What to do For Lump in Throat? – Remedies by Dr.Berg | DrEricBergDC

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so i want to talk about the symptom of having  a lump in your throat a sensation that there’s  

something in there but there’s actually nothing  in there what is this condition what can you do  

about it there’s a few different medical names  for this condition if you wanted to know this  

it’s not important but what i’m going to give  you today is some basic data on really what’s  

happening if we take a look at these structures  right through here we have the pharynx which is  

in the back of the throat right here and let’s  say i’m looking this way right here so the tongue  

is right here the jaw is right here and then we go  from the pharynx right below it we have the larynx  

that’s your voice box okay we have the vocal  cords you have a lot of other stuff going on there  

you have muscles and ligaments and cartilage right  through here right below this you have the trachea  

the trachea is a structure that has an opening  into your lungs okay so that’s where the trachea  

is and then right behind the trachea you have the  esophagus that’s where the food goes down into the  

stomach and you have various valves and controls  or sphincters sphincter is a muscular valve that  

can close like this and that’s controlled by  certain parts of your autonomic nervous system  

and there’s a little flap through this structure  to control the food to make sure the food doesn’t  

go down the wrong pipe and that’s called the  epiglottis and so you have a lot going on  

in this area right here with nerves and muscles  and tendons and cartilage and the coordination of  

allowing air and food and speaking  now about a couple years ago i was  

doing lunch with an old client that i had and as  i was sitting there i noticed that she started  

choking after she consumed some soup with some  chunks of chicken and it got stuck in her throat  

and she’s like i can’t breathe right and  i’ve never ever been in a situation where  

i had to perform the heimlich maneuver and i’m  very quickly trying to remember how to do it  

and so i go behind her and i start to do the  procedure and it doesn’t work and she’s like he’s  

choking and i’m looking around and everyone’s just  watching and i’m going oh my gosh she’s turning  

red she’s going to pass out and at that moment  what came to mind is that this area of your body  

the vocal cords the structures in this area are  highly innervated by the autonomic nervous system  

both the parasympathetic which is the vagus  nerve as well as the sympathetic fibers and so  

what i told her is i just said relax just calm  down just try to relax now i know it’s kind of  

difficult to try to get someone to calm down  when they can’t breathe but she just sat down she  

relaxed and then she could start breathing and so  one of the reasons i brought that up is that one  

of the triggers for having this lump in the throat  sensation is stress so when you go through stress  

you activate these fingers and things can close up  and you can have all sorts of problems including  

laryngitis and all sorts of hoarseness  and problems with your vocal cords as well  

so this symptom can be activated by stress a virus  low vitamin d levels which we’ll come back to that  

gerd which is an acid reflux situation and even  a problem with the vagus nerve one of the things  

that’s happening is we’re getting a spasm in  some of the soft tissue in this area right here  

and one of the medical names for a spasm in this  area is laryngeal spasm and what’s interesting  

is if you look up this condition right here  hypocalcemia that is low amounts of calcium  

in your blood one of the symptoms for this is  this right here spasm in your larynx interesting  

that’s one of the symptoms so in practice  what i would always give people is some simple  

calcium and it really would help them the type of  calcium that i would recommend for this condition  

is calcium lactate i used to use calcium  lactate from standard process and you can  

get that online it’s very inexpensive it works  great and it’s non-dairy i would also believe  

calcium orotate would work too i haven’t tried it  i do know that this works good for other types of  

spasms in the body as well as menstrual cramps  and it’s a type of calcium that can penetrate  

the tissues very well but in practice i always use  calcium lactate it’s a non-dairy very inexpensive  

you would take two or three an empty stomach  each day and that seems to work very very well  

because what we’re dealing with is a spasm  a muscular contraction another symptom of  

hypocalcemia is tetany which is a little twitching  right here and you could actually have tetany  

and that can actually affect the um quality of a  voice there’s actually a condition called stridor  

in infants where an infant’s voice is very harsh  and raspy and take a while guess what causes that  

hypocalcemia and low vitamin d levels because one  of the causes of hypocalcemia is low amounts of  

vitamin d so it could be that the person is low  in calcium because they’re low in vitamin d which  

probably is actually pretty common so one of the  things i would recommend to take on empty stomach  

is not just the calcium but the vitamin d as well  we also know that if someone has gerd even though  

they have a acid reflux what’s really behind  that is a low amount of acid in their stomach  

it’s called hypochlorhydria or a chlorhydria  which means you have a deficiency of acid or  

you have no acid and what’s happening now is the  valves aren’t closing and the acid is squirting up  

well if you don’t have enough acid guess what  you’re not going to be able to absorb in the body  

calcium there’s a connection between low vitamin  d and low calcium there’s also connection between  

viruses certain viruses and calcium too because  calcium can help put certain viruses back in  

remission and too much stress over a period of  time can deplete your calcium as well so anyway  

if you have a lump in the throat try this remedy  and comment down below before you go if you have a  

question about a product or you’re new to keto and  you want to know how to begin keto or you’re on  

keto and you need a debug because it’s not going  as smooth i have a keto consultant standing by to  

help you this is just for the people in the  us hopefully in the future we’ll be able to  

answer everyone’s call but i put the number  down below so you can call and get some help