Dr. Berg LIVE Q&A on Keto | DrEricBergDC

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this is the dr. Berg show live from the

nation’s capital it’s time to get

healthy lose weight and feel great call

now to speak with dr. Berg at eight six

six five six one four two nine two and

now dr. Eric Berg

hey guys it’s Friday and now it’s 11

o’clock so we can actually catch up with

some of the people in California so you

didn’t have to get up too early

hopefully you’re good with that but if

you want to call in but I will take your

calls at eight six six five six one four

two nine two and we have Karen here

that’s going to be checking social media

for your questions so we’re gonna take

the first caller from Fort Lauderdale

gilma go ahead you’re on the air come on

in dr. bird voice let me tell you how

much I appreciate you I lost about 30

pounds on the ketogenic diet fifty years

old and now I thought I was never gonna

be sized to again so I’m doing wonderful

but I ran into a few bumps in the road

and one of them is paradox right I read

somewhere that saturated fat would cause

kara I was wondering if I should get the

surgery or yeah good question so let me

just answer that cataracts are usually

stemming from a severe b1 deficiency and

b1 deficiencies occur when you consume a

lot of carbs if you have insulin

resistance so before you get surgery and

by the way I’m not recommending any

medical advice just I’m just giving you

information to think listen to your own

research but the point is that you may

want to try consuming a lot more b1

right now to see if that condition

improves I’m not saying it will but it

might but give the nutritional yeast

unfortified to do that and see if that

can help you but that’s really what I

would do it’s vitamin b1 in the complex

nutritional yeast

that’s a good question though hate one

you’re from New York City had a question

about cholesterol yes hi good morning

thank you so much what you do and thank

you for educating us I always had high

cholesterol and the numbers of 240 never


diet I followed your program for four

months I do it in a minute fasting along

with the keto diet I’ve been doing it

for four months lost 26 pounds I went to

a cardiologist and had my blood drawn

and my cholesterol went up to 3:18 and

what they want to do is they want to put

me on the cholesterol drug pop up mm-hmm

is that something that happens with diet

where your cholesterol tends to go well

because I’ve been far I’ve been

following the ketogenic diet exactly how

you have Taurus - right good question

can you tell me what your triglycerides

are and also LDL and HDL is that

out-of-control or just a total

cholesterol that’s total cholesterol my

VLDL is 16 my triglycerides is 114 okay

and my H LDL is 45 okay all right so a

couple things the other thing I would go

get measured is your a1c because that if

that’s coming down too close to like

five point five five then you’re in

really good shape because here’s the

thing your fat cells have are composed

of triglycerides and cholesterol so when

you are in fat burn and guess what that

has to be mobilized in release from the

fat cell so all that fat has to come out

through the fat cell through your blood

do you liver and of course your your

cholesterol is going to spike

temporarily happens with everyone

because you have to get the cholesterol

out and that’s why one of the problems

with going on the keto is that some

people can get a fatty liver because the

mobile ace mobilization of fat and

cholesterol comes out if they’re not

consuming enough vegetables so as long

as your vegetables are high and you’re

doing outside of vinegar and you’re not

doing any sugars I would give it more

time because it has to come out it’s

going to come

see your body makes a lot of cholesterol

it makes about 3,000 milligrams that’s

pretty much 90% of all the cholesterol

your body is made by your body only 10%

comes from the diet so we need

cholesterol throw it for the vision for

the skin for the brain for the nervous

system for your hormones so the real

problem is not the cholesterol it’s the

arteries that are damaged that then the

cholesterol comes and starts sticking on

the wall that’s what the damage is and

that comes from insulin resistance so

what you’re doing is you’re actually

correcting insulin resistance you’re

healing make sure you do intermittent

fasting spike the vegetables and I would

get it reevaluated in a month and then

another month and see if it gets

improved but it will start coming down

this happens just just with everyone and

then watch my videos on cholesterol

because I think that’d be very important

but I’m glad you brought that up one all

right Karen let’s go to you you have any

questions today yes I have a great

question on how keto diet can help

someone with an eating disorder okay

good so let’s talk let’s answer that

when you have anorexic anorexia bulimia

you’re bulimic obviously you know you’re

usually you’re going to be binging on

carbs and then you’re going to be you

know getting rid of the carbs and that

creates a tremendous amount of stress on

the liver it’s very damaging and I guess

the the purpose is to lose weight which

never works when you’re doing the carbs

and you’re trying to do this so honestly

I would greatly advise that person to do

the keto in a minute fasting to the

point where you’re doing at two meals

because once you actually get into true

fat-burning your brain is going to

function so much better and it’s going

to actually your mood your cognitive and

your mood is going to come up and it’s

going to help you cope with with those

impulses a lot better than running on

the blood Sugar’s which is up and down

so you actually experience a lot less

stress the brain will be under a lot

less stress and you’ll actually feel

better overall and also you’ll get

you’ll you’ll be able to control your

own metabolism

because what’s gonna happen over time

that condition is going to slow your

metabolism to the point where no matter

what you do you just keep gaining weight

so yes I would highly recommend it but

do it healthily make sure you’re getting

your nutrients and cut the carbs out all

right is that sufficient that’s it

yeah that’s great you just gave me the

floor so I’m gonna give you another one

I thought you were gonna okay what about

vertigo and the keto diet yeah vertigo

you know you’re dizzy it really depends

if you get up fast and you’re dizzy

versus you’re dizzy all the time if you

get up fast and you’re disoriented or

you actually get dizzy that is an

adrenal weakness because the blood

pressure is not adapting to the

positional change like there’s not

enough blood and oxygen to your brain so

it takes a little bit to reset so if

that’s the problem you need to support

the adrenal glands I have a lot of

videos on what to do with that but

that’s adrenal but let’s say you’re

dizzy all the time and it has nothing to

do with going or flight of stairs or

standing up quickly that uses the mucus

on the inside of the ear coming from

either something you’re eating that

you’re allergic to or some type of sinus

issue in the inner ear I have another

video on that as well two remedies for

that would be oregano oil you can take

it orally and also put a drop with

garlic in the ear itself each day and

that will actually help any type of like

you know extra growth of Micra microbes

that are in there and also in any pot

with salt would be really good as well

all right let’s take a question from our

lien you’re from Delaware you had a

question about your test results and the

sleet your sleep aid or sleep aid yes

how are you great

thanks I’m talking to you every week

yeah I got my my lab tests from urine

tests and says that my it says keidel’s

two-plus abnormal what does that mean

well that means that you have you have

ketones in your urine you’re doing urine

right or blood that was urine yeah I’m

doing both I have a question on the

blood one too but the urine one says

  • plus abnormal and then my blood work

is ast it says eleven which says low and

then it says AG ratio which is 0.9 and

that says low and I don’t know what this

is this is neutrophils yeah and that one

is really high seven seventy five point

two and the lymphocyte site is mm-hmm

that fourteen point nine and then they

say that’s low and I did have breast

cancer those that have anything to do

with camp well let me let me just answer

that Arlene when we’re evaluating your

blood on the air is probably going to be

a more in-depth conversation I need to

get your history and all that but just

in general when you have two two plus

ketones in your urine that means you’re

in ketosis if you don’t have ketones in

your blood that could be near your

utilize them as fuel but I don’t think

you actually had your ketones tester in

your blood I think they checked it other

other things neutrophils could mean

several things number one it could be

weak adrenals it could be an infection

it could be a low immune system if

you’re not experiencing those symptoms

then I think it’s probably adrenal

issues that you need to check out and

start to kind of read up on that

neutrophils are white blood cells and so

what happens the adrenal hormone called

cortisol tends to suppress the white

blood cells and neutrophils

the neutrophils go go in there and they

eat up and they dismantle microbes bad

microbes so when actually if it’s too

high it’s overreacting and it could be

because you don’t have enough of during

a hormone so it’s going high it’s too

low you can have too much adrenal

hormone so it’s a little confusing and I

think for that question might be good

just to get a whole history and maybe

send into my office and so we can

evaluate that but let’s let’s take

another question because we have a lot

of people that are calling in right now

Zoe F you’re from Puerto Rico go ahead

you had a question yeah good good

evening dr. Berg I was wondering I’m me

and my wife we’re professional athletes

and we

are having any mind to compete probably

next year and a bodybuilding competition

and absolutely it’s two questions that

was we were wondering if we can use the

ketogenic diet to you know lower our

body fat levels to essential fat you

know competition level and also our my

second question it would be if we can

use the ketogenic diet to help us create

more stamina and hit training exercises

oh good good question

hands down it is the best thing to do

for losing weight becoming lean way

better than the carbo-loading you may

need to adjust your fats a little bit

lower right during the competition but

overall it’s the best ways the

healthiest way to do this so many

bodybuilders end up with issues and

problems down the road because they you

know it’s it’s very very it’s the cyclic

carb loading and then you’re working out

in the stress it really can throw off

your hormones especially growth hormone

and affect your muscle density but

intermittent fasting will preserve your

proteins and your muscle so it’s exactly

what you need to do and as far as

performance and endurance and stamina oh

my gosh you’re gonna have way more

energy running your body at that feel

gives you way more energy than run your

bio and glucose I mean you have an

average non obese person has about

70,000 calories of that to run on and

you only have about 1,700 calories of

glucose that are stored to run and so

let’s see hmm which one would be better

total ketosis I would jump into that

right away and I think you’ll you’ll

have the unfair advantage of dominating

your competition good do we have any

questions Karen coming in yes yes I

reserve the right to ask several here so

one all that we addressed every single

week and I know there are videos on this

you have videos on it but hair loss

during keto okay always get a flurry of

questions on that so you can address

that and come back okay so hair loss if

you’re doing keto and all of a sudden

you get your hair is falling out that

usually is a B vitamin if

shouldn’t see ok it’s B vitamin

deficiency you use more B vitamins when

you’re in the ketogenic diet that’s why

I recommend taking nutritional yeast or

nutritional these tablets and so that’s

all you need to do is add the B vitamins

in there and that should stop it like

that ok that’s really what’s gonna

happen there’s no other I mean it’s

pretty much gonna work about a hundred

percent of time but yous need more B

vitamins but is there a magic formula is

there another mad a secret you’re not

telling us oh you mean related you want

well that’s more for the advanced people

or know that that’s more for the

advanced show after we do this the

second show I get into the advanced

things and the secrets the secrets okay

okay good now here’s another good

question is what about keto for memory

loss or these other issues like dementia

related I just forgot about that that’s

right now

yeah keto for memory loss and cognitive

function oh my god it’s incredible why

because first of all your brain loves

ketones and secondly when you do in a

minute fasting with that and you cut

your carbs down you actually can improve

dementia and Parkinson’s symptoms and

Alzheimer’s symptoms why because this

eating plan is neuroprotective in other

words it protects the loss of brain

cells so you can actually regenerate

brain cells you can get more brain new

brain cells who wouldn’t want an extra

brain cell here and there I mean it’s

beneficial looking for new brain cells

not only that in a minute fasting and

the etaf adji that’s the word that talks

about your cells being a self-cleaning

oven they actually can clean up and

recycle and clean itself up and so when

it does that guess what that’s very

neuro protective as well so you’re

actually growing new brain tissue back

so some people could actually benefit

from that more than others good so in

addition to saying I’m cleaning my oven

I can say I’m cleaning my breath oh

you’re cleaning your you’re

self-cleaning oven of your brain cells

and getting the junk I’ll let Ron

okay good good see I want to let no no I

have to let people on Facebook no

because it’s it’s changed with a keto

course it’s changed this week to make it

even easier so anybody that makes a

comment on Facebook if you’ve never made

a comment before you will automatically

get an invitation for the keto course

it’s a free course it’s three simple

videos everyone needs to take it and the

reason why I put it out there is so

everyone gets the basics because that’s

what you need to start with is the

simple basics just sign up take the

course yeah yeah okay good now can I go

to the next person I wish you would

answer the phone okay so Nancy you’re

from New Jersey you had a question about

several things go ahead hi yes hi dr.

Bergen Karen thank you for taking my

fall I have a 55 year old male here who

happened let me answer jury done it in

quote unquote take it was apparently

removed and then he found another

physician that was willing to do the


he had the bypass Don he’s lost way too

much weight he would like to gain more

weight and seem like he can’t he

recently was admitted to the hospital

football obstruction he’s got enlarged

prostate and anemia and no muscle tone

there’s also room for concern that he

may have some abdominal scar tissue

that’s number one number two is in

regards to myself I have a theme bar

high pole acting level I’m about 40

pounds overweight and it my menstrual

cycle is very intimate and although I

had a very high stress my loss my father

on Sunday will be a year so I get I

won’t get my period for maybe three or

four months and then I’d get it and then

I get it in two more weeks and then

another week and then I won’t get it for

another several months what’s your age

Nancy I’m 151 and then yeah as far as

your husband goes

he had bariatric surgery right yeah and

did you say that they were tried to

reverse it apparently this is before I

even met him but he has a Batman quote

unquote as in his words it didn’t take


no they went back in and was a postive

removed the Lap Band

and then when they moved it and he found

another physician was really to go back

in and do the bypass and when that

physician woman’s at the bypass he told

him that they never actually removed a

lap and that it was kind of still

floating in his so here’s the question

after you are either one of you doing

kind of some of the recommendations like

keto and intermittent yet yeah I I’m

basically am he still eats like the

disease your bread and stuff like that

every so often because I really didn’t

know what else to do with him to help

him gain weight but now with this most

recent he was admitted to the hospital

in the on Thanksgiving for bowel

obstruction now I’m wondering whether or

not he really should have any type of

carbs at all but he wants to gain weight

so I’m very confused

what they do with them all right so well

here’s the thing I’m sure in the

hospital he’ll be eating some really

good food so that you know we can rule

that out

no just kidding here’s the thing with

him I think I would focus a lot on in a

minute fasting with him because that’s

going to really heal anything going on

with the digestive system as far as

trying to gain weight with carbs it’s I

think it’s going to send them backwards

I think what I would do is try to get

him healthy and work on his digestive

system because apparently was one of

trauma in there when you do bariatric

procedures you lose the the surface of

the absorption in your stomach or than a

small intestine so then you you be you

start losing bile and stomach acids and

you become anemic and then you have

problems with trace minerals and

proteins so I would I would I have a

video on that you should just watch that

on bariatric

surgery and Kido I would actually watch

that because that’ll give you all the

data but I would put him on in a minute

fasting big time I think that would help

now is far far as your situation with I

think it’s a combination of stress and

that’s affecting your cycles course

you’re 51 so you’re going right into

that time where your ovaries are going

in retirement right now so doesn’t

surprise me that you’re not having your

period it’s probably a natural

transition but for you I think what I

would do are the biggest thing is

support the adrenals so watch the videos

on supporting adrenals with certain

tweaks with food

physical acupressure techniques for your

adrenals long walks right now that’s

what you need more than anything because

the adrenals are the back up to the

ovaries so you’re right into that

menopausal where you need to support the

adrenals so that’s what I would focus on

thanks thanks Nancy hey Brooke you’re

from Tennessee you had a question about

allergies to bee stings yes good morning

I also had two more questions but what

causes people to be allergic to bee

stings and is there a way to stop the

reactions to that without getting some

kind of vaccine and what’s the

difference in fructose and high fructose

corn syrup and fruit is it just as bad

for you and does it matter what side you

lay on to take your blood pressure

really okay all right so so as far as

checking your blood sugar I’m blood

pressure I would do it sitting and I

wouldn’t necessarily on one side or the

other I would just do it sitting so

you’re neutral I mean you could be

laying down too but not on your side

because it’s gonna affect the way the

heart is and the way the livers gonna

compress the heart as far as high

fructose corn syrup and fruit I just

released a video I’m gonna suggest you

watch that but in thumbnail sketch fruit

has fiber and it has nutrients

high-fructose corn syrup has no fiber

and no nutrients and it’s made of a corn

not fruit so I

just corn syrup is by far the worst

thing you can almost the worst thing you

can consume for trying to actually

turning into insulin resistance and

eventually diabetes because it’s going

to go right to the liver create a fatty

liver and create all the issues but

believe it or not there is one thing in

addition to high fructose corn syrup

that I just I’m gonna do a video on this

I found that actually will cause more

insulin resistance than hyper dose corn


can you take a wild guess Karen what

that could be say that it say that again

when I was reading I know what what is

worse than high fructose corn syrup as

far as causing insulin resistance I know

this high fructose corn syrup and

protein know like what what what else

would do would cause insulin resistance

that’s worse than consuming

high-fructose corn syrup

cotton candy okay well you’re right

you’re right yeah that’s actually from

high fructose corn syrup that’s actually

believe I only got one guess yeah you

only get one guess it’s actually soy oil

we’re gonna get the haters now well

here’s the thing I’m gonna I’m gonna do

a whole video and I was like I was like

the maize but then it made a lot of

sense because if you see day coincidence

with obesity and diabetes that goes up

right when they started making this oil

soy oil so is that why I think it

doesn’t make sense I’m thinking about

sugar well first of all no carbs it’s

not you throw in soy oil it’s

genetically modified that means it is

glyphosate it has chemicals those

chemicals are bad for you okay that’s

one number two in summary those

chemicals are bad for you yeah I know

number two I appreciate that the omega-3

oils it’s not omega-3 I’m sorry omega-6

oils are very inflammatory so but I

think it’s the GMO stuff anyway let me

get back to Brookes question about

allergies bee stings why would you

develop an allergy that has to do with

something that kind of got into the

system and now your body is producing

anybody’s what sets you up for allergies

is usually in a dream

weakness and so there had to been some

pre-existing adrenal weakness for you to

set up that allergy so that’s really

what’s behind allergies now a couple

things that you can do to as it to

improve it as a remedy and this you can

search this out it’s a standard

processed product look online it’s

called cow ammo count see al hey mo Cal

ammo and it’s it’s a really it’s calcium

chloride okay and it actually helps to

drop the pH a little bit and helps to

reduce histamine reaction especially bee

stings I think that was all your

questions but thanks for calling in hey

Kat you’re from New York you had a

question about gall bladder formula hi

dr. Berg hi Karen

hi hi I just had a question a quick

question I know you have a lot of calls

I don’t have my gall bladder anymore and

I’ve been doing keto since October 1st

so we’re at 2 months now and I’ve only

lost 7 pounds so I just got your gall

bladder formula and I’m just wondering

if your gall bladder formula will help

my body convert t3 to t4 okay good

question so what you need to do is find

out where they took your gall bladder

and get it back and just replace or get

it replaced now you can’t do that now

what happens when they remove the

gallbladder that means that now you

don’t have a sack to concentrate the

bile as much so now you have a little

tube it goes from your liver down the

small intestine so it trickles down

there so we have a a weaker diluted less

amount of bile bile helps you extract

fat soluble nutrients and essential

fatty acids and a whole bunch of other

things so you’re taking the gallbladder

formula which has bile in it which is

great I would take that after the meal

okay and also it’ll give you more bile

which is needed to convert thyroid from

inactive t4 to t3 so it should actually

improve the thyroid function and that’s

why when you have a client with hyper

thyroid they have too much thyroid

hormones you don’t want to give them the

bio formula because they’ll have it’ll

make more hormone okay or more

activation of the hormones that

have alright and thanks for calling all

right Karen yeah I good I have some cool

questions here one is is eating meat

necessary on keto I can’t eat cheese or

nuts so how do I get more protein okay

you know let me just get take that one

at a time

it’s really hard to do Kido without

doing animal proteins simply because

trying to get your b12 at about MMA and

most vegetarian proteins come with

carbohydrates that is the problem so

maybe you do eggs maybe you can’t do

dairy and you can’t do what what else no

no okay yeah yeah so maybe you’re gonna

have to do a little fish or seafood or

eggs that’s what I’m gonna recommend

because they don’t say they can’t eat me

they just say is it necessary so I’m no

clear it’s necessary for the amino acid

what the reason why you need amino acids

or protein is because structurally you

have to replace your hair your nails

your joints your muscles okay so that

has to come somewhere and meat is the is

the most comprehensive source of

high-quality amino acids okay good

alright next question I was a liver

donor is that an issue terrible problem

losing weight no gallbladder okay

sadface exercise every day also been a

healthy eater and just started

intermittent fasting well I think you’re

doing the right thing yes your liver

should come back it does grow back if

you have a little bit it keeps getting

bigger I don’t think you have anything

to worry about but without a gallbladder

you might want to support it with the

gallbladder formula because now you

don’t have the bile and so and even if

there’s not a full liver then that means

you’re not going to be able to produce

enough by because this liver cells make

the bile so therefore adding that one

after a meal I think would be helpful

maybe start with just one meal a day as

far as taking that and then but the

intimate of fasting is going to be

awesome to help you get into aa fijian

to get your organs to work more

efficiently get your body as in a health


and help stimulate growth hormone which

actually will speed up the growth of

your liver and but she wants to also

know about losing weight

yeah well that’s exactly what’s gonna

happen is as your liver gets healthier

you’re gonna start losing more weight as

you get better digestion you’re gonna

lose more weight so in a minute fasting

in ketosis is the combination that you

need to help yourself lose weight okay

so now we’re gonna take a call from

Amanda from Michigan go ahead hi yes I

had a question about my kids are I have

two questions actually one is can my

young kids have the wheatgrass juice

powder and electrolyte powder how old

are they um my daughter is three and my

son is one and I no of course not my

doses that I take right I was just

curious if they can have that Jill well

what I would do because they’re because

they’re uh it’s a food based thing and

it’s a concentrate and there’s all the

trace minerals I would give them if

they’re that young probably 120 I mean

1/4 of what you would take in some water

and then that that way they’re getting a

lot of nutrition so it’s not harmful it

can be very beneficial yeah okay my

second question is actually for my

mother um it’s kind of lengthy but she’s

fifty years old and she was diagnosed

with 12 years ago with relapsing

remitting ms she also doesn’t have a

gall bladder

she’s got 50% coated arteries but all

her cholesterol came back normal

okay and she also has long list but she

also has the arthritis and degenerative

spine and she they told her doctor told

her that’s from taking so many of her

steroid treatments yeah and her main

question is she’s also on fifty fifty

thousand I use a vitamin d3 she just

bought um your stress kit and your keto

kit gall bladder formula and the vitamin

d3 and cake tool okay then she overdosed

she’s kind of at a loss because her

neurologist told her

that she used to recommend the keto diet

but then her patients starting to get

any like strokes so she recommend my mom

go on a very low-fat diet yeah she’s

kind of getting tossed back and forth

alright so let me just answer it okay

I’m and this is this brings up several

key points ms is a autoimmune of the

nerve cells the absolute only thing

that’s going to help her is going into

any a diet that gives neuroprotection or

nerve protection and that would be an

event fasting in ketosis okay that’s

number one there is another diet you

should not do carbs for that at all

that’s going to help MS a lot the second

thing is she has artery problems right

you said Harding of the arteries or a

blocked artery or something here’s the

thing if you look under insulin

resistance okay or let’s just say high

insulin in the body

it’s called hyperinsulinemia okay high

insulin one of the big side effects is

the first side effect is it goes after

the arteries the circulation and that’s

why it disrupts the wall of the vessels

and that’s what brings in the

cholesterol that brings in to the

collagen to start creating the clot and

the stroking and the heart attack so

really all these things like stroke

heart attack

aneurysms really come from high insulin

which comes from insulin resistance okay

that’s how it happens so what she’s

doing is going to be very very good to

help reduce the risk of strokes and

heart attacks because it’s gonna heal

the inside of that artery okay and

that’s why with diabetics you get other

vascular problems in the eye the retina

the blood vessels in the eye and then

the kidney and the blood vessels to the

nerves and the fingertips and the toes

so absolutely hands down now you as far

as the nutrition you can’t really

overdose on the stuff that I’m

recommending because their food

concentrates they’re not synthetic

they’re not high potency stuff I think I

would have a replace her regular d3 with

my k2 and d3 because she needs the k2 to

pull out the calcium out of the harsh

reefs and the joints for arthritis

but also this eating plan will be

wonderful for inflammation and arthritis

because that’s what it does

thanks Amanda Amanda I’m sorry all right

Karen you’re next

okay good so first of all people love

you and everybody’s saying I love them

too okay good so here’s a question about

chronic fatigue yeah yeah talk about

that okay well first of all chronic

fatigue is a symptom don’t ever treat it

with the remedy I had a chronic fatigue

and I was trying to find a vitamin

increase my energy it’s a symptom so the

last thing I do is start treating it you

want to find out what’s underneath it

the first thing to look at is sleep are

you sleeping let’s say you are sleeping

how was the quality of sleep is that

good or bad

it could suck so that’s what you want to

fix so you want to support it sleep

don’t mince words dr. Berger just say it

my sleep sucked okay so what happens is

what causes sleep problems is several

things one is your bladder at night

which is instant resistance it could be

stress from the adrenal it could also be

slept sleep apnea because you’re not

breathing at night so all these things

need to be looked at to find the

underlying reason but let’s say for

example Karen yeah that your sleep is

okay and you still have chronic fatigue

syndrome Ben what there’s two things

that I found it could be epstein-barr

virus which is sitting in the background

hanging out being reactivated during

times of stress what’s that it’s a virus

that happens that it kind of goes into

the tonsils usually you get it from in

high school where your tonsils swell up

like mono and so then years later it

gets reactivated not as an infection it

comes out of remission as a chronic

fatigue syndrome because you’re under

stress and stress is the trigger that

brings that out of remission or part of

it anyway now this might sound weird

this might sound like it’s hard to make

sense but there’s great acupressure

technique that you can do for improving

circulation and immune system function

and it’s use them in my massage tool I

may have a video on this that sounds

weird I know but it works so you put it

in the back of the neck right underneath

the skull and you lay

back on your couch and I’ve used this

technique so many times in the past and

I wish I would have filmed it because

it’s like the person goes from fatigue

to all of a sudden they just perk right

up because it increases the circulation

apparently those nerve points that you

trigger are very beneficial so pick down

YouTube you can type epstein-barr virus

or no chronic fatigue syndrome and watch

that video so that that will help you

with that and the other thing believe it

or not is the gall bladder sometimes

kinky can get congested and that can

actually really suck your energy so

watch some videos on that to see if you

can see if that’s your problem all right

Deena you’re from Arizona you had a

question go ahead hi happy holidays

you too thank you I wanted to know what

your thoughts were on hit training as

far as something like insanity yeah I am

35 years old 150 pounds I’ve been

staying at this weight since this summer

I would say since about July or August

and I’m doing great so far as far as

getting on keto actually doing in a

minute fasting I’ve been doing actually

the past four days so did terrible ever

since given bone broth bone broth and a

kale shake along with the beet roots

everything kind of explained before and

doing my apple cider vinegar so I wanted

your thoughts on oh here’s another thing

I’m wondering if my metabolism has

slowed because I was once on tend I met

regime I would say this was on it for

about almost a year and I lost of course

a lot of weight I was at 125 pounds then

once I stopped is obviously didn’t need

it anymore

I’ve noticed that now it was easier to

gain weight I went through stressful

times and you know life happened so this

is where I’m at yeah I feel like my

body’s and the tabal ISM has changed and

it needs a bit of hard core something

right question I have for you as far as

when you work out when you do inclines

you does your legs get heavier

mm not to not to because I feel like

I’ve been doing really good on my I’ve

done a lot of the vitamins that you’ve

talked about like the seek help the

nutritional yeast I’ve been doing I

think Oh the potassium good good what

about when you work out does it can you

recover faster as it takes several days

to bounce back hmm I would say I need

like a day a day or two okay

and how was your sleep oh my gosh it’s

gotten so much better it was really bad

again over the summer like I mentioned

when I gained my weight it was terrible

stress they’ve been taking like an

adrenal support to kind of help calm

down my cortisol yeah I can tell the

difference my sleep is a whole lot

better it’s improved right just recently

okay well let’s let me just give you a

couple tips then okay number one the hit

programs high-intensity interval

training the insanity I mean I think

that’s a great workout if you could

recover as you get into your 30s and 40s

I mean you can still do it but you

better give yourself a couple days to

recover from it because it’s hard core

so the more intense less recovery so

it’s really a balance of of balancing

that out like for example as far as the

frequency per week I had this guy come

in and he was doing a high intense

interval training every other day

okay and now weight loss so I put him at

three times a week and it was a little

bit of weight loss put him at I tried it

to go to two weeks two times per week

and then he lost a little bit more I

said just for the fun of it just workout

once a week and get more sleep that’s

when he lost the most weight I mean I

was like wow that’s interesting so you

may want to experiment and exercise a

little less just get more recovery and

see if that doesn’t tweak things

especially with the adrenal being

affected you can walk on the other days

but but if you want to improve weight

loss you want to

focus mainly on making sure that you’re

doing it correctly remember to those

nutrients are good with the potassium

we’ll speed it up in the B vitamins and

then you want to make sure you in a

minute fasting is you’re not cheating

and you’re going longer between the the

eating bouts or the eating windows the

magic so called sweet spot for

intermittent fasting is between 18 and

24 hours okay of not eating so that

would be like let’s say for example you

ate at 12 and then at 6 that’s 6 hours

that gives you 18 hours that’s when you

start to really get into fat-burning

okay that’s when you start mobilizing

the fat if you push it a little bit more

into 4 hours so now it’s a four hour

window you’re gonna do better but

ultimately that one meal a day is the is

the most hardcore weight loss so you

would eat once a day and then it gives

you like maybe 23 and a half hours to to

get into serious healing of your

intermittent insulin resistance and fat

burning so that’s one thing and then

also episode it vinegar will help

greatly and vitamin D will help and then

as far as the exercise go go so you know

full body high intensity but but make

sure you focus on their recovery and I

think just give it more time and so you

can heal from that time where you

actually did the serious weight loss all

right okay Karen you got to allow you to

ask one one last question okay seven

questions number one so well first of

all I want to say if you have question

about the gallbladder definitely check

out the video blog because he’s got a

lot of videos on gallbladder and the

other thing is if you want the keto

course just commenting on Facebook

you’ll get the keto course and I believe

on YouTube there’s a link okay so you

don’t have to ask and I mean you can ask

but if you comment at all on Facebook

you’re going to get an invite for the

keto course I figured that was I was a

little easier if you don’t want it you

don’t want it okay

so that what loves my train of thought

as you’re thinking about let me say

something interesting yeah just a sec I

just want to thank everyone

thank everyone for watching these videos

and give me your your attention I really

appreciate it we just hit over a hundred

million YouTube views with 800,000

subscribers just under a hundred

thousand Facebook followers so thank you

I really appreciate it and if you

wouldn’t mind sharing it even more that

would be great if you want to hit we

want to actually hit above I wanna hit

so spread the 1 billion press yeah we

want to spread the word because it’s

just gonna help people so I really

appreciate that now Karen did you

remember okay well I get a lot of

questions about all the mood related

things and I think you touched on that a

little bit yeah but anything else you

want to say for the people who are

asking about what can change kids mood

you know you know in schools sometimes

kids end up in a challenging situation

because they’ll have mood swings or

maybe you know how unusual a

seven-year-old doesn’t sit in his chair

without moving for eight hours I mean

some of that’s just ridiculous but some

of it’s the food they’re eating yeah let

me just touch on that but I do want to

say this one little thing just one I

want to just mention everything that I

say is not meant to diagnose or give you

medical advice it’s just meant for

entertainment and education for you to

do your own research okay yeah so when I

say a remedy or do this do your own

research check with your doctor before

doing this information okay all right

that said here’s the cure for cancer

know the mood swings mood swings are

totally a blood sugar thing

hypoglycemia when it goes low person can

even go creative become a psychotic I

mean like lobe lechers can cause people

to do crazy things so you know you

imagine how much how much like soda even

kids I think in even in DC there was an

average child

seventy-five 78% of all the children in

this study could not go for more than

seven days without a soda I was like

what so it’s it’s sugar it’s the sugar

and of course you load up the kids with

sugar and they’re not gonna sit in their

chair they’re not going to concentrate

and then of course they’re gonna be put

on drugs so it’s a blood sugar thing so

yes I’m gonna be doing more information

on that for sure yeah definitely do your

homework do your homework on the

problems and do your homework on any

remedy than anybody suggests that’s my

two cents okay let’s take Tom from

Florida you’d a question thank you dr.

Berg and Karen they say that tumors

cannot grow in an alkaline environment

and so I was thinking that having a

benign brain tumor that it would be a

good idea to drink lemon juice and

baking soda at night to try to

alkalinize my body a little bit more is

that according to your understanding I I

thought that my diet was was acidifying

my my body probably you know coffee and

Meads and so forth included but I’m on

keto now 57 years old done a lot of

water only fasting and it’s what God

used to really to keep me alive Austin

I’ve had seizures I have had seizures

from this tumor but I refused the the

conventional treatments thank you and I

has been many years but thank you for

the keto advice after listening to you I

I went back on a I had tried the keto

but my wife and I are both on keto and

were very thankful for your advice oh my

pleasure I want to give you a couple

tips Tom okay yes sir okay so here’s

this this concept that’s pushed out

there that we need to alkalize her body

because only cancer and tumors can only

grow in an acidic

they can’t grow in an alkine environment

well then how do you explain diabetics

that have ketoacidosis they’re all acid

okay they get tumors they get cancer I

mean it’s actually even spikes some so

basically and someday I’m gonna find out

who they is actually I did find out who

that is and I’m gonna do a video on that

sometime but not going to tell you who

that is right now but tumors can grow in

an acid environment and they can grow in

an alkaline environment that’s not the

big factor that’s not the environment

tumors are triggered by several things

by chemicals in the environment by

basical there’s there’s actually by

estrogen that can grow tumors and

insulin is another trigger for tumors if

I had a tumor what I would do is I would

do exactly what you’re doing right now

which is Kido and him in the fasting I

think that would be the best thing but I

also would take seek help for iodine

because iodine actually helps balance

out estrogen which could be connected to

that and be one apparently when you’re

b1 deficient tumors grow a little faster

so make sure you take a little more on

nutritional yeast or in a tablet to

actually help counter that all right but

and then one last thing I almost forgot

Karen there’s this concept that we all

need to alkalize our body

anyone who says that does not or just

let’s say they have a huge confusion

about pH because your body has about

about 18 different PHS okay going from

severe acid to very alkaline so the

stomach should be acid the large bowel

should be acid the blood should be

Auckland so when people say to alkalize

the body what are they talking about

what part of the body if your whole body

was alkaline you probably be dead now

because you need the pH differences in

the different part of the body to

activate enzymes to create flows of

fluid that go from the stomach to the

small intestine so it’s false

information that we need to alkalize

their bodies with

pens you know we just need to eat

healthy and then our body will go into

the pH it needs to be that’s how you do

it of course you want to consume a lot

of vegetables but not necessarily to

alkalize yourself

now if you’re a diabetic you are going

to become more acid but again I’m not

recommending keto without 7 to 10 cups

of vegetables to offset some of that


so again just I have some videos on that

you can watch thanks Tom okay Karen

question yes so a point on sleep eight

hours is a good amount of sleep what if

a person sleeps six hours and then he’s

up and then sleeps two hours or four and

four how did Western okay good good let

me take another question here so when

you when you actually sleep six hours

compared to eight hours and you take

naps it really doesn’t make a difference

you can do six hours and a nap to make

up the damage or make up the difference

it is not a problem you will catch up

you can catch up your sleep take naps I

mean sometimes when I have to a lot to

do I’ll get up early and I will take a

nap in the middle of the day a power nap

BAM I’m out and I come back in I’m good

so yeah napping is totally fine well

whatever but what about with you say you

have to sleep yeah in order to burn fat

right and you have to get in the zone

and you and that’s when you burn your

fat so how are you gonna do that when

you interrupt your sleep off it you take

a nap I didn’t burn my fat when I’m

napping yeah okay good

yep all right Barbara you’re from

Ontario you have a question yes dr. Berg

thank you for taking my call sure I ate

what I ate by the way of dark mark

hyneman’s ten day detox diet for awhile

for six months and then I came on board

with keto and intimate and fasting I

have your book and been reading that I

was on lipitor for a couple of years due

to high cholesterol diagnosis and I

heard just too many crazy things about

lipitor excuse me that I decided I

wanted to get off of it Mike

there wasn’t in favor of that but I

personally decided to stop taking the

lipitor on my own I had a recent blood

test and my LDL has gone up should I go

back on the lipitor well staying on the

lipitor until it balances out be the

best move I can give you my life levels

from last year to this year

well let me let me just answer that

because I would I don’t even need the

levels I’ll just give you the answer of

my opinion of course I of course I can’t

ever tell someone to come up medication

but let’s just say you were my sister

okay what I would probably talk to you


I would I would educate you on really

what LDL is it’s not even cholesterol

its low-density lipoprotein because

cholesterol is type of a fatty thing and

your body is more water so we can’t move

without a little shuttle a little truck

so the LDL and HDL are little trucks

that carry the cholesterol to the body

and LDL has some really important

purposes your body makes LDL so the

problem is the artery damage or the

inflammatory damage in the in the

circulation that then will cause the LDL

to stick okay and it’s and you should

watch all four of my videos on LDL

because that’s that would give you the

whole scoop there’s so many people to

take lipitor they end up with all these

side effects and and the effectiveness

of that is is not as high as you think

and that’s all I’m gonna say about that

you can research it but when you lipitor

basically cuts down the function or the

the production of cholesterol

systemically well your body makes 3,000

milligrams well now we’re going to

basically cut down the production of the

hormones the nervous system the brain I

mean we have to ask why our body is

making this high cholesterol it’s there

for a reason it’s trying to heal

something it’s acting as a band-aid as

long as you focus on the underlying real

reason for it’s sticking and clogging

which is high insulin and focus on that

you’re gonna be in really good shape so

that’s what I would do I would focus on

lowering insulin there’s a whole bunch

of things you can do

because insulin resistance really what’s

causing that is high insulin because

it’s it’s compensating so when the body

then fails to compensate then you become

a diabetic so you just need to lower

insulin and then give it some time and

you’ll probably see your cholesterol

levels come down real nice and also what

that sing you might be able to get some

natural remedies for the liver and

support delivered directly sometimes

that also helps alright try that Barbara

all right Karen yep

quick question okay take another call

all right good we’re gonna take a call

from Tara Los Angeles go ahead you’re on

the air

good morning dr. Berg good morning Karen

thank you so much for everything you do

you have saved my life and specifically

my stomach I was scheduled for a gastric

bypass surgery at cedars-sinai in Los

Angeles with I can honestly say the best

surgeon in town and I found you

accidentally on YouTube two weeks before

my surgery I cancelled the surgery even

though I had all the blood tests

everything done

I have lost 54 pounds already and

Counting doing intermittent fasting and

ketogenic diet eating one meal a day and

I’m following your instructions to the

tee I’m a huge fan Mike I have a couple

of quick questions one is I’ve blend my

vegetables in apple cider vinegar

because you know you have to add some

kind of liquid to do the blending and

then I freeze a whole bunch of them in

the freezer and then use a good portion

from the refrigerator I’m always

concerned that the apple cider vinegar

might kill the enzymes so would that be

a consideration because I’ve been doing

this a long time because from the

beginning because I really can’t go to

the store every day and I go to the

farmers market I’ve been eating very


Organic and what about the yellow cheese

because my teeth have turned yellow and

cider vinegar

another thing is dr. Berg is even though

I take a lot of green vegetables because

I’m eating one meal a day I supplement

with potassium citrate and magnesium

citrate daily from the beginning and I

was wondering if this may be harmful I

buy the box supplement so there is

nothing added is just a pure potassium

citrate and I just take what the dosage

is instructed on there but I keep

wondering if that may be harmful so

would you please let me know about that

I really appreciate it thank you and God

bless you welcome ok Tara here’s a

couple things number one now the

opposite of vinegar will not destroy the

enzymes what destroys enzymes is heating

heating the vegetable okay so as long as

you don’t heat it you can freeze it it

brings it down a little bit the

nutrition but it’s not that much I think

freezing is the best bet for you if you

can’t preserve the vegetable one thing

that I do I go to Trader Joe’s and I buy

this cleaned organic chopped kale and I

bring home stick it in the freezer we

have tons of frozen kale at last month’s

okay then we take the kale blend it put

some stevia in their little wheatgrass

juice powder little electrolytes in


which is actually the potassium citrate

of the magnesium citrate in my

electrolyte mix and that’s totally fine

it’s not a problem at all in fact it’ll

actually help prevent kidney stones and

drops of uric acid levels so so that’s

totally fine so you can blend that drink

and drink it go from a frozen state to a

liquid and you can drink it that’s how

you can get your vegetables so no I

wouldn’t worry about that at all as far

as outside of vinegar you might want to

start drinking with a straw I don’t know

if the acid is would would color the

teeth more than it might a road the

enamel possibly if you let it

swish in your mouth too long so use the

straw but I don’t know what’s causing

that yellowness but thanks for your


and I’m so glad that you were able to

lose that

well that is amazing awesome all right I

have a question yeah yeah well I’m

getting a lot of questions about

medications now you’re not a medical

doctor no and you can’t make any medical

recommendations no and you can’t state

anything about anybody’s medical scene

or the drugs are taking but a lot of

people are asking questions about doing

keto or maybe taking certain supplements

while they’re taking while they’re on

some kind of drug protocol okay and

sometimes you know sometimes we hear

those people say my doctor told me not

to take that vitamin or right you know

can I do keto while I’m under this

particular protocol so maybe you can

talk a little bit about keto and what

effect that might create on yes I am NOT

a drug specialist what I specialize in

health so I’m trying to get people

healthy so they can avoid taking

excessive medications as far as the

doctors go I mean the the derivation of

doctor means teacher so your doctor

should be teaching you how to be healthy

that’s just my viewpoint Wow I just how

many people didn’t know that that isn’t

it raise your hand

know raise your hand okay no you didn’t

know that your hands aren’t raised okay

go on dr. Marie yeah so a teacher so

your doctors should be teaching you tips

and things of how to create your health

versus just managing your diseases with

some medication to suppress your

symptoms which keep the problem there

long term so you never get healthy

because if you teach someone then they

can actually create their own health

it’s new concept so that’s why we want

to educate people and have you spread

the word in fact you should do that

right now if you’re on Facebook and

YouTube because you just want to get

people to know how to fix it themselves

as far as um the doctor gives you advice

in something I mean if it’s not true for

you then it doesn’t make sense go do

your own research unfortunately there

are a lot of doctors tend to miss

nutrition in school they don’t give you

the full study of that so they don’t

have the enough data to give you the

right answer sometimes when it comes to

food therapy

and nutrition drugs is a whole different

story so that would be my answer

did I answer that I thought that was

great okay and people are raising their

hands I have a really interesting

question here someone who’s Indian I

don’t know if he’s from India or just

Indian and they have a staple of rice

and he’s eating rice on the keto diet

your turn

yeah yeah that the the whole confusion

that people have with the keto diet is

exactly like what is a keto diet is it

like IFAD is it this for that a

ketogenic diet is actually a just a low

carbohydrate diet so if you’re doing a

ketogenic diet with rice you’re not

doing a ketogenic diet you’re doing a

rice thing I don’t know what that is so

if you’re doing ketogenic that means

you’re bringing your carbs down too high

carbo diet right opposite exactly on


it’s the uncured ayat but if you go low

on carbs between 20 and 50 keep your

carbs low then you go into ketosis so

that would be the ketosis diet so it’s

not a I thought it’s a low carb just

happens to be adding the fats in there

as the other variable that actually

helps you do this program and there’s a

lot of other benefits which I’m not

going to get into as you I forgot with

the the medication that people are on

you know I would get on the keto and

intermittent fasting there’s not any

conflicting information there get on

that get healthy and then get with your

doctors and see if you still need the

medication because if you look at what

insulin resistance creates high blood

pressure heart disease kidney disease

inflammation memory loss mood challenges

anxiety depression like I just go

lowered immune system erectile

dysfunction that’s another one I mean

just the list goes on and on and on so

can you imagine if you fix the core of

all those problems what would happen

when you search on the internet what

comes up is like WebMD all these

different you know medical advices and

they’re always saying well insulin

resistance is associated with heart

disease and inflammation no it’s not


I mean that you happen to have something

at the same time it’s really sir your

neighbor has it it’s misinformation

they’re confusing people they don’t know

what causes what so and yeah I don’t

know if it’s an intentional thing or

just a real serious lack of knowledge

but let’s take a question from Sam Sam

you had a question you’re from Florida

go ahead hi dr. Berg where you big fan

of you guys and I love the work you’re

doing great educators in the house and I

wanted to ask a question because I’ve

seen a lot of great results with

intermittent fasting and keto however my

girlfriend has gastritis and my mother

does too so I was wondering how can they

apply keto and intermittent fasting when

the recommendation is that they have to

eat frequent meals throughout the day

for their gastritis and also not eating

a lot of high fat meals I’m glad you

brought that up Sam

first of all gastritis is inflammation

of the stomach ideally what you want to

do is acidify the stomach but you can’t

because it’s inflamed so you’re gonna

have to do kind of a pre healing step

first before you get into acidify in the

stomach so it can actually work right

and and not develop the inflammation in

the first place so the way to do that is

use chlorophyll wheatgrass juice powder

is a really good remedy for that to help

heal the inside of the digestive tract

and that’s what I would do and then also

you can do in a minute fasting the

combination of ketosis cinnamon fasting

drops your inflammation so anything that

has itis –is gastritis bursitis

arthritis tendonitis bursitis all gets

improved so it’s the exact thing you

need to do and I think maybe you just

don’t do the the - I mean maybe adjust

the fats but I think that would be the

best solution for your girlfriend thanks


Wow that was fast yeah Wow

hey guys well thank you so much for your

wonderful questions we’re gonna do this

next week Friday at 11 o’clock you

morning Eastern Standard Time for those

California people okay have a great
