and your YouTube channel and you started

soaking up as much knowledge as I could

about how the body works and what’s best

for me and that kind of stuff awesome

so then so you started doing did you a

combination of just ketosis or you do a

10-minute fasting at the same time what

did you do so the plan was I started in

January I was I said 190 pounds this

year and I just started watching my

calories like I usually did and for the

first month

I did the research while I was watching

my calories and I ended up losing around

like 15 pounds or so just doing that and

then I started figuring out more

information from you and I started to

then I got to about 20 pounds and I said

okay now I’m at my 170 pound weight that

I usually get to I want to see how far I

can go here I really want to lose as

much body fat as I can and get in the

best shape of my life so I’m going to

have to use these tips and these tricks

and it’s information that I’m learning

so then that’s what I did I started to

do the first thing I did was watch the

type of calories that I was eating so I

learned about healthy fats and I learned

about carbohydrates are horrible and I

started to lowering the carbohydrates

and increase the fats and try to have

enough protein and that kind of stuff

that was like my phase - I’ll say and

then phase 3 was in a minute fasting I

got informational and a minute fast

and I was probably at that time about 23

or so pounds down to where I wanted to

be so I said let me do this in a minute

fast and even though this is working for

me with watching my calories and having

healthy calories by me doing a minute

fasting and try it and that’s when I was

able to lose like the last 10 pounds

which is always the hardest for me I

really tried to push it I really

couldn’t do it until I did a minute

fasting which was my stage 3 I’m going

to call that and now I’m kind of like in

almost a stage 4 or 5 all the way back

out stage 4 for me is like exercise with

in a minute fasting I was always doing

some type of exercise during this time I

would like work out with weights three

times a week but nothing crazy just like

an hour in the gym and then I would also

do running but the biggest thing for me

was I did running during my fasting

window in the morning so I know some

people have a problem with that and at

first I thought I couldn’t do that I was

always under the impression since my

soccer days I need to have carbohydrates

for the soccer game tomorrow and I got

to make sure I’m all ready to go for

this and had this energy and I didn’t

understand the body and so my first

couple of runs I was shocked so let’s

see that I performed better than I did

when I was eating breakfast and then

running let’s just say this is that a

piece of false data like people think

they have to have Gatorade or glucose

because they’re going to crash or

whatever it is not sure that the biggest

that’s the biggest thing and especially

now I’m trying to take this information

with my own children I have three kids

seven eight and nine and their diets are

I would say not as good as they could be

and so like you know they play sports

and I’m like we don’t need that Gatorade

you know it’s not going to help you it’s

just a free let’s just have some water

especially kids will chug the whole

thing again right before the game even

starts and it’s just not good it’s bad

so you so here you did that and then you

the intimate of fasting what pattern are

you using now so what I did in the

beginning is I’m kind of doing the same

I did 12 and I did 16 and 8 so I would

do 16 hours faster than my window would

be like 12 to 8 eating window eating

window let’s just say and

sometimes I mean it’s not a waste 12-day

bill can be I liked it you can flex flex

it wherever you need that’s what I love

that so if I need to eat lunch or left

on the thirty then I would stop eating

earlier or something a lot of times I

would try to stop eating at 6 o’clock at

night if I could I figured let me push

my fasting window as long as I could if

I could do it if it fit in to the

schedule and so that’s what I would do a

lot of times I would only do 11:30 at

least sorry 11:30 and I would stop

eating at 6:00 what to say so really it

wasn’t 68 then I guess 80 and 6 you know

mm-hmm you go to dinner a lot or do you

pretty much eat at home well there is

one of the thing I really didn’t talk

about that I do which I kind of feel a

little bad that I do but I do have

during this time I have cheat days and

especially in the beginning and in fact

the beginning of my weight loss journey

was really all mental I know I was doing

calories but now that I’m in a different

state now that a lot of times I feel

like I’m in ketosis and I feel like

especially now I’m not I really have

cravings for sugar but in the beginning

when I was just doing calories I would

still want chocolate chip cookies and I

would still want brownies and still want

the Rideau is not kind of stuff and so

what I would do was I would have six

healthy eating days and on the seventh

day I would end up having two livid

treats or sweets or whatever it was or

if we went out to dinner I try to make

that day fall on that day oh my cheat

day I would call it a river it was or if

we were out socially and we were having

a couple drinks of alcohol or something

like that so that’s kind of how I would

do it in the beginning now I don’t even

really feel like I need to do that it

just happens when we have parties in the

summer or barbecues and you know then I

feel like I can have a little bit more

on those days yeah interesting and so

like your first meal what time is that

like 11 or 12 or yeah right now I

usually eat around 11 o’clock or 11:30

and I usually have spinach I have a big

fish salad like in the beginning when

you start talking to videos and I was

and you were talking about how much you

ate in terms of the greens and I was

like oh my god that money that’s a lot I

don’t know if I can eat all that and now

I eat 7 cups of spinach salad for lunch

with chicken

I go to Surrey chicken I’ll do like 3/4

of a breast of chicken and I’ll do or

I’ll do like tuna in there or some type

of protein with cheese and that’s really

what I have and if I need to have an

apple I will but when I’m really

watching it my carbs I won’t have the


it depends upon trying to I get at this

point I’m trying to stick between 50 and

100 carbs and when I’m really watching

it because I came back from vacation and

I was like you know I didn’t do great on

vacation so I was like sticking to 50

cars for these last let’s say 10 or 11

days and I came back I won’t have the

piece of fruit for lunch

so then okay so then you do your first

meal and then the second meal do you eat

a similar thing then I depend

I usually I’ll have eggs eggs were like

a huge staple for me during this whole

thing even when I was just watching

calories and I’ll have a full egg

omelette is my favorite thing to have

it’s so quick and easy to make a four

egg omelette with cheese I’m going to

put salsa on there or some hot sauce or

something and that’s really what I’ll

eat for dinner

I do have if I feel like I need it I

tried the snack in between because I’m

trying to have my insulin get raised at

all if possible I will have pistachios

or some type of nut that I that I have

available at the time so that’s Mike

like snack kind of thing anon right so

you basically have a six pack AB right

now right oh yeah absolutely I never I

never really had six pack ads let’s just

say even when I 170 pounds soccer weight

I didn’t really it wasn’t defined let’s

just say in terms of that you can kind

of see the outside but you never could

see the inside now you can definitely

see the whole thing especially if I like

flex a little bit that’s very prominent

and you know that definitely feels good

I’m proud that I’ll have to worry about

wearing a swim shirt when I go with my

kids to the pool or something which I

would when I was 180 pounds or hung 90

pounds if I were embarrassed in that way

but besides just looking better

I just feel a hundred percent better

yeah it’s hard to tell how you feel

really when you’re 180 pounds you know

you don’t feel good but if I could

compare somehow get the feeling trapped

in a bottle for both feelings at the

same time it’s so much better now than

it ranked yeah oh yeah and then as

you’re here why

now okay with that now she’s not telling

you to lose any more weight or she good

with that she’s good she’s good with it

she has always always been pretty

fitting herself and I like she runs and

she watches what she eats she eating but

the only thing with this is she’s also

concerned because I am obsessed with

things sometimes feel like when I latch

on to something right I’m going to do it

do it do it do it do it so she is just

skeptical that am I going to relapse am

I going to you know not stick with this

but the biggest challenge for me was I

was on vacation in Disneyworld with my

family two weeks ago and I was having

tons of cheat days and I said when I get

back I am NOT going to do what I used to

do on vacation which is just say I

forget it for the summer I’m going right

back to it

and I did and for the last I gained this

is actually a little embarrassing but it

was kind of an experiment for me I

wanted to see what would happen you know

what would my body do and so on vacation

I had 12 vacation days which is a pretty

significant vacation and I ate horribly

and I gained about 14 pounds and I said

I want to see what happens how long it’s

going to take any losses wait so now

since I’ve been back I lost 12 of those

14 pounds by doing teeth I being in

ketosis and watching everything I was

eating very strict and I have about two

pounds to go and it’s been 10 days since

I’ve been back Wow I think that’s a good

point because you the whole goal is to

get your body in a state where you have

enough health reserve that you can go

off the program you know what’s going to

happen you know how to get back you’re

not in a danger State where I don’t know

what to do it’s not working and that’s

that’s you know like it’s not about just

like always have to avoid this little

thing and that too but the point is like

you know what to do now you’re not in a

mystery about it and then also what

about your performance now playing

soccer like how is you feel like you’re

faster or you more performance with

anything with that

yeah well I’m definitely when I wasn’t

watching what I was eating I was

definitely more sluggish I was

definitely faster obviously because I’m

not care

thirty pounds last 35 pounds less than I

was before so which I can hard to fathom

that to that I was 30 pounds heavier I

couldn’t imagine carrying 30 pounds now

and trying to run around soccer field

but I did you know it’s amazing that’s

amazing to me actually that a lot of

people are overweight is they need more

weight need to be and they are still

able to do so many things your body is

so strong but it will be so much

stronger if they lost that weight you

know so there’s definitely a big

performance difference yes and I can’t

it’s just amazing the professional

athletes that are especially like even

in I did college wrestling the stuff

that we would eat is crazy I mean it’s

just like insane so I mean I don’t know

what you soccer players eat but it’s

probably just the same as everyone else

right yeah well especially in college no

one was paying attention nutrition you

know back in 2000 and whatever it was it

you know or 19 actually a lot older than

that so no one was paying attention to

those things we were just we just we

actually thought have a big pasta dinner

we would have a whole group together the

team would get together and like before

we have a big pasta dinner with garlic

bread and pasta more loading up on our

car says tomorrow that’s going to help

us perform obviously we didn’t know what

we were doing yeah and I think that

there are tons of people that don’t know

what they’re doing and they’re just

going with old information that wasn’t

it’s not true and this is the biggest

thing now so I’m trying to tell people

that our family and friends without

protruding into their life I’m not

trying to tell them what to do but I

like to also give them advice so like on

Facebook I have a little channel a

friend but I will tell them information

that I learned basically from you I’m

kind of turnkey in this information to

them and just saying what works for me

and you should think about this it can

help you because a lot of people don’t

understand about fat doesn’t make you

fat and carbohydrates are horrible they

just don’t understand that at all

yeah that’s the challenge it’s like they

have to kind of reach for some help that

you you just basically invalidate

everything that they think is right and

so I always like really I don’t I never

tell people what to do I always tell

them why I need to do it the explanation

so they can

have some reality on that but yeah it’s

a challenge to family and friends

I really appreciated your channel by the

way just wanted to say thank you again

because I am kind of that kind of person

I want to know why am I doing this

what’s the reason how does it work

that’s just how my brain works

especially when I’m going to commit to

something and so I was able to learn

about insulin and learn about potassium

and how much I need and how am I going

to get it from this and that and I’m not

going to eat 25 bananas it’s not going

to work and you know and all those kind

of things

and I just learned the most from from

your channel and I’m constantly learning

more and more and just trying to turn

key like I said that information to

people just to let them know because I

just feel like I say a lot people don’t

know and I get sad now now that I’m

paying attention I feel like I’ve been a

walk-in here you know I’m paying

attention and just driving my car I see

people and I’m thinking to myself I just

wish that you could know this

information it would help you so much

without pulling over to the side of the

road and waving them down or anything I

am the same thing I was on a trip

recently and I’m like I have to withhold

myself because you just want to go

listen you could I could help them solve

it so fast but they have to really reach

for help in the airport so I’m like oh

my gosh if I could just tell this person

I know it’s a situation but that’s

awesome you did a really good job Dan

and I appreciate the interview it’s a

it’s amazing I mean that before and

after is incredible so yeah I would say

one of the last things I think

potentially we talked about was the

exercise that I did in the morning and

that was like to me it was like the most

important part because this is how I

felt in my mind I don’t even know if

it’s exactly correct but the information

I got from you I felt that if I woke up

in the morning so I sucked it up and I

got up an hour early and I ran two and a

half miles I didn’t go crazy just two

and a half miles it took it takes like

20 minutes and I felt like I was I was

had plenty of energy and when I did that

I felt better about myself I also felt

that I was in my mind I had stored like

glucose and glycogen in my muscles but I

wanted to get through in order to get to

the fact that’s what I felt like it was

happening so I felt like if I went out

and did that run I would maybe jumpstart

that even more by getting through that

and using the energy to my muscles

during that time and

till I would be done doing my run let’s

just say seven o’clock or 6:30 and then

I wouldn’t eat again for you know four

hours or so till 11:30 and I really felt

I’m not sure if is even true but that’s

when my body was really burning the fat

from after I ran until I ate at 11:30 or

something like that well then that’s

that is the best thing to do I think

apparently you’re able to do that so you

must not have your your insulin you

don’t probably have some aberration with

your insulin right now must be working

really good to be able to do that most

people they haven’t repaired it to the

degree that they could do that just to

be able to switch over to fat-burning

because they’ll drop their glycogen get

dizzy and they start having all these

hypoglycemic effects so yeah that is the

best way to do it if you can do it so

that means that you’re obviously above

average health-wise you don’t have that

dysfunction of insulin so that’s I think

you’re doing a great job that’s exactly

what you need to do tap out the glycogen

go right to the fat burning now I’m

going to keep riding the wave like you

said just keep riding as long as I can

and keep burning as much as I can and

see how how much I can get to at this

point like I’m just going to show my

wife and everyone else that I’m going to

this is missing my lifestyle this isn’t

just I did this for four or five months

wherever it was you know which it did

only take me it took me 20 weeks to get

down to the initial weight that I was in

the before-and-after picture which was

156 pounds I ended up being 154 pounds

so that’s kind of where I want to be

hundred fifty-four pounds and so now I’m

just figuring out ways to maintain and

be able to live life socially without

having to say I like that I feel like

now I don’t have to turn down something

if somebody offers it to me even though

I could if I want to but I could just

have it and that’s not going to kill me

as those posed before I would have it

and then I’d have like five more or

something and I have I’d say well I had

a bad day today I’m going to have a bad

day tomorrow it doesn’t matter and I

wouldn’t go back onto it but now I feel

like even if I have a tough cheat day

let’s say on the weekend we go to a

party I know that I can go right back on

it the next day and I remember what I

feel like and I remember what I feel

like on a Saturday night after I have

all that disgusting stuff because I

don’t feel good I actually feel sluggish

and when I was in Disneyworld we after

we ate breakfast I like a 20-minute I’ve

you down like this like tired you know

on the monorail barely making it over to

the Magic Kingdom I would just like

dying there thinking up this horrible

what am i doing I think that was a good

demonstration to be able to just go off

just so you really know for sure yeah

okay so this isn’t going to work long

term right yeah exactly yeah and you’re

we’re sounds like your awareness is just

very high right now it’s like you know

exactly what’s going on so you’re not

like clueless about you know most people

with what’s going on I don’t have to use

the app like I used to used a calorie

tracker some type of an app and at this

point obviously now that done so much I

don’t really feel like I need to do that

you like you should have intuitions

there I know that I can have this I can

know I can have that and where it will

make me feel and how it will make me

feel afterwards yeah you’re right I’m

there now anything awesome well thank

you so much Stan I appreciate the

interview sure I appreciate your time

and thanks for putting those videos out

there and please keep putting as much as

you can as many videos as you possibly

can out there will be great can I ask

you a question give like a minute for

that I have a question about I’m not

sure if you know the answer or not but I

have a question about cancer actually

and I have read a few things about how

ketosis can help to not fuel cancer

cells and maybe cancer cells aren’t off

of sugar they aren’t up glucose maybe

certain kinds I’m not really sure you

know anything about that

yeah well the two things number one

cancer is such a big business now that

you’re not going to find a lot of

studies out there because no one’s going

to pay for the funding on it

and it would just turn the whole apple

cart upside down so but I do know that

when they do PET scans they basically

monitor what part of your body has the

fastest metabolism of glucose which is

basically the cancer loves sugar there’s

certain treatments right now call like

insulin potentiation therapy where

they’ll inject you with insulin with a

little bit of chemo and so they they

raise the they drop your sugar and

apparently they cause the cancer to eat

up all this

the sugar which is filled with chemo or

whatever and then they die but the point

is that yeah you’re going to be much

safer if you what you’re doing now to

prevent cancer and cancer could also

come from many different things like a

lot of herbicides pesticides one of the

big things now that’s going up not

non-hodgkins lymphoma is connected to

glyphosate which is another GMO food so

yeah you can do them in a fasting you

can do ketogenic but you got to make

sure the quality food is non-gmo organic

is all possible wild-caught grass-fed

that type of thing and then you’re much

more bulletproof but so yeah I think

sugar has a huge impact on feeding it

and then if you if you’d a lot of

cruciferous foods you also can starve

off tumors and benign tumors and even

cancer as well so they’re all

anti-cancer they have answer key

anti-cancer properties I do I know I

have you just for one more minute for a

personal question can I get you all

right lymph nodes being inflamed or

something or you know I have a few that

are a little bit I think I’m curious if

they’ve always been that way and now

that I’ve lost weight I can feel them

and they just have bigger you know what

I mean it’s like in like a groin area

I’m just curious if no they can always

be like that yeah you you you have a lot

of lymph nodes in your neck in the groin

in different areas that basically are

and when you lose weight you’re going to

feel them more and they’re like what the

heck is this I didn’t feel this before

right it’s really people kind of like

they kind of freak out about it

sometimes I wouldn’t worry about that

unless you find it’s getting bigger and

it’s really really tender

you have lymph nodes all over the place

and they’re just sitting there they’re

basically helping your immune system and

they probably might even swell up if you

eat more sugar but if they’re staying

the same size I would not worry about

them at all they’re not a problem

they’re part of a natural filtering

process with with the white blood cell

and your immune

all right thank you I really appreciate


well thank you thank you for your time

and thank you for doing this I really

appreciate it I’m going to keep putting

taking your information and giving it

out there to like my Facebook people all

my little healthier us page and Cal than

everything I can tell them and hopefully

people gravitate to it without getting

having to be pushed sometimes you got to

push a couple of my friends towards it

but yeah I think that’s great spread the

word and let’s help those people that

want help how about that sounds good

okay thanks Dan hi thanks so much sure