Should You Take Hormones When You Get Older? – Dr. Berg | DrEricBergDC

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hey guys I’m back and we’re gonna talk

about do you really need to take

hormones when you get older

okay let’s first talk about the basics

of what a hormone is to make it really

simple because it’sit’s very confusing

for people they believe some people make

it confusing but it’s very simple you

have the gland the purpose of the gland

is to make hormones hormones are

communications they’re messages they’re

instructions that tell the body what to

do and it travels through the blood so

we have the gland makes the

communication like right now I’m talking

to you you’re understanding what I’m

saying because you obviously understand

English but the words could be the

hormones they connecting your ears you

understand that and then I can’t really

see you but hopefully you are tracking

with me so what happens when that

hormone connects with the receptor on

the other end of the communication

circuitry then the function kicks in

there it is activated and then the

feedback loop comes back around here

telling the gland that that function was

complied with and then the gland can

stop producing the hormone so we have

this on/off switch going on so the

endocrine system is a superior

communication system composing of glands

and hormones and the coordination

thereof okay so you end up with low

testosterone lo-fi red hormone low

estrogen low growth hormone and you’re

thinking wow I’m just going to take some

bioidentical hormones because I don’t

have enough because I’m getting older

right well the problem is there’s side

effects and this question is never asked

why does your glands stop talking in the

first place this is what needs to be

looked at right here okay why do you

have low hormones now you say well I’m

gonna take bio tentacle hormones because

they’re safer well you know what I’d

like to see the study on that there are

no studies that I know of unless you

show me that compare bioidentical

hormones like the risks versus synthetic

hormones and we know that synthetic

hormones have

major risk problems there might be some

studies but I’ve never seen any so the

point is that when you take hormones it

comes with a package because you bypass

your body’s normal production and you

make your body dependent on that hormone

okay with a bunch of other side effects

and there’s just not a lot of data known

about taking hormones in and what it

does with the complexities of your

interactions with your own hormones so

it’s a it’s an area of unknown okay so

let’s just take a look at what could

possibly stop your gland from talking

all right

you have counter hormones that oppose

your hormones so you have like insulin

estrogen and cortisol are the big three

hormones that can nullify and block

other hormones they have like dominating

power they can block the fat burning

hormones for example they can interfere

with testosterone let’s talk about

insulin for a second insulin can

increase androgens and women that’s like

the male hormone and that’s why they can

get a condition called PCOS polycystic

ovarian syndrome when they get facial

hair and they get hair loss they get a

deeper voice but in men it can lower


okay so low t because they have high

levels of insulin but you can also in

men you can have high levels of estrogen

from consuming a lot of the the

chemicals in the environment which can

then block the receptor part right here

and that’s called endocrine disrupters

if you do research on endocrine

disrupters you’re going to find a whole

bunch of data relating to certain

chemicals in the environment like

pesticides insecticides herbicides

fungicides heavy metals even if you look

up on the lookup a book called

toxicology the study of poisons it’ll

list tons and tons of research on the

effects from endocrine disrupters and

how it can affect your hormones in a big

way so let’s say you consume regular

foods that are GMO and you’re exposed to

an herbicide like glyphosate that’s

Roundup Ready for example

that’s gonna affect yourselves and it

can give you estrogen effects okay

in men and women as well so because of

the the amount of chemicals that our

environment and the complexity of our

own hormones there’s all sorts of things

that can happen you can actually have

the gland enlarge it can shrink you can

have all sorts of effects down here

where certain hormones don’t work you

can have a whole series of reactions

that occur down the road that don’t

happen right away they might take 13

years to develop okay then you have junk

food okay or alcohol for example that

destroys the liver and it starts

developing a fatty liver so if you have

a gut chances are you have a fatty liver

and if you have a fed a liver you’re not

gonna have the full capacity of a liver

function and the liver is needed

especially to regulate a lot of these

hormones to act as a buffer and a

reserve and even the production of

certain hormones so it’s very very

important especially in growth hormone

which is the anti-aging hormone and

growth hormone works with testosterone

and then you have the thyroid hormone

which works through the liver so if that

liver is damaged that could be the

reason why you have low thyroid hormones

okay and lastly of statins which are

drugs that block the the body’s ability

to make cholesterol cholesterol is the

precursor it’s the raw material that

makes a lot of these hormones so that’s

why one of the big side effects when you

take statins like lipitor for example is

severe muscle pain muscle achiness

destruction of the muscles that’s

because it blocks the hormones and then

you start getting more inflammation you

don’t have the testosterone now to build

muscle tissue and you start having all

sorts of inability to develop muscle

mass and a lot of pain as well now the

big question is what do you do well

instead of starting to chase around some

of these symptoms first get in the

basics I’m talking about a healthy

eating plan like healthy ketosis and

then in a minute fasting do that and see

if that doesn’t actually help your


system right there chances are it will

but you also want to make sure that you

consume a lot of cruciferous vegetables

to clean up these endocrine disruptors

and help your liver as well okay the

other thing that you can do is search

out a high-quality glandular supplement

okay make sure it’s grass-fed to support

whatever gland that is not producing or

not working in your body all right so

thanks for watching and I will see you

in the next video hey I appreciate your

attention and if you’re enjoying these

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