Could Your Joint Pain Be a Vitamin C Deficiency? – Dr.Berg | DrEricBergDC

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so if you joint pain you’re trying all these different things you might want to

look at a vitamin C deficiency vitamin C has a lot to do with joint health

because it’s involved in collagen synthesis it helps you make collagen and

I’m talking about the tendons and ligaments in the actual cartilage within

the joint capsule itself all of those need sufficient vitamin C or your joints

will fall apart vitamin C also helps to decrease inflammation if you’re

deficient you can have all sorts of inflammatory conditions also the need

for vitamin C increases with stress I’m talking about infection or surgery so

let’s say for example you had a hip replacement or some surgery on a body

part and you’re trying to heal well right there you need a lot more vitamin

C to provide the joint what it needs to repair our bodies really only have about

two weeks of vitamin C storage and then you start becoming deficient vitamin C

is also an antioxidant and a cofactor for opioids which your body has which

actually help you get rid of pain so if you don’t have enough vitamin C to make

these that right there can actually increase your pain but now let’s mention

the flip side of that so it’s not just about taking vitamin C or getting

vitamin C from your diet it’s about also having vitamin C being absorbed if you

are consuming food with sugar in it or you are a pre-diabetic or a diabetic and

your sugar is higher than it should be what’s gonna happen is the vitamin C is

not going to be absorbed that well because vitamin C in glucose have a very

similar chemistry not exactly the same but they’re very similar in the presence

of vitamin C and glucose your body will always absorb glucose first before

vitamin C if you have insulin resistance as well which 60% of the population has

you’re also going to be vitamin C deficient and that can easily show up in

joint pain because if you don’t know that you could be spending all this time

with these therapies joints when it’s a simple vitamin C

deficiency or it’s just a diet fix we usually need to cut the sugar out and

then the vitamin C will be absorbed another way that you know you’re

deficient in vitamin C is fatigue so fatigue and joint pain are the two top

indicators for a vitamin C deficiency if you haven’t seen my other videos on

vitamin C I’m going to put them up right here check it out