Jaundice Symptoms Explained by Dr.Berg (In Very Simple Terms!!) | DrEricBergDC

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hi guys in this video I’m gonna create a

short video on something called jaundice

okay what is it it’s really a symptom of

something being backed up in the blood

okay and that something is called

bilirubin now what is bilirubin

bilirubin is a byproduct of hemoglobin

okay now what is hemoglobin right well

in the blood you have different parts

you have the protein part the iron part

the protein part of the red blood cell

contains iron collectively that’s called

hemoglobin okay when that breaks down

because your body is constantly

recycling in the liver this blood so

it’s recycling it and the byproduct of

that recycling thing that your body’s

trying to get rid of and get rid of

through the waste is called bilirubin if

this isn’t recycled properly if it backs

up in the blood and comes out through

the skin that’s what jaundice is so it

turns yellow the skin turns yellow maybe

slightly green the whites of the eyes

turn yellow you might have itchy nasir

Joran becomes darker as well your stool

might become lighter so those are all

symptoms of the liver not detoxifying

this properly now it could also be the

gallbladder could be involved where it’s

backing up and everything is backing up

to the liver and of course the person

does get itchiness in the bottom of the

feet sometimes in the palm of the hands

but the instead of everything getting

recycled it just backs up so the

underlying cause could be a fatty liver

it could be an inflamed liver like

hepatitis it could also be a liver that

is filled with scar tissue called

cirrhosis or the gall bladder is the

problem and everything’s kind of backing

up so either the person is drinking too

much alcohol they’re eating poorly and

then you have drugs especially the

antipsychotic drugs can create this as

well all right now what to do about this

I put some links down below thanks for

watching hi guys hey listen I created a

pretty amazing evaluation quiz down

below that actually analyzes your

symptoms to find the cause the root

cause of all of your symptoms the most

likely cause so take the quiz now and

we’ll send you a report