Sugar, Yeast and Candida (Candidiasis) – Dr.Berg | DrEricBergDC

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hey guys today we’re gonna talk about

sugar yeast and Candida a lot of people

get yeast infections and Candida

infections and even other infections

from bacteria even viral infections and

I want to talk about the relationship

between sugar and getting and infection

sugar basically paralyzes your immune

system your white blood cells

specifically the neutrophils which are

the frontline defense against microbes

so you have different types of white

blood cells neutrophils are the ones

that go first and they help defend the

body when you consume sugar

you basically inactivate the neutrophils

you make them sluggish and then they

don’t work anymore so sugar basically

increases your susceptibility to getting

an infection so these microbes love

sugar and one example of that would be

like a diabetic that has high blood

sugar they have a greater greater

incidence of having infections more

Candida more bacterial infections if you

have these infections and you’re still

consuming sugar and maybe you’re taking

different remedies to try to get rid of

it it’s not gonna work

you have to stop feeding these microbes

so it happens when you have high sugar

or even low sugar if you have

hypoglycemia because what happens when

you eat sugar you get this spike of

insulin and then your blood sugars drop

so you can also give these infections

when you have low blood sugar as well

what do you eat you can have protein you

can consume vegetables you can do nuts

you consume fat and another question

that people want to know can I have

outside of vinegar absolutely some

people are sensitive to it because it’s

a fermented drink I find most people can

do it successfully without a problem and

lastly make sure you’re avoiding the

hidden sugars and alcohol juice fruit

dates figs breads pasta cereal crackers

biscuits waffles pancakes and yogurt and

definitely avoid dairy because dairy has

lactose milk sugar and Candida and knees

love milk sugar alright thanks for

watching if you’re liking this content

please subscribe now and I will actually

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