DRINK 1 CUP PER DAY to Prevent Heart Attacks and a Stroke (GARLIC WATER) - Dr. Berg | DrEricBergDC

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you know i don’t know why they don’t use

garlic as one of the key medications for

the heart well actually i do there’s

really no money in it but there is some

powerful information i want to share

with you today

in relationship to garlic and heart

health now of course anything i say is

not meant to diagnose or replace your

medical care check with your doctor

before implementing this but you should

at least know this information relating

to how powerful garlic is in

relationship to your cardiovascular

function so today i’m going to show you

something very simple inexpensive

garlic water garlic has shown similar


in lowering blood pressure to standard

blood pressure lowering medication but

that’s just the tip of the iceberg of

what garlic can do for the heart let’s

cover some additional benefits first

okay it’s antivirals most

colds are virus in nature so at the

first sign of a cold you should be

consuming garlic anti-fungal now if you

have a candida infection or your tongue

is like has a white film on it garlic is

the answer for that and when people take

antibiotics they end up with a

candida infection because the bacteria

was supposed to keep this

candida in check and without that it can

overgrow so garlic is very good at

countering candida which is a type of

fungus garlic is also antibacterial you


take it as a natural antibiotic it’s

good for tb

and even aids pylori which is one of the

causes of ulcers garlic is good as an

anti-parasitic it kills worms and

parasites garlic is also powerful

in that it can hit at the root of so

many other problems simply by lowering

insulin and improving insulin resistance

which not just help your blood sugars

but they help reduce things like a fatty

liver which comes from excessive amounts

of insulin if you’ve been watching my

videos for any period of time you know

of all the consequences of too much

insulin there’s been quite a few studies

including the one that i just did in

europe on cancer to show garlic’s

powerful anti-cancer

effects garlic helps arthritis any type

of itis because it has powerful

anti-inflammatory effects so anything

like bursitis tendinitis arthritis

garlic can also increase endurance if

you’re an athlete but today i’m going to

kind of focus in on the heart

primarily there’s over 43 clinical

trials that show

remarkable benefits of using garlic on

the cardiovascular system in fact one

which i’ll put down below showed

decreased relative risk of heart attacks

and stroke

over 50

so why would anyone not be including

garlic in their diet on a regular

basis so check this out there’s a

compound called thromboxane and i don’t

want to get into the chemistry of it but

this compound causes platelets to clump

forming clots okay which then can get

lodged in the heart vessels creating a

heart attack or it can pass through the

arteries up into the brain potentially

causing a stroke this compound causes

vasoconstriction okay and what we’re

talking about is a spasm

of your coronary artery okay and let me

just cover that topic briefly just so

you understand what i’m talking about

there’s something called unstable angina

the unstable angina is related to a

coronary artery spasm

vasospastic so the arteries actually go

into this this constriction okay and in

this type of angina you usually have

unstable plaque that can break off

and then get stuck

in other parts of your vascular system

causing a stroke or a heart attack so

sometimes it can last for 10 minutes and

it goes away and it comes back but this

is the type of angina that can occur at

rest in the middle of the night whereas

the stable angina

has a plaque that has a fibrous cap it’s

more protected but can break off

triggered by certain activity either

some injury maybe exercise or something

that can break off this plaque then

causing the angina now there’s various

risk factors for angina you have smoking

of course in nicotine

obesity then you have diabetes where you

have an insulin problem and the arteries

are very very stiff

high blood pressure can be a risk factor

stress can be a trigger

insulin resistance which then will cause

the inflammation inside the arteries

then you have this cascade effect of

your body trying to form a band-aid out

of cholesterol calcium and protein

alcohol is one cause marijuana can be a

trigger cocaine can be a trigger and

energy drinks some of these kids

nowadays that drink a lot of energy


combine all this sugar with this

caffeine and there’s been quite a few

incidents of heart attacks in our youth

from energy drinks all right let’s come

back to this compound

potent hypertension okay when this is

too high

you get high blood pressure and this

chemical compound in your body occurs

after injury and inflammation

well it just so happens there are

several things that can inhibit this

compound okay

one this is the major mechanism with

blood thinner medication even aspirin

works to inhibit this compound but guess

what garlic has several compounds

that act as a natural inhibitor to this

compound and without the side effects


olive oil also can inhibit this compound

as well so when we’re talking about the

effects of garlic

on heart attack and stroke we’re talking


making sure that you don’t develop clots

garlic has natural properties to lower

blood pressure reduce artery stiffness

probably because it lowers insulin

and it can help lower your calcium score

there’s a really

good test that is probably one of the

best predictors of heart attacks and

it’s a coronary artery calcification

test it should be zero if it’s greater

than 400 or 500 or even over a thousand

that actually can predict your chances

of getting a heart attack so it’s a very

very good test to get done but guess


garlic can help lower the calcium in the

studies that they did for statins in

relationship to trying to lower this

calcium score

they were not successful but guess what

garlic can help lower this score

garlic also can help balance out your

lipids and cholesterol as well as

help you produce more bile that then

helps to regulate the cholesterol lipids

because bile is necessary to get rid of

excessive amount of cholesterol from the

body so garlic increases bile now since

garlic is very antimicrobial because it

works on viruses funguses and bacteria

it can greatly help another thing

related to the heart called infective

endocarditis there’s actually an

infection with staph bacteria

sometimes there’s a fungus

biofilms that’s occurring right inside

the arteries and guess what garlic can

act as a natural

antibiotic without the side effects

so that’s just one more benefit garlic

can do for your cardiovascular system so

let’s summarize garlic can help thin the

blood so you don’t develop a clot

it’s antimicrobial if there’s an

infection it helps to mobilize excess

cholesterol and other lipids from your

arteries because it can increase bile

production it can help regulate the

pressure encounter this vasoconstriction

going on it can help soften the arteries

and remove any excess calcium so i don’t

know about you but i don’t know why

anyone wouldn’t be taking garlic on a

regular basis

just for the cardiovascular benefit all

right now let’s show you how to make

this very very difficult and complex

garlic water okay and i’m being

sarcastic garlic water you crush one

clove of garlic okay

you put it in some water eight to twelve

ounces of water

you add a teaspoon of extra virgin olive


you let this sit for about 15 minutes


we want all these phytonutrients to be

released from the garlic after you crush

it and also we’re putting the extra

virgin olive oil in there not just to

help you reduce that

compound we just talked about but to

also help the absorption of some of

these phytonutrients since they’re fat

soluble okay and then the last part

just drink it drink it on a regular

basis now you don’t have to make garlic

water you can put in your food you can

take it as a supplement there’s probably

over 100 ways to take garlic just make

sure your garlic doesn’t come from china


they sometimes grow with chlorinated


and sometimes they use sewage as their

fertilizer so get it locally or better

yet grow it yourself now if you haven’t


this video on garlic it’s very

interesting i put it up right here check

it out