10 Warning Signs Your Kidneys Are Toxic | DrEricBergDC

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people don’t go to the doctor unless

they have a symptom right I mean you

never really go to prevent a problem or

get healthy it’s after you have probably

multiple symptoms and so a symptom is

your body’s way of telling you there’s a

problem so these communications back

from your body are valuable but the

problem is especially if we’re talking

about the kidney is most of the time

there is no sign or symptom that you

have a kidney problem so when we talk

about early kidney disease or even early

liver disease there is no symptoms

whatsoever unless you do a urine test

where you find protein or the filtration

of the kidney is being interrupted you

don’t really know if you have a problem

but as the kidney progresses and gets

worse when it goes through the different

stages stages one two three four and

then eventually five there are

indicators or symptoms that you need to

know about and I’m going to cover those

right now but for a lot of people they

actually have a kidney problem and they

don’t even know it okay so let’s go

through these symptoms just to increase

your awareness so that way you can do

something about it the first one is

fatigue easily okay you get weak and

tired very easily I mean you can get

tired with exercise but I’m talking

about normal daily activities number two

is periorbital edema puffy eyes that

means your kidneys are backing up with

fluid it’s backing up through the

lymphatics and it’s showing up in the

eyes boy you know when I’m out in public

sometimes I’ll see people with that and

I’m really tempted to come up to them

and mention that but I I have to

withhold myself but once you know the

look you’d be surprised how many people

have that and don’t even realize what it

is I guess the more I think about it I

think it’d be kind of weird going up to

someone and say have you ever been

checked for periorbital edema they might

look at you kind of funny

all right number three edema or swelling

in your lower legs or your feet this has

to do with the kidneys losing protein

and anytime there’s a protein imbalance

in the body you’re going to retain fluid

but around your cells and because

gravity pulls things down you’re going

to see this in the lower ankles and the

feet in fact when you press into your

ankles you’ll see that pitting edema

which is pretty wild to know that I had

pitting edema years ago in my early 30s

I remember pressing into my ankle

looking at it going

what the heck is going on with that now

I don’t have any pitting edema back then

I did the next one on the list is you’re

urinating at night more than during the

day now that can come from diabetes or

pre-diabetes or insulin resistance which

a lot of people have and don’t even know

they have it is one of the main causes

of a kidney problem so that’s in the

background and just as a side note I did

a video on

frequent urination especially at night

and there are so many people that

experienced great results in getting rid

of that condition by changing their diet

and I will put that video down below now

the next one is foamy urine kind of like

if you just someone poured a glass of

beer right you see that foam at the top

that is protein in the urine all right

next one is high blood pressure now high

blood pressure can come from several

things it can come from a nutritional

problem it can come from diabetes it can

come from a heart problem and it can

come directly from a kidney problem

because there’s kidney damage all right

the next one is you feel nauseous

especially in the morning when you wake

up sometimes to the point where you want

to vomit now that probably is going to

happen a little bit later in the stages

of kidney disease but you’re going to

notice that in the morning you just you

feel kind of sick and that is because

all night all this toxic waste is being

building up in the body body and those

toxins haven’t been released yet so

they’re kind of backing up into the

system all right and then the next one

is the metallic taste in your mouth what

is that that is basically toxins backing

up to your system and it’s coming up to

the pores in your mouth there’s another

condition called uremic Frost where your

sweat glands are eliminating uric acid

crystals and now it’s coming out to the

skin so you’ll see this kind of like a

white frost on your skin that is a

really specific indicator that there’s a

kidney problem especially with protein

metabolism all right and then the last

one is a loss of appetite and that

probably goes along with you know the

metallic taste in your mouth and the

nauseousness but just because you lose

your appetite doesn’t mean that it’s a

problem like if you go on the ketogenic

diet where you’re doing fasting you’re

going to lose your appetite as well but

if you have this sudden loss of appetite

uh you might want to get your kidneys

checked so there’s various stages of

kidney damage you have one through five

and when you get to five the only

solution is either a kidney transplant

and or you’re on dialysis

I mean you’re talking many times a week

going to this Clinic you’re spending

hours there getting your kidney filtered

it’s devastating and the current medical

treatment for kidney disease

is that they’re basically managing

certain things because they use

medication and medications are toxic so

the more medication that you give the

kidney or even the liver the worse the

problem is so there’s not a really good

solution medically for advanced kidney

disease it’s just all about managing so

they’re going to manage blood pressure

they’re going to manage your diabetes

and your diabetic symptoms they will

probably give you a medication for edema

or swelling like Hydrochlorothiazide

which is a blood thinner and if you’re

type 2 diabetic you’re probably going to

be on Metformin and if you have high

blood pressure they probably will give

you like an Ace inhibitor uh something

like that now since there are multiple

causes of kidney problems you would want

to address the underlying cause so if it

is diabetes that’s the area you need to

focus in on not the symptom of a kidney

problem if your kidney problem is coming

from an infection of course you’re going

to focus on that but I want to give you

some natural alternatives to certain

medications you’re taking of course

check with your doctor before

implementing this but let’s first start

with high blood pressure from a

nutritional standpoint the two things

that are usually always deficient are

number one potassium and number two

vitamin D so by taking potassium and

vitamin D you can many times lower blood

pressure now that brings up the topic of

potassium you probably have been told

that that potassium is dangerous for the

kidney so people tend to avoid it

because if you get high levels of

potassium called hyperkalemia then

there’s a risk of arrhythmia problems

and all sorts of other heart problems

now check out this interesting research

paper that talks about potassium and

chronic kidney disease it says potassium

often has a negative connotation in

Nephrology as patients with chronic

kidney disease are prone to develop

hyperkalemia that’s that high potassium

yet emerging data indicate that dietary

potassium may be beneficial for patients

with chronic kidney disease Studies have

shown that a higher urinary potassium

excretion is associated with low blood

pressure and lower cardiovascular risk

as well as better kidney outcomes

moreover increasing dietary potassium in

Tech can exert blood pressure

independent effects on the kidney by

relieving the deleterious effects of a

low potassium diet

inflammation oxidative stress and

fibrosis so when you’re low in potassium

you get more inflammation you get more

oxidative stress and you get more

fibrosis the three things you don’t want

when you have kidney problems so there

are a lot more studies that talks about

potassium being protective on the kidney

so sometimes when people hear things out

of context like if you have stage five

kidney disease then of course you know

you can’t regulate potassium so that’s

going to be toxic but what if you have

stage four or stage three or stage two

so some people take this idea that it’s

bad for end-stage kidney disease and say

it’s bad for any type of kidney problem

which is absolutely not true I mean

phosphorus is very very damaging to the

kidney if your stay H5 so should we also

avoid anything with phosphorus even if

our kidneys are not that bad yet you see

consuming potassium as a supplement or

electrolyte powder or consuming foods

high in potassium won’t cause kidney

problems they will not cause

hyperkalemia which is high potassium in

the blood because your kidneys if

they’re healthy or if they’re working

somewhat can regulate that and get rid

of any excesses that you have the other

piece of the puzzle is this

our bodies require tremendous amounts of

potassium even to maintain a healthy

body out of all the different nutrients

there are potassium is needed in the

highest amounts like 4 700 milligrams

every single day so if you’re starting

to get some symptoms with the kidney and

you start cutting back potassium what’s

going to happen is you may have more

inflammation more oxidative stress more

fibrosis and you’re going to have higher

amounts of sodium because potassium

sodium work together and potassium can

help alter the pH of your body so your

body’s not too acid or too far on the pH

scale let’s just touch on ph per second

so we have this pH scale right this acid

alkaline scale right in the middle of

the scale is seven which is neutral

anything above seven is more alkaline

anything below seven is more acidic this

scale goes from 0 to 14 and it just so

happens that the urine has the highest

or widest range of ph’s it can be from

4.5 all the way up to eight versus other

fluids in the body have a much more

narrow range especially with your blood

which should be slightly alkaline so one

of the big purposes of the urine is to

ensure that the blood pH stays at that

real narrow range 7.4 so your kidneys

are constantly dumping off certain

things to adjust this pH they’ll lose

like bicarbonates or calcium which are

alkalizing agents or they’ll dump acids

to help balance this pH so typically the

urine should be slightly acidic but if

it’s strongly acidic let’s say it stays

at a five there are certain indicators

that you could have potential kidney

problems down the road but there’s some

mixed studies on that topic but let me

just go through a couple things with ph

so if someone’s a diabetic they’re

typically going to have more acidic

urine than someone that’s not a diabetic

especially if they forget to take the

medication and there’s this out of range

blood sugar situation now on the flip

side if you have a UTI urinary tract

infection your urine will tend to be

alkaline what’s happening there is you

have this bacteria which is making more

ammonia which happens to be very

alkaline it’s not acid now when you’re

dehydrated you tend to have more acidic

urine and the more chronic renal failure

you have

actually the more alkaline the urine is

going to be which is you would think

it’d be more acidic but it’s going to be

more alkaline now during times of

starvation your urine is going to be

very acid and also when you do fasting

your urine is going to be more acid

because you’re burning up your fat

releasing ketones which are acidic so

you can have something really bad like

starvation or something really good

fasting and have an acidic urine so

about having an acidic urine you can’t

really tell what’s going on it’s just

one of the clues that you need to

associate with a lot of other clothes

like a history when someone typically

consumes a very heavy meat diet with

nothing no vegetables to alkalize that

they’ll tend to be more acidic versus

someone who pretty much just eats

vegetables and doesn’t have any animal

protein they’ll be more alkaline and as

far as kidney stones go

your pH could be either alkaline or

acidic because there are different Stone

formations that can occur like for

example uric acid stones or even calcium

oxalate stones form more in an acidic

urine or calcium phosphate Stones occur

when you have an alkaline pH I’m just

trying to increase your knowledge on ph

because you can’t just automatically

like say well I’m going to change my pH

to help my kidneys you have to really

understand what’s going on behind the

scenes I mean I’ll give you an example

someone bought one of those machines

that alkalize water right and so they

were drinking this water which was

artificially alkalized and I checked

their urine pH in my clinic and their pH

was a nine like that’s like extremely

alkaline and typically you think that’s

a healthy thing but you’re artificially

changing the pH of the water without

really understanding um what’s going on

in the rest of the body if you eat

healthy and you become healthy

your pH will go to exactly what your

body needs to handle whatever but to

force your body into one pH isn’t always

a good thing but let’s say for example

you don’t have stage five let’s say you

have some kidney problems and your pH is

pretty acid there are things you can do

potassium is one thing you can add

especially if you’re prone to those

kidney stones the most common ones being

calcium oxalates which develop in an

acid environment and if you have gout

and you have these uric acid crystals by

alkalizing the body with potassium you

can actually improve the symptoms and I

like potassium because it also can

protect the kidney now there’s also

baking soda you can take a little bit of

that to help protect the kidney

especially if there’s like a high blood

pressure situation and your pH is to

acid But realize that baking soda is

high in sodium okay so so sodium is one

of those things that they’re telling you

to avoid because of the blood pressure

problem but if you have enough potassium

there to counter that you should be okay

now I started to talk about some

alternatives for high blood pressure

medication like potassium and then

vitamin D right well there’s other

things as well garlic is a natural ACE

inhibitor but without the side effects

lion’s mane mushroom is another natural

ACE inhibitor and pycnogenol is also a

natural ACE inhibitor when we get to


cinnamon is a potent spice that can help

not just bring down your blood sugars

but your insulin is well people who have

diabetes who take cinnamon need a little

less medication because it helps your

blood sugars apple cider vinegar is

another great way to help regulate blood

sugars and going on keto intermittent

fasting could ultimately correct type 2

diabetes because what is diabetes too

much sugar in your bloodstream what is

keto and I have the reduction of

carbohydrates in the diet so that’s kind

of a no-brainer

now when we get to edema whether it’s

around your eyes or in your ankles

potassium is a natural diuretic because

it can help push out the fluid and it

counters the sodium and the water

retention problem but as you can see

potassium keeps coming up as a good

thing as a kidney protector for edema

and even high blood pressure which is

the exact opposite thing that people

generally think now one of the things

about going on the ketogenic diet and

doing intermittent fasting especially

together is that you dump a lot of

excess fluid on average about 13 pounds

of fluid within the first one to two

weeks because there’s no need to hold or

store that much stored sugar called

glycogen anymore and so when the body

dumps the stored sugar it also dumps the

water that’s connected to that sugar and

lastly there’s a really great Indian

herb for chronic kidney disease as well

as fluid retention and edema and that

herb is called punanaba and lastly one

of the most important preventative

things you can do for kidney problems is

getting on the right diet and I’m

talking about that healthy version of

Keto with intermittent fasting and I put

the best video I have that will walk you

through step by step how to do it

correctly right here