Revealing the Shocking Connection: Fatty Liver and Diabetes | DrEricBergDC

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now there’s some great new data I want

to share with you about reversing

Diabetes by getting rid of the fat in

your liver now of course they don’t

mention the word reversing diabetes they

call it putting diabetes in remission

but there’s some interesting data I want

to share with you so apparently there’s

a tremendous amount of data pointing to

insulin resistance

starting in the muscles and then in your

liver okay but there’s some conflicting

data because other data points to it

starting in your muscles and then it

transfers to the liver but all you need

to know is if you fix insulin resistance

okay you can fix diabetes and if you

have a fatty liver you’re not going to

be able to fix insulin resistance for

any period of time you might feel a

little bit better but that fat in your

liver must be removed so what is this

connection between a fatty liver and


well one of the functions of the liver

beyond the detoxification function is

the storage of glucose as glycogen so

typically of a certain amount of storage

of glycogen in your liver and also in

your muscles and that glucose in the

liver supplies your brain and other

organs with glucose between meals and

then when you exercise and that glycogen

in your liver supplies the fuel to your

brain okay between meals and also when

you’re exercising whereas the muscle


pretty much only supplies the muscles

with energy or glucose but when you have

insulin resistance you don’t really get

that benefit and so when you exercise

your performance isn’t very good you

don’t have good endurance you get a lot

of fatigue especially with exercise and

then when you get insulin resistance

from your liver over a period of time

that develops into pre-diabetes and

diabetes because of the spill off of fat

that then it’s called ectopic it

actually goes out of the fat cell and

then it starts accumulating around the

pancreas okay and inside the pancreas

and then because the pancreas controls

insulin through beta cells the beta

cells start to malfunction and then you

get diabetes and it’s been documented

that you can’t reverse that but that is

absolutely positively not true you can

reverse beta cell dysfunction now I’m

not talking about in type 1 diabetes

talking about type 2 diabetes and the

way you would reverse it is you just

need to get rid of the fat in the

pancreas okay and allow the cell to come

back but to fix the pancreas you have to

first fix the liver you have to remove

the fat from the liver so you can

improve insulin resistance which by the


can happen in six days but the pancreas

could take a little bit longer it could

take like eight weeks so what am I

actually saying I’m saying this if you

have diabetes or pre-diabetes or insulin


you need to focus on removing the fat

from your liver okay as a primary goal

and then as you do that the fat from

your pancreas will also decrease and

then the function of the beta cell of

the pancreas will start to improve now

the question is how do you do it right

how do you do it do you just start going

on a low-fat diet do you start to

exercise more

what is the best thing to do well first

I need to explain something to you

because a lot of people don’t know that

your brain can run on two types of fuel

okay it can run on glucose and it can

run on ketones and because there’s so

much bad PR on ketones right like oh

yeah if you go on a ketogenic diet over

a period of time you’ll develop

ketoacidosis and that’s a very uh severe

pathology so you need to avoid ketones

right that’s completely and utterly

false that only occurs when you’re type

1 diabetic so if people drink that

Kool-Aid and they buy into that

then they’re left with this fuel source

called glucose because mainstream

medicine will tell you that well the

brain prefers glucose and that’s really

the only fuel that you need to focus on

and so if that’s all the data you have

boy you’re going to have a hard time

fixing this problem so let me just

mention this word hypoglycemia right we

have low blood sugars think about all of


brain symptoms with hypoglycemia you

have problems with your thinking memory

learning think about how many kids in

school that have low blood sugars right

and they’re trying to learn on top of

that headache tired blurred vision

lightheadedness all these issues with

your head hypoglycemia originates in

your liver why because of the glycogen

restored being inhibited because of the

fatty liver or dysfunctional liver

so when your liver doesn’t work you

can’t store glycogen properly the stored

sugar in your muscles is not readily

available to you it’s only going to

supply your muscles the brain glucose is

dependent on the liver function but if

you have a fatty liver which a lot of

people do especially if they’re

overweight they’re not going to be able

to store glycogen properly and the more

fat they accumulate in the liver the

more insulin resistance they have and

the more insulin that’s going to go

higher pushing your blood sugars down

giving you this hypoglycemia and all

these symptoms that are associated with

it now you might think that it takes a

lot of fat in your liver to cause

insulin resistance but it doesn’t I just

found some interesting data that you can

develop insulin resistance with less

than two percent of the liver being

fatty I think this specific number was

1.85 percent of your liver being fatty

and you developing insulin resistance

symptoms which is

to me very very low so in other words it

only takes a little bit of this fat in

your liver to start this process you see

this insulin resistance happens all over

the place it’s in the liver okay it’s

also in your muscles like I mentioned

it’s also in your brain so if your diet

has too much glucose you literally are

slowly killing off your neurons which is

kind of a paradox because apparently

like even Alzheimer’s and a lot of brain

issues occur because you starving the

neurons of glucose but too much glucose

will actually kill the neurons so the

neurons die if you don’t feed the

glucose and the neurons die if you feed

the neurons glucose so what’s going on

here well maybe the brain wasn’t

designed to run on glucose in the first

place so just maybe when you increase

glucose to the brain cells

the body protects the brain cells

by developing this resistance making it

more difficult to penetrate and maybe

your body’s trying to tell you don’t

consume glucose because then that’s

going to create a problem and of course

in the background we have the mechanism

being insulin resistant so the more

insulin resistance the less glucose you

can absorb in the neuron because the

neuron needs insulin to be able to

absorb glucose and this is why one of

the treatments that they’re using for

this like Alzheimer’s or dementia is a

intranasal insulin spray where they

spray this insulin up your sinuses it

goes directly in the brain and it

improves dementia symptoms now that’s

adding more insulin to your brain when

you try to increase your insulin in your

brain by eating more glucose all you do

is you just increase more resistance

okay so it doesn’t work so if we just

step back for a moment and take a look

at this problem how do we reverse

diabetes okay how do we reverse all

these cognitive problems that we have

associated with this blood sugar issue

that’s associated with a fatty liver

first of all you have to realize that

the brain prefers

not glucose but ketones the way to fix

the liver is to run your body on ketones

not glucose the way to reverse the fat

on your pancreas in reverse the beta

cell function is to run the body on

ketones ketones will improve

cholesterol triglyceride and other

lipids in your liver ketones will help

decrease fat on your liver this is why

the ketogenic diet has been shown to

decrease 50 percent

of the fat on your liver within two

weeks how can it do that because when

you actually decrease the glucose you

switch the body into ketones and within

even six days you’re improving

significantly insulin resistance on your

liver so now everything’s going to start

working you’re also going to have

decreased inflammation in the liver

you’re going to have less fibrosis

you’re going to have improved liver

function and decreased liver enzymes and

I’m going to put some links down below

to just show you that I’m I’m not just

making this up all of this data is

validated in summary you fix a fatty

liver you fix your brain you fix

diabetes if we want to just keep it

simple all right so what are some key

things that you can do right now to turn

this around get on the ketogenic diet

very simply make the carbohydrates you

eat vegetable carbohydrates one type of

carbohydrate is fiber and vegetables

have a lot of fiber and fiber is one of

the only things that will not increase

insulin so now you can have your

carbohydrates as long as they’re high

fiber carbohydrates and so when you eat

a meal I do recommend that you start

with your vegetables first right and

your salad that way you get a lot of the

phytonutrients and other nutrients from

those foods that can actually help to

decrease the complications of the

diabetes you have then you have your

protein right protein is very important

don’t have like a high amount of protein

having a moderate amount of protein I

think the best way to identify the

amounts to keep it really simple is if

you’re female have protein the size of

the palm of your hand if you are a male

consume twice that two pieces of protein

the size of the palm of your hand and I

think it’s a good idea to start with the

vegetables first then the protein

because if you start with the protein

first a lot of times people won’t

consume those vegetables also add apple

cider vinegar like a tablespoon or two

in a glass of water and you drink that


not only is that going to help you with

digestion that is going to greatly help

you with your blood sugars specifically

making insulin more sensitive

apple cider vinegar is a amazing remedy

for speeding up the process of reversing

this insulin resistance situation when

you think about it what is apple cider

vinegar it’s acetic acid apple cider

vinegar is actually a fatty acid it’s a

type of fat we don’t think about it as a

type of fat but fats in general are the

other thing that doesn’t stimulate

insulin but with apple cider vinegar you

can actually use that to get energy and

you can use that as one strategy to

speed up the process and also there’s

some great data to show that acetic acid

speeds up the removal of fat from your

liver and I would also add some lemon as

well because that would help you okay

next Point let your appetite dictate

when you eat you’re going to find as you

do this and you switch to ketones you’re

going to lose your appetite in your

Cravings it’s going to make it very easy

to stay on this program so just don’t

eat if you’re not hungry and only eat

when you’re hungry so really pay

attention to your appetite because what

we want to do is we want you to eat less

less frequent

we want you to avoid snacks because we

want to get rid of this habit that we

have to eat three times a day which is

absolutely not true that we have to have

these snacks to prevent hypoglycemia

which is not true because every time you

eat you stimulate insulin and at the

very maximum I would only eat two meals

a day this is going to greatly speed up

getting rid of the fat off your liver

and turning this whole diabetes thing

upside down to put you in remission

we’ll call it remission and the last

thing just to put the icing in the cake

is to implement exercise on a regular

basis exercise will greatly help you

with insulin resistance actually improve

the resistance making insulin more

sensitive alright so I hope we give you

a new viewpoint on this diabetes thing

and how to reverse it now all you need

to do is get the details of how to do it

and for that information

I put it up right here